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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 10

by Suzy Shearer

  “That’s good news. I’m sorry things worked out the way they did. I had a feeling sneaking over there wouldn’t turn out well. Anyway, as long as you’re okay. I’ve discussed your fee with Erica and come to an agreement.”

  “Oh hell, I’d forgotten all about that.”

  Ian laughed. “Well, it’s sorted out.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, it’s me who should be thanking you. I really can’t believe after all that’s happened that you’re posing.”

  She gave a silly laugh.

  “Neither can I.”

  “Well, I won’t keep you. Just wanted to let you know the fee’s organised and to make sure you were okay.”

  “Thanks, Ian. I appreciate it.”



  Isabella hung up and realised she’d completely forgotten this was a paying job. She rang Erica.

  “Hi, it’s me.”

  “Hi, me. So tell me all.”

  “It was okay.”

  “What’s this I hear about Gabriel going all caveman?” Erica asked, a note of intrigue in her voice.

  Isabella groaned. “Oh no, not you too! Who else knows?”

  “Nobody, just the four of us. So tell all. Did he really put you over his knee and spank you then kiss you?”

  “Is that what Ian told you?” Isabella asked warily, hoping that nothing else had come out.

  “Yes. Do you mean there’s more?”

  In a panic she quickly said, “No. No! That was enough.”

  Isabella sent a prayer of thanks heavenward that Gabriel hadn’t told anyone about her asking him to hit her harder.

  “So he did smack?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  Erica could barely contain her laughter as she said, “So what was it like?”


  “Him taking charge and giving you a spanking for sneaking in.”

  “No comment.”

  Erica’s laughter got stronger as she asked, “What about the other?”

  “Other?” Isabella wondered what Erica meant, surely she didn’t know anything else.

  “Being kissed, silly.”

  Relieved, Isabella said, “Don’t ask.”

  “Come on, Issie, spill. Was it all sloppy, was it delicious, or did he just do the press and lip twist?”

  “Eww. That’s gross.”

  “Ah, so it was more memorable.”

  “I refuse to answer.”

  “Aw, come on, Issie. Spill the beans.”


  Triumphantly Erica crowed, “You enjoyed it!”

  Isabella remembered the way his lips had crushed against hers. She recalled how forceful he’d been when he’d taken what he wanted. She ran a finger along her lips as if she could still feel the imprint.

  “Earth to Issie. Hello?”


  “Gee, it must have been out of this world if you drift off to dreamland when you remember it.”

  “Can we change the subject please?” she begged.

  “Why? Come on, Issie. If you like the guy and he likes you enough to kiss you, what on earth is the problem?”

  Angrily she retorted, “For heaven’s sake, Erica. I’m working with him, not sleeping with him!”

  “Okay, okay. Calm down. Keep your knickers on. All the same, Isabella, if an attractive man likes you and you like him you should take a chance. You’re not nineteen any more, you’re smart enough to see through any bullshit. I say go for it.”

  “I won’t be going for it,” Isabella said angrily with real emphasis. “Let’s just say we aren’t compatible.”

  Erica’s snort stung because they both knew Isabella was lying.

  “Have it your way, sweetie, but I think you’re nuts.”

  Changing the subject quickly before Erica could say any more, Isabella said, “Ian told me he’s arranged my fee.”

  “Yep. I made him pay extra because they made you come out of retirement.”

  “Oh, Erica!”

  “Well, you did and you deserve extra. Anyway, I calculated what you used to get and converted it to today’s rates. Did you know you were the highest paid model back then?”

  “I knew.”

  “I’d forgotten. Well, then I added twenty percent so you will get a lovely cheque. Hope you’re keeping a time sheet?”

  “I was there from nine-thirty till one-fifteen modelling yesterday. I’ll be there again on Wednesday.”

  “Great. I told Ian Gabriel can pay weekly so I’ll send Ian an invoice every Friday afternoon and he’ll pay Monday mornings.”

