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The Hudson House Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 7

by Louisa Neil

  Once the idea was set inside her again, she couldn’t let it go. Back in the lab, she smiled and hummed to herself. Neither man seemed to notice her good mood. She assumed they figured it was because of her walk to clear her mind. If they only knew! Now she had to make decisions. Should she start dating again? And if she did, would the men become jealous?

  Technically, they had no right to be jealous, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen. It all kept circling back to the fact that the two men she most liked and wanted to fuck were under the same roof. Could she go from one to the other without causing issues? She had that same lightbulb moment again that made her grin. It was a grin she couldn’t seem to wipe from her lips. What was the proper approach to initiate a threesome? By the end of the day, she had more questions than answers.

  Sitting across the dining room table from her men, as she was now referring to them, she was only listening to their conversation with half an ear. This afternoon, she’d decided that on occasion she’d want both men at the same time. Equally, she still wanted to be able to spend time in bed with one or the other. She nodded absently when Jeff went to top off her wineglass.

  “You’re distracted tonight. Problem with work?” Jeff paused, watching her after topping off Mason’s and his own wineglass.

  Was this the perfect opportunity she’d been looking for? No, it was too soon, and she had more questions than she had answers for at the moment.

  “No, I’m just distracted. It was so beautiful outside this afternoon. I suggest we all take a mandatory walk outside at least once a day to clear our minds.”

  “I spend time in the gym each morning so I don’t have to go outside,” Jeff said. “You know, once we start work I never get back my full concentration if we have to stop.”

  “I hate wasting time exercising,” Mason grunted.

  “Oh, that reminds me. I got an email this afternoon. The new equipment for the gym will be here in two weeks. I’ve got a painter coming in tomorrow morning for an estimate,” Jeff explained. “We all have to agree on a color and, in turn, decide after this project if we want to use this painter in the future for other projects.”

  “What time?” Alice asked.

  “I requested an early meeting, eight o’clock, so we don’t have to leave the lab once we’ve started.”

  “Okay. I don’t really care about color as long as it isn’t neon.” Alice laughed at her own words.

  “Nothing dark and dreary.” Mason stood, took the last gulp of his wine, and placed the empty glass next to his plate. “Thank Cook for me. Tell her she made another wonderful meal. I’m heading to the office. I want to grab my laptop, and then I’m going to stretch out in bed.”

  “Night, Mason.”

  “Don’t forget the game is on tonight.” Mason raised his hand in acknowledgement and kept walking. Jeff just laughed. “What’s on your agenda for tonight?”

  Alice leaned back in her chair and drew her wineglass to her lips. “I’m not sure. I’ve got a strange idea rumbling around in my mind. I need to think that through a bit.”

  “You’ll figure it out,” Jeff reassured her. Then he continued on with details of the new gym equipment. She watched him openly, almost reaching forward to brush a lock of his dark-brown hair from his brow. His brown eyes were filled with enthusiasm for the new project, and she tried to remember the last time he was excited about something since Naomi jilted him.

  It was hard not to be drawn to his square jawline and full lips. His nose had been broken several times, she knew. He reminded her of the actor who starred on the TV show Castle. Handsome yet not too perfect. A rough-and-tumble kind of guy with a classic edge. He was motioning with his hands about something, and she wanted to feel them crushing against her breasts and pinching her nipples.

  Alice put her glass back on the table. From the heat going through her body, she didn’t need any more. She was already having amorous thoughts about her business partner. She realized he was looking at her questioningly. “I’m sorry, Jeff. I drifted back there. I do have a question. Have you given any thought to having the indoor pool repaired? I was wondering if we could get a few estimates on what it might cost to repair the heater so I can swim during the winter.”

  Jeff laughed. “Already have three calls out. I’m waiting to confirm final dates for estimates. We should have it repaired within a few weeks.”

  “Thank you. You know I love to swim, and I keep wandering past the old pool, longing to drive into the sparkling water, but it’s just too cold. I can’t wait to see the first snowfall on the glass roof of the atrium.”

