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The Hudson House Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 17

by Louisa Neil

  “My pussy is empty,” she told them. She felt Jeff shift slightly and push three fingers inside her. With his fingers in her pussy and Mason’s cock up her butt, she was in heaven. When Jeff twisted the clamps on her nipples, she came, not caring that her howl of pleasure would echo through the house.

  Mason pulled from her body and twisted her around and pushed her down to her knees. Seconds later she felt him shooting his cum on her breasts. She relished every drop of liquid that splattered on her skin. She felt Jeff move right after Mason. His cum was pumped onto her breasts, too. She relaxed back on her heels and waited for their next move. She hoped it wouldn’t be long but realized, with her ass riding on her heels, that she was still stinging. It was a stinging that made her want to go another round.

  Alice realized one of the men was lifting her up and unceremoniously dropping her reddened ass onto the wood desktop. Then as if they could read her mind, she felt lips on each of her breasts, lapping up their mixed loads of cum. Instinct had her trying to reach to the men, to use her hands to push their mouths harder against her skin, but she was still tied. With both of them licking their cum from her, she let her head drop back and just experience the movements they made to her body. It was a moment of total abandon for her.

  “Alice,” Mason said, “I’m going to release the clamps. Don’t move.”

  She steadied herself for the immediate flash of pain then pleasure awaiting her. Each man took a clamp and, in unison, released them then sucked her nipples deep between their lips. She didn’t have to ask. One of the men was pushing his fingers in her pussy and anus as they sucked her. When she came this time, her whole body shook. Behind the darkness of her blindfold, she saw pinpoint flashes of color as her body reacted to the clamps being released. When her breathing stabilized, she was exhausted and sated. She was done for the night. Whoever had been fucking both her holes with their fingers slowly let their hand drop, pulling from inside her. Alice instantly felt empty but didn’t have the ambition to move just yet.

  After a moment, the men lightened their touch to her breasts. Someone pulled off the blindfold. She realized it was Mason when Jeff untied her hands and pulled her blouse back up her shoulders. She let her weight drop back on the desk and rested on her elbows, exhausted. After a few quiet minutes watching her men, she asked, “Do I get a passing grade?”

  Mason laughed heartily. “You do in my book.”

  “Mine, too,” Jeff agreed. “Just tell me one thing, when do we get to reverse roles?”

  “Anytime you set the scene,” she told him. “But first I need a shower.” Mason reached forward to help her stand. “And for general information, if we use this room again, someone had better get the fire going. It’s getting cold in here.”

  “Acknowledged,” Jeff said, giving her a mock salute. She watched the men struggle to pull their pants back up in place. She didn’t care about the torn panties, but she reached down and picked them up, not wanting one of the maids to find them. That might lead to questions none of them wanted to answer. When she reached to put her breasts back in her bra cups, Mason stopped her.

  “I want to watch you walk to your room like this.”

  “Whatever the professor wants,” she said and strutted to the door. Her blouse hung from her shoulders, and her breasts were still exposed, surrounded by the lace and wire of her bra, just as her red ass was exposed. The hem of her skirt was still tucked under the waistband, providing the men with a show of her red skin. They walked behind her, and she enjoyed every step, knowing they were watching her strut through the hallways of Hudson House. She had a fleeting moment during the walk and wondered if anyone else had used these rooms the way the three of them just had. It left her as she reached her bedroom. “Good night, professors.”

  “Good night, Alice.” Jeff walked to her, kissed her lips, and smiled.

  “Your lips taste like all three of us combined.”

  “Let me try,” Mason said. He walked to her other side and wrapped his hand around her neck, turning her to meet his mouth. His kiss, too, tasted of all their essences. “Hum, you’re right. What a combination.” He winked at her, kissed her a second time, and released her. “Night.”

  “Night, guys.” Alice turned the knob of her door handle and paused. “Anybody into seconds?”

  “You’re well into fourth or fifths.” Jeff laughed at her and headed to his room. “I’m exhausted. But I do appreciate the evening’s diversions.”

