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Falling Dragons (#3 Moon Shadows)

Page 13

by Angela Castle

  The revelation floored him, at the same time he founded it hard to believe—love yes, but soul mates? Destined by some unknown fate?

  “Opie, now is not the time for this. The others need me, now stay here.” He glanced at the other warriors battling with sword, claw and flame.

  “I need you.”

  Neman suddenly flashed in beside them, his face much paler than it had been before. In his hand he clutched the blood stained amulet. Neman scowled, glancing between Simon and Opie. His sharp gaze zeroed in on the bite wound on Simon’s arm.

  “I told you not to get bitten.”

  “It was my fault.” Opie hung her head.

  “We’ll sort it out later. Right now I need a clear path to the centre of the pit.” He held up the stained and dripping amulet. “Let’s plug up this leak shall we?”

  “On it.” With a flip of his swords, Simon charged forward, pushing all other thoughts from his mind other than killing the Gullu. Saving the world and not his life was what mattered right now. Not his crumbling relationship or the possible mate thing with his dragon princess.

  “Clear a path to the pit!” Simon yelled above the roar of battle. “Time to take these fuckers down!” He let the fury of all his past mistakes, anger, and centuries of being lost and lonely pour into each blow, each slice.

  She’s mine, we belong together. I can’t let her heart be torn apart.

  Whoosh! Kick! More blood splattered. More demons fell into bubbling heaps of acid, adding to the layer already coating his leather boots. Blood pounded in his ears.

  Neman was close behind him, pushing past to slam the amulet down on the same stone Jones had used to open the prison. “With the blood of six gods, Gullu be bound forever more!”

  The skull splitting shrieks of outraged Gullu demons made everyone cover their ears as an invisible force dragged them backwards from their battling prey. Simon also felt the pull with the poison spreading in his system. Neman gripped his arm to stop him from being sucked in.

  “It’s that or cut off my head.”

  Neman shook his head, a sly smile on his face as the last of the Gullu vanished into the hole. “Dragon slayer, you really don’t know anything about dragons, do you?”

  Opie raced forward, but she hesitated a step away from him, fear in her eyes. Of him—because he was about to become a monster.

  The other dragons morphed back into their human forms.

  “I take it that one is your mate, princess?” The one called Brimstone asked in a deep rough voice.

  “Yes. Simon is my one true mate and I’m not, never, no way in any hell, ever going back to the dragon realm.”

  “But he’s been bitten and will transform. Best to cut off his head now.” Slade nodded proudly, as if he’d come up with a brilliant plan.

  “Are you stupid, Slade? You don’t have a true mate, you don’t understand.” Brimstone slapped the back of Slade’s golden head.

  Neman sighed. “Simon, if you want to live, you need to bind your life force with your mate’s.”


  “Lots of hot sex.” Slade waggled his eyebrows. “Mind you, this place is a real mood killer.” He got another slap from Brimstone.

  “It’s a wonder you have any sway with women, other than ones who want to kill themselves.” Slazzamar sidled up to them, wiping his blades clean of Gullu blood.

  Slade frowned at the elf-demon. “What do you mean?”

  “Because all they need to do is climb up your ego and jump down to your I.Q. level.”

  Everyone except Slade rolled their eyes. “It’s not ego, its confidence, don’t get the two mixed up. Women love me!”

  “What would a gay elf know about women? I’ll have you know...”

  Simon tuned them out as Neman gripped his shoulders. “This is serious, Simon, only your dragon can save you now. If not, I will have to cut off your head. It’s something I’d rather not have to do to you, my friend. You know what to do, don’t you, Ophelia?”

  She nodded, taking a half step closer. Neman glanced at his watch. “Hurry. From my count you’ve got about twenty minutes before you turn.”

  “I’ll take care of him.” He placed his hand over her trembling fingers as she laid them over his arm. Neman stepped back, smiling down at Opie.

  “I’m glad he’s in good hands, princess.”

  Simon nodded his consent and she teleported them out.

