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Falling Dragons (#3 Moon Shadows)

Page 2

by Angela Castle

  Even though elves dwelt in the Outer Realm along with many others, they were exclusive and extremely prejudiced against anyone who was not pure blood elf. For an elf to take a non-elf mate was strictly forbidden.

  “Opie? Goodness girl, are you alright? What are you doing at my door in the middle of the night?”

  “Sorry, Gem, but I have no other place to go.”

  “What happened to that Peter you were seeing?”

  Opie growled low at the mention of her ex-boyfriend’s name. “Now’s not the time, Gem. I’m in a hell of a lot of trouble and I need your help. I shot someone.”

  “You shot someone?” Gemma gaped. “With a gun?”

  “Nooo, not with a real gun. It was a tranq gun.”

  “A tranq gun? Where the heck did you get a tranq gun?”

  “From the guy who was trying to shoot me.” Opie let out a huffed breath. “Look, we can play ‘repeat what I say’ later. Help me with this big guy. For a human he’s damned heavy.” Gem tightened the belt on her robe, following Opie out to the foot path to where the sleek Audi was parked.

  “Nice car. Yours?”

  “No, his.” Opie opened the passenger side door to reveal her out-for-the-count rescuer.

  “Wow, Opie, you sure know how to tag ’em and bag ’em.” Gemma helped by gripping his other arm as they tugged him out between them, grunting in a very un-lady like way to get him into the house.

  “Why aren’t you teleporting him inside, Opie?” Gemma asked as they struggled with the man up the steps and into the house.

  “I can’t teleport. I’ve got a shit load of who-knows-what drugs in me, and until they clear out of my system, I can’t even shift. My dragon is going ape shit at the moment.”

  “Drugs?” Gemma’s jaw dropped open again. “Just what has been going on with you?”

  “Let’s get macho man here tucked into bed and I promise I’ll tell you everything, okay?”

  It took them another good five minutes to get him up to the second floor and into Gemma’s spare room. Opie pulled off his boots and removed his extensive collection of weaponry that Gemma eyed with suspicion.

  “He’s a demon hunter.”

  “Oh well, it explains the arsenal of swords. Who is he other than a demon hunter?”

  “No idea, but he is the man who saved my skin.” Opie removed his coat.

  “Don’t stop there; I’m curious to see if the rest of him is as large as those other ‘weapons’.” Gem leaned against the vanity unit. Amusement lit her face with a smile.

  “And your husband is going to approve you ogling other naked men?”

  “Hell, as long as ogling is all I do, I don’t see why not.” Opie and Gem looked at each other with a smile.

  “Well, I should see if he’s hurt anywhere else.” Gemma nodded in agreement, but left the undressing of the unconscious guest to Opie.

  “Mummm, oh my,” murmured Gemma, at the display of a wonderfully muscled torso, and the smattering of golden hair that covered his chest and trailed down to his lower stomach. “I think you’ve found a self-conscious blond hottie. I wonder why he dyed his hair black?” Gemma moved to touch Simon’s blackened hair. A sudden surge of possessive jealousy at Gemma touching her man shot through Opie’s system.

  “Alright, that’s enough. Go ogle your husband, this one’s mine!” Possessive anger sparking through her, she blinked as she realised what she’d said. Gemma cocked her head, staring at her in surprise before a knowing smile crept over her pink lips.

  “Found yourself a mate, have you, Opie?” Gemma’s words startled Opie.

  She glanced back down at Simon. No, it couldn’t be, could it? Every dragon was taught, from the moment they were born, how they would know their true mate the moment they touched them. It was considered a sacred blessing to find a true mate, for they were the rarest of all treasures. Something about this man called to her, but her dragon was sleepy and suppressed. She didn’t know what was going on and wouldn’t until the drugs cleared her system.

  “Gem, look, I’m exhausted. I’ve got so much shit in my system I don’t know which way is up.”

  Gemma threw her arm around her in comfort. “Get some sleep, and as this is my only spare bed, I’m sure Mr. Tranqed-out won’t mind sharing. From the looks of it, he will be out of it for a while. Grey isn’t due home until eight, we’ll sort everything out after.”