  “Thanks, Erica.”

  “You still okay for dinner on Saturday?”

  “Is that the auction for Britt Collins?”

  “Yep. There’s been a lot of interest in the figure you did. I think we’ll get top pound.”

  “I hope so. Britt’s a wonderful woman, I just hope we raise enough to convert her house.”

  “I think we’ll reach the target easily.”

  Britt had been the best of the up and coming models but had been hit by an unlicensed drunken driver when crossing a street. He had been driving an unregistered car and Britt was left to pay for her enormous medical bills. She was a lovely woman who was well liked in the art community. Before the accident she had been a mentor to younger models and donated time to help out with the homeless community. She’d ended up a paraplegic and the art world was behind trying to get enough funds to help her.

  “I’m glad, Erica. Want me to swing past and pick you up on the way? You can get dressed in my hotel room if you like.”

  “Actually, I promised Ian I’d go with him. He and Gabriel have tickets and they are picking me up.”

  “Oh. So you’ve been seeing Ian?” Isabella asked. Erica normally didn’t take anyone to events so this must be serious.

  “Yes, had lunch with him the other day then he took me to dinner. He’s really nice, I like him.”

  “Wow, that’s great. You deserve someone nice. Anyway, I’d better get going. I want to look at the photos I took.”

  “Okay. Remember Britt, Issie. You should grab whatever happiness you can because you sure as hell don’t know what tomorrow’s going to throw at you.”


  “Bye. See you Saturday.”

  Isabella hung up in a sombre mood. She knew Erica was right. No-one knew what their tomorrows would be. All the same, she couldn’t risk Gabriel ever knowing her secrets. She couldn’t face rejection, couldn’t face the disgust, especially from him. Especially knowing how much she wanted him.

  On Wednesday Isabella was surprised at how well they worked together. He was still working out poses and Isabella found herself suggesting ones or dropping into poses that she felt he may like. It surprised her how easily she dropped back into the model persona. It was as if the years just disappeared. The time sped past. She stopped every thirty minutes and stretched out her muscle stiffness. Gratefully she used her yoga to work out the tension in her body. A couple of times she noticed Gabriel watching her intensely but actually she didn’t mind.

  She worked with him again on Thursday. It was a rather cold day but Gabriel had set a heater quite close to the chaise as well as having the heating in the studio switched on so she kept warm and toasty. Isabella found her muscles a little tight but the yoga was certainly helping. Gabriel focused on her body shape, getting her to lie or stand in various positions as he tried to decide on three poses. She discovered that once he began concentrating on work he seemed to go into another world. Isabella had worked with many artists over the years and she always found those that got absorbed in the moment were the ones whose work always turned out the best.

  She quickly realised that if she didn’t take breaks when she needed them Gabriel would completely forget to give her any. It didn’t take long for the two of them to slip into a routine.

  More than anything she found herself wishing he would make a pass at her but he never did. S
he realised he’d spoken the truth when he said he would only ever paint her unless she wanted more. But she found it increasingly difficult to hide her arousal from him whenever he wanted her posed with her arms or legs tied. In fact, she was sure it was obvious to him. She’d be a fool to think he didn’t notice but he respected his promise enough to never mention it. Isabella began to think she spent all her time with her libido screaming at her to do something about it.

  She heard Gabriel speak, pulling her back from her visualising him smacking her again.

  “I think from all these sketches I’ve got down three poses I really like.”

  Gabriel had just roughly sketched a pose on one of the large canvases he’d prepared earlier. He stared at it as he spoke and Isabella got to her feet, pulling on her kimono.

  “May I?”

  She gestured to the canvas when he turned to her.


  Isabella joined him, looking at the strokes of charcoal swirling across the large white surface. It pleased her to know he wasn’t one of those artists who refused to let anyone see their work in progress. On the canvas she could see an outline of a woman amongst the heavy strokes.

