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Works of Ellen Wood

Page 1000

by Ellen Wood

  But Tod was not always to escape scot-free, or incite the children to rebellion with impunity. There came a day when he brought himself, through it, to a state of self-torture and repentance.

  It occurred when we were at home for the summer holidays, just after the crop of hay was got in, and the bare fields looked as white in the blazing sun as if they had been scorched. Tod and I were in the three-cornered meadow next the fold-yard. He was making a bat-net with gauze and two sticks. Young Jacobson had shown us his the previous day, and a bat he had caught with it; and Tod thought he would catch bats too. But he did not seem to be making much hand at the net, and somehow managed to send the pointed end of the stick through a corner of it.

  “I don’t think that gauze is strong enough, Tod.”

  “I am afraid it is not, Johnny. Here, catch hold of it. I’ll go indoors, and see if they can’t find me some better. Hannah must have some.”

  He flew off past the ricks, and leaped the little gate into the fold-yard — a tall, strong fellow, who might leap the Avon. In a few minutes I heard his voice again, and went to meet him. Tod was coming away from the house with Lena.

  “Have you the gauze, Tod!”

  “Not a bit of it; the old cat won’t look for any; says she hasn’t time. I’ll hinder her time a little. Come along, Lena.”

  The “old cat” was Hannah. I told you she and he were often at daggers drawn. Hannah had a chronic complaint in the shape of ill-temper, and Tod called her names to her face. Upon going in to ask her for the gauze, he found her dressing Hugh and Lena to go out, and she just turned him out of the nursery, and told him not to bother her then with his gauze and his wants. Lena ran after Tod; she liked him better than all of us put together. She had on a blue silk frock, and a white straw hat with daisies round it; open-worked stockings were on her pretty little legs. By which we saw she was about to be taken out for show.

  “What are you going to do with her, Tod?”

  “I’m going to hide her,” answered Tod, in his decisive way. “Keep where you are, Johnny.”

  Lena enjoyed the rebellion. In a minute or two Tod came back alone. He had left her between the ricks in the three-cornered field, and told her not to come out. Then he went off to the front of the house, and I stood inside the barn, talking to Mack, who was hammering away at the iron of the cart-wheel. Out came Hannah by-and-by. She had been dressing herself as well as Hugh.

  “Miss Lena!”

  No answer. Hannah called again, and then came up the fold-yard, looking about.

  “Master Johnny, have you seen the child?”

  “What child?” I was not going to spoil Tod’s sport by telling her.

  “Miss Lena. She has got off somewhere, and my mistress is waiting for her in the basket-chaise.”

  “I see her just now along of Master Joseph,” spoke up Mack, arresting his noisy hammer.

  “See her where?” asked Hannah.

  “Close here, a-going that way.”

  He pointed to the palings and gate that divided the yard from the three-cornered field. Hannah ran there and stood looking over. The ricks were within a short stone’s throw, but Lena kept close. Hannah called out again, and threw her gaze over the empty field.

  “The child’s not there. Where can she have got to, tiresome little thing?”

  In the house, and about the house, and out of the house, as the old riddle says, went Hannah. It was jolly to see her. Mrs. Todhetley and Hugh were seated patiently in the basket-chaise before the hall-door, wondering what made Hannah so long. Tod, playing with the mild she-donkey’s ears, and laughing to himself, stood talking graciously to his step-mother. I went round. The Squire had gone riding into Evesham; Dwarf Giles, who made the nattiest little groom in the county, for all his five-and-thirty years, behind him.

  “I can’t find Miss Lena,” cried Hannah, coming out.

  “Not find Miss Lena!” echoed Mrs. Todhetley. “What do you mean, Hannah? Have you not dressed her?”

  “I dressed her first, ma’am, before Master Hugh, and she went out of the nursery. I can’t think where she can have got to. I’ve searched everywhere.”

  “But, Hannah, we must have her directly; I am late as it is.”

  They were going over to the Court to a children’s early party at the Sterlings’. Mrs. Todhetley stepped out of the basket-chaise to help in the search.

