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Cowboys & Curves

Page 2

by Sara Hazel

“Quit calling me boss! It’s Thomas to you, and boss to all these jackasses.”

  Dana just shakes her head as she runs off to get Jenna.

  “Man, I hope that girl stays with us for a long time,” says Darryl.

  “Finish your breakfast and get to work, you lazy bastards.”

  “She sure is a beauty,” mumbles Kevin as he shoves bacon into his mouth.

  I should be glad they all love Dana, but I’m feeling insanely jealous thinking about her with one of them. My whole body is heating up just thinking about it. If one or more of these guys gets it in their head that they should try for Dana, I’m gonna explode. They better hope I don’t catch them, that’s for sure.

  AS I GO OUTSIDE LATER to give Jenna her daily horseback riding lesson, I look over at the stable and see Little Bear is saddled up and ready to go. Dana, Jenna, and Kevin are all standing around him. Jenna is brushing the pony’s mane while the adults are talking.

  As I approach, Kevin walks away and nods. “She’s ready for her ride boss.”

  “Not your job, Kevin,” I reply. “But thanks.”

  I know he only got the pony ready because he wanted to be near Dana. Sneaky, but he’s crazy if he thinks I don’t see right through it.

  I move in next to Dana and wait for Kevin to be as far away as possible.

  “What was he saying to you?”

  “Um, he was flirting with me, actually. And badly too,” she says. “And then he asked me out. I’m not interested though, so I told him no.”

  “This is gonna be a big problem, I can see it already. They never acted like this around Jenna’s other nannies. They knew I’d be angry. But this time—they know I’ll be angry, and they don’t seem to give a damn. You’re too beautiful for them to control themselves around.”

  “Dana is so pretty and nice,” Jenna chimes in. “I like her.”

  “I like her too, princess,” I reply.

  “Well, thank you both. I wish I felt as pretty as you all seem to think I am. But trust me when I say that no one ever notices me back in the city. Whenever I go out with friends, guys only use me as a way to get in and go home with one of my friends.”

  “Well, that’s because those city boys are idiots. Anyway, I’ll have a little chat with Kevin later. I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you again.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” she says. “I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can.”

  I lift Jenna up onto her pony. I lead Little Bear over to our fenced in area for horse riding and watch closely as Jenna rides him around in a circle. The kid and the pony really feel like they were meant for each other. They trot along and Jenna has the biggest smile.

  “Where’s Jenna’s mother at?” Dana asks. Then she catches herself and turns away from me. “Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ask that.”

  “Oh, you didn’t do nothing wrong, sweetheart. Jenna’s mom cheated on me and then abandoned us when Jenna was two. She never comes to see her daughter.”

  “That’s terrible!”

  “It’s alright. I’m not one to deny a person their true happiness. I just wish Jenna had a strong female in her life to answer the kind of questions I’ll never be able to.”

  “Oh, you could answer them!” Dana exclaims.

  I turn to her red faced. “I would be far too embarrassed to explain the birds and the bees to her. Or talk about all the problems she’ll face as a woman...Truth be told, honey, I’m not very good with her. I never know what to say to her.”

  “I caught that yesterday. You didn’t really say much to her at all. I bet if you relaxed a bit and just talk to her like she’s a normal human being then you’d probably be fine. I think you’re a better dad than you think you are. You certainly seem to me to have the potential to be. Just relax. Take deep breaths.”

  She takes deep breaths as if she’s trying to show me how.

  “I get it. I’ll try to relax a bit more. I just know it’s a tough world out there for girls. I want to make sure she’s prepared for it. I hope you’ll help me.”

  “I’ll help you for as long as I’m here,” she says. “But you know I’m gonna have to go back to the city eventually. Maybe in the fall when Jenna’s back in school.”

  I can’t help myself. Even though it’s only day two, and I’ve got several months to convince Dana to stay, I feel like I need to get on it right away. I look down at her and tilt her face up towards mine with a single finger under her chin.


  “Shhhh,” I reply.

