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Page 8

by Ray Gordon

  'What do we do with her?' Emily asked as she pulled the girl up.

  'Put her with Fowler and Rebecca, I suppose.'

  'Don't you think we've gone too far? I mean, we can't have too many prisoners, can we?'

  'So what do you suggest we do, then?'

  'I don't know. I just don't like the idea of having people tied up everywhere. It will cause too many problems. For a start, we'll have to feed them...'

  'We've no choice. Take her back to base and tie her to the bed. I want information from her, detailed information.' Turning to Julia as Emily led Rose away, Hannah asked why she'd brought the girl straight to the forest. 'Didn't you think? Didn't it occur to you that it was a set-up?'

  'I... I thought she was all right. Swain let us go and...'

  'Swain let you go?'

  'Yes, she...'

  'Then she won't be far behind you! This business with the boat, did you see it drift down the river?'

  'Yes, well, no. I saw Rose messing about with it and thought...'

  'Diana! Let me know the minute you see anything from up there!' Hannah called, looking up to the tree.

  'I will! There's no sign of anyone - I think we're safe enough!'

  'We'd better be! Come on, Julia, let's go and interrogate your prisoner.'

  'Hannah, I don't like this. I mean, sexually abusing her isn't...'

  'Isn't what? Look, I'm only doing what Fowler does, all right? Anyway, what would you rather I did to get information out of her, pull her fingernails out? Degrading her, humiliating her sexually is the only way, Julia.'

  'But you seem to enjoy it!'

  'No, I... As I said, what would you rather I do?'

  'I don't know, I just don't think it's right.'

  'The things Fowler does aren't right, are they?'

  'Two wrongs don't make...'

  'God, we haven't got all day! Can we get on with it?'

  Her naked body tied to the bed, Rose looked fearfully at Hannah as she stood over her. 'So you're a bloody spy, are you?' Hannah asked angrily, admiring her huge breasts.

  'No, no. Swain set it up, yes, but when I got to know Julia I couldn't go through with it.'

  'You seem to change sides easily.'

  'I've never been on anyone's side. I was roped into this.'


  'I... I suppose I was looking out for myself. I thought it better to join them than fight them.'

  'So why not just stay at home like the other women who have no guts to stick up for their rights?'

  'I don't know.'

  'You're not very convincing, are you?'

  'All right, I'll be honest. They paid me well for mingling with the girls and gathering information. I never told them anything of any real value, I only...'

  'I'm not interested in your weak character, your betrayal of your own sex. I'm interested in the centres, how they're run, what security there is - I want to know about their weaknesses, not yours!'

  'I don't know anything. I was never told...'

  'Have it your way. I'm getting rather good at administering the sort of punishment that Fowler dishes out to innocent women. But you're not innocent, are you? Julia! Come in here and prepare your prisoner, will you?'

  'Prepare her? How do you mean?' Julia asked as she emerged through the curtain.

  'I want her pussy shaved, for a start. And then I want her feet either side of the bed, tied with a rope under the bed so that her precious little pussy is nicely open for me.'

  'But I can't shave her! I mean, I'm a woman...'

  'What are you talking about? Surely you can do a simple job like that, can't you?'

  'I don't want to touch her there!'

  'Don't be stupid! Anyway, you're going to do far more than touch her, believe me. So get on with it!'

  Leaving Julia to her work, Hannah found Emily sitting at the table sipping coffee. 'Feeding time for the pigs,' she imparted.

  'What are you going to do with Rose?' Emily asked, a strange look in her big brown eyes.

  'Extract information.'

  'I... I don't like the idea of you touching someone else, another girl, Hannah.'

  'You're not jealous, are you?'

  'What if I am?'

  'Don't be so silly!'

  Remembering Fowler's hard penis pumping its sperm into her quivering body, Hannah turned away from Emily's loving gaze. Guilt - but why? She was a woman, after all, and Fowler was a man. That's the way it should be, she thought. But then her thoughts turned to Emily's soft pussy lips, her throbbing clitoris, her hot hole, her creamy orgasmic juices.

  'Hannah, when are we going to be able to... What I mean is, we can't sleep together, we can't be alone together. I don't like it like this,' Emily sighed, her eyes filling with tears.