  “I had better fetch her, Tod,” I whispered.

  He nodded yes. Tod never bore malice, and I suppose he thought Hannah had had enough of a hunt for that day. I ran through the fold-yard to the ricks, and called to Lena.

  “You can come out now, little stupid.”

  But no Lena answered. There were seven ricks in a group, and I went into all the openings between them. Lena was not there. It was rather odd, and I looked across the field and towards the lane and the coppice, shouting out sturdily.

  “Mack, have you seen Miss Lena pass indoors?” I stayed to ask him, in going back.

  No: Mack had not noticed her; and I went round to the front again, and whispered to Tod.

  “What a muff you are, Johnny! She’s between the ricks fast enough. No danger that she’d come out when I told her to stay!”

  “But she’s not there indeed, Tod. You go and look.”

  Tod vaulted off, his long legs seeming to take flying leaps, like a deer’s, on his way to the ricks.

  To make short of the story, Lena was gone. Lost. The house, the outdoor buildings, the gardens were searched for her, and she was not to be found. Mrs. Todhetley’s fears flew to the ponds at first; but it was impossible she could have come to grief in either of the two, as they were both in view of the barn-door where I and Mack had been. Tod avowed that he had put her amid the ricks to hide her; and it was not to be imagined she had gone away. The most feasible conjecture was, that she had run from between the ricks when Hannah called to her, and was hiding in the lane.

  Tod was in a fever, loudly threatening Lena with unheard-of whippings, to cover his real concern. Hannah looked red, Mrs. Todhetley white. I was standing by him when the cook came up; a sharp woman, with red-brown eyes. We called her Molly.

  “Mr. Joseph,” said she, “I have heard of gipsies stealing children.”

  “Well?” returned Tod.

  “There was one at the door a while agone — an insolent one, too. Perhaps Miss Lena — —”

  “Which way did she go? — which door was she at?” burst forth Tod.

  “’Twas a man, sir. He came up to the kitchen-door, and steps inside as bold as brass, asking me to buy some wooden skewers he’d cut, and saying something about a sick child. When I told him to march, that we never encouraged tramps here, he wanted to answer me, and I just shut the door in his face. A regular gipsy, if ever I see one,” continued Molly; “his skin tawny and his wild hair jet-black. Maybe, in revenge, he have stole off the little miss.”

  Tod took up the notion, and his face turned white. “Don’t say anything of this to Mrs. Todhetley,” he said to Molly. “We must just scour the country.”

  But in departing from the kitchen-door, the gipsy man could not by any possibility have made his way to the rick-field without going through the fold-yard. And he had not done that. It was true that Lena might have run round and got into the gipsy’s way. Unfortunately, none of the men were about, except Mack and old Thomas. Tod sent these off in different directions; Mrs. Todhetley drove away in her pony-chaise to the lanes round, saying the child might have strayed there; Molly and the maids started elsewhere; and I and Tod went flying along a by-road that branched off in a straight line, as it were, from the kitchen-door. Nobody could keep up with Tod, he went so fast; and I was not tall and strong as he was. But I saw what Tod in his haste did not see — a dark man with some bundles of skewers and a stout stick, walking on the other side of the hedge. I whistled Tod back again.

  “What is it, Johnny?” he said, panting. “Have you seen her?”

  “Not her. But look there. That must be the man Mol
ly spoke of.”

  Tod crashed through the hedge as if it had been so many cobwebs, and accosted the gipsy. I followed more carefully, but got my face scratched.

  “Were you up at the great house, begging, a short time ago?” demanded Tod, in an awful passion.

  The man turned round on Tod with a brazen face. I say brazen, because he did it so independently; but it was not an insolent face in itself; rather a sad one, and very sickly.

  “What’s that you ask me, master?”

  “I ask whether it was you who were at the Manor-house just now, begging?” fiercely repeated Tod.

  “I was at a big house offering wares for sale, if you mean that, sir. I wasn’t begging.”

  “Call it what you please,” said Tod, growing white again. “What have you done with the little girl?”

  For, you see, Tod had caught up the impression that the gipsy had stolen Lena, and he spoke in accordance with it.