  * * * *

  Simon glanced at his bathroom walls. Opie, already naked, turned on the taps, adjusting the water to almost scalding hot. His gaze slid down the wonderful curve of her body as the water poured down her skin.

  “Neman didn’t tell you everything about the bonding.” She turned, her green eyes watery and filled with guilt.

  “Stop right there, sweetheart. Don’t you dare go blaming yourself for anything, got it? Gullu poison in me or not, I’ll turn this pretty arse over my knee and turn it red.” He backed her up against the wall and ran his hand over the curve of her arse. “Are we clear?”

  She nodded, her eyes brightening.

  “Good, now tell me everything.” He stepped back to strip, tossing his sodding wet clothing out of his large shower space.

  “While we have sex, just before our peak, I’ll bite you and take a sip of your blood and you’ll do the same with mine. It bonds us and joins our life force. At the same time it will neutralize the Gullu bite, but, it also means you may no longer be immortal. But you will have the same life span as I will.”

  “So I’ll grow old and die?”

  “If you bond with me, we’ll grow old at the same rate, only it’ll take a few hundred years as I haven’t even reached a hundred yet.”

  Simon felt better by the second. “What about children, we can have those?”

  “Yes, we’re mates, and if we continue to have sex at our current rate...”

  Awe filled him. He picked her up and swung her around. She giggled.

  “I’ve always been denied a family. I want one... with you. A big, loud, happy family. Being true mates and bonded assures fidelity, right?” She nodded, but frowned in offence. “I’ve suffered the betrayal of a cheating woman. I know you could never do that to me. You’re not a weak human, and have a golden heart I will treasure until the end of our days. You’ll be mine, now and always. Give me this life, my beautiful dragon princess. Give me a lifetime adventure with you, for I know not even death will do us part. You’re not just saving my life, but giving me a life I’ve have only ever dreamed about.”

  Her grin wide and loving, she gazed at him. “When you put it that way, how can I refuse?” He set her down and finished stripping off his clothes. “But hurry, we don’t have much time, remember?”

  * * * *

  Opie gasped as her naked mate spun her around again and, pressing her against the shower wall, the hot spray just touching them both, he nestled his hard cock deep between her legs. Simon’s firm tip was pressed against her pussy lips and she was dripping with need and desires. She moaned under her breath, her fingers pressed against the tiled shower wall.

  “Gods, sweetheart, you’re always so wet for me,” he breathed near her ear. She felt his cock slide up and down her soaked crease as he slowly, steadily worked his tip between her swollen folds.

  “I’ll always want and need you, Simon.”

  She quivered under his touch. Now was the time to make her dreams come true, to bond with her one true mate. She shifted her hips and his massive cock lingered just beyond her opening. She gently pressed back against him. He groaned behind her as the head of his cock breached her, slipping beyond her entrance. Goddess she loved how big and thick he was, feeling him stretch her open as he continued to push deeper.

  A thrill shot through her entire body. His hands slipped from her breast to her hips, pulling her towards him as he slowly thrust his thick, long shaft through her tight channel. Opie moaned uncontrollably as her warm pussy slid down on Simon’s huge cock until he was all the way inside of her. She lo
ved the feeling of his ridged member swelling against the walls of her pussy as he split her open. Greedily, she wanted more, and rocked over him, lifting her arse to take him even deeper. She started a slow bounce, pulling away steadily as she allowed herself to feel the thickness of his shaft pressed against her opening. Then, when she was nice and wet from the feel of him massaging her tight hole, she pressed back again, sliding effortlessly along his slick flesh.

  “Oh, fucking Odin’s balls,” he breathed again. “Sweetheart, I don’t know how much more I can take. You always feel amazing, but we need to come together, isn’t that how it works.”

  “Oh, yes.” She reached between her legs and found her swollen clit, and rubbed.

  “Damn it, woman, that’s going to make me come even faster.” He knocked her hand aside and resumed the job.