  'I'll sort something out, don't worry. Now off you go and feed the prisoners. When you get back, we'll go for a walk in the forest, okay?'

  'Okay, I'll look forward to that. I...'

  'Yes, I know, now off you go.'

  Watching Emily leave, Hannah pondered on the words she'd thought she'd never use. Jealousy. Love. She didn't want to be in love. She didn't want the distraction, the confusion that love brings - especially lesbian love. But when love comes, there's no escape, she reflected.

  Jo climbed down the ladder, quickly bringing Hannah back to reality with a loaded question. 'What were you doing in those bushes with Emily?' She had a strange, knowing look in her eye that caused Hannah's stomach to churn. Now the cold reality of what she'd done with Emily hit her.

  'Nothing, why?' she replied nonchalantly.

  'I think I know what you were doing. It's none of my· business, I realize that, but I think I know.'

  Hannah smiled a nervous smile and averted her gaze, but the guilt was there, Jo could see it, feel it. 'It doesn't matter to me,' she said. 'I just wanted to know, that's all.'

  'We were just hiding. We heard voices, you and Mary, and we hid.'

  'We've known each other long enough for me to know when you're hiding something. Anyway, as I said, it's none of my business. I just hope that you know what you're doing.'

  'How do you mean?'

  'The fight, the cause - I don't want to see you lose interest.'

  'Of course I won't. Look, it's my life, and I do know what I'm doing. Thanks for your concern, but...'

  'I think Mary guessed, too. I heard her talking to Diana before she left and... You'd better make it known, Hannah, otherwise rumours will start flying around.'

  'I'll have to speak with Emily about it.'

  'How long has it been going on?'

  'It hasn't. I mean, it's only just started.'

  'And you're happy, are you?'

  'To be perfectly honest, I'm totally confused. The last thing I wanted was to discover that I'm a bloody... Why is everyone up in arms about it? Julia has been going on about the way I treat Rose, you're going on about... Anyway, I screwed Fowler.'


  'I had to, to discover my true identity.'

  'And have you discovered it?'

  'No, that's the problem. Don't say anything to Emily, will you? She'd be upset if she knew about Fowler, and I don't want that.'

  'So what are you going to do?'

  'I don't know. I've thought about screwing Fowler again, any man, just to work out what it is I want.'

  'I wouldn't do that if I were you. How you can fancy other girls' bodies, I don't know! To be honest, it disgusts me.'

  'Then don't think about it!'

  'It's your life. I suppose. Time will tell, Hannah. Give it time and you'll emerge on one side or the other.'

  'Yes, but which side? Anyway, where's Diana?'

  'Doing her shift at the derelict house.'

  'Oh, right. Look, I've got to go and deal with Rose so can you check the approach paths? There's been a lot of activity up there recently. Just make sure that there are no clues.'

  'Right, I know what you mean. By the way, I found the dress you ripped off Rose up there earlier,
we must be more careful. Where's Emily?'

  'Taking food to Fowler and the girl.'

  'When I've checked everything, I'm going into town for some supplies, so I'll see you later.'

  'Okay. While you're there, can you get me some vaseline?'

  'What for?'

  'It's for Rose... I want to... Just get some, will you?'

  'You need psychiatric help, Hannah!'

  'Just shut up about it, will you?'

  'Sorry. So, what plans have you for our next sabotage mission?'

  'An electricity sub-station at Gatwick airport. It's planned for tomorrow morning. Boom!'

  'Who's doing it?'

  'I'll tell you later, now leave me to get on.' Emily entered the crumbled farm building to find Rebecca sitting on a box in the middle of the floor - alone. 'Where's Fowler?' she demanded, pulling her up and wrenching her arm up behind her back.

  'He's escaped! You're finished, so you may as well let me go!'

  'No way! You're coming with me - and there'll be no chance of you escaping again, believe me!'

  'Fowler's gone to get me some clothes. He'll be back soon so you'd better get out of here, if you know what's good for you!'

  Forcing the girl against the wall, Emily chained her naked body and stood back and grinned. 'Fowler will be back, will he? Then I'll wait for him outside.'

  'You can't overpower Fowler!'

  'No, but this will!' Emily laughed, pulling her stun gun from her jeans. 'We've quite a collection, what with you, Rose and Fowler. The next on the list is Swain. And then the ultimate - Evans!'