  “I’m liking this half-sitting pose. Think I’ll work on it first. If you could, can you come in on Monday? I’d like to get some shape and colour around this so I don’t need you until then.”

  “Monday? Yes, I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks. I’ll want to get some sketches with your hair out too if you don’t mind.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Isabella walked into the cold change room and quickly dressed. When she came out Gabriel was staring at the empty chaise. He gave her a cute smile when she appeared and it made her stomach leap.

  “Thank you, Issie. I really appreciate all the work you’ve done.”

  “Well, you are paying me.”

  “True, but I do thank you.”

  He walked her out to her car.

  “Damn cold out here, I hope you weren’t cold inside?” he said, concern in his voice.

  “No, it was lovely and warm.”

  They’d reached her car and he opened the door for her.


  She slid past him, his smell reaching her nose and twisting her tummy. As she moved by he reached out and brushed a few stray hairs from her cheek. She drew in a breath and felt herself redden. Just his light touch was enough to make her fly into orbit. She looked up at him, his eyes softened as they focused on her lips. He bent his head toward her and she was sure he was going to kiss her when he gave himself a shake and stood up suddenly.

  “You’d better go before I break my promise.”


  She quickly slid into the car, feeling a surge of disappointment. Gabriel shut the door and stepped back as she turned on the car and reversed out. He lifted a hand in farewell as she drove off down the gravelled drive and out onto the road.

  Chapter Ten

  Once again Isabella booked a room for the night of the auction rather than spend two hours driving home late at night. The auction was being held in one of the larger prestigious hotels in the city and she’d managed to book a suite in the same hotel. The who’s who of the art world would be there but all Isabella cared about was showing Gabriel she could look pretty when dressed. She knew she was being silly wanting to impress him but she couldn’t help it.

  She and Erica had gone dress shopping a few weeks back. The event was black tie and she’d wanted something new to wear. She was really glad now that she’d found something so stunning. Searching through stores, Isabella had finally found The Dress.

  It was an aqua green one shoulder chiffon dress. The one shoulder was beaded and ruched to a sash under the bust with more beading. The flowing skirt fell to the ground. Erica had told her she looked amazing in it with her auburn hair, so she’d bought it.

  Pulling her naturally wavy hair back from her face, she secured it on one side with a beaded clasp similar to the beading on her dress. Her hair fell almost to her waist in a cascade of auburn curls. Next she painted her face. Using a smoky shadow she highlighted her eyes above and below then smoothed on a classic red twenty-four hour lipstick. Finally she sprayed herself with Cartier’s Baser Vole. Normally she wore a lighter perfume but tonight she wanted the sexy, sensual smell of Baser Vole to envelop her. Isabella refused to examine her feelings but in truth she wanted to knock the socks off Gabriel.

  Going into the bedroom, she let the gown drift over her head and slid the side zip closed. Fortunately the dress had a built in bra so Isabella didn’t have to have the torture of wearing a strapless one. She put on a pair of strappy silver diamante sandals with a stiletto heel. Moving to stand in front of the full-length mirror, she gave a smile of delight and spun around, watching the way the layers of the chiffon skirt spread out like ripples on a pond.

  She blew herself a kiss. She looked super-hot!

  The auction was due to start at nine but there was a meal first. The organisers expected that diners be seated by six so Isabella picked up her silver clutch and headed for the elevator. Taking the lift down to the first floor, she walked past the entrance to the indoor garden alongside the room where the auction and meal was to be held.

  As she walked into the banquet room she scanned the faces, looking for someone she knew. Erica had arranged a table with Isabella and a few of their friends at it. She wondered what Erica was going to do now she had come with Ian.

  “Ah, my beautiful and talented Issie” a voice behind her murmured. Turning, Isabella found Jake and his entourage. Air-kissing her, he held both her hands and took a step back.

  “Well, aren’t you the vision of loveliness tonight. Who are you out to impress?”