  I look over to make sure the kid ain’t watching. Jenna’s turned the other direction. So, I go for it. I press my lips against Dana’s. She doesn’t pull away. She opens and lets me into her mouth. Our tongues twist and turn around each other. I place a hand on the small of Jenna’s back and push her against me. It’s only day two, and maybe I should have been more patient and taken my time with this one. But she makes me feel a sense of urgency I’ve never felt before.

  She moans into my mouth and then pulls away as if she’s surprised by herself.

  “I—boss, we shouldn’t—I mean—”

  “That’s going to be the one thing I disagree with you the most about, sweetheart. I certainly think we should.”

  Jenna’s face has turned beet red. Our eyes lock.

  “Ok,” she says.

  I watch her chest rise and fall as her breathing grows harder.

  Jenna and Little Bear come back around.

  “What are you two doing?” Jenna asks.

  “Nothing!” Dana and I reply in unison.

  “Uh huh. Sure,” my daughter replies.

  “We’ll pick this back up later tonight,” I say to Dana. She nods.

  Dana (Chapter 4)


  As I’m putting Jenna to bed, Thomas enters the room and sits down beside her. I watch as he kisses her on the forehead.

  “Goodnight, princess,” he says.

  “You could read me a story, ya know,” she replies.

  So, I sit there beside him as he makes up a story about a cowboy who fights off a group of bad guys who are making trouble in town.

  “It’s always gotta be cowboys with you, doesn’t it, daddy?” Jenna says as she scrunches up her face in what I'm sure is mock disgust. As he was telling the story she was very into it and enjoying every second.

  “You know it, kid. Now go to bed.”

  Jenna closes her eyes. Thomas and I get up quietly and leave the room. As soon as we get into the hallway, he grabs me and pulls me in for a continuation of our earlier kiss.

  Lips wander across lips. Hands grope at bodies. Thomas pushes me up against the wall and forcefully grips my waist. But not in a way that’s frightening. It’s in more of an “I’m laying claim to you, and your clothes aren’t gonna last much longer” sort of way.

  The whole thing feels illicit. He is my boss, after all. And he’s an undetermined number of years older than me. I think he must be in his early to mid-forties. And I’m only nineteen. There are younger guys here on this ranch and judging by the looks on their faces this morning, they were all into me. And yet — the boss is the man I choose. I just can’t help myself though. I’m drawn to Thomas’ massive muscular body, his charming confidence, and deep brown eyes that look as though they’ve seen more than he lets on.

  Thomas lifts me up and flips me over his shoulder. I giggle softly as he carries me into his bedroom and carefully shuts the door behind him. He flops me down onto the bed and I roll onto my back and watch as he locks the door.

  “You are mine,” he growls.

  “Well then,” I whisper. “I suppose this is happening.”

  He nods and unbuckles his belt. I feel my body heating up all over. I’ve been a virgin for so long, and I’ve never seriously kissed a guy. The only kiss I ever had was Jonathan Bartlett in the fifth grade. That definitely didn’t count. But today Thomas has kissed me and touched me like a possessed man. I am what he wants, and he’s making sure that I know
it. I’m a little fearful of him in a way, but it’s mostly because of my reaction to him. And I imagine that when he’s inside of me—it’s going to hurt.

  Thomas gets down to his tight black boxers. The bulge is even larger than I imagined, but I look on in fascination. I wonder if I should turn away. His smooth muscular chest is evenly tanned, which tells me that Thomas works on this ranch with his shirt off — a lot. I look down at my pale city girl arm. I look like a ghost next to him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He’s looking at me with such an intensity that I swear I can feel his gaze pressing into my skin.

  There’s no hope for my panties. They are completely soaked now. I’m not getting out of this one with my virginity intact, and I know it. I start to unbutton my jeans.

  “No,” he says in his deepest and most serious tone yet. “I will take those off for you.”

  “Ok,” I whisper. My hand is trembling anyway, and the button is hard for me to undo.

