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Off the Chain

Page 12

by Candice Dow

  Thorne’s job was to make being a call girl a desirable profession. I wasn’t sure I believed that it was so easy convincing women to sell sex. Then again, maybe it was, because never in a million years would I have thought I’d do this.

  Thorne and I chatted a little while longer. He didn’t make any advances toward me and I wondered if the connection I’d assumed we had was just a part of the game. I kissed him at my front door. He held me close and whispered in my ear, “Good night, London Bridge.”

  When he walked out, I longed for him to caress me like he had on the first night.


  It seemed like I had lain down with the devil one day and when I woke up an entire year had passed. I had gone from one or two dates a week to as many as four. Before long I felt like the expert on men. I spent most nights with a new man learning what made him tick. Whatever there was to know, I quickly learned. It didn’t take long before I could look at a man and know why he was there and what he needed from me.

  I thought for certain that TC would want to book me frequently, but I didn’t hear from him again until exactly one year later. Thorne sent me the information for my engagement. While he didn’t recall that I’d had the same client, in the same hotel room, a year earlier, I did. Despite how many men I had entertained, there were the few cases where I grew to care about what happened to them long after I closed the door to their hotel rooms. TC was definitely one of them.

  I purchased a large bottle of Rémy and put it into a gift bag before heading to the hotel. When I arrived TC opened the door looking a bit more confident than before. He almost looked like he wanted to sweep me up and spin me away. I said, “I’m so happy you kept your promise.”

  “I had to. You really made a difference in my life.”

  “Good. How’s your marriage?”

  “Things are a lot better.”

  “So did you put your foot down?”

  “I did.”

  “And how’d you do that?”

  “I never felt the need to list the things I did, but I had to start letting her know what I brought to the table too. These were not just her things, these were our things.”


  “Yeah, and it seemed like the more I acted like a jerk the more she respected me.”

  “Listen, it may seem like you’re being a jerk, but women respect strength. How strong are you if everything I tell you to do, you do it? Certainly you don’t want to do everything I tell you to do. You just have to stand up for your manhood from time to time. A lot of women will say that’s being a jerk, but it’s really not.”

  “Why did it take me until I was over fifty to figure that out?”

  “I don’t know. How’s everything with the people you owe?”

  “Well, I’m in the process of getting that in order. It seems like when I took control of my house, I was able to take control of my business. I was scared of how people would view me if I messed up, but I kept hearing your voice in my head telling me that people mess up and that didn’t make me a loser. So I was honest and I told my partners how I’d messed up the money.” He laughed. “And you’d never believe this: They invested more money for me to fix the situation.”

  “You’re the leader of the pack now.”

  He laughed and hugged me. “I owe it to you.”

  He kissed me and slowly pulled me back to lie on the bed. I thought it was interesting that now he’d taken control of his life, he felt confident enough to push up. He touched my breast and I wrapped my arm around his slim torso. He climbed on top of me and landed pecks on my neck and face. I ran my hand down the back of his head. I was laughing inside, thinking about how different this time was from the last. He’d gone from a wounded puppy to an alpha dog and it was entirely my doing. This was a bit more attractive. Though I wasn’t sexually attracted to him in any shape or form, I liked the new him and I planned to turn him out so that he could get even stronger.

  I pulled his shirt out and reached my hand down his pants, grabbing hold of his penis. It was shockingly medium in size. I’d expected he would be extra-small based on his character when we’d first met, but this was a pleasant surprise. He seemed to be very anxious as he began sloppily kissing me and touching here, there, and everywhere on my body. I said, “Slow down.”

  I started giving him instructions. “Kiss me there. Stay there for a while.”

  He seemed to appreciate the lesson. Finally I instructed him to slowly remove my clothes and told him to remove his. I told him that I would bend over and let him enter from behind. There is nothing like that position to make a man feel like a leader. After he put on a condom, he inserted himself into me. I told him to spank me. He tapped softly on me. I told him to do it harder. It took him a minute, but TC eventually got all into it. I was yelling, “Thank you, daddy.”

  TC didn’t last long, but I knew my effect on him would last longer. He fell onto my back and kissed my shoulders. “Thank you. Thank you so much for everything.”

  He repeated expressions of gratitude to me when he paid me for the evening. I knew that was probably the last time we’d see each other, because he’d gotten what he came for. He was empowered and the sex was just the topping. My job was done as I left the hotel feeling like I had cured another sick dog. On days like that, I felt like I was living my dream.


  Kari was so busy on the dating treadmill that she didn’t have much time to hang out. I didn’t complain, either, because after almost eighteen months in the business I was consumed. I was over making up stories. I had told the umbrella lie and everything else fell underneath it. As far as Kari knew, I was Thorne’s mistress. She was completely against adultery, and for weeks she tried to convince me that I should leave this man alone. I claimed to love him and that I thought he was really leaving his wife. It was easy to pretend that I wanted to be with Thorne, because partially I did.

  When Kari called early in the morning on my twenty-fifth birthday, I had been up all night with a client. I answered groggily, “Hey you.”

