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Rick Brant 6 The Phantom Shark

Page 16

by John Blaine

  Here Barby interrupted. “I wouldn’t boast of it, Mr. Jerrold,” she said. “It seems to me you encouraged these men in what they did, and that you deserved what you got.” She sat down, blushing furiously.

  “That will do, Barbara,” said Dr. Warren gently as he got to his feet. “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but we shall have to be going aboard the Tarpon. I realize that the code of morals varies in various parts of the world.

  Personally, I think my wife is right in her belief that selling cultivated pearls for natural ones is common thievery and ought to be punished. I agree, too, with Rick that Mr. Van der Klaffens’ attempt to damage seriously the ship that is in our charge was a desperate and criminal thing to do. However, if Mr.

  Kenwood and Mr. Van der Klaffens are willing to assume the cost of the new cables and the slight damage to our nets, I am not inclined to press charges against them. I am willing to leave them to the tender mercies of Mr. Jerrold. I regret that what started out to be a pleasant occasion, gentlemen, has ended on an unhappy note.”

  The Tarpon party arose to depart.

  As Rick said good-by to the two partners, Kenwood grinned.“So long, cobber. You’re not a bad bloke-for a Yank. That was quick thinking, this afternoon. Jerrold was about to get nasty when you popped in.”

  “Well always owe you something for that.” Van der Klaffens shook hands. “Good trip home, all of you.”

  Rick thought of the Dutchman’s final words as they walked through the darkened streets toward the ship. Chahda was leaving, too, but he wasn’t going in the same direction. He reminded the Hindu boy of that.

  Chahda chuckled in the darkness. “Won’t stay away long. Wheregoes Rick and Scotty, there goes much excitement. Excitement is habit, like breathing.I liking it. Pretty soon stay at home gets dull, and Ibe back.”

  “Excitement is wonderful,” Barby agreed.

  “You should know,” Scotty said dryly.

  Jack Pualani spoke up. “I’m sorry to see you kids leave. The old ship won’t be the same.”

  “Not same for us either,” Chahda agreed. “Big excitements isover. Terrible Phantom Shark turns out to be two business peoples with most strange kind of advertising.”

  “It was real adventure,” Barby said dreamily. “The kind I’ve always dreamed about. Even the dinner Page 104

  was better than any I’ve ever eaten. What was that meat, anyway? It tasted something like chicken, but it wasn’t. What did Mr. Van der Klaffens call it?”

  “Rosette saute ,” Scotty remembered.

  “What means that?” Chahda asked.

  Jack Pualani stifled a laugh.“Flying fox.”

  Barby stopped short. “Do you mean we actually ate a fox?”

  “Not exactly,” Jack said. “It’s the local name for a very large type of fruit bat.”

  “Bat!”Barby choked.

  Rick laughed. “You don’t mind a little thing like eating bat, do you? That’s adventure, towhead.Real adventure!”

  Rick grinned as Barby broke away from them and walked away toward the ship, a slim, proud figure with her pert nose in the air.

  Eating flying fox definitely had curbed Barby’s desire for adventure. And now that they were going home, far away from adventurous lands, he and Scotty would have to be contented with a more placid mode of living.

  Not being a very good prophet, Rick couldn’t know that events already shaping up, not far fromSpindriftIsland , would involve them in the strange adventure of SMUGGLERS’ REEF!





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