  Opie giggled softly under her breath, slowly sliding back down over him, feeling his cock thicken and harden inside her. He rubbed her hard and furiously. Yanking out of her body, he turned her around roughly, his eyes ablaze with primal passion. It inflamed her body without even needing to be touched.

  “Yes, take me, Simon. Make me yours. I will make you mine.” He gripped her lower legs, lifted her and thrust back into her. The crack of tile walls reverberated as she smacked her head in the fit of pleasure coursing through her body. The air tingled with magic.

  “Gods I feel it, I feel it.” She nuzzled his neck. He tilted her head to the side, granting him better access to her tender neck. Her tongue slid across his skin as his hips thrust wildly into her. She squeezed her eyes closed, her gums tingling as his body trembled, and she struck, her dragon fangs sinking deep into his flesh. The special bonding saliva mingling with his blood overrode both the Gullu poison, and his immortality.

  He cried out, but kept thrusting, pushing her towards her own peak. She pulled out her teeth, licking at the wound. It was done. In one bite she’d saved him, and doomed him to an eventual death. No, they would be together forever.

  Still breathing hard against her neck, he raised it slightly, licking at her skin. She knew what he needed.

  “Now, Simon, bite me now!”

  Her scream of utter pleasure and pain filled the bathroom, her body trembling, the ping of ties snapping into place as her heart aligned with his. His cock flexed inside her as he came, her pussy milking him until he was fully spent.

  “Nothing like a bonding to make a man feel alive.” Simon shifted slightly. He licked her wound before raising his head, meeting her gaze. “I can feel the beat of your heart as if it is my own.”

  “Not everyone is so blessed to find the other part of their soul. In human terms, it’s a bond closer than marriage.” She moaned as he slipped his cock from her slippery depths, gently setting her on her feet.

  “Does this mean we can forgo the wedding and skip straight to the honeymoon?”

  “Don’t count on it, buddy. I’ve always wanted to wear an emerald green, short wedding dress.”

  She slapped his wet chest when he rolled his eyes. “Why am I not surprised? My dragon is a fashion queen. I’ll still kill anyone who looks at you, even cross-eyed.”

  “I love it when you get blood thirsty and possessive.”

  “Humm,” he breathed, pulling her back from the wall. “Can I be blood thirsty and possessive tomorrow? Quite frankly, all the demon killing, being poisoned, and bonding has taken its toll. I’m not a young man anymore, and I need my bed and new dragon blanket.”

  “I am not your blanket.”

  “Fine.” He swung her up into his arms, marching from the shower, pausing only to grab a towel and quickly rub both of them down. He grinned salaciously. “I’ll be your blanket. I prefer you under me anyway.”

  Opie shrieked as he once again threw her onto the bed. “Pervert!”

  “I know, baby, but you wouldn’t have me any other way.”

  Opie sighed, and faced the fact it was true.

  Chapter 15

  One week later...

  Warm Australian sun beat down on Opie’s spread wings, which she flapped as instructed. Her eyes focused on her mate as she slowly rose a few feet from the ground. Her heart fluttered at his proud smile.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. You’re doing great! Can you go a little higher now?”

  She flapped and obeyed her mate’s gentle command as the ground grew smaller. She no longer felt dizzy, but she did feel an overwhelming need to please her lover and mate. Her self-assured confidence grew daily, replacing the pain and agony from her past with wonderful happy memories to cherish. Simon embraced her dragon side and loved her despite her quirks, keen fashion sense, and the tendency to want to argue all the time.

  “Are you sure you won’t let me go crush those responsible for this?” She heard Brimstone the Crusher ask Simon for the umpteenth time.

  Brimstone and his lovely mate, Amber, had opened their home to them in outback Australia. He and Slade assisted Simon in helping her to overcome her fear of heights and learn to fly as a dragon should.

  Once Opie confessed to her fellow dragons what her father and brothers had done, which had enraged every male dragon present, they sent word to Brimstone’s King, outlining the circumstances of Opie’s cruel treatment at the hands of her father. In return, the Firestrong King himself offered his protection to her and her mate. It was a huge weight off her shoulders. She no longer panicked when she spotted another dragon, as there were many in this Australian home, guarding one of the rare portals between realms.