  “Oh, Jake, it’s all for you.”

  He gave her a smirky grin.

  “If I knew that was true I might even change sides for you.”

  They both laughed and Jake kissed her cheek, squeezed her hands, and moved on. Through the crowds she saw a gallery owner she knew with her husband and made her way through the sea of people to them. They stood chatting for a few minutes until someone asked over the loud speaker if everyone would make their way to their tables.

  Five chaotic minutes later Isabella finally found her table. The crowd at the table plan had been too deep so she’d been wandering around scanning tables for her or Erica’s name. She was about to sit down when she heard Erica’s voice. Turning around, she saw her bearing down with Ian on one side. A few paces behind was Gabriel. The crowd around parted for a moment. It meant Gabriel had a full view of her.

  She noticed he staggered a little then recovered. He stopped in front of her, his eyes roaming across her body.

  “You look…” He shook his head and shrugged. “Breathtaking.”

  “Thank you.”

  They stood, just staring at each other until Erica cleared her throat.

  “Hi, Issie, you look amazing.”

  Reluctantly Isabella turned to her friend and exchanged kisses.

  “Hello, Isabella. You look stunning.” Ian gave her a cheeky grin.

  “Thanks, Ian.”

  She looked back at Gabriel. He looked so handsome in his black tux with his hair pulled neatly into a bun. The silence between them was broken by an announcement reminding people they needed to be seated. Ian kissed Erica’s cheek and moved away, dragging Gabriel with him. Erica pointed to the table.

  “I don’t suppose you’d like to swap seats. You could sit with Gabriel while I sit with Ian.”

  “No!” Isabella answered with a rush.

  “Oh well, it doesn’t matter. They’re at the next table anyway.”

  Isabella looked across and saw that both men had sat down. When she sat she realised she had a view of the side of Gabriel’s head. He turned and their eyes met. Flustered, she dropped her eyes to the table and began fiddling with her place card. She didn’t realise she’d torn it until Erica’s hand covered hers. Looking down, she discovered she had a
pile of tiny strips where her place card should be.

  Somehow she managed to get through the meal but the whole time she was conscious of Gabriel. Whenever she risked a glance his way it seemed his eyes were on her. She knew she was a lousy companion, Erica had to keep repeating things to her. At last the tables were cleared and the coffee served.

  Each guest had a numbered fan to use in the auction as well as a catalogue of works being offered. Isabella had been delighted to see one by Archangel. It was of a male nude standing. He held a rope loosely in his hand. To Isabella it looked as if he was going to tie it around a woman. The figure was slightly contorted, it attracted her not only because she now knew it was Gabriel’s work but because of the colours and the assertive brush strokes. There was a sensuality about it that called to her. It would look amazing on the wall of her bedroom.

  “Erica, will you do me a favour please?” she whispered.

  “Sure, what?”

  “Will you bid on lot twenty-three for me?”

  “Why? You can bid yourself.”

  “No. Don’t ask me why. I just don’t want to do it myself.”

  “Okay. How much?”

  “I don’t care. I just want it.”

  “You know, sometimes you’re really weird and kinky.” Isabella knew she looked startled as Erica rushed on, “But in a nice way.”

  Erica flipped through the pages of the catalogue.

  “Your piece is second last, number twenty-nine, I wonder how it will go. I spoke to the organisers and they told me there’s been a lot of interest in it.”

  “Well, as long as we reach the two hundred and fifty thousand pound overall target I’ll be happy with however much it goes for.”

  The bidding began.

  Isabella was really pleased at how much people were willing to pay for such a good cause. A few of the items up for auction had gone into the tens of thousands. Erica had been scribbling on the back of her place card, keeping a running tally. They were coming up to lot twenty-three when Isabella nudged her.

  “This is the piece I want.”

  “Okay. I’ll try to get it for you. How much do you want to go up to?”

  Isabella did a quick calculation in her head.


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