  “I’ll second that,” Mason told her and headed to his room. “Night, Alice. Damn good evening.” He gave her a smile as he glanced at her from head to toe. “Turn around for me.” Alice rose up on her toes and slowly turned in a circle before him. He was shaking his head and laughing. “Well done, Alice.” She watched his hand drop to his cock and stroke it twice.

  “I did have help.” She wasn’t sure why, but suddenly she was embarrassed. Her cheeks heated, and she knew he’d see how her face matched her buttocks. Probably because reality was back and the anonymity of the library was gone. “Want me to handle that for you, professor?”

  “Thanks, but sleep trumps sex at this point in my day.”

  “You know where I am if you change your mind.” She pushed open her door and, with a step, was closed away in her own special bedroom. She pulled a breath and let it out slowly as she turned in a circle and looked around the room, a wide smile crossing her lips. She walked directly to the turret window and stared out at the land and river below her. Without thinking, she dropped onto the window seat but stood quickly, laughing at herself. “Shower,” she said, reluctant to wash but knowing the hot water sluicing over her body would feel wonderful.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alice spent the next week installing the new security system for the lab. During that time, the new furniture for their private living space in the lab arrived. With Finn’s help, they managed to get the furniture arranged as she pictured. Thankfully, he and his crew had taken out all the shipping and packing crates the week before.

  She installed the new media center, television, and music, ready at the push of a button. Most of all, she knew they were secure in this windowless room. Other than the main door, there were only two other doors. One closed off a large storage area they were using for office supplies, and the second was to the bathroom. It was small but serviceable. She’d picked up a new shower curtain and towels to spruce it up a bit.

  She’d also purchased three thick terry-cloth robes and had Hudson House embroidered on the pocket. Each one hung on a hook on the inside of the bathroom door, ready to grab when needed. She’d chosen a sideboard that hid a small refrigerator for drinks and a wine cooler with a glass door. Right now there was only three bottles in it. She’d let Jeff choose what wine to put there from the cellar when he had a chance. There was a microwave and snacks waiting behind the wooden doors. On the top was an old silver tray she’d found in the attic and polished. On it stood three wineglasses and a corkscrew.

  Alice decided it was time to put her needs up front again. She had needs, all right. She needed attention and sex. Actually, she was just horny. In the last weeks they’d gotten crazy busy with work. While the men worked up the program and software for the new contract, she’d continued to fortify their sanctuary. She checked the monitor inside the space to make sure the camera she’d mounted outside the main lab door was functioning properly.

  As a last touch, she pulled out two large, white boxes and placed them on the ottoman. Each one was tied with a red satin ribbon. She smiled at her handiwork. This was going to be a comfortable space for them to relax in private. She considered it a playroom of sorts where they could do anything they wanted without fear of being interrupted or watched.

  That night, after forcing the men from their computers for supper, she waited none too patiently for the staff to leave. Both men dropped in front of the television in the main house, and she headed to her room. After a quick shower, she slathered her body with lotion. She brushed her hair until
it shone and pulled on flannel drawstring pants and a T-shirt. With a last check to make sure she was ready, she headed down to the kitchen. It was empty, and it seemed to her all the staff was gone for the weekend. Alice headed to the lab, stripped off her clothes in the bathroom, and pulled on a white lab coat, buttoning the front. It would soon become apparent she had nothing on under it, but for the first impression, she wanted this professional look.

  Alice texted both Mason and Jeff to come to the lab. She hadn’t said why, just that they both needed to meet her there. They arrived quicker than she thought and she was pleased they hadn’t made her wait. After they were in the lab, she saw the questioning look that crossed between them. Locking them in, she turned to them.

  “I have a surprise for you. The new playroom is ready.” She gestured with her hand for them to head to the back of the lab.

  “I thought we were calling this a lounge, a place to relax in,” Jeff questioned.

  “I think it might have started out as a lounge, but Alice had other ideas.” Mason smiled at her. “Am I wrong?”