  “In time, Alice. Just give me some time.”

  “I’m not pushing. Especially since I know you already started to take care of it. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Want to finish off this bottle of wine with me?”

  “No. I’ve had my fill. When the painter comes tomorrow, I’ll leave the color choice up to you and Mason. If we’re hoping to get the pool up and running again, I’ll be using that for exercise. I hope to never have to set foot in that gym with its treadmills, elliptical machines, and weights.” She let a faux visible chill run through her. Standing, she took a single step and dropped her lips on his. It was a light smack of her lips over his, but it was enough to make her want to push it further. She didn’t. Alice all but pranced from the dining room, leaving Jeff to wonder what the kiss had meant. She decided he’d figure it was because of fixing the pool. For now let him think that. For her, it answered the one question she had to have answered. Just the quick kiss she’d shared with Jeff was still enough to get her pussy warm.

  She headed directly to her room and locked the bedroom door. There was no hesitance to fill the old claw-foot and sink under the layer of citrus-scented bubbles. Along with her, she carried a dildo. It was made from glass, with a twirling end. The shaft was variegated in concentric circles toward a bulbous base. It was her favorite toy, and she was always careful not to let it drop for fear of it chipping.

  She folded a towel and placed it like a pillow between her neck and the tub. Then she closed her eyes and thought back to the times when she and Jeff fucked with abandon. She moved her hands to her breasts, palming them and rolling her nipples. Closing her eyes, she pictured it was Jeff’s hands molded to her skin. With a sigh, she took the dildo from the warm bath water and edged it in her pussy.

  It wasn’t the same as having a live cock inside her, but it was better than being empty. Pushing and pulling it inside her, she felt a minor relief but knew it wasn’t the full-blown orgasm her body craved. She let the toy slip from her pussy, more frustrated than when she began. She soaked a bit longer, trying to figure out what approach to take with the men. From her perspective, the worst that could happen was they weren’t interested. If that happened, she’d begin to search for a new male friend to satisfy her lust. If they were interested, well, the possibilities were endless.

  Chapter Six

  The following days went quickly for the Hudson Three. They had just contracted for a new payroll program for a major New York business. Everyone knew Mason loved the concept that he didn’t have to travel to these meeting, instead inviting them to the house for strategy and planning sessions.

  It was a simple concept they’d worked with before. All they had to do was tailor it to this company’s needs. The project seemed to come together with ease, leaving them free for the weekend.

  “Anybody want to go into town this weekend?” They were finishing their evening meal, relaxed from the wine and good food. “I saw there’s a fall festival going on.” Jeff wasn’t sure they’d be up for the day out, but he was. “It’s supposed to be a crisp, cool day.”

  “I’m game,” Alice told him. “I’ve wanted to get into town for a while.”

  “I’ll go, too.” Mason finished the wine in his glass. “I could use a day away from the lab.”

  “Good, we’ll all take a day off. I’ll have Cook make us breakfast for nine, and we can leave after that.”<
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  “That will work for me,” Mason said, pushing back from the table. “I’m going to read for a while. I’ll meet you all here for breakfast.”

  “Sleep well,” Alice called after him.

  “I’m going to see if there are any games on the television. Want to join me?”

  “Maybe later. I’m going to walk off this meal.” She stood, moved two steps to the side, and dropped a kiss on Jeff’s lips. Again it was a quick drop of her lips over his. Then she disappeared.

  * * * *

  Mason had gone back to the dining room to grab his laptop, pausing outside the doorway. He watched Alice kiss Jeff and walk away. Suddenly, his laptop didn’t seem so important. He headed to his room to consider this new situation.

  Jealousy was the first emotion he felt. While he knew it wasn’t truly valid, it was what he felt. It had been years since he and Alice had been romantic or, technically, sexually involved. Now that he saw her kissing Jeff, he began to rethink the situation they’d all gotten themselves into. Could he be around the two of them while they had an affair and not lose his cool? Apparently, he had no choice.