  He pulls his boxers off next, and I just continue staring at him in awe as his massive thing springs up. It’s thick, and veiny. Yes, that’s going to hurt. But I’m also certain that it’s going to feel amazing.

  I get off the bed and kneel before him. Thomas shakes his head as I grab hold of his cock with both hands. I squeeze it tight and he lets out a groan of pleasure. But when I look back up at him, he once more shakes his head “no”.

  “I have a need for you right now that goes beyond that, sweetheart. I need to feel myself inside of you and nothing is going to satisfy me but that.”

  The intensity of his need seems to be contagious. I want what he wants. I want to give myself to him and let him do anything he pleases with my body.

  Thomas helps me up and guides me back over to the bed. He pushes me down and undoes my jeans. He peels them back just a bit and kisses the spot right below my belly button. My body trembles in response. Thomas pulls my jeans off very slow — so slow it’s excruciating. I know he doesn’t want to wait another second, and it must be a great strain on him. But still—he takes his time to amp up the tension and torture me by taking his time. I need him so bad now that I want to scream. I stare at my chest and watch it rise and fall as my breathing becomes quick. My heart is beating so fast I think it is certainly going to burst. I try to take slow deep breaths, but I just can’t get a hold on it.

  “Faster, please,” I beg him. This just seems to make him move even slower as he slides my jeans down my legs and finally off my body.

  “I haven’t been with a woman in a long time,” he says. “I’m going to enjoy every second of it, and you’re just gonna have to be patient.”

  Oh my God. I am totally at his mercy. My body quivers with lust, and my mind races as I try to process these last two days. Thomas’ lips on my stomach bring me back to the present moment.

  He rolls my shirt up and kisses higher up my body till he reaches my bra line. “Going to have to do something about this,” he says before peppering the skin just beyond my bra with his soft kisses. His warm breath on my skin makes me jolt up and a steady hand presses down on my stomach to hold me in place.

  Thomas pulls me gently up and unhooks my bra beneath my shirt. He lifts my shirt off and then pulls the bra away from me at last. I sit before him finally feeling free of almost everything that seemed to be blocking our path to each other. Free of everything except my panties, that is.

  My nipples stiffen as Thomas plays with one between his thumb and forefinger. “You are so damn sexy, Dana,” he whispers.

  “I don’t feel that way, but thank you,” I reply.

  Thomas is determined to make sure I see myself the way he sees me. And it’s hard not to believe him when he tells me that I’m beautiful or sexy. I’m sure that if I hear it enough from him, I will have no choice but to believe.

  He leans in and wraps his lips around my nipple. His tongue flicks over it back and forth like a slow dance to music that only he can hear in this moment. But though I can’t hear the music, I can feel it thanks to his rhythmic tongue thrumming my nipple. My mouth drops wide open and I gasp as he sinks his teeth into me.

  “Oh fuck,” I whimper.

  I am so damn ready for him. There is no way I could turn him down at this point. I probably should—there’s plenty of reasons not to go any further. Going all the way feels dangerous. I’ll be locked in and won’t be able to get away from this peaceful and beautiful life that Thomas has built here. Is this really the future that I want for myself? Thomas’ tongue seems to take away all my doubts.

  He lets go of my nipple and pushes me back down on the mattress. I let myself sink into it this time. I close my eyes and imagine him on top of me rhythmically pushing deeper inside of me. But soon I no longer have to imagine. Thomas pulls my panties off with a haste I haven’t seen yet from him. It seems the fire has been lit and we’re past the point of no return. He growls as he climbs on top of me and presses his body against mine. The full heat, weight, and texture of him hit me all at once. He slides his hands beneath me and pulls me close to him.

  I know he doesn’t have a condom on, and I should tell him to wear one, but I don’t want him to. It’s reckless of me, but I don’t care. I want to feel him bare inside of me, and if he’s not thinking of condoms either then I’m good with that.

  “Forgive me for being so forward,” he says. “But I’m going to put a baby inside of you. Everything about you tells me that I’m already certain I want you forever.”