  “Happy birthday, chick.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What you doing today?”

  “I don’t have anything planned.”

  She paused. “So I guess he took you out before your birthday.”

  “Yes, Kari.”

  “Cool. So we can hook up later when I get off work.”


  I sat up and my head was pounding. My birthday had completely slipped my mind. After washing my face I threw on some sweats and grabbed Bruno to take him for a walk. We headed in the direction of the café. I needed a double shot of espresso. When I got my coffee I sat outside at one of the tables. The spring air helped to wake me.

  I was normally scheduled for a massage and bikini wax every Thursday, but I figured I would treat myself a few days earlier. I texted Kari and asked if she wanted to meet me at the spa after she got off work. She agreed. I scheduled us both for the works and light fare. Afterward we could do whatever Kari had planned.

  Kari met me at the spa, not far from the DC waterfront. As she walked down the street, carrying her oversized backpack filled with books and papers, I was glad that I had decided we would have a relaxation day. Women who work every day don’t do this enough and they are more likely to need it than me.

  She had chopped her hair off so much, trying to make it right, that now she was just short and curly. It fit her, though, and actually gave her a more mature, attractive look. She smiled as she approached. I hugged her.

  “Thanks for reminding me about my birthday.”

  “No problem.”

  “It was just completely off my radar.”

  “That’s crazy. I never forget my birthday.”

  “Mine is probably not that important to me.”

  “Don’t say that, Lon. So, did he wish you happy birthday?”

  “Of course he did,” I said, as we entered the spa.

  It was calm and quiet. Tuesday was probably the ideal da
y to be at the spa. They had Kari fill out a questionnaire since it was her first visit. Then we went with two separate massage therapists. After our massages we went to a small room for a light fare before getting manicures.

  As we sat in the private room, Kari said, “London, don’t you want to be with someone that will remember your birthday?”

  “Kari, I am with someone who remembered my birthday.”

  “Not me, silly. I’m talking about your boyfriend. London, it’s been almost two years.”

  I smiled. “And I’m having a wonderful time.”

  “Don’t waste your life away being a mistress.”

  “I won’t.”

  We ate quietly for a few more minutes. “Oh yeah, Kari. I wanted to bring you down here anyway so that you can see these condos I’m thinking about buying.”

  She nearly spit her food out laughing. “On what salary?”

  “I have a dog-walking service.”

  “The only dog I see you walk is Bruno.”

  “Shut up.”

  “For real, London. Ever since you hooked up with Thorne, you haven’t done anything but chase him around the world.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t chase him around the world. I accompany him.”

  “Whatever, so how do you plan to pay for this condo, or is it going to be in his name?”

  “It’ll be in my name.”

  “London, I know he’s been wining and dining you and giving you a lot of money, but that could stop tomorrow when he hires the next temp.”

  “I wasn’t a temp.”

  Laughing, she said, “But you know what I’m trying to say.”

  “I know what you’re saying.”

  After we ate we went to have our manicures and pedicures. We sat side by side. Kari reached out and touched my arm while our feet soaked. “I hope I didn’t offend you, but you need to have a stable income before buying something. My dad says rent until you can afford all that comes along with buying. You have plenty of time to purchase something.”

  “But it seems like renting is just throwing away money.”

  “Daddy says it’s paying for a place to stay. If you fall on hard times renting, you move. If you fall on hard times with something you own, you foreclose. So until you have a relatively dependable income, you need to rent.”

  “Well, no income is guaranteed.”

  “No, but some are more stable than others.”

  What Kari didn’t realize was that I did have a stable income and I could probably depend on it. However, the things she said made sense.

  My phone rang and it was my mother. I contemplated momentarily before picking up. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Happy birthday, young lady.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So what are you doing today?”

  “Kari and I are just hanging out.”

  “That’s good. Well, you girls have fun. Just wanted to give you a call.”

  I was glad that she didn’t pry any further. She hung up before she had the chance to irritate me. That must have been my birthday present.

  Kari and I headed back up to our neck of the woods so that she could drop off her stuff. We decided to change our clothes before going out. We stopped at my place first and I grabbed some clothes for Kari and me. I decided I would dress her for the evening. She was way overdue for a makeover. Since I could spare the time for a change, I did. I spiked her short do with hair gel. I made her face and put a sexy dress on her. Even she stared in the mirror like she couldn’t believe the way she looked.

  We hadn’t been out together in an eternity. We headed over to a club on Wisconsin Avenue that had a jumping Tuesday night happy hour. I could feel confidence radiating from her as we headed out of the apartment building.

  When we hopped in a taxi, she said, “I feel like this was my birthday. Thank you, London.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you feel good.”

  “I do.”

  Feeling good is half the battle. It summons people to you. When we walked in the club we turned heads. More guys approached Kari that night than I had ever seen. That was my birthday present, watching her. I tried to fall back as much as possible.

  Kari smiled from ear to ear as she soaked up the attention. It’s funny how a little makeup, eyebrow wax, and a hairdo can change prospects. We closed the club down. As we headed back, Kari was so happy.