  “No, not at all. Come and I’ll show you what I’ve done. We can make changes so you’re both comfortable.” With a roll of her palm on the sensor, the door swung inward. It was obvious to her from the looks on their faces they weren’t prepared for what she’d accomplished.

  “Come in,” she said, and once they were, she closed the door and locked it. “We’re completely safe and secure here.” She pushed a few buttons, and the small monitor came to life, giving them a view of the hallway outside the main lab. “No windows, so no preying eyes. We have complete privacy here. I’ve rigged the system to accept our palm and retina scans same as the outer door, except this one needs the codes to open it, too.”

  Jeff and Mason stood motionless, staring at the new space. She had the lights muted, giving the whole place a soft glow. “I hope you like it. I thought this was a good arrangement, but it can be shifted to suit.”

  “I like the sofa pit. It’s huge,” Jeff said, walking to the left side and dropping onto the cushion. He immediately raised his legs to rest on the long chaise lounge section. Mason went to the other side and followed Jeff’s motions, settling into the corner with his legs resting on the chaise lounge. “The ottomans can be used as tables as I have it set up now, or…” She pushed the two ottomans toward the center of the sofa. “When tucked tight to it, the whole sofa becomes one large bedlike lounger.”

  “It’s comfortable, Alice. The fabric is soft.” Mason was running his hand along the arm of the sofa.

  “I like the blue color against the bright-white walls.”

  Alice walked to the bar area and pulled a bottle of white wine from the cooler. As she opened it, she gave them a rundown on the security system and how to use it. She mentioned the bath was ready to use and walked toward the men. From the back side of the sofa, she reached over and handed each one a glass. Then she leaned over the back of the furniture and smiled. It was the perfect height to rest on and be fucked from behind.

  Alice retrieved her glass of wine and put the bottle on a side table within reach of them. She picked up the remote, and classical music came on low in the background. With another push of the buttons, the television directly in front of them came to life. She muted the sound but cued up a movie. It was one woman with two men, making love. And fucking, she’d decided when she scanned the movie earlier in the day. She knew that would add to her heightened need for sex.

  When the mood was set, she opened the top two buttons on her lab coat, took her glass of wine, and crawled over the ottoman, sitting in the center of the sofa with her legs stretched out. “Well, what do you think?”

  “I think I know what you want to do in here tonight.” Jeff lifted his glass in a salute to her. “It’s been a while,” he mused.

  “For all of us,” Mason added. “You did a good job, Alice. It’s comfortable and serviceable.” He lifted his glass to her also.

  “Those boxes are for you. They’re both the same, so pick one and open it.” She lay back and sipped her wine. Jeff was the one who put his glass aside and scooted to the end of the ottoman. He handed one box to Mason and took the second for himself. “Go ahead, open them.”

  Alice watched the men glance to each other, and she covered her smile with her wineglass. They both pulled the ribbons off and tossed aside the covers. She knew they were both momentarily stunned into silence. Then Mason began to rummage through the contents. Jeff began to lay the contents of his out on the ottoman beside him. While they did, she opened another button on her lab coat, exposing her naked body under it. She grasped her breast and began to cup it, letting her nipple roll between her fingers.

  “There are a lot of toys in here, Alice,” Jeff said, glancing at her and pausing to watch.

  Mason was still staring at the contents of the box he held. “Jeez, Alice. Do you think you got us enough toys?” He began to lay out the dildos and vibrators in varying sizes. Next he pulled out two bottles of lube and placed them beside the toys. Then he pulled out a few soft cock rings, along with pairs of nipple clamps. “Who are these for?”

  “Whoever’s in the mood,” she answered. He turned and saw she was pinching her nipple and smiled. “Jeff, I think we have a winner here.”

  “Possibly. I guess we’ll just have to see where the night takes us. Go on. There’s more in the boxes.” Jeff pulled out layers of tissue paper, tossing them on the floor, and came across a wooden paddle. Mason went back to his box and pulled out a short leather whip. He weighted it in his hand and smiled. “Dual purpose, a dildo and whip.”