  Opie’s shoulders sagged realising how tired her body was. Her feet were starting to slowly heal. “I’ll grab a shower. I’m cold, and you know...”

  “I hate being cold,” they said in unison. Opie smiled, grateful for her friend.

  By the time Opie had dragged herself out of the shower, towelled herself dry and stumbled to the bed, she collapsed onto it not caring she was naked. Her only thoughts were how warm the bed felt and how nice it smelled. She snuggled into the source of the warmth and the alluring scent, falling into a heavy sleep.

  * * * *

  A god awful noise pulled Opie out of a lovely, deep, restful sleep. She tried to tune out the noise and snuggled deeper into the warmth and comfort beside her, but it sounded as if a freight train was barrelling its way through the room. Cracking open her eye, she saw the naked man she lay against. Her dragon blinked awake also. Opie realised she was purring in contentment to be so close to her mate.

  Mate! No, it couldn’t be. Opie jolted upright and stared down at the man lying in the bed with her. Oh boy, so much better to gaze at in the morning light, pure pleasure on the eyes. His clean cut jaw angle, dusted with a slight, blond, five o’clock shadow, gave him a ruggedly handsome appearance. His aquiline nose looked slightly crooked as if it had been broken more than once in his youth. Her gaze roamed over his most perfect body, his skin slightly pale. Every part of his body oozed strength, from his broad shoulders and strong muscled arms to his chest and torso sporting a six pack a modern man would die to possess. Opie sighed before licking her lips.

  Mine, mine, mine, purred her dragon. Opie couldn’t resist, she bent her head and sniffed, then licked his shoulder. Wonderful, salty pine flavours burst over her tongue, making her dragon urge her to mount him, bight him and bind him to her for eternity. Somehow he reminded her of the Vikings she’d read about in her human studies.

  Yes, as stunning as it was, this demon hunter was her true mate. But what the hell was that noise? It rumbled out of his throat. She blinked and realised he snored, loudly.

  A knock sounded at the door before it was flung open. Gemma stood there glaring at her and Simon.

  “What?” She blinked at her friend.

  “Can’t you hear he’s rattling the foundations? I don’t care how cute you think he is, he’s snoring the house down.”

  “I’ll wake him up in a minute,” Opie growled protectively.

  “Fine, just do something soon. I’m going to make some breakfast.” She turned and closed the door.

  She turned her attention back to her mate, worry barrelling through her mind. She had found her one true mate. Even if he was a hunk-a-hunk, what if he didn’t want her? What if he didn’t accept he was her true mate? Or even accept she was a dragon. He was a demon hunter. Surely he would be used to unusual things. She didn’t know what to do, apart from waking him up before he woke the whole neighbourhood. She thought over what she wanted, what she needed. She needed protection from Joshua Jones. She needed her mate.

  Opie chewed on her lower lip, pondering what to do. Bind him, but not as a mate. The thought struck her. She could use a dragon spell on him to keep him, or just until the threat of Jones was gone. It would also force them to get to know each other.

  What choice did she have? End up in Jones’ cage again? Or have a demon hunter to protect her? Opie made her choice. She gripped his shoulders and started to shake her mate awake.

  * * * *

  Someone shook his shoulders. Instinctively, Simon reached out and gripped the soft, sweet smelling female against him. He rolled them, pinning her securely beneath him. Simon ope
ned his eyes to gaze down into lovely, clear green depths. The soft slide of flesh on flesh made him realise they were both naked. No doubt her handy work, not that he minded when it felt this good.

  “Is this the usual way you wake up, then?” She regarded him with heated curiosity. There wasn’t even a hint of fear in those stunning green eyes.

  He liked the soft musical quality of her voice, amusement in the forefront. He remembered last night, or he assumed it was last night—the woman falling into his arms, the demon he killed, then this little beauty shot him with a tranquilizer gun.

  “Do you always go around shooting men who rescue you, Ophelia Smith?”

  Her smile was apologetic. “I’m not used to handling guns. I am sorry.” Simon gently brushed a strand of flame red hair from her face. He was enjoying the soft, warm feel of his lower body pressed against hers. He struggled to keep his mind off what he really wanted to do with her in this vulnerable position.

