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Soul of the World

Page 23

by Christopher Dewdney

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Tractatus Logico-Philisophicus. [Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung.] Translated by D. F. Pears and B. F. McGuinness. New York: Humanities Press, 1961.

  Yeats, William Butler. “The Second Coming.” Selected Poetry. Edited and with an introduction by A. Norman Jeffares. London: Macmillan, 1962.


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  About Time: Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution (Davies), 25, 175

  Ackerman, Diane, 90

  Addison, Joseph, 109

  The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (dir. Richter), 194

  Aeschylus, 97

  afterlife, 108

  Albert, Stuart, 131

  Alexander the Great, 36

  All’s Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare), 21

  Amis, Martin, 143

  amphibians, 183

  Andromeda galaxy, 85–86, 214

  The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (Barrow and Tipler), 219, 212–14, 223, 224–25

  Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), 109

  Aphrodite, 19

  architecture, 79–80

  Aristotle, 202

  Armageddon, 216

  Arnold, Matthew, 25–26

  artificial intelligence, 205–6

  arts, time-based, 136–39. See also specific arts; writers

  Associated Press, 64

  athletes, 122

  attoseconds, 53

  Auden, W.H., 163

  August (month), 128, 129–30

  Augustine (of Hippo), Saint, 7, 113, 174

  Augustus Caesar, 127–28

  Avni-Babad, Dinah, 110

  Aymara people, 93–94

  Babylonians, 37

  Back to the Future (dir. Zemeckis), 194

  bacteria, 162

  Barnes, Ernest, 107–8

  Barrow, John D., 212–14, 219, 223, 224–25

  Batman (dir. Burton), 79

  Bede (the Venerable), Saint, 43

  Beerbohm, Max, 169

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 65

  Bell Laboratories, 172–73

  Benjamin, Walter, 10

  Bernal, J. D., 219

  Big Bang, 172, 173

  big crunch, 220, 221, 225

  black holes, 100–101, 178, 188–89, 202

  and end of universe, 179, 223, 224

  Blair, David, 53

  body time, 130

  Borges, Jorge Luis, 30

  brain, 82–83, 94, 116, 123, 130–31, 136. See also mind; thought

  Brain, Marshall, 205

  bristlecone pines, 161

  bullet motion, 72

  Burroughs, William S., 118–19

  Burton, Tim, 79

  butterfly effect, 207–8

  calendars, 35–36, 37, 210

  Calment, Jeanne, 159

  Carboniferous period, 150, 183

  Caribbean, 106

  Carrefour de l’opéra (dir. Méliès), 70

  cars, 195–96

  Cayo Largo (Cuba), 90, 91, 104–6

  Cenozoic era, 55, 184

  cerebellum, 123

  Cézanne, Paul, 12

  Chamberlain, Neville, 200

  chaos theory, 207–8

  Cherenkov radiation, 100

  China, 39

  Christianity, 39, 108, 216

  chronometer, 46

  chronons, 11

  Chronos, 21–22. See also Cronos

  cinema, 77. See also motion pictures

  cinematography, 72. See also motion pictures

  circadian rhythms, 130

  cities, 79–80

  Clarke, Arthur C., 204–6

  clepsydra, 38

  clocks, 38, 39–41, 43–44, 50–52, 64

  Close Encounters of the Third Kind (dir. Spielberg), 8

  coastlines, 49–50

  coelacanth, 163

  computers, 72, 217–18. See also Internet Concorde, 78

  Confessions (Augustine), 113

  conservation of information, law of, 178–79

  continental drift, 157, 182

  Co-ordinated Universal Time, 51

  Correggio, Antonio, 127

  cortex (cerebral), 123

  crinoids, 149, 151, 163

  Cronos, 18–20, 21. See also Chronos


  lunar, 33, 35

  retail, 210

  of time, 140–42

  cyclotrons, 142

  Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 59

  Darwin, Charles, 159

  dates (calendar), 95

  Davenport Road (Toronto), 180–81

  Davies, Paul, 25, 101, 104, 175

  daylight saving time, 209

  days, 36, 37

  A Defence of Poetry (Shelley), 203

  Degas, Edgar, 62

  Devonian period, 149–50

  Dickson, William, 67

  dinosaurs, 147, 148, 150

  The Discovery of the Future (Wells), 210

  La divina commedia (Dante), 94

  Don Valley Brick Works, 156–57

  Donne, John, 109

  doomsday, 216–24

  dopamine, 130

  D’ou venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Ou allons nous? (Gauguin), 169–70

