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Dating: One on One: Eastridge Heights Basketball Book 1

Page 10

by Stephanie Street

  “Here.” I held the glass and the pill out to her.


  “You’re gonna have to sit up to take it, Piper.” Her face was still in the cushions.

  With a loud groan, she rolled onto her back.

  “Almost there, now sit up.”

  “You are so mean to me,” she said sitting up and taking the water and pill from my hands. With a quick jerk, she placed the pill on her tongue and took a swig of the water.

  “Yeah, I’m so mean I got you out of school, bought you ten dollars’ worth of chocolate from an overpriced vending machine, drove you home, and got you your medicine.” I settled into the couch beside her. “I’m such a jerk.”

  “You really are.” She sat back again, sinking into the plush cushions. “But you can redeem yourself by getting my heating pad.”

  If she didn’t look so miserable, I would have left her sorry ass to fend for herself. But the truth was she did look like death, so I did what any sane man could do in this situation and went to find her heating pad.

  It was exactly where she said it would be. I got it ready and on my way back to the living room, I stopped in her room for the comforter off her bed and a DVD from the bookcase beside her desk.

  “Oh, my gosh. You are the best,” she announced after taking the heating pad from me and curling around it. Shaking my head, I thanked my lucky stars I wasn’t a girl and covered her up with the blanket.

  “Want to watch a movie?” I held up the chick flick and I swear her eyes filled with tears as she nodded her head.

  Within seconds, the movie was going and I was on the couch beside Piper.

  Chapter 15


  I woke slowly with a slight kink in my neck. I blinked my eyes a few times and tried to get my bearings. The first thing that registered, besides the ache in my neck, was a weight across my abdomen that wasn’t coming from my heating pad. Reaching down, my hand encountered an arm- a warm, hair-covered arm.


  All at once, the events of the day came back to me. The pain from my monthly torture week, forgetting to take my medicine, losing my pain-filled mind in AP Bio, and finally Drew buying me chocolate before bringing me home.

  The last thing I remember before my eyes slid shut was Keira Knightley hard core turning down Mr. Darcy in the rain. At that point, my head was already dropping to Drew’s shoulder. He must have repositioned us as I slept.

  Taking better stock of my situation, I realized we were laying side-by-side on the couch. Drew was at my back, his arm slung across my waist, and our legs intertwined. His even breath ruffled my hair on the top of my head and I wanted nothing more than to stay right there.

  Suddenly, his arms tightened and then released, stretching out in front of us. Groaning, the rest of his body stretched behind me.

  “I can’t feel my fingers.”

  My stomach reacted to the sleepy huskiness of his voice.

  “Here, let me get up-” I started to roll off the couch.

  “No!” His arms held me in place. “Don’t go.”

  The intimacy of our position was not lost on me and all the fluttering feelings I’d been having for Drew since the moment I saw him came at me full force, stealing my breath and sending my heart into a sprint.

  I tried to relax in his arms again, but I couldn’t. I was too aware of him and my own reaction to being this close. He must have sensed my tension because his hands began moving soothingly over my arms.

  I couldn’t keep lying there without seeing his face. Difficult as it was on the narrow couch, I began shifting to face him.

  “Whoa,” he said at one point, his arm snaking out to keep me from rolling off the couch.

  I giggled. This was ridiculous.

  Or maybe it wasn’t.

  When I finally settled, Drew’s arms served as anchors, keeping me close while his piercing blue eyes steadily watched.


  He smirked. “Hey.”

  I cleared my throat. “I just wanted to say thanks for today.”

  “You seemed like you needed rescuing.”

  “I really did. But you could have just as easily passed me off to Luke. So, thanks for being a good friend.”

  His eyes clouded briefly and I wondered what I said to make him react that way. It passed so quickly I didn’t feel like I should even mention it.

  “That’s what friends are for, right?”