  There was an unexpected knock on his bedroom door. Rising from the club chair beside the fireplace, he opened it, surprised to find Alice standing there. She was fresh from the shower, her blonde hair damp at the ends, and wearing silk pajamas. The blue of the cloth matched her eyes.

  “Can I come in? You left this on the table.” She handed him his laptop. “I figured you’d want it at some point tonight.”

  He’d forgotten all about it when he had seen the kiss. Programs and computers were the last things on his mind tonight. Now here she was, all soft and sexy, and he wasn’t allowed to touch her. “Yeah, thanks. Come in.” He took a step back to allow her into his private space. “There’s something I want to talk to you about, and I don’t want it to get weird between us. I figured if we talked it out, we’d be able to deal with it.”

  Mason drew a breath and pointed to the chairs beside the fireplace. Instantly, he was sure she’d come to tell him she and Jeff were sleeping together. He held back the angst he was feeling, sorry he’d eaten so much for supper. “What’s on your mind?”

  Alice stared directly at him and smiled. “I know we decided years ago that we were past our affair. I was wondering if you’d rethought that since we’re here, all living and working together under the same roof.”

  “I think you’d better define what you’re actually asking so I don’t make assumptions, wrong assumptions.”

  “It’s simple really. These last weeks now that we’re settled and work is progressing, I’ve realized that I’m horny. Are you?”

  “Sometimes,” he said carefully.

  “Well, here’s my idea. I loved the time we were together. I know we ended it when we decided to work together out west, and that was the right thing to do under the circumstances. But things have changed now. I’m curious if you’d be interested in opening that door again.”

  She stared directly at him, one of the things that he loved and hated about her. She didn’t glance away demurely, rather she held his gaze waiting for his answer. He was totally confused and laughed lightly in stunned defense. “Alice, I thought you were going to tell me you were sleeping with Jeff and didn’t want to hurt my feelings.” He watched a strange smile cross her lips.

  “Well, being honest, that’s part of the situation, too.”

  “You’d better spell this out before I make more assumptions.”

  “It’s really very simple. I love you and Jeff, albeit for different reasons. But since we’re here I’ve begun to realize the two of you were the best times I ever had with men. I’d like to try again. No strings, of course, just all out fucking, sucking, and orgasms. I figure we could all use some sexual release.”

  Mason sat back in his seat, stunned. “So you want to sleep with both of us?”

  “That’s right.” She gave him a sweet smile.

  “Are you planning some kind of schedule to know who gets you each night?”

  “No, not at all. What I’d hoped for was the best of both worlds. I want to be able to be sexual with both of you, together and separate. But I don’t want jealousy to invade the situation.”

  “So you want us to be a threesome.” He glanced to the flames, dancing against the brick hearth. “Exactly where do I fit into this?”

  “I’d hoped you wouldn’t mind sharing me with Jeff on occasion. You know how I always liked to feel your cock in my body, and sometimes we used toys at the same time. All I’m saying is plastic and glass are okay on occasion. But I’ve got two live cocks living under the same roof with me, and none of us is getting any sex. What could be better than having both of you do me at the same time?”

  “What did Jeff say when you mentioned this to him?”

  “Nothing. I haven’t approached him yet. I wanted to know if you’d be interested first.”

  “I’m not sure what to say. Of course I want to go back to sleeping with you. But you’re suggesting you want us to be a threesome. Do you see Jeff as the dominant male and me as the secondary?”

  “No, not at all. I want both of you to be dominant males. And on occasion, I want to be a dominant female.”

  “So you don’t see Jeff fucking me?”

  “If you’re both in the mood, I wouldn’t care. As long as I get my share of the attention.”

  “So you want the two of us to be…at your disposal, for a lack of a better term?”

  “I’d prefer to have sex with men I know and love instead of dating indiscriminately just to get laid.”