  “Why are there only two pairs of handcuffs?” Jeff questioned.

  “Well, one of us has to be able to unlock the others!” Alice laughed and handed Mason her empty glass. He put it on a small table beside his and turned back to watch her hand slide down her belly. She rubbed her clit and pussy.

  “And the ropes and scarves?” Mason asked.

  “For when we’re not in the mood for metal,” she said, sliding her middle finger along her pussy lips. She brought it to her lips and sucked it before repeating the process.

  “Okay, I’m beginning to sense your mood. What do you want from us?” Jeff dropped the bottom of the box to the floor and stood. He toed off his shoes and dropped his pants. Then he pulled his shirt off over his head, leaving him standing in boxers. She cleared her throat, and he pushed them down his legs, taking a step to the side to be free of them.

  Mason followed Jeff’s lead and began to strip off his clothes. When he was naked, Alice smiled. “That’s what I wanted, skin against skin.” She shrugged off the lab coat and raised her knees, letting them drop to the sides, exposing her naked pussy. She slid her finger back between her lips.

  “I haven’t licked your pussy in ages,” Jeff said, crawling between her legs and sucking on her finger before taking long licks of her lips and clit.

  “That’s a good start. Mason, come here and kneel beside me so I can suck your cock.” She liked that he moved without questions, coming to rest at her side so all she had to do was turn her head and suck him between her lips.

  From that second on, Alice didn’t care where the night went, only that it had begun. Jeff always amazed her with how he licked her pussy. His technique was totally different than Mason’s, but both were equally intense. When she felt Mason was nearing his peak, she bit his base and pulled from him. “If I keep sucking you, I won’t get fucked.”

  “Jeff, switch places with Mason.” She had to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. He moved when she repeated her statement. Immediately, she lapped at the pre-cum on his tip and swirled her tongue around him. Mason settled between her legs and began to use his finger to punctuate his sucking of her clit. “This is heaven.” She sighed, taking more of Jeff’s length between her lips. “Use another finger, Mason. Really fuck my pussy with them.”

  “The lady knows what she needs to come,” he told Jeff with a smile and a wink. Occasionally, she’d g
limpse the movie and what was going on. It only fueled her need for more. Her body shook when she came, and she decided it was time to change positions. “I want cock inside me. I don’t care who’s where, just that you’re both fucking me.” Mason sat back, and she scooted to the end of the ottoman. “Come here,” she told him, using her finger to invite him to sit on the end of the ottoman. Alice bent forward, sucked his cock for a moment, and then stood and turned her back to him. Then she let her body drop over him, engulfing his cock with her anus. Jeff had moved before them, stroking his cock with his hand. She leaned forward, licked him only a bit, and spread her legs wide over Mason’s thighs. It was an invitation Jeff didn’t need instructions for.

  He leaned forward as Alice lay back on Mason’s chest. He grasped her breasts from behind and began to play with her nipples. Jeff nudged his cock at her pussy. “You were always tight, Alice, but doubled like this, you feel like a vise around my cock.” He used his weight to push him forward deeper inside her.

  “You think she feels like a vise? Her ass is flexing around me.” Mason pinched her nipples harder. “Jeff, you pace us,” he said, sucking on Alice’s neck.

  Jeff began to pull out, but only a bit before pushing back inside her. Over and over he made the same move. He grabbed her knees and pushed her legs up toward her shoulders, giving him another inch inside her. “I’m going to come, Alice. If you want me to stop, talk quick.”

  “No, make me come. Fuck us, Jeff. Make us all come.”

  He didn’t speak. He simply lifted her legs up onto his shoulders and bore down. Alice clasped both men with her body when she came, her orgasm pushing them into ones of their own. Jeff humped her a few times while Mason was pushing upward, deeper inside her. When they finished, they lay together in a heap of sweat, none of them breathing evenly.


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