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Page 6

by Dena Christy

  “I feel like we may have gotten off on the wrong foot.” An understatement. Gregor folded his muscular arms across his chest and kept his expression stoney. He watched her swallow and hoped that she would abandon this folly, run back to his brother and leave him alone. “I understand why you would suspect me, considering my family name. But I love your brother and would do nothing to hurt him.”

  Gregor snorted. How rich that statement was. “So you didn’t shoot him with a dragon forged crossbow bolt?”

  He’d heard the story from Rickman about the stormy early days of Iszak’s courtship of Julia. As soon as she’d learned what his brother was her first instinct had been to shoot him. That told Gregor all he needed to know about her. Once a dragon hunter always a dragon hunter. There seemed little she could say that would change his mind about her. He would hold his tongue for his brother’s sake, but if there ever came a time when she proved herself untrustworthy, he would not hesitate to go after her with everything he had.

  “I suppose Rickman told you about that, since I don’t imagine it’s something Iszak would want to bring into conversation.” A blush stained her cheeks, and she had the grace to look remorseful. It could all be an act, so Gregor remained unmoved by it. “I was angry with Iszak and acted without thinking. I have regretted doing it and have tried to make it up to him ever since.”

  “And she knows there is nothing to forgive. We’ve all made mistakes in the past, haven’t we Gregor?” Iszak spoke from the doorway of the kitchen and gave him a fierce look when he walked over to his mate’s side. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

  His brother’s barb found its intended mark, and it was his turn to feel remorse. He had made the biggest mistake of all, and it had brought a curse down upon them all. If he had not taken Elle to his cave so many years ago, if he had resolved to leave her alone as he did now, things would have been so much different. Her broken body would not have been at the bottom of a cliff and a curse would not have been brought down upon dragon kind.

  “Thank you for the reminder. Now if you will excuse me.” He inclined his head and moved toward the door.

  “Gregor, wait.” He stopped his forward momentum while he waited for what else his brother wanted to say. As far as he was concerned there was nothing left to say. “I apologize for bringing up the past. You are awake again and must go through the search for a mate all over again. That is punishment enough.”

  Gregor turned back toward him, surprised that Iszak would apologize. His brother had changed from the man he’d known in the past. Centuries ago, they would have settled their differences in a fight, but perhaps falling in love and finding his mate had tamed his brother. Perhaps there was a lesson in that.

  He looked at his brother’s woman, who remained tucked up against iszak’s side. Apart from that one foolish action, she’d done nothing to bring harm to Iszak. In fact, her father had shot her for refusing to harm Iszak when he’d ordered it. Perhaps he’d been too hasty in his judgment of her.

  “And I apologize to you, Julia. I had no right to dredge up your past actions as if I have never acted in anger myself.” When the words came out of his mouth, he saw his brother’s eyes narrow as if searching for one hint of insincerity. It didn’t offend him since his about face surprised him too. He was astonished to realize that he’d meant every word of his apology.

  “Thank you for that. Please believe me I wanted nothing to do with my father’s world.”

  Her father’s world was one of dragon hunters. A thought occurred to Gregor, one that made his eyes focus solely on Julia. The world of dragon hunters could not be that large that she would know nothing about the hunters in town. He cast his mind back to the night before and to what the hunters had said while he’d been hiding. What was the name of the man they reported to? Gerard? On a hunch he asked her about it.

  “Is your father’s name Gerard by any chance?”

  “Yes, it is. Why do you ask?”

  “Because it is the name spoken by the hunters who stalked me last night. I got the impression they were acting under his orders.” Gregor walked closer to them and searched her eyes for any trace she might have been privy to her father’s plans and that her innocent act was all a sham. He could see nothing but surprise there, and he let go of his suspicions of her.

  “Jesus Christ, Gregor.” His brother let go of his woman and gripped the front of Gregor’s shirt. “I told you she has nothing to do with the hunters being in town.”

  “I know she is innocent, so I will forgive you for putting aggressive hands on me. This time.” Gregor gripped his brother’s wrists and wrenched them away from his shirt. “Don’t do it again.”

  “Why would you bring up her father being responsible for those hunters being in town if not to question her integrity?” Iszak stepped away and drew Julia back to his side. He could be forgiven for his suspicions, since he could not know what was going on in Gregor’s head, and his first instinct would be to protect his mate from any threat. Even if that threat was in the form of his older brother. Gregor knew he would do the same.

  “Because I hoped that if she knew the hunters, then perhaps she might shed and insight into who they are.”

  “I can try, but I can’t make any promises. My father kept most of the hunters he was acquainted with, especially the younger ones, away from me and my sister.”

  Perhaps she wouldn’t be much help. He’d been hoping that she could tell him more about the one hunter who interested him, that Nash character who knew Elle. He told himself it was to make certain she was safe while Nash was in town, but he knew he lied to himself. It was pure jealousy that made him want to know more about him. This man had a history with Elle, and even if he wasn’t a dragon hunter, Gregor was certain he wouldn’t feel any different.