  'You'll never capture my father! You're mad!'

  'And you're my prisoner, so shut up!' Reaching Hartfield, Swain radioed for Smith to arrange transport back to the centre. 'That bitch Rose has double crossed us!' she cursed. 'When I get my hands on her I'll kill her!'

  'What about Ron?' Smith asked.

  'What about him? I don't know where he is, and I don't care!'

  'So they've got him, Rebecca, and now Rose.'

  'No, Rose has defected, she's not a prisoner, I'm sure.'

  'Prisoner or not, she'll talk. I mean, she knows a hell of a lot about the centres, about security - everything, in fact.'

  'She knows far more than you realize! This whole bloody thing is fast getting out of hand. That bloody Kelley is causing more problems than I'd ever thought possible! Evans will go mad unless we do something soon. Let's be honest, we've fucked up!'

  'Look, the area you're in must be near to Kelley's base. Why don't we cordon off the entire area? Leave no stone unturned until we find them?'

  'It would take too many men. Anyway, do you know how big an area this is? There's bloody miles of countryside, forests, farms - we could never do it. The only way is to get one of Kelley's group to talk - and as soon as I get my hands on one of them, she'll talk her head off, believe me! Now get me back to the bloody centre!'

  Standing by the bed, Hannah looked down at Rose and smiled. 'Things are going very well for us at the moment, and I don't want anything to spoil it. Tell me all you know, or I'll have to force you to talk - and when I say force, I mean it! I've no time for any nonsense, Rose, and nothing is going to stand in my way. So, what's it to be?'

  'I can't tell you anything because I don't know anything!'

  'All right, have it your way,' Hannah said, turning to Julia. 'You did a good job, Julia! She looks nice without her curls, don't you agree?'

  'Not really! It's disgusting! I hated doing it - I'm not a bloody lesbian, Hannah!'

  'No, you're not. Anyway, leave us alone now. Give Emily a call on the radio and find out how she's doing, will you? And then give me an hour with Rose.'

  Climbing the ladder, Julia emerged into the warmth of the evening sun and sat down. She couldn't understand what had changed Hannah, why she seemed to delight in playing around with girls' bodies. Remembering what she'd done with Swain at the centre, she bit her lip. But, she consoled herself, it was Fowler's machine that had stimulated the pleasure centre in her brain. It wasn't her doing, her fault - she wasn't a lesbian.

  Kneeling by the bed, Hannah stroked Rose's soft hairless pussy lips and smiled. Leaning forward, she kissed her stomach before moving to her massive breasts and taking her erect brown nipple in her mouth. 'I think I've just discovered something,' she murmured as she moved down to the girl's soft mound and tasted the warm flesh there. 'I've emerged, at last.'

  'What do you mean?' Rose asked, her wide eyes focused on Hannah's mouth nibbling at her thick outer vaginal lips.

  'Nothing. Now, will you talk?'

  'No, I don't care what you do to me, I won't, I can't tell you anything.'

  Positioning herself between the younger girl's legs, Hannah began to lick the length of her moist valley, pulling the soft cushions of flesh apart to expose the sensitive, girlish folds to her inquisitive tongue. Rose moaned a deep moan of pleasure as her clitoris hardened and her warm milk began to flow over her pinken petals. Her naked body tethered, a girl licking between her intimate folds, she found herself becoming aroused as never before. Hannah closed her eyes, sinking into a dreamy world of warmth and sex as she lapped up the girl's sticky juices, savouring the inebriating scent of femininity.

  As Rose neared her climax, Hannah licked and sucked in a sexual frenzy, knowing that her goal was coming, that her prisoner would soon be pumping her orgasm into her ravenous mouth. Was this love? she wondered as she pushed three fingers into the girl's tight sheath. Did she love Emily, or was her love purely for the female body - any female body? Whatever her love, she didn't care. Her only present concern was the beautifully wet vagina engulfing her fingers, the hard pulsating clitoris swelling obligingly within her hungry mouth.

  All too soon, it seemed, Rose arched her back, gasped her gasps of orgasm, pumped out her juices of love as her heaven of sensations engulfed her very being. Hannah mouthed at the pink folds, sucked the climax from the pulsing nodule now protruding delightfully from the surrounding red flesh. To sustain the mutual pleasure, she buried four fingers deep in the girl's hot spasming cavern, massaging the softness there until Rose begged for her to stop.