  “How many numbers did you get?”

  “Just two.”

  “That’s good.”

  “London, I had so much fun.”

  “Good, me too.”

  “Do you even talk to other men anymore?”

  I wanted to say that average guys were not even on my radar, but I decided not to. I said, “Yes.”

  “No, you seem very standoffish now.”

  She didn’t even realize that I had been that way so as not to interfere with her game, but that was fine. “No, I just don’t care.”

  “You’re married to a married man.”

  I laughed. “Not really.”

  “Yes, really.”

  When we got out of the taxi, Kari hugged me. “London, happy birthday.”

  “Thank you.”

  I headed into my building, wishing that I didn’t have to live a lie.


  Whenever I traveled I put Bruno in a kennel and it was extremely expensive. So it was always funny to me how my mother acted like there was no money in dog care. I attributed that to complete ignorance. From time to time I really contemplated opening a kennel, but never took enough time off to really plan it out. The idea and the frustration with my lack of motivation always resurfaced when I dropped Bruno off.

  Whenever we entered the kennel Bruno would be jumping up and down, overexcited. It felt good leaving him somewhere he wanted to be and it made it easier for me to enjoy myself and do my job.

  I was on my way to Vegas to spend some time with the now-retired Rick. It had been close to nine months since his career-ending injury. He wasn’t doing well emotionally. He had completely lost his identity. I watched the man I’d met two years earlier disappear right before my eyes in a matter of months.

  He was insecure and bitter. You would think that after eleven years in the league he would feel like he’d had the chance to live a good life and would just be thankful. Instead, he felt there was more for him to prove. He was empty and lost without his uniform.

  He still loved to hook up as often as possible and whenever he was hanging out with the guys he would ask me to meet him. Most clients like having the middleman because they don’t want a call girl having easy access to them, but once they get to know you they often like to make direct arrangements. We had been on the direct system for a while. To keep the peace, I never told Thorne about offline hookups. I’d often tell him that I was going out of town for leisure.

  Although Rick may still have had money, I no longer expected the ten-thousand-dollar all-nighters we used to have. He’d usually offer a nominal rate for the weekend, usually a couple thousand dollars. I had a soft spot for Rick.

  When I arrived in Vegas it was around noon, and I caught a taxi to his hotel and got the key from the front desk because he was on the Strip with his friends. After getting settled I went to the mall at Caesar’s Palace to grab a few candles and massage oil. When I got back to the room I set the mood. I placed candles around the room and ran his bathwater. I knew exactly what he needed. Finally I called to let him know that I was there waiting for him. I was wearing a black thong and a black strapless sequined bra and a pair of platform heels.

  I heard his key in the door and began to dance seductively for him. I’d choreographed a pretty basic erotic dance. He was smiling from ear to ear. He liked that I still treated him the same as if he were still paying top dollar. With him it wasn’t about the money. Maybe, beneath the surface, I was still his groupie.

  “See, that’s what I like.”

  I batted my eyes. “What? You like me?”

  “I like the way you
make a nigga feel like a man.”

  He may not have been able to play football anymore, but that sure hadn’t affected his sexual stamina. He was still as long and strong as before, so I always used stalling tactics. Anything, a massage, a bath, a dance, hell, there had been times I’d even sung him a song. Whatever I needed to do to decrease the number of rounds, I did it, especially when he downgraded to the budget plan.

  I told him to take off his clothes and lie facedown on the bed. I climbed on top of him and massaged his shoulders. He said, “Man, sometimes I feel like I love you.”

  “Maybe you do.”

  “I don’t know. You treat me so good.”

  “That’s ’cause this is what you deserve.”

  “And you ain’t asking for nothing in return.”

  He always told me that he could love me, but I knew that he never would. We had an arrangement and it worked for both of us. Although we’d grown closer, I still treated our hookups like business. He never had to worry about me wanting more from him. I gave him what he needed and afterward I stepped off. There was nothing more enticing for a man.

  After I gave him a full body massage, I told him we should get in the tub. He said he wanted to make love first. So I obliged. And by the time we were about to get in the tub, the water was cold and I had to run it again.

  We made love in the tub and several times after we got out. It was around one in the morning, but Rick was still in the mood to hang out. I wanted to lie in the room and relax. He begged me to tag along. I reluctantly agreed.

  When he got in the shower I checked my cell phone and Thorne had called about four times. I figured I would call him back in the morning. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to put me on the spot or what. By hooking up with Rick at a lower rate, I could interfere with Thorne’s business. I wasn’t sure if he’d gotten wind of me being here with Rick.

  We went to a party in the Palms hotel. When we arrived, it appeared that an entire professional football team was there as well. Rick and I sat at the bar, watching the crowd and analyzing everyone. Usually Rick kept pretty cool and standoffish. No one was ever sure if we had come together or not, but he was more clingy than normal. I didn’t mind because it made me feel good. I liked when he was that way. We dipped out a little early and headed back to the hotel.


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