Book Read Free

Friends in Common_Suncoast Society

Page 5

by Tymber Dalton

  He leaned back in the chair, gaze fixed on the ceiling. “So she’s in there again for at least another four weeks. They’re going to try adjusting her meds. They think maybe she’s developed a tolerance, so they’re going to up the dosage, maybe switch one out.”

  “Look, we’re happy to help out. Venture belongs to you and Derrick. Not us. You’ve been here from the start. I wouldn’t feel right taking over from you like that, and I know I speak for Max and Sean, too.”

  “Thanks.” He forced himself to his feet and she hugged him, noticing he wasn’t in a hurry to let go.

  And not in a creepy way, either.

  “I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” he finally said before releasing her and stepping back.

  “Hey, it’s giving back. Besides, you let us sell implements here. That’s a big deal for us. I know it’s not a lot of income, but it’s exposure, and we appreciate it.”

  “Well, like you said, it’s giving back.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts.

  “If you need anything, please let us know. Whether it’s chores done around the house, or…whatever.”

  He nodded, but she suspected he wouldn’t call them for anything like that. He already felt he was imposing enough, that was blatantly obvious.

  She watched him leave and felt…helpless. Never would she forget his grief that night at their house, when he’d told them Mal had lost the baby.

  At least it once again reinforced her decision not to have kids. If this was tearing her up inside so much, she could only imagine how she’d feel over being a parent.

  No, I know my limits. I’m much better suited to be an “aunt.”

  Before she headed inside again, she remembered the e-mail from Dave Stuckey and pulled out her phone.

  I understand, no worries. I’ll go through the site and let you know.

  Relief set in. Of course she was worrying for nothing. She opted to toss out a bit of knowledge that wasn’t secret, because she’d be posting it on their website next week.

  We’ll be at fetish convention in Tampa next month. If the time aligns right, I can bring anything extra with us and hold them back for you to look at, if you want first looking dibs on them.

  That worry off her plate, she returned to the dungeon to see if June had eviscerated anyone yet.

  Chapter Six

  Max wished he could spend more time talking to Kel, but he really didn’t want to leave the group unsupervised. Not that he was worried about anyone being douchey, but with so much going on, it’d be easy for an accident to happen, or someone to roll off a mat and hurt themselves.

  If anything, everyone was being very respectful in their play, being careful about whether someone else wanted to play. Even a few of the kitties had joined the play, not necessarily rolling around with others, but playing with toys and chasing a red laser pointer someone had brought.

  It wasn’t like the gay male puppy piles he and Sean had participated in up at the Toucan before they’d met Cali, that was for sure. Different level of physicality in those, more raw energy. They’d never gotten sexual during one of those, but he knew they could turn that way if at a private event or house party that allowed full-on sex.

  Cali returned from the office and wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder. “How’s it going?”

  “Really good. How’s Kel?”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  He glanced back at her, her brown gaze meeting his. She wore her long brown hair pulled into a low ponytail today. “Bad?”

  She shrugged. “Private. It can wait.”

  “Okay.” He laid his hands on top of hers, gently squeezing. Yes, Cali completed them, and after the bullshit they’d gone through with Lydia, he’d honestly never expected to meet someone like Cali. Someone who loved both of them for who they were, as individuals and as a couple.

  Someone who not only got their weirdness, but who lobbed it back to them with her own level of weird slathered on as a bonus.

  It was…

  It was perfection.

  Even having a nip-addicted cat was fun. Baxter had a bigger following than their online store did on Facebook and Instagram. Baxter the Bondage Pussy was becoming his own legend.

  Eliza wandered over. “If you guys feel like doing a T-Rex photo shoot today after the event, we’re in.”

  “We don’t have the photo equipment with us,” Cali said. “We could take a cell phone video of them romping together and post it. After everyone else clears out, of course. I could post it on the club’s page, too.”

  Eliza rubbed her hands together, mischief lighting her features. “Perfect!” She headed back to the mats.