  “Good, leave the shooting to me next time.” He gave her his best charming smile.

  “Are you alright? I mean are you feeling okay?” Her voice lowered slightly, the heat in her green eyes told him she, too, enjoyed having him on top of her. She slid her hand up over his shoulder.

  “All things considered, I feel good. Sweetheart, where are we?”

  “Oh, quite safe. I managed to drag you back to a friend’s house in East London.”

  “Good to know.” They simply gazed at each other. He was in no hurry to move off her soft feminine body. In fact, his mind moved towards enjoying her soft delights, his cock already painfully hard, pressed into the junction of her thighs. All he needed to do was shift a little to the left. Still, Simon needed to be sure of her willingness.

  “Are you alright?” he stroked her cheek.

  “I’m wonderful. Thanks for rescuing me.” Her smile lit her face, truly beautiful. It did strange things to his chest and made him feel like a giddy, untried youth. Simon shook the foolish thoughts from his mind.

  “I think you and I are going to have to have a little talk about that sooner or later.” Unable to help himself, he lowered his head. After staring at her lush lips for what seemed an eternity, he was thirsty for a sip. “Right now, I am vying for much later.”

  He groaned, watching her little pink tongue dart out, leaving a sheen of moisture on her lips. As if daring him to taste her, it was the last straw to break his resolve. He closed the remainder of the distance, covering her mouth with his. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip and sucked lightly on it. She opened for him; he delved inside to taste and explore. Her flavour of warm cinnamon spice and home caused surprise mixed with overwhelming lust to hit him—hard. Her flavour—pure decadence. He needed to taste more, have more of her.

  All too quickly, his gentle exploration of her mouth turned into a hungry devouring. He felt her fingers slide into his hair as she kissed him back with heated abandon. She moaned softly; he growled heatedly in response.

  He pulled back suddenly. They were both breathing in short little pants. Her skin was flushed. Glancing down over her body, Simon saw she was tattooed. A beautiful, glowing, red dragon was etched over skin, down across her stomach, along her side and most probably around her back. He’d known a few tattooed women in his long life, but had never seen one as intricate or as big as this.

  “Have a thing for dragons?”

  She smiled nervously. “I hear tattoos turn some men on.”

  Simon was beyond turned on by his red headed beauty; he was desperate to the point of pain. He lowered his head and lightly nibbled along her lips. The tattoo only made her sexier than any woman he’d ever seen.

  “Sweetheart, if I kiss you again I won’t stop until I’m inside you.” He gave her fair warning and a chance to stop before it went too far. He knew with taking this woman there would be no regrets. He wanted her with a hunger he’d never known before.

  Yes, he’d loved women and pursued them to the point of insanity. Everything about Ophelia called to him in a strange new way. Something inside was pulling at him to have her. It would almost kill him, but he would stop if she was unwilling.

  The corner of her lips twitched up slightly “I must reward my hero properly. Don’t stop.” She tugged his mouth back to hers. “I want you, Simon,” she whispered against his lips. He groaned with both relief and pleasure. Indeed, right here and now she belonged to him.

  Chapter 3

  Opie was lost to everything but the feel of his mouth on hers, his tongue hungrily drinking her in. The feel of his sword-worn, calloused hands sliding over her made her skin break out in fine goose-bumps. Her body responded like liquid flame to his heated caresses. Her dragon purred in pleasure at his skilled touch.

  Her back arched as he lifted her smaller frame, his lips trailing down her skin following the winding neck of her dragon. He licked at her collar bone before his mouth covered her breast, his lips latching round her hardened, aching nipple, tugging on it, rolling his tongue over the bud.

  “Oh, Simon!” Her fingers threaded through his dark, dyed hair. So silky, a true sensory delight. She moaned her pleasure, urging him on. He nipped gently at her nipple. She gasped at the edge of pain mingled with pleasure.

  He shifted his head giving devoted attention to her other breast. “By the gods, so perfect.” His voice muffled around a mouthful of her breast.