  “I understand that. Do you think Jeff would agree? And do you see us always as a threesome or just when you’re in the mood.”

  Alice smiled at him. “If the mood strikes any of us, I’d like to be able to go with it, without guilt. If Jeff and I find ourselves in a mood I’d like to go with it, without guilt or regret that we’d be hurting your feelings. And on the other hand, I’d like to have the same arrangement with you. If we’re so inclined, why shouldn’t we fuck?”

  Mason was stunned into quiet reflection by her suggestion.

  “I can tell I’ve surprised you by all this. Why not think about it and let me know what you decide.”

  “What will you tell Jeff?”

  “Basically the same thing. I love you both, have a past with you both, and would like to sleep with both of you.” She stood and stretched to her full height. “Think of it this way. It’s going to be a long winter. I figured we’d be able to keep each other warm on cold nights.” She walked toward him, bracing her hands on the arms of his chair. Then she leaned down and kissed him on the lips. When she stood, she smiled. “Think about it. It might be fun. I just want it all out in the open so nobody gets hurt feelings.”

  Mason watched her saunter from his room. He stayed where he was, wondering what Jeff would have to say on the subject. He didn’t sleep well that night, having sex dreams of the three of them together. Only, in his dreams, occasionally instead of both of them fucking Alice, Jeff would fuck him or he would fuck Jeff.

  He woke the next morning with a hard-on, which he handled in the shower. He dressed and was downstairs for breakfast. Alice seemed her normal self, and so did Jeff. Did that mean she hadn’t talked to him? Time would tell, as the three of them were supposed to head into town for the fall fair.

  * * * *

  Jeff was enjoying his time at the local fair. Some of it was chintzy, and some of it was interesting. They arrived in time to watch the local parade and then wandered up and down the streets, looking at handmade quilts and other items. Some of the vendors were typical carnival types, wanting everyone to spend money trying to knock over the milk bottles or toss a ring over a soda bottle. They sampled as much of the food as they could, from corn dogs to deep-fried candy bars. As the afternoon wore on, they were all getting tired. Alice made one last stop to purchase homemade jams from a local farm. They bought a bushel of corn on the cob and several bottles of wine made
in the region.

  “I’m exhausted,” Alice finally admitted. “Would anybody be interested in bringing home pizza for supper? We could warm it later when we get hungry.”

  “That’s just your way of not having to cook supper tonight,” Jeff teased.

  “After all these years, you should know my cooking is more of an adventure than actual edible food.”

  “Can’t argue with her there,” Mason agreed. “Maybe we could talk Cook into working seven days a week.”

  “We’re adults. I think we can manage to feed ourselves for two days each week, especially since Cook leaves us meals ready to reheat.”

  “I’m game for pizza as long as we get garlic knots to go with it.” Mason was already glancing upward to the street signs trying to figure out where they left the old Lincoln.

  “That will work for me, too.” Jeff pointed down the street. “We parked a few blocks from here.”

  “My feet are killing me,” Alice admitted.

  “You just want to get home to try out the pool’s new heater. It should be warm by now.” Jeff placed the palm of his hand on the center of her back, lightly directing her through the foot traffic. As they neared their vehicle, black clouds started to cover the sky above them.

  “Looks like a storm rolling in,” Mason observed.

  “More than one,” Alice added, her cryptic answer making Jeff turn to give her a strange look. “Relax, it was just a joke. But the temperature does seem to be dropping.”

  “Let’s go home,” Jeff reiterated. They stopped to top off the gas tank and to pick up their pizza.

  * * * *

  Finally, back at Hudson House, they carried their purchases into the kitchen. Most were left for Cook to deal with on Monday. The pizza was slid into an empty oven, box and all. Later when they were hungry, they’d take it out of the box and warm it through. Alice seemed to have the best idea.

  “I’m going up to change for a swim. Why don’t we bring a bottle of this new local wine to the pool with us? We can swim and relax before supper.”


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