  “I’m kind of surprised she wasn’t rolling around out there today,” Cali said.

  “I think she wanted Rusty to get a literal comeuppance from another woman,” Max said. “At least, that’s how I read the situation.”

  “You think they’re okay?” Cali softly asked. “Rusty seems a little…off today.”

  “He’s probably not enjoying his humiliation play,” Max said. “Considering they’ve been together for so long, I’m sure Eliza knows what she’s doing.”

  Although, yeah, he shared her observation. Except he’d known Rusty and Eliza for years, and if there was one couple amongst all of their friends he suspected would literally keep their “until death do us part” vows, it was them.

  Except as accident-prone as Rusty was, Max wouldn’t be surprised if it would be an unintentionally self-inflicted injury that one day did the large man in.

  * * * *

  Sean lost track of time. He wouldn’t deny how much fun he had with puppy and primal play. It was a great stress-reliever, a way to burn off extra energy. Watching Cris and Bob play together was a lot of fun, too. They didn’t get to see them do primal play very often. Usually if they were scening, it was on a bench or in rope.

  Landry had equipped his boys identically—jocks, shoes, kneepads, mitts, and latex dog hoods. Sean also noted Bob sported a new tattoo on his ass that hadn’t been there before, a match to Cris’ tat, a kanji character on the left ass cheek.

  I wonder what that means?

  Now wasn’t the time to ask.

  The others gave Bob and Cris a wide berth as the two men seemed to lose themselves in their play. Bob was a little taller than Cris, maybe weighed a little more, but Sean also knew Cris, like Eliza, was a martial arts expert.

  Like them, the quad had an unusual dynamic. Landry, to the best of Sean’s knowledge, never switched, and neither did Bob, the first always on Top, and the latter always on bottom. Cris and Tilly had a fluid dynamic that seemed to change depending on their mood.

  Needing a break, Sean made his way over to the edge of the mats near where Max and Landry were talking and stood, removing his mask. Cris and Bob were grappling, the two men engaging in a level of physicality that the others didn’t.

  Then again, they were sleeping together, so it wasn’t Sean’s business what they did, as long as they didn’t break any club rules.

  The proud, hungry gleam in Landry’s green gaze as he watched his two slaves playing together threatened to stir Sean’s cock.

  “Care to join my boys?” he asked Sean. “I’m sure they’d be happy to tag-team you.”

  It was tempting, except if he wore himself out now, it’d make for a long-ass night. “Not today. We’re going to be here almost twelve hours by the time we get home. Maybe another day.”

  “Hmm, yeesss, that is a good point. I hadn’t thought about it like that.” He raised his voice a little. “Cris, Bob, maintenant.”

  The two men immediately untangled themselves and stood, walking over to join them.

  Landry smiled. “Don’t want you two worn out before tonight. Save some energy for the bench…and after we get home.”

  “Yes, Master,” the men echoed.

  Okay, that’s haawwt…

  Sean didn’t really consider himself bi, because his rela
tionship with Max was pretty unique in terms of how they’d hooked up. But it had allowed him the freedom to readily recognize and admit when something about a guy—or guys—turned him on.

  It also made him want to go grab the remote control for the butt plug and turn it on and tease Max some more.

  Max smiled at him and stepped around Landry to give Sean a kiss. “Why don’t you go put on Stumpy?”

  Sean’s mood deflated. “Aww.”

  “You can go romp with the ponies on the other side.”

  “I don’t think Stumpy is very kinky.”

  “Rule 34—if there is something, there’s porn of it. Or, in this case, kink.”

  “You’re not going to let up, are you?”

  Max arched an eyebrow at him. “You safewording?”

  Sean glared at him for a long moment. “Fuck, no. Goddammit. Where the hell is it?”

  Max grinned. “In the black duffel bag.”

  “Fucker.” Sean turned and stormed away.

  Oh, yeah. He’s definitely getting that thing turned up to eleven for a while.