  “Yep.” I debated breaking this spell we were under, the one that made it okay for me to be lying beside him on my mom’s couch so close I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. “So, um, is this what friends are for, too?”

  I glanced down at our intertwined bodies before meeting his eyes again.

  “Catching comfs on the couch? That’s the best thing friends are for.”

  “Catching comfs?” I giggled. I’d never heard that one before.

  “Yeah, you know, getting comfortable on the couch,” he clarified.

  “I got it, Drew.” I smacked at his shoulder. “I just didn’t know we were catching comfs kind of friends.”

  “Well, I did. We were destined to be catching comfs friends.” His arms pulled me closer so that my face was buried in his neck. Goodness, he smelled good.

  I tilted my head a little to get a better sniff. “Because we already discussed that we weren’t kissing kind of friends. I want to make sure we don’t muddy the water.”

  Drew’s heart rate picked up when my lips brushed his neck as I spoke. “Nope-” He cleared his throat. “Not muddy at all.”


  “Yep, it’s all good.”

  It wasn’t until after Drew was gone and I was left to my own non-distracted thoughts that it occurred to me what had happened that day. It was dinner time and I sat across from Luke, who’d been eyeing me suspiciously since he’d gotten home from school. Apparently, Drew’s mom had done her due diligence and my mom had received a call from the school letting her know I’d gotten a ride home with a friend because I’d been feeling unwell. Mom was used to my issues and wasn’t surprised. What was surprising was that the school didn’t tell her it was Drew who’d brought me home and since he was gone by the time she got home from work, she just assumed it was Dannika who’d brought me home.

  Of course, Luke knew differently. I wondered what kind of blackmail he had planned to secure his silence. Mom was pretty cool about most things, but skipping school with Drew, even if I was legitimately sick, wouldn’t fly.

  Add to that, the horror I was feeling knowing Drew had nursed me through period pain, and I wasn’t having a great evening. I successfully avoided Luke’s questioning gaze all through dinner and during out nightly tv watching, but he pounced as I was coming out of the bathroom after my shower.

  “So, you and Drew, huh?” He smirked, eyes narrowed, as he leaned against my doorframe.

  All I could think was that I was glad I’d gotten dressed in the bathroom. “What do you mean, me and Drew?” I wanted to slam the door in his face but he was blocking it and if I ended up hitting him, he’d make a big deal out of it and I’d get into it with Mom.

  “You know what I mean. First, it’s sneaking off at his house. Flirting on the basketball court, which is just disgusting and a disgrace to the sport-”

  I rolled my eyes at him at this point, standing with my hands on my hips. Getting in trouble with Mom was beginning to not sound so bad.

  “You know I’m right. And now I hear he brought you home today. Did he stay?” Luke folded his arms over his chest.

  Oh dear. “Look, brother dearest. I know we have a confusing family dynamic and everything, but I don’t need you looking out for me. I can handle myself. And there is nothing going on with Drew.”

  “But you want there to be, don’t you?”

  “I’m not even going to talk to you about that. Now, get out of my doorway.” I didn’t wait for him to move, just shoved him back and slammed the door like I wanted to in the first place.
/>   In his face.


  Chapter 16


  “Come on, Luke! Defense!” League ball had started and I was in my second favorite place other than on the court- in the stands cheering on my brother. It was the fourth quarter and the guys were down by three because Luke’s man just sunk a shot past him, well outside the three-point arc.

  At the other end of the court, Noah dribbled, deliberately slowing down the game until the guys were in position where he wanted them to be. They didn’t call him Mr. Perfect for nothing. Zeke was having a hard time getting around his defender. Grayson moved in for the pick and Zeke rolled to the outside. Noah popped the ball to Zeke. Zeke used his height advantage to shoot over everyone. I held my breath until the ball sank through the net.

  I was already on my feet, but I hollered and cheered with the rest of the fans behind our bench. Mom, who sat beside my empty seat, held out her hands in case I got too excited and fell over on to her. I shook my head, not understanding how she could sit there so calmly at a moment like this. Mom loved us, there was no doubt, but basketball? - not so much.