  'Please, that's enough!' she cried as Hannah continued to suck and lick her clitoris, bringing her fading orgasm back to another incredible peak. 'Please, please, stop now!' But Hannah persisted, delighting in the wondrous words of painful pleasure falling from the pretty lips of her tethered prisoner. She couldn't help herself. The pleasure, the spasming vagina gripping her fingers, the pulsing clitoris against her tongue seemed to possess her, drive her on to suck and suck until the girl almost passed out in her sexual ecstasy.

  Finally slipping her fingers from Rose's inflamed cavern, Hannah moved them down between her buttocks and began to feel for the secret entrance there. 'No!' Rose screamed as Hannah located the tiny opening and pushed a finger deep into the slimy warmth. 'Take it out, please!' Still mouthing and licking the swollen flesh surrounding her vagina. Hannah pushed another finger into the girl's pussy-hole and began her fucking motions, ramming both holes as hard as she could as she brought Rose's clitoris to another shuddering climax. 'God, no!' Rose cried as her entire body shook with the debauched pleasure between her legs. 'God, I'm coming again!'

  Ramming and twisting her fingers with a vengeance, Hannah almost ripped the girl's young body open as she thrust more fingers into her open holes and elicited another climax from her swollen clitoris. 'You must stop!' Rose begged as she rode high on the beautiful crest of her multiple orgasm, her quivering vagina spilling its juices over Hannah's hand, her clitoris drowning in its pleasure.

  As Rose fell limp, her stomach rising and falling with her heavy breathing, her eyes rolling with sexual euphoria, Hannah slipped her burning fingers from the furnaces of sex. Her own clitoris aching with desire, she slipped her clothes off and sat astride her prisoner's flushed face. Opening her wet slit wide with her slender fingers, she lowered her pussy over Rose's mouth and positioned her expectant hole in readiness for the gi
rl's darting tongue.

  Her juices decanting, Hannah gasped as Rose pushed her tongue into her hole and began to explore the hot velveteen walls within. Unable to contain her orgasm she moved her valley back to push her clitoris into the girl's mouth where it immediately exploded, transmitting incredible waves of sexual pleasure through her body, her mind. 'Lick it! Suck it!' she cried in her desperation. 'I'm coming in your mouth! Yes, yes, that's it! God! That's it!'

  Her climax gently receding, Hannah collapsed over Rose's body, panting for breath, gasping her appreciation as she massaged the last pulses of sex from her clitoris. The girls didn't speak as Hannah climbed from her captive and stood by the bed - their nakedness, their wet faces, their swollen vaginal lips saying more than words could ever say.

  Dressing, Hannah realized that while she had extorted immense sexual pleasure from the girl, she'd got no information. Sex, love, lust, it seemed, was coming between her and the fight for women's rights. Perhaps Jo was right after all? Hannah needed help. But given time, she would emerge on one side or the other. Love caused confusion, distracted the mind, she mused. And sex was addictive - especially lesbian sex.

  'I've not been able to get Emily on the radio!' Julia gasped as she climbed down the ladder and flung the curtain back. Hannah frowned as she grabbed the radio and called Emily. Nothing could have gone wrong, surely? she thought as she waited to hear Emily's voice emerge from the radio.

  'Try another channel,' Julia suggested.

  'No, she knows which is the calling channel, and she knows not to switch the radio off. Something's happened, something's gone wrong - I know it!'

  Sitting at the table, Hannah was making her plans with Julia when the radio burst into life. 'Hannah, are you there?'

  'Emily! Where the hell have you been?'

  'I've... It looks as if we're sunk. Rebecca is...'

  'What is it? What's the matter?'

  'Nothing's the matter!' Fowler laughed. 'Things couldn't be better! I'm taking Emily back to the centre with me. There are several more things I want to do to her young body. You've no objections, have you?'

  'Lay a finger on her, Fowler, and I'll kill you!'

  'Yes, yes, I know. I'm not planning on laying a finger on her, I'm planning to push all my fingers into her little cunny, amongst other things! Anyway, we're almost there now so I'll say goodbye.'


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