  dream time, 135–36

  du Maurier, Daphne, 193

  Dunstable Priory (England), 40

  Dutch language, 93

  Dyson, Freeman, 214–15, 221

  Dyson spheres, 221–22

  earth (planet), 51–52, 129

  Eccles, John C., 83

  Edison, Thomas, 67

  Edwards, Bradley C., 205

  Egypt (ancient), 36, 37–38

  Einstein, Albert, 98, 99, 201, 204. See also relativity, theory of

  and relativity, 8, 88, 103

  electrons, 100

  Elliott, Lang, 63

  English language, 94–95

  entelechy, 202–3

  Erichsen, J. E., 203

  Ernemann Company, 71

  escapement, 40

  eternity, 106–10

  eurypterids, 150

  Falkland Islands war, 81–83

  Father Time, 22–23

  femtoseconds, 52–53

  Fermi, Enrico, 204

  Finkelstein, David, 11

  Finney, Jack, 193

  Fitzgerald, Edward, 15

  flywheels, 108

  Follini, Stefania, 131–32

  fossils, 147, 149, 150–51, 152–54, 156–57 living, 159–63

  A Free Man’s Worship and Other Essays (Russell), 20

  future, 10, 89–90, 200–201, 207. See also predictions

  The Future (Arnold), 25–26

  Future Force Warrior Project (U.S. Army), 206

  Gaia, 18–19

  galaxies, 85–86, 171, 214

  Gamow, George, 172

  Gauguin, Paul, 169–70

  The Gay Science (Nietzsche), 140–41

  German language, 93

  glacial ages, 184–85, 215

  Glenn Gould Hereafter (dir. Monsaingeon), 138

  glyptodon, 184

  Gödel, Kurt, 207

  gold, 100

  Gold, Thomas, 42, 143

  Goldberg Variations (Bach), 138–39

  Gould, Glenn, 138–39

  Goya, Francisco, 19–20

  grammar, 94–95

  grandmother paradox, 186

  gravitational waves, 53

  gravity, 9, 100–101, 189

  The Great Train Robbery (dir. Porter), 68

  Greece (ancient), 36, 93

  Greenwich Observatory, 46

  Gregory XIII, Pope, 37

  Greiner, Helen, 205

  Grim Reaper, 22

  The Gylfaginning, 160, 216

  Hamilton, George, 79

  Hammer of the North (Magnusson), 216

  Harrison, John, 45, 46

  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Rowling), 193
br />   Hawking, Stephen, 178, 187

