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Lily: Captive to the Dark

Page 12

by Alaska Angelini

  “You’re going to fucking pay for that, cunt.” Tugging against my pants had me throwing all my weight to rock him off. Still, I screamed, but I hardly noticed. Flashbacks of my multiple rapes left my sanity shattering into a million pieces.

  “You like it rough, huh? So do I. Keep this up and we should have a good ol’ time.”

  “No. God. Fuck!’ Muscles tore in my stomach as I repeatedly tried to jerk to my side so I could squeeze out from under him. I knew moves to help defend myself while lying down, but none for being on my stomach. I felt helpless and I couldn’t stand it.

  Stomping grew closer, but I was too focused to look up.

  “What the hell are you doing? Get up!”

  The heavy sounds grew closer and the resistance against my back eased. Cool air brushed my thighs and I sobbed at realizing how close I was to getting raped all over again. Would he continue?

  “The bitch shot my arm. She deserves to pay.”

  “Is that a fucking phone?” I looked up for the first time, right into a face that looked extremely familiar. My mind spun as I tried to place him.

  “What?” The guy covering me shifted just as the other reached down to my side, grabbing the cell. Slade’s yells broke through for the first time, but they didn’t last. The phone was shut and the evil shining through the man’s eyes nearly took my breath away. I knew those eyes. I knew that face.

  “Bind and gag her. We’re out of here.”

  Chapter 15


  “Fuck! No.” I shook my head, refusing to believe it. “How could we have not picked up her location, Brace? Five minutes and thirty-four seconds,” I said, shoving my phone toward him. That was damn near ten minutes ago. “How?”

  “I don’t know, boss. I’ve never had problems like this before.” The sadness mixed into his features had me calming. I knew how upset Brace was at not following Lily when she left the restaurant. He’d apologized a million times.

  My hand rose. “We’ll find her. We’ll just have to—”

  The phone ringing had me scrambling to turn it the right way so I could accept the call. “Blake.” A deep breath left me as I hit the button, bringing it to my ear.

  “I just talked to my sister. Tell me you found something while you were out.”

  “Well, I have a location, if that’s what you want to know.”

  Time stopped as I stared at Brace. “You know where Lily is?”

  “Unfortunately, for you, when I accepted your proposal to help your sister, I also secretly stole access to all your devices. I hear and see every conversation that plays out on your cell, your wife’s, not to mention, your laptops and computers. I say unfortunately, because you probably didn’t want me overhearing your private conversations with Mary, but, the good news is, it paid off.”

  Anger was there, but only a speck to the excitement I felt at the breach of my privacy. It couldn’t have happened at a better time.

  “I don’t care what you heard or saw. Where’s my sister?”

  “Oregon. I’m about to head out there now.”

  “I’ll meet you somewhere. I’m coming.”

  A soft laugh came over the line. “That’s not how it works, Mr. Roberts. I work alone when it comes to this part. I just thought I’d let you know. Besides, they’re already gone.”

  My heart sank. “Gone? How do you know?”

  “I know how these men work. They’ll run. The question that bothers me is why she’s still alive. If she hasn’t been sold, she’s not dead, and they’re not asking for ransom…what do they want from her?”

  I got quiet, letting everything sink in. “Revenge.”

  “Bingo. I think so, too. But against who, Mr. Roberts? Maybe that’s the question we should focus on. Who gains to lose the most by Lily being hurt? You? The one who loves her, Zain? Or are they hurting her because of what she did so long ago?”

  I grabbed the back of the desk chair and gripped tightly. “If they were looking to hurt me, they’d have taken Mary. Or at least attempted. It has to be either her or Zain.”

  “I guess we’ll see before it’s over with. What we truthfully need is more information from Zain. You might not like him, Mr. Roberts, but I think he’s a victim in all of this just as much as your sister is. I’ve gone over his information with Agent Sullivan. The world he was forced into might be a mystery, but I know that side of life. His upbringing had to have been hell, especially for a child who had no say. He was forced to become something he obviously didn’t want. I mean, he’s trying his best to get out now. That says something. Besides, if you ask me, Lily loves him.”

  God, she did. What the hell was I supposed to do about that? Zain…I hated him, yet I couldn’t stop part of myself for liking him for some reason. It had been like that from the moment we met.

  “I’ll get more information. It’ll give me something to do. I’m losing my mind just waiting.” Plus, Lily would want me to inform him she was alive. “Call me when you learn something. I’m headed to the hospital.”

  “Will do, Mr. Roberts.”