  “Does the name Nash mean anything to you?” He watched Julia carefully, and her eyes flared wide for a moment. Recognition crossed her face. So she knew him. “What can you tell me about him?”

  A sense of urgency took hold of Gregor and he stepped closer to her, reached out his arms to take hold of her.

  His brother stepped in front of her, and Gregor drew up short. Iszak did not need to say anything. Gregor knew he had to get a grip on his emotions where this man Nash was concerned. He took a step back and gave a rueful shake of his head.

  Julia stepped around Iszak and slipped her arm through his. “His name is Gabriel Nash. I only met him once, for which I am glad.”

  “Did he do something to you?” Both he and his brother spoke in unison, but Gregor suspected it was for different reasons. Iszak’s only thought would be of her, of what Nash might have done to her. Gregor was different. He wanted a measure of the man because of his connection to Elle.

  “He did nothing. Like I said I only met him once. I’ve never met a man before with such cold eyes. They were like the eyes of someone incapable of feeling. He gave me the creeps. That’s all.”

  The buzzing sound of a phone vibrating on the counter top interrupted Gregor before he could ask her any more questions. It was his phone, but who would call him at this time of night?

  He walked over to it and looked at the number on the screen. It was not one that Rickman had programmed into it, so how could this person have gotten his number.

  He hit the green button that Rickman had taught him, the one that would allow him to answer the call. He put the phone to his ear.


  “Gregor?” A shaky female voice was on the other end of the line, and it took a moment for him to realize that it was Elle. His hand tightened on the phone.

  “Elle, what’s wrong?” She gave a sob, and his mind scrambled to think what could be wrong with her. Was she hurt? Had Nash come back and harmed her? Had the hunters found her? “Elle, talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I need you. Can you please come?” Her voice was a whispered plea and his resolve to leave her alone flew out the window. She needed him and he could not hold h
imself back from her.

  Elle couldn't explain why she'd called Gregor. Despite her elation at finding his phone number on a crumpled piece of paper in the corner this morning, all that had changed considering the break in. The bloom of happiness that had settle inside her when Gregor left was just a wisp of memory now.

  Had someone broken in to her home because she had helped him? It was a thought that had been scratching at her brain for most of the night. The police had mentioned that there had been a rash of break-ins in the area. Perhaps it was just her turn. If so, it was a strange coincidence that the night after she’d given aid to a man who'd been the victim of violence that someone had broken into her shop.

  She didn't know what to think, but when the police had asked her if there was anyone she could call to stay with her for the rest of the night, Gregor had been the first person she'd thought of. It was only after she'd called him that she remembered that she had Gabriel's number in her phone. Why hadn't she called him? She'd known him a lot longer than Gregor.

  She left things as they were because despite how big and dangerous Gregor appeared; he made her feel safe. She didn't get the same feeling from Gabriel and never had. Despite the years between them there was something about him that made her reluctant to be alone with him in her home.

  "Ma'am, is your friend on his way?" The police officer who'd suggested she call someone came to stand in front of her.

  "Yes, he should be here any minute now."

  "Would you like me to wait with you until he gets here?" The police officer had kind eyes, but as nice as he was, she wanted him and the rest of the police out of her home.

  Their presence reminded her too much of another time when she'd spoken to a policeman with kind eyes. The one in front of her was like the one who’d told her that her husband was dead and her entire world had come crashing down around her. The sooner they left, the sooner the memories they invoked would go with them.

  "That's unnecessary. Like I said, he'll be here in a few minutes." She wasn’t sure if that was entirely true, since she didn’t know where Gregor lived, but he’d made it sound like he would be here in no time when she spoke to him on the phone.

  "Okay, I don't think whoever did this will be back, but call us if anything suspicious happens." The policemen took their leave, and she was in her shop alone. She supposed she could go upstairs to wait for Gregor, but she had told him to come in via the shop door, so she stayed put.

  She hugged her arms around her waist while she waited. It was so quiet in the shop that every little sound of the building settling around her made her jump.

  A shadow loomed in front of the glass door of her shop, and she gasped as her hand went up to her throat. Gregor had arrived, and he tapped on the glass.

  Elle rushed to the door and with a trembling hand she reached out to twist the deadbolt and unlocked the door. She pulled it open and for the first time since she’d discovered that someone had broken into her place she felt safe.

  Gregor strode through the door, and he looked so much bigger than he'd seemed the night before. Maybe it was the black leather jacket that did it, maybe it was the way he was towering over her with a fierce look on his face. Whatever it was, he looked huge and imposing and she wasn't the least bit frightened of him. This was why she'd called him. If the cowards who'd broken in here came back, there was no way there were making it past the man standing in front of her.

  "Are you hurt?" His voice was a dark growl as he reached out to put his hands on her arms. Despite the dark look on his face, his touch was gentle. She longed to throw herself into his arms, but held herself back. Calling him here was one thing, but she couldn’t throw herself at him. She had to stay strong.