  * * * *

  Cali didn’t miss the little interplay between Max and Sean. And now Sean looked frustrated, the kind of frustrated he always got when he knew he wouldn’t safeword, but he wouldn’t enjoy doing whatever it was he was going to do at Max’s command.

  And he was already plotting his revenge on Max.

  That’s when she realized he was digging Stumpy out of one of Max’s bags.

  Then he fished something out of one of his bags. As he started for the doorway to the other side, she realized what it was.

  Breaking into a run, she intercepted him and snatched the butt plug controller from his hand before he could react. “No.”

  “Oh, come on, babe. He’s making me wear Stumpy!”

  “Then safeword!” She slipped it into her back pocket and dropped her voice. “You’re not doing that here, today. Not when we’re in charge.”

  Sean grumbled but knew Cali wouldn’t budge. He was also smart enough not to push back and try to argue with her. Not right now, and definitely when she was feeling the bad kind of feisty.

  The kind of feisty that might backfire on him and wind up with him wearing a chastity cage for a couple of weeks.

  “This isn’t fair,” he finally said.

  “‘Fair’ is a description for the weather.” She smirked. “Suck it up, buttercup.” She started to say something else, but the doorbell rang and she headed for the office to go answer it.

  She heard him mutter behind her. “Dammit.”

  It was Skye and Axel, two of their volunteers, and friends in common.

  “Hey. You guys are hella early.”

  “I wanted Axel to see some critter play. He’s never seen it before. We’re going to go grab a bite to eat before we come back here for this evening.”

  “Well, they’re still going strong. Enjoy.” Cali trailed after them, following them back to the dungeon.

  Cali had been considering asking Marcia and Derrick if they’d mind handing a weekend over to Skye and Axel to run, if the couple wanted it. Or at least a full night here and there. Axel had been new to BDSM when the two high school friends reconnected upon Skye moving back to Sarasota following her divorce.

  Cali had been lucky enough to snag her as a volunteer. She trusted the couple, and had received lots of positive reports from people about them as volunteers.

  Anything Cali could do to ease the burden on Marcia and Derrick was a good thing. It’d be too easy to burn out. Hell, that was why Marcia had insisted on Derrick taking on a partner in the club.

  But if Cali could coordinate enough reliable volunteers, they could end up each only having to deal with one weekend a month, which would be more than doable.

  It also meant Kel might be able to relax some. Their core Suncoast Society group had grown and changed over the years, but Kel was an integral part of it. It wouldn’t feel right him not being a partner in the club anymore. She suspected all their friends would feel the same way. They were fairly close-knit, even if they didn’t see each other for weeks or months at a time. That was one of the unique things about their group, what made them so special.

  They always had each other’s backs.

  Considering all the upheaval Kel and Mal’s lives had already endured, Cali instinctively sensed one more like this might break the man.

  * * * *

  Max had moved over to watch the play on the smaller section of mats, chatting with Tony as they stood there. Cali returned, a smirk on her face.

  “What?” Max asked.

  “Nothing. I’ll tell you later. You owe me.”

  “I do?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She bumped his hip with hers.

  Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Sean enter the room.

  Correction, Stumpy.

  Tony followed their gaze and started laughing. “That poor bastard. I’m surprised he hasn’t kicked your ass yet.”

  “Who says he hasn’t, or that I don’t want him to?”

  Tony laughed again. “Your kink is not my kink, but your kink is okay.”

  Sean lumbered over, which drew laughter from Shayla, June, Lynn, and a few others who’d been playing there.

  “Hey, Tony.”

  Tony slowly shook his head, wearing an ear-to-ear grin. “You guys trying to out-Eliza Eliza?”

  “I heard that,” Eliza called over. “And I resemble that remark.”

  “Max is getting too many ideas from her,” Sean said.

  “Hey, you know how to say red,” Max shot back, enjoying Sean’s discomfort.