  “I’ve seen no little girl, master.”

  “You have,” and Tod gave his foot a stamp. “What have you done with her?”

  The man’s only answer was to turn round and walk off, muttering to himself. Tod pursued him, calling him a thief and other names; but nothing more satisfactory could he get out of him.

  “He can’t have taken her, Tod. If he had, she’d be with him now. He couldn’t eat her, you know.”

  “He may have given her to a confederate.”

  “What to do? What do gipsies steal children for?”

  Tod stopped in a passion, lifting his hand. “If you torment me with these frivolous questions, Johnny, I’ll strike you. How do I know what’s done with stolen children? Sold, perhaps. I’d give a hundred pounds out of my pocket at this minute if I knew where those gipsies were encamped.”

  We suddenly lost the fellow. Tod had been keeping him in sight in the distance. Whether he disappeared up a gum-tree, or into a rabbit-hole, Tod couldn’t tell; but gone he was.

  Up this lane, down that one; over this moor, across that common; so raced Tod and I. And the afternoon wore away, and we had changed our direction a dozen times: which possibly was not wise.

  The sun was getting low as we passed Ragley gates, for we had finally got into the Alcester road. Tod was going to do what we ought to have done at first: report the loss at Alcester. Some one came riding along on a stumpy pony. It proved to be Gruff Blossom, groom to the Jacobsons. They called him “Gruff” because of his temper. He did touch his hat to us, which was as much as you could say, and spurred the stumpy animal on. But Tod made a sign to him, and he was obliged to stop and listen.

  “The gipsies stole off little Miss Lena!” cried old Blossom, coming out of his gruffness. “That’s a rum go! Ten to one if you find her for a year to come.”

  “But, Blossom, what do they do with the children they steal?” I asked, in a sort of agony.

  “They cuts their hair off and dyes their skins brown, and then takes ’em out to fairs a ballad-singing,” answered Blossom.

  “But why need they do it, when they have children of their own?”

  “Ah, well, that’s a question I couldn’t answer,” said old Blossom. “Maybe their’n arn’t pretty children — Miss Lena, she is pretty.”

  “Have you heard of any gipsies being encamped about here?” Tod demanded of him.

  “Not lately, Mr. Joseph. Five or six months ago, there was a lot ‘camped on the Markis’s ground. They warn’t there long.”

  “Can’t you ride about, Blossom, and see after the child?” asked Tod, putting something into his hand.

  Old Blossom pocketed it, and went off with a nod. He was riding about, as we knew afterwards, for hours. Tod made straight for the police-station at Alcester, and told his tale. Not a soul was there but Jenkins, one of the men.

  “I haven’t seen no suspicious characters about,” said Jenkins, who seemed to be eating something. He was a big man, with short black hair combed on his forehead, and he had a habit of turning his face upwards, as if looking after his nose — a square ornament, that stood up straight.

  “She is between four and five years old; a very pretty child, with blue eyes and a good deal of curling auburn hair,” said Tod, who was growing feverish.

  Jenkins wrote it down— “Name, Todhetley. What Christian name?”

  “Adalena, called ‘Lena.’”

  “Recollect the dress, sir?”

  “Pale blue silk; straw hat with wreath of daisies round it; open-worked white stockings, and thin black shoes; white drawers,” recounted Tod, as if he had prepared the list by heart coming along.

  “That’s bad, that dress is,” said Jenkins, putting down the pen.

  “Why is it bad?”

  “‘Cause the things is tempting. Quite half the children that gets stole is stole for what they’ve got upon their backs. Tramps and that sort will run a risk for a blue silk that they’d not run for a brown holland pinafore. Auburn curls, too,” added Jenkins, shaking his head; “that’s a temptation also. I’ve knowed children sent back home with bare heads afore now. Any ornaments, sir?”

  “She was safe to have on her little gold neck-chain and cross. They are very small, Jenkins — not worth much.”

  Jenkins lifted his nose — not in disdain, it was a habit he had. “Not worth much to you, sir, who could buy such any day, but an uncommon bait to professional child-stealers. Were the cross a coral, or any stone of that sort?”