  "No, I'm not hurt." At least not physically. She felt a little broken inside because someone had violated the sanctity of her home. But fortunately she'd slept through the break in and had not interrupted whoever it was while they were here. She shivered and wrapped her arms tight around her stomach again.

  "Then why are you holding your stomach? If you’re hurt, you must tell me, Elle." His scowl deepened, and there was concern for her lurking in his gray eyes.

  It sent a small thrill through her, similar to the one that had gone through her when she'd found his phone number. She pushed it away ruthlessly. Now was not the time for this, and she wondered if there would ever be a time for them. Whether or not he was the reason someone had broken in, she'd only just met him and she had already had contact with the police. Violence had brought him into her life, and a man that attracted that into his life was not the man she wanted to be involved with. Violence had taken too much from her already for her to willingly let it back into her life.

  "My stomach is fine." She forced her arms to relax and dropped them down to her side. "Please come up to my apartment and I'll explain why I've called you here."

  She'd spent most of the night inside the shop with the police, and she didn’t think she could stand to be in here for a second more. Now that Gregor was here, the numbness that had protected her for most of the night was wearing off. She didn’t want to be standing in the middle of the shop when the fear and devastation she pushed down inside her broke through.

  She turned to go toward the door to her apartment and noticed that he was not moving behind her. She turned her head to look at him. He appeared to be listening as if he thought there was something going on upstairs.

  “What is waiting for me up there?” There was an edge of suspicion in his voice and the scowl had yet to clear from his face.

  What kind of life was he living that this would be his first thought upon being asked to come up to her apartment? What did he think would happen up there?

  “There is nothing waiting up there for you. It’s just my apartment, the same one you were in last night. You know, the one you were in when I tended to your wound?” Perhaps he needed to be reminded of that. She didn’t want to come out and tell him this, but she had helped him and now she needed him. But did she really want him here? How could he think she would aid him one night and pose a threat to him the next? She reached up and rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. “You know what, forget it. Just go.”

  She turned back to go toward the apartment door and heard his steps behind her. She meant it when she’d told him to go. It wasn’t some trick to get him to follow her. His hand came down on her arm and he stopped her forward movement.

  “Tell me what’s wrong. You called me upset, saying you needed me. I’m here. Why?” He gently turned her toward him and cupped her face. God, she could maintain her resolve to let him leave, but not if he was touching her. She was so confused by the push and pull of the emotions inside her. She knew she would have been wiser not to call him at all, that he was not the man she needed in her life. But he made her feel safe, and a part of her longed for him.

  She let her face rest against his large palm and she closed her eyes for a moment.

  “Someone broke in.” She pushed her lips together to keep them from trembling. She would not fall apart over this. “While I was asleep. A noise woke me up, and when I came downstairs to investigate, some books by my back door were knocked over and the door unlocked. I called the police and when they got here, I called you.”

  “You investigated a strange noise without calling the police first? Don’t you know what could have happened to you if they’d still been here?”

  This was not going as she’d envisioned it. She thought his face would show concern for her and he might offer her comfort. But he appeared to be getting angry with her, and all because she hadn’t jumped on the phone to call the police as soon as a noise had woken her up.

  “If I called the police every time I heard a strange noise in this place, they’d be here all the time. I didn’t know there was anyone here until I came downstairs. If I had known, I would have called the police. And yes, I’m fully aware of what can happen when someone is in the wrong place at the wrong time, believe me I know.” Ian had been in the
wrong place at the wrong time and he had paid with his life. She pulled away from Gregor and folded her arms across her chest. She knew he didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of her anger, but unfortunately she couldn’t spend it on the people who deserved it, namely the ones who’d broken in to her apartment.

  “I’m sorry I came on so strong. I didn’t like the thought of you risking getting hurt, and I overreacted.” He took a deep breath and erased the scowl from his face. Elle did her best to swallow down her anger since it would not get them anywhere. “Do the police know who did it?”

  “No. There have been a rash of burglaries in the area, so maybe it was my turn.” That was what she hoped it was.

  “Was anything taken?”

  “Not that that I can tell. Frankly, I haven’t processed it all, so if they took something, I haven’t noticed it yet.” That was if their intent was on robbery. Elle bit her bottom lip and turned to go up to her apartment. Gregor’s hand came to rest on the small of her back, and he went with her up the stairs to her apartment.

  She walked in the open doorway and turned on the light. This was the first she’d been there since the police had come up to look for evidence. The apartment looked much the same as it always did, but the feel of it was different. She felt open and exposed here now. This wasn’t a place of safety anymore. The emotion she’d been fighting so hard to hold at bay made her tremble.

  “I don’t understand. Why would someone do this?” Elle’s voice broke as her throat clogged with tears. She reached up to put her face in her hands when strong masculine hands gently took hold of her. Gregor turned her and pulled her to him. She put her arms around his waist, buried her face in his chest and sobbed out all the fear, anger and loss she’d been feeling from the moment she discovered that someone with ill intent had been in her home.


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