  “How are you guys for volunteers tonight?” Tony asked Cali.

  “I think we’re covered. Why?”

  “I got back late last night from being out of town for two weeks. I’d kind of like to take her home and chill there, if you don’t need us.”

  “Yeah, no problem. I don’t think I even had you on the schedule for tonight.”

  “Even better.” Tony turned to the mats, where Shayla was batting at a ball with June. “Are you about ready to go, pet?”

  She sat up on her knees. “Are you turning into a pumpkin, Sir?”

  “Yes. If you want playtime out of me tonight, we need to get moving.”

  Shayla gave June a hug and climbed to her feet. “I’ll go get dressed.”

  “Wise pet.” He kissed her, then sent her on her way with a swat on her ass.

  Eliza walked over, and Sean gave her a stubby, two-armed wave. “Rawr.”

  She laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m going to gear the barbarian back up as a T-Rex for a little while, too. Then you won’t be alone.”

  “Greeeaaat. Gee, thanks.”

  “Hey, that’s what friends are for,” she teased.

  “Friends like this,” he groused, “I don’t need enemies.”

  Chapter Seven

  Cali locked the front office door after Rusty and Eliza left and then returned to the dungeon.

  “Well, that was fun.” Max wore a shit-eating grin as he stared at Sean.

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.” Sean looked less than enthused.

  Sean was stripping down to his skivvies, peeling Stumpy off him so he could get dressed in the shorts and shirt he planned on wearing tonight while they DM’d the evening play session.

  Cali sat at one of the nearby tables and watched her men. “I never thought I’d ever see you and Rusty dressed as T-Rexes and gamboling through a dungeon together. That was a scream.”

  They were alone now, but not for long. They should have volunteers arriving in an hour or less for the evening session. Eliza and Rusty had their Sigalo’s order and would bring it back with them.

  Frankly, Cali was glad to not have to leave to go anywhere, and she really hadn’t been in the mood for pizza, either. She’d really wanted lasagna from Sigalo’s.

  She’d already had another dose of Motrin to help quiet her cramps.

  “We going to take bets on how many people Landry plays with toni
ght?” she asked. “I know he lined up at least two scenes, beyond him playing with Cris and Bob, before they left for dinner.”

  Sean snorted. “Glad my ass isn’t one of them. I like the guy, but for a sadist, he fucking scares me, and I’m pretty damn tough.”

  She stood and walked over, retrieving the butt plug controller from her back pocket. “Here.” She handed it to Sean. “Play nice, or both of you will lose privileges with it.”

  “Ah.” Max smiled. “Is that the thank you I owe you from earlier?”

  “Uh huh.” She waggled a finger at Sean. “It’d be different if we were here tonight as attendees and not volunteers. No fucking around like that when we’re in charge, huh? We need to act reasonably professional.”

  “Not like our friends would care.” He tucked it into his pocket. “They’d have thought it was funny.”

  “Yeah, but it wasn’t only our friends here, honey. This wasn’t a private party full of nothing but friends in common. There were other people here who wouldn’t understand. Especially when one of the rules was no ‘play.’”

  “Oh. True.” He sighed. “Still say it would have been funny.”

  “You wouldn’t think it was so funny if I make you wear it to work Monday morning and turn it on before our staff meeting,” Max said.

  Sean’s jaw gaped. “You wouldn’t!”

  “Try me.”

  Sean sighed. “Motherfucker.”

  * * * *

  Cali helped Skye in the office as the first wave of members arrived once they’d reopened. When Eliza and Rusty returned, however, with Rusty carrying their food, Cali went inside to eat with Sean and Max.

  The couple had left their gear there during the intermission, so they didn’t have to load it in their car just to unload it again. While Rusty went to prepare, Eliza sat with the triad at their table.

  “Did I see Kel here earlier?” Eliza asked, her voice low enough not to carry over the music and din of other people talking and playing.

  Cali nodded. “Yeah.”

  “How’s Mal?”


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