  Opie never realised that normal dragon males were protective and caring towards their females.

  “Drinks!” called a waddling Amber. She carried a tray of glasses and a jug tinging with ice. Brimstone raced over to his pregnant mate to relieve her of the tray before guiding her under the shelter to protect her human skin from the sun.

  Opie set her dragon feet back on the desert floor and changed back. Simon slung his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a deep kiss. She sighed when he broke away. “You’re amazing. You’ll be swooping and diving all over the place in no time.”

  They joined Amber and Brimstone, taking the offered strawberry lemonade.

  “I thought you’d like to know that Slazzamar called. The Agency raided Jones’ basement in London and rescued any Outer Realm creatures still being held there, just before a police raid,” Amber informed them. “The police raid is splashed all over the news. With the human remains and labs they’ve discovered, they’re issuing an international arrest warrant.”

  Simon snorted. “Yeah, unless they visit hell, I doubt they’ll find him.”

  “You never did tell me how you two met.” Amber smiled at them as Simon sat down, pulling Opie into his lap.

  “She fell on me.”

  “I fell on him.”

  They both said at the same time. Amber laughed. “A falling dragon. Hey, I know that’s going to make a great new story.”

  “I never could resist a damsel in distress, being an ex-Viking king, after all.”

  Amber smiled. “So, with the Akkadin Amulet now safely hidden and no current threat of demon invasion, what are you two going to do?”

  “I was thinking of opening a fashion store in London.” Opie shrugged, her mind going over the possibilities of some sexy outfits to drive Simon to distraction later on.

  Amber groaned. “Please tell me something more tasteful than Slazzamar and Darren’s t-shirt printing business.”

  Opie laughed, eyeing one of Darren’s gifts plastered on Brimstone’s XXXL shirt. ‘Don’t fuck with a dragon, because you taste good with barbecue sauce.’

  “It is a good business.” Brimstone nodded thoughtfully, gently rubbing Amber’s swollen belly.

  “You see, no taste,” Amber confirmed with a fond smile at her mate. “But I love him anyway.”

  Brimstone just grunted, draining his glass.

  “I’m afraid, sweetheart, you’ll have to get someone else to run it if you do,” Simon piped in.

  Opie frow
ned, glancing at her mate. “Why is that, Mr. Ex-Viking king? I have excellent taste in women’s clothes.”

  “We have other things to focus on first, like that half a dozen kids I want.”

  Opie rolled her eyes, even if a thrill did run down her spine at the mere thought of carrying her and Simon’s children. “Half a dozen! I never knew they came by the carton!”

  “We’ll aim for twins, or maybe triplets.”

  “Do you always have sex on the brain? All you can think about is knocking me up!”

  “You try going without it for a few hundred years. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

  Opie turned to straddle Simon’s lap. “Well, I can certainly help with that.”

  “Come on, big boy, we’d better leave the honeymoon couple to sort things out on their own.”

  “But they—”

  “Brimstone, take me inside now.”

  “Of course, my lady.”

  Opie licked her lips. “We should apologise for being rude guests.”

  “They understand. So, shall we go and make some more magic?” Simon pulled her closer, his lips lingering a hair’s breadth from hers. “This is our honeymoon after all, isn’t it?”

  Unable to contain her hungry need, she pressed her lips to his.

  Warm, happy and loved—it was indeed a magic that would never end.


  Angela Castle, is an award winning author of sexy paranormal, and science fiction erotic romance. She has been tantalizing readers with her drool-worthy, macho alpha aliens, and big cat shifters, for the past few years.

  In-between the para and sci-fi are a few cheeky little contemporaries, to get you hot under the collar and other places.

  She lives the quiet life in county Victoria, with her three kids. She’s always dreaming up her next sexy hero and adventurous plot, to keep her readers entertained.


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