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 63

  heat death, 220, 221, 222

  Hippocrates, 136

  Holocene epoch, 55

  Hopi people, 94

  hourglasses, 42–43

  hours, 37–38, 39–43

  The House on the Strand (du Maurier), 193

  Hubble, Edwin, 171–72

  Hubble Space Telescope, 86


  lifespan, 159

  as superbeings (post-human), 219, 222–23

  universe and, 212–14

  Huxley, Aldous, 20

  Huygens, Christiaan, 43–44

  ice (glacial) ages, 184–85, 215

  immortality, 222–23

  Infinite in All Directions (Dyson), 214–15

  infinity, 222

  insects, 115

  intelligence, artificial, 205–6

  Internet, 7, 206

  Iroquois, Lake, 180–81

  Ishango bone, 35

  Islam, 35

  Italian language, 94

  Jacobson, Theodore, 201–2

  James, William, 12

  Johnson, Samuel, 5

  Judaism, 36

  Julius Caesar, 37

  Jupiter (god), 18, 19

  Jupiter (planet), 13

  Kant, Immanuel, 173–74

  Kelvin, Lord, 204

  kinetoscope, 71

  King’s holly, 161–62

  Kingsley, Charles, 65

  Koyaanisqatsi (dir. Reggio), 71

  Kubrick, Stanley, 204

  Kurosawa, Akira, 72

  Kurzweil, Ray, 203, 206

  Lamb, Charles, 114

  Language, Thought and Reality (Whorf), 94

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, 207

  The Last Three Minutes (Davies), 101

  Latin language, 93

  latitude, 46

  Lawrence, D. H., 13

  Lemaître, Georges, 172

  Levine, Martin, 100

  Libet, Benjamin, 82–83

  lifespan, 159–62

  light, 97–98, 103–4

  speed of, 8–9, 44, 98–100, 104

  from stars, 85–86

  light cones, 88–89, 140

  limestone, 151, 152–53, 156–57, 163, 181–82

  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Lewis), 51

  longitude, 46

  Lorenz, Edward, 207

  love, 109–10

  Lucretius, 14

  Lumière, Louis and Auguste, 67–68

  lunar cycles, 33, 35

  Lyons, Harold, 51

  Magnusson, Magnus, 216

  mammals, 116, 184

  Mandelbrot, Benoît, 49–50

  Marcus Aurelius, 25, 113

  Marey, Étienne-Jules, 71

  Marrison, Warren A., 50–51

  Marshak, Alexander, 35

  Marvell, Andrew, 20

  Marya (Oates), 26

  The Matrix (dir. A. & L. Wachowski), 72

  Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal, 136

  media time, 75, 76, 77, 80. See also specific media

  Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 25, 113

  megathurium, 184

  Méliès, Georges, 68, 70

  memory, 132–35

  Metamorphoses (Ovid), 19

  Michelsen, Albert, 204

  microseconds, 50

  Milky Way, 214

  mind, 123. See also brain; thought; unconscious

  Mind Children (Moravec), 217–18

  Minkowski, Hermann, 87–88

  minutes, 43–44

  monasteries, 39–40

  Monsaingeon, Bruno, 138

  months, 35, 37. See also August

  Moravec, Hans, 206, 217–18, 220–21

  Morris, Michael, 189

  Morse, Samuel, 63

  motion pictures, 66–68

  Mount Wilson Observatory, 171

  Musger, August, 71

  music, 138

  Muybridge, Eadweard, 59–62, 66

  nanoseconds, 51

  nanotechnology, 203, 206

  A Natural History of Love (Ackerman), 90

  Neoproterozoic eon, 183

  neurons, 115–16

  “A New Refutation of Time” (Borges), 30

  New York World’s Fair (1939), 168–69

  newspapers, 64

  Niagara Escarpment, 181–82

  Niagara Falls, 148–49, 153

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 140–42

  Norse peoples, 93, 216–17

  nostalgia, 77–79

  Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich, 25, 186, 188, 189

  “now,” 54–56

  nuclear energy, 204

  nundinum, 36

  Núñez, Rafael, 93–94

  Oates, Joyce Carol, 26

  oceans, 163

  Ordovician period, 157

  Ott, John, 70

  Ovid, 19

  Paleozoic era, 183

  Pantheon, 80

  paradoxes, 157–58, 186, 190

  Parentini, Renaud, 201–2

  Parmenides, 23

  Peckinpah, Sam, 72

  Penzias, Arno, 172–73

  phenakistoscope, 66

  phonograph, 65

  photography, 59–60, 65. See also motion pictures

  slow motion, 71–74

  time-lapse, 69–71

  photons, 103

  physicists, 25, 26. See also physics physics, 204