  We were still down by one. The game clock ticked down until there was less than a minute left. The other team slowly dribbled the ball down the court after passing inbound trying to eat up the clock.

  “Foul,” I called out, unable to help myself and knowing they would never hear me over the roar of the crowd. It didn’t matter. Mateo reached in and committed the foul to stop the clock.

  A.J. jumped off the bench and ripped off his t-shirt, leaving him in the jersey he wore underneath. He raced to the scorer’s table to sub in for Zeke. Zeke jogged off the court and A.J. took his place under the basket, prepared to rebound in case the other guy missed his free throw.


  Rebound- that ball!

  He made the first shot. Anxiety zipped through me and I wondered why this first game of the league season was such a big deal. It wasn’t. That was just us- Luke and me. We took our games seriously.

  The second shot clanged off the front of the rim. A.J. leapt for the ball but it bounced too far out into the paint and a scramble ensued.

  Mateo couldn’t get a hold on the ball and it rolled between players. Noah got his hands on it the same time as a guy from the other team. The referee blew his whistle. Jump ball. My gaze flew to the possession arrow.


  The other team took the ball out of bounds. Thirty seconds remained on the clock and we were down by two. They could pull this off if they played tight defense and stole the ball right away. Otherwise they would have to risk fouling and getting down further.

  The inbound pass barely made it past Luke. He immediately moved to double team the guy with the ball. He and Jared pinned him in the corner forcing a bad pass. Mateo picked it up and raced toward the other end of the court.

  Outrunning all the opposition, he ran to the three-point line and squared up. He was going for the win. A.J. scrambled down the court, preparing to rebound if necessary. But it wasn’t. Mateo’s shot hit the back of the rim and after a breathless moment of hesitation rolled through the net.

  “Whooo!” I shouted, leaping in the air.

  “Piper.” Mom scrunched her toes even further under her seat as the buzzer sounded announcing the end of the game.

  Leaning over, I gave her a quick hug. “Wish me luck,” I said brushing a kiss over her cheek before hopping down the bleachers to warm up with the girls’ team. I’d already changed during halftime of the boys’ game, not wanting to miss any of their game by doing it in the fourth quarter like the other girls had.

  Luke and the guys were still walking off the court and gave us all high fives and wishes of good luck as they headed for the locker room. Running up to Luke, I gave him a big hug.

  “Good game, Pukey Lukey,” I teased.

  Luke pulled back and slugged my arm with a grin. “Good luck, Pipe.”

  While he took off for the locker room, I snagged a ball and began my warm-up. The other girls filtered out and before long the sound of a couple dozen basketballs bouncing on the floor filled the gymnasium.


  I didn’t know why I was here. I told myself I wouldn’t do this. I’ve been playing at the community center and picking up some serious street ball games in the city. I even played with these guys on the reg. I had enough basketball in my life. But I couldn’t stay away. I told myself it was just to cheer on Luke, Noah, and the other guys, however, I knew watching Piper play was an even bigger pull.

  We’d played a few times since school started. She was busier now with league ball going on. She had practice and Luke complained when she was gone because of some pottery class she taught at the art center, especially if we were a man down and had to rotate in. The truth was, Piper was avoiding me. Ever since that day at her house, she only talked to me during AP Bio and then only when she had to. So, I’d found myself stalking her when I should be avoiding her as diligently as she was avoiding me.

  I’d tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible in the bleachers, being six-six that wasn’t easy. When the boys game ended, I retreated to the hall outside the gym to wait until the clock counted down for the girls’ game to start.

  “Hey, Drew. Good to see you here.” Coach Tillman stopped in front of me, his hand extended.

  I took it and we shook. I acknowledged his comment with a nod.

  Coach glanced in the direction of the gym. “Sorry to see you didn’t sign up for league play this season.”