  “Slade,” I corrected. “Mr. Roberts was my father and I couldn’t stand the bastard. Talk to you later.”

  I hung up and headed to the living room. Mary was lying on the couch, asleep. My head shook as I knelt down, pressing my lips to her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered opened and I brushed back the blonde strands that fell over her eyes.

  “I have to go to the hospital. You okay? You need me to get you anything while I’m out?”

  A groan came from her as she rolled to her back. “More crackers. I’m almost out.”

  The frown couldn’t be hidden. Who knew pregnancy was so hard? My Mary used to be so full of life. Now, all she wanted to do was sleep. If she wasn’t sleeping, she was sick.

  “Crackers. Got it. Anything else?” My fingers continued to brush back her hair, content to just touch her. Green eyes radiated as a smile came to her face.

  “I could think of a few things I wouldn’t mind having. Maybe tonight you can give them to me?”

  Dammit. Fuck tonight, I wanted her now, but I knew she didn’t feel better until later in the evening. “I’ll give you whatever it is you want.” My touch traced down until I had my hand grasping her face, gently. “But you’re going to beg for it, aren’t you?”

  She moaned and separated her lips. “Yes…Master.”

  My lips pushed into hers. I couldn’t control myself when she called me that.

  Tonight,” I breathed out. “Right now, I have to go check on Zain. I won’t forget your crackers.”

  With one last kiss, I stood and made my way to the door. Brace was quickly behind me. The other men were standing by the front door when I shut it behind me.

  “Caleb and Terrance, guard my wife. She’s not to go anywhere and neither are you. I want you here at all times. Marcio, Brace, you’re with me.

  The elevator dinged and I turned, confused. Gaige stepped out, looking just as surprised as me.

  “Perfect timing,” he said, placing his hand out to stop the door from closing.

  “I’d say. Excellent, you showing up like this. We’re headed to the hospital. You can get us in again. My sister called and I need to check on Zain.”

  He nodded. “Thought you might be going there. Blake called me when he first got a trace and I was only a few blocks over. I thought I’d come check on things. Let’s head out. You can ride with me.”

  We crowded into the elevator and my eyes widened as Gaige pulled out his gun and put a bullet in the chamber. My men instantly reached for their own weapons. I could feel their confusion as if it were my own.

  “You planning on using that?”

  Gaige’s eyes cut up to mine. “Not on you. I don’t trust our boy’s father. He came into the country with five men. One being his other son, and four who I assume are his guards, two of which are flagged in our system. They’re bad news. I don’t trust that he’ll let us get Zain alone again. I’ll push my weight around, but without direct orde
rs, I can’t make him allow us in. Not this time.”

  “You don’t expect a shootout in the hospital, do you? I mean, that’s just…stupid,” I said, watching the light in the elevator travel down the numbers.

  “Inside? No. Before we get up there or after…you never know. I’ve seen some pretty crazy shit in my time. I wasn’t always FBI, Mr. Roberts. I’ve been undercover really deep before. You couldn’t imagine the lengths some people will go to keep their deepest, darkest secrets buried. And Amir Amari’s go about as deep as you could possibly comprehend. He makes Governor Hagen and Julian Brighton’s operation look like child’s play.”

  Sweat began to coat my skin as I tried not to think about my sister possibly being in their hands. If the father had been behind her disappearance, was he planning on killing her? Fuck, it was a scary thought, but I couldn’t stop feeling like something was off.

  “Lily said the men she killed were amateurs. That doesn’t sound like a risk Mr. Amari would take.”

  Gaige looked over, his eyes narrowing. “You might be right, but he’s not from here. Maybe he had unknown sources take Lily until he could get his hands on her. It happens.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  It made sense. Maybe I just didn’t want to imagine her in that sort of danger. If Amir got his hands on my sister, I was almost certain we’d never get her back. Not alive, anyway.

  The doors opened and we walked through the parking garage, getting into Gaige’s SUV. The ride to the hospital consisted of small talk between the men. Mostly about weapons and military experiences. I stayed in my own little world, wondering what Blake would find when he arrived at the place where Lily had stayed. Would she still be there or was he right about them leaving? If they did, where did they go? Out of the country?

  The SUV came to a stop and I blinked past the fears.

  “Okay.” Gaige unbuckled. “Let’s do this. Men, keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious.”

  The walk into the hospital was a blur as my thoughts were consumed by Zain and trying to stay alert. What in the hell was I supposed to do? Take him under my wing? Protect him