  laws of, 25, 142–43, 178–79

  quantum, 102, 174–75

  The Physics of Immortality (Tipler), 222–23

  pines, bristlecone, 161

  plants, 115, 160–62, 200–201

  plastic surgery, 79

  Plutarch, 19

  Polaris (star), 85

  Pompeii, 185–86

  Porter, Edwin S., 68

  praxinoscope, 66, 67

  predictions, 200, 203–8

  present, 10–11

  prime meridian, 46

  procrastination, 123–24

  Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus), 97

  quantum foam, 188–89

  quantum particles, 142

  quantum physics, 102, 174–75

  Quaternary period, 55, 184

  Rabelais, François, 38


  background, 172–73

  Cherenkov, 100

  Hawking, 178, 202, 223

  Rasselas (Johnson), 5

  red shift, 171

  redwoods, 160

  relativity, 8–9, 54

  theory of, 88, 186, 187, 192

  religion, 35, 108, 216. See also specific religions

  reptiles, 182–83

  retro, 77–79

  reversibility, principle of, 142–43

  Reynaud, Charles-Émile, 66, 67

  Rhea (goddess), 19

  Richardson, Lewis F., 49

  Riefler, Siegmund, 50

  Rilke, Rainer Maria, 210

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 97


  fossilized, 154

  in space-time, 202, 227–29

  The River of Time (Novikov), 25, 188

  Robert the Englishman, 40

  robots, 203, 205–6

  Rodin, Auguste, 62

  Roman Empire, 36–37

  Rome (city), 79–80

  Römer, Ole, 44

  routine, 110, 117

  Routledge, N. A., 24

  Rowling, J. K., 193

  Royal Ontario Museum, 150–51

  The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Fitzgerald), 15

  Russell, Bertrand, 20

  Sagan, Carl, 225

  Une saison en enfer (Rimbaud), 97

  Sangamonian era, 156

  Saturn (god), 21–22. See also Cronos

  Saturn Devouring One of His Sons (Goya), 19–20

  science, 207. See also physics

  seasons, 32–33, 183–85

  “Seasons” (Huxley), 20

  “The Second Coming” (Yeats), 140

  seconds, 44, 45–46, 50, 51

  The Secr
ets of Life (dir. Ott), 70

  sequoias, 160

  The Seven Samurai (dir. Kurosawa), 72

  Shakespeare, William, 21, 92, 109

  H.M.S. Sheffield, 81–83

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 203

  Shortt, William H., 50

  simulations, 217–18

  singularities, 203

  the sixties, 77–79

  Sockman, Ralph W, 204

  solar observatory, 33

  “Song of a Man Who Has Come Through” (Lawrence), 13

  space. See also space-time

  time and, 191–92

  time as, 129

  space elevator, 205

  space program, 78

  space-time, 87–88, 140, 188–89. See also space; time; universe

  collapse of, 223

  as curved, 187–88, 192

  as fluid, 201–2

  Spinoza, Benedict, 108

  sports, 122

  Stanford, Leland, 60, 61, 62

  starlight, 85–86

  Stein, Gertrude, 124

  stereograph, 68–69

  sundials, 33

  telegraph, 63–64, 65

  teleology, 203

  telephones, 63, 65–66

  television, 77, 80, 81

  Tertiary period, 184

  Théorie analytique des probabilités (Laplace), 207

  thermodynamics, laws of, 25, 143

  Thorne, Kip, 189

  thought, 223. See also brain; mind

  time. See also cycles; space-time; time travel

  backwards, 142–43, 218–19

  birth of, 173–75

  body, 130

  components of, 94

  cultural, 55, 93–95

  as cyclical, 140–42

  daylight saving, 209

  deep brain, 130–31

  dilation of, 98–100

  direction of, 89–90

  dream, 135–36

  elevation and, 54, 100

  as fourth dimension, 87–88

  geological, 55, 148–49, 153, 181–82

  as local, 98–99

  in media, 75, 76, 77, 80

  metaphorical, 91–93

  personal, 10–11, 158–59

  prehistoric, 147–57

  as prison, 122

  “real,” 80–82

  saving, 117–18, 209

  as sensory experience, 95–96

  and space, 191–92

  as space, 129

  stopped, 101–2, 107–8

  universal, 7, 102–3

  warped, 98–99

  words for, 93–95

  Time and Time Again (Finney), 193

  time capsules, 166–69

  time cones, 88–89

  time lags, 81–82

  The Time Machine (Wells), 70–71, 191


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