  So, we were going to play games. That was fine. I’d grown accustomed to throwing people off with my honesty in these situations. If Coach Tillman thought I was going to beat around the bush or act apologetic about not playing, he was mistaken.

  “I’m sure you’ve talked to my dad, Coach. And that he told you I’m not playing and why.” Coach Tillman was restricted from coaching the high school guys outside of school ball, but nothing could keep him from watching them in the off season. I knew he was here taking notes and feeding instructions to Coach Holden, the league coach, getting his guys ready for the season any way he could.

  Coach Tillman studied me through narrowed eyes. He didn’t faze me. I lived with Charles Thompson, I wasn’t intimidated by some basketball coach.

  “Charlie did tell me he thought you wouldn’t play.”

  I snorted and barely restrained rolling my eyes. Nobody called dad ‘Charlie’ anymore. I wondered if Coach called him that to his face.

  “Although, he didn’t explain why.” Coach dangled that statement with a question mark at the end of it. If he thought I was going to enlighten him, he had another think coming.

  “Good talk, Coach. See you around.” Pushing away from the wall, I started back toward the gym, stopping short when I came face to face with her.

  Piper stood beside a water fountain not three feet from where I’d been talking to Coach Tillman. Her eyes bounced from me to the coach and back again, a question burning in them almost as intensely as that same question had been burning in Coach Tillman’s.

  Sighing, I shook my head. Why couldn’t everyone just leave me alone? The decision not to play was mine.

  “Good luck, Piper.” I held out my hand for a fist bump. She hesitated a moment before connecting her knuckles to mine.

  “Thanks,” she said, her expression...concerned?

  Not wanting to deal with any more questions, I nodded and began to walk away, but Piper’s hand covering mine stopped me. The sincerity in her eyes made my heart beat off rhythm.

  “Are you going to be okay?”

  I wasn't. That’s probably why I did what I did next, it was that or the inordinate amount of pent up attraction I felt toward her. Either way, I found myself doing something I shouldn’t. Something I promised her I wouldn’t. Hell, something I promised myself I wouldn’t do. But I couldn’t seem to stop. Not after she looked at me like that- like she cared.

  She was holding my hand so it was nothing to g
rab hold of her and pull her with me. Everyone was by the gym leaving the hallways empty. Before I knew it, Piper was pressed against the wall, my fingers digging into the curve of her hips.

  “Drew.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  It had been weeks now since I kissed her in my pool. Days since I’d held her at her house, catching comfs on her couch. Days of her avoiding me.

  “No kissing. Just friends,” she reminded me.

  “No.” I shook my head before burying my face in her hair. She smelled so good. Like strawberries and basketball. “I can’t do just friends.”

  She gasped and I realized my mistake.

  “I can’t do just friends that don’t kiss,” I amended. And to sweeten the deal, I hoped, I dipped my head and ran my lips across her jaw.

  Her tense body melted just a little into mine and I began to list all the bad words that could describe me in this moment in my head. Douche. Ass. Jerk. The list was probably endless.

  “I promised. I won’t attack kiss you, Piper. Just. Please.” I was begging. I’d never wanted to kiss anyone as much as I wanted to kiss her then, now.


  I stopped kissing her neck and met her gaze. I tried not to hide anything from her. “Because you’re beautiful and I can't stop thinking about you.” It was the truth. I’d been hurt by someone I thought I loved, but even with that other her I never felt what I was feeling for Piper.

  And then she did it, just like I said after our first day of AP Bio, Piper attack kissed me. And I let her.

  Her kiss was just like I remembered. Only this time, that feeling I got when I was with her was as obvious as a flashing neon sign trying to get my attention. I pushed it away. I didn’t need feelings to get in my way. Just because holding Piper felt like coming home for the first time in my life- ever- didn’t mean anything. I just needed to calm down this need for her for a while. The thought that Piper was both my drug and dealer flitted through my mind and I smiled against her lips.


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