  Yes, it’s forward. And some might be tempted to push him off and run at this point. But not me. Because I want everything that he wants. Deep down I know that he’s right. The second I laid eyes on him I knew that he was going to change my life, and now I’m going to let him do it. There are many paths I could take in my life, but this one feels like the right choice.

  “I want that,” I whisper as I nuzzle my face against his hard chest.

  “Good,” he growls.

  He lifts his body up and adjusts so that his cock is against my slit. He slides it back and forth between my wet lips and looks down at me with a huge grin on his face.

  “Damn, you’re wet,” he says.

  “Of course, I am. After all the teasing you’ve done to me. Please don’t make me wait anymore. I can’t handle it. For real.”

  He chuckles and continues the torturous glide. For a moment it feels like the tip of him might slide into me, but he pulls it back.

  “Don’t you think I just want to take you fast and hard, baby? I do. But I want to give you the time you need to feel absolutely everything.”

  “Thomas, I’m going to scream if you make me wait anymore. I will wake everyone up. I promise.”

  “You’re going to scream anyway,” he replies. “So, what’s the difference? That’s what I want you to do. I want everyone here to know that you’re mine.”

  “What about Jenna?”

  “She sleeps like a rock. She’ll be the one who doesn’t hear a thing. Now stop talking and let me take care of you.”

  He chuckles as he presses his manhood against my slit. I can feel my pussy throbbing as I wait for him to enter me. Thomas has turned me into a desperate woman—in a good way.

  Thomas guides his cock back to my soaking entrance, and I clench my eyes tight as I prepare for him. I’m sure he’ll be gentle. That’s how he’s been so far.

  But then he flips my expectations and in one heart pounding thrust sends me screaming from a flash of pain and pleasure. He pushes deeper and gets all the way inside of me. And from there he has no mercy. I am his, and only his. I forget all other sensations of my body. The only thing I need to feel right now is the way Thomas pounds into me and twists it in.

  I am a helpless thing beneath him. And yet — I somehow feel more powerful than I ever have in my life. Each time he goes deeper, I lose my fear of being lost in life. He makes me feel like I know exactly where I belong — underneath him with his massive cock inside of me!

  “You are so damn tight,” he groans.

is my first time,” I whisper as my voice already begins to fail me.

  I gasp as he grinds into me. My pussy throbs around his shaft. I feel myself being carried away on waves of warmth and pleasure.

  And then it becomes even more intense. He seems to have found just the right angle. As he picks up speed and force, I lose all ability to hold my screams in.

  Pounding...pressing deeper...twisting...I become a writhing thing beneath him. I am totally helpless now. He’s too powerful for me, and that’s just how I want it. My eyes roll backwards. My body shakes uncontrollably. I am lost in the bliss that he brings to me.

  Thomas comes up a little and holds on to my body as he slams against me. The crack of skin on skin should startle me out of my trance, but it doesn’t. It just makes me go deeper. The steadiness of it makes me forget every other sound in the room except the bed creaking beneath us, and Thomas groaning as he tries to prevent himself from coming undone. I can feel him pulsing and know that it must be coming soon. But he valiantly fights it off and continues hammering into me.

  One more thrust, and I think I will lose myself to him forever. But instead of coming undone right away, each thrust just builds on the last. I feel everything so intensely now. I burrow my face against his skin and scream against his body as it finally hits me. The orgasm whips through me and leaves no muscle unaffected.

  I have never felt better in my life. And when Thomas explodes into me without slowing his thrusts down and I feel his seed rushing in, it triggers another orgasm for me—this one even more powerful than the first.

  I am pure bliss and it’s all because of him.

  Thomas (chapter 5)


  I wake up the next morning with Dana snuggled right up alongside me. I get a warm feeling as I watch her sleep. I carefully slide out of bed and make sure to tuck the covers around Dana. She makes a “mmmm” sound but doesn’t wake. I kiss her forehead, and she stirs a little more. After a few minutes, her eyes open.

  She gasps as she sees me staring down at her.


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