  “It was a small gold cross, and the chain was thin. They could only be seen when her cloak was off. Oh, I forgot the cloak; it was white: llama, I think they call it. She was going to a child’s party.”

  Some more questions and answers, most of which Jenkins took down. Handbills were to be printed and posted, and a reward offered on the morrow, if she was not previously found. Then we came away; there was nothing more to do at the station.

  “Wouldn’t it have been better, Tod, had Jenkins gone out seeking her and telling of the loss abroad, instead of waiting to write all that down?”

  “Johnny, if we don’t find her to night, I shall go mad,” was all he answered.

  He went back down Alcester Street at a rushing pace — not a run but a quick walk.

  “Where are you going now?” I asked.

  “I’m going up hill and down dale until I find that gipsies’ encampment. You can go on home, Johnny, if you are tired.”

  I had not felt tired until we were in the police-station. Excitement keeps off fatigue. But I was not going to give in, and said I should stay with him.

  “All right, Johnny.”

  Before we were clear of Alcester, Budd the land-agent came up. He was turning out of the public-house at the corner. It was dusk then. Tod laid hold of him.

  “Budd, you are always about, in all kinds of nooks and by-lanes: can you tell me of any encampment of gipsies between here and the Manor-house?”

  The agent’s business took him abroad a great deal, you know, into the rural districts around.

  “Gipsies’ encampment?” repeated Budd, giving both of us a stare. “There’s none that I know of. In the spring, a lot of them had the impudence to squat down on the Marquis’s — —”

  “Oh, I know all that,” interrupted Tod. “Is there nothing of the sort about now?”

  “I saw a miserable little tent to-day up Cookhill way,” said Budd. “It might have been a gipsy’s or a travelling tinker’s. ’Twasn’t of much account, whichever it was.”

  Tod gave a spring. “Whereabouts?” was all he asked. And Budd explained where. Tod went off like a shot, and I after him.

  If you are familiar with Alcester, or have visited at Ragley or anything of that sort, you must know the long green lane leading to Cookhill; it is dark with overhanging trees, and uphill all the way. We took that road — Tod first, and I next; and we came to the top, and turned in the direction Budd had described the tent to be in.

  It was not to be called dark; the nights never are at midsummer; and rays from the bright light in the west glimmered
through the trees. On the outskirts of the coppice, in a bit of low ground, we saw the tent, a little mite of a thing, looking no better than a funnel turned upside down. Sounds were heard within it, and Tod put his finger on his lip while he listened. But we were too far off, and he took his boots off, and crept up close.

  Sounds of wailing — of some one in pain. But that Tod had been three parts out of his senses all the afternoon, he might have known at once that they did not come from Lena, or from any one so young. Words mingled with them in a woman’s voice; uncouth in its accents, nearly unintelligible, an awful sadness in its tones.

  “A bit longer! a bit longer, Corry, and he’d ha’ been back. You needn’t ha’ grudged it to us. Oh —— h! if ye had but waited a bit longer!”

  I don’t write it exactly as she spoke; I shouldn’t know how to spell it: we made a guess at half the words. Tod, who had grown white again, put on his boots, and lifted up the opening of the tent.

  I had never seen any scene like it; I don’t suppose I shall ever see another. About a foot from the ground was a raised surface of some sort, thickly covered with dark green rushes, just the size and shape of a gravestone. A little child, about as old as Lena, lay on it, a white cloth thrown over her, and just touching the white, still face. A torch, blazing and smoking away, was thrust into the ground and lighted up the scene. Whiter the face looked now, because it had been tawny in life. I would rather see one of our faces in death than a gipsy’s. The contrast between the white face and dress of the child, and the green bed of rushes it lay on was something remarkable. A young woman, dark too, and handsome enough to create a commotion at the fair, knelt down, her brown hands uplifted; a gaudy ring on one of the fingers, worth sixpence perhaps when new, sparkled in the torchlight. Tod strode up to the dead face and looked at it for full five minutes. I do believe he thought at first that it was Lena.


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