  “More!” More, echoed her dragon. He chuckled and Opie growled. She could feel her dragon pushing close to the surface. She grabbed his shoulder, lifted her weight and pushed, forcing Simon to roll with the motion. He lay on his back, staring up at her as she straddled him. His eyes gleamed in the shadows of the room, his blue orbs bright with lust as he gazed up at her. He slid his hands down her arms, cupped her breasts, squeezing slightly before sliding down to her hips.

  “Go on sweetheart, take what you want.”

  Oh, they would. She moved her body over his thick, proud cock. Her bare pussy, wet with her juices, slid along his member. He groaned as the two made contact. Back and forth she rocked her hips, his fingers tightening on her hips. His eyes darkened with carnal need.

  “No more play...” His growl was positively feral—she loved it. He sat up as she leaned in, meeting him in the middle, his arms wrapping around her waist, their mouths clashing, kissing in heated desperation. He lifted her more lithe form, just enough to align their bodies. The mouth of her sex connected with his cock and he let her body slide down. Her inner body stretched. She threw back her head, savouring the slight burn of him entering her for the first time.

  Connected with her mate, her dragon purred again, but only for a moment.

  “Sweetheart, damn...tight...I don’t want to hurt you...but...I have to move.”

  “Move, damn it, make me feel it.” She pushed herself up, heavily dropping her body, loving the feel of him pulsing inside her.

  He gripped her hips, stilling her, and she growled, her fingers sinking deeper into his hard, muscled shoulders. “You like a little pain with your pleasure?” He met her blue gaze.

  “Yes...” she hissed. He let her move again, faster, a little harder. Oh gods, yes, but she needed, wanted more.

  He seemed to sense her need. In a blur of movement, he pulled out, gripped her body and flipped it. She hit the mattress with an oomph. Before she had time to blink, he lifted her legs over his shoulder and drove into her.

  “Oh gods, yes!” Her scream echoed through the room as the angle made him penetrate deeper. She clawed at his back as he hammered into her over and over. The sounds of growls, panting, and the slapping of flesh on flesh filled the room. Excitement and pressure building from her cunt radiated outwards. She strained, wanting to be pushed to the edge, wanting to soar over.

  Just at the edge, the words formed in her mind. Her dragon flashed behind her eyes, demanding she claim him, bind him to her.

  Yes! No! A spell, a temporary tethering, he needed to know the truth of who she was before she life bonded with him. She needed his
full acceptance.

  The magic swirled inside, without thought the words tumbled out. “In the dire of nights, a tether binds, to hold till danger be gone or lives be done!”

  The spell cast, Opie exploded, screaming as pleasure washed through every inch of her. Sparks flew, not just inside, but around the room as the magic took hold. Simon uttered a deep guttural groan, his body shaking and cock pulsing as his seed surged into the depths of her body.

  He collapsed forward and her legs dropped with a thump onto the mattress, their sweat-slick skin pressing against each other as they struggled to regain their breathing.

  Simon’s head rose. She opened her eyes to see him frowning down at her.

  “Who are you? By Odin’s name, what have you done to me!? I feel...something...different.”

  She shoved at his shoulders as a sudden panic clawed at her chest, tightening it. She struggled to draw breath.

  “I can’t breathe!” He pulled from her depths and moved back, sitting back on his legs. Her gaze fell to his cock, still semi-hard, glistening with their combined juices.

  Simon struggled to keep a cool composure. He’d felt the magical power surge through him at the moment she hit her climax. Yet here she was with her gaze still on his cock, and she was licking her lips as if it was candy to a hungry child.

  “Up here, Ophelia.” He clicked his fingers and her head snapped up to meet his gaze.

  “What the hell did you do? You’re a witch, aren’t you?” Simon rose from the bed, his hands on his hips.

  Her emerald eyes widened in clear panic.

  “No, I’m not a witch. I didn’t...I mean...I need to...oh goddess...” She scrambled from the bed and jerked open the door. Simon’s gaze fell to her shapely naked arse as she ran, but the view was all too brief as she vanished down the hall.

  “Gods, damn it, Opie, put some clothes on,” a male swore. Simon glanced around the room for his own clothes, spotting them flung over the single chair in the corner of the room. He snatched them up and dressed quickly. He was going after the little witch to make her undo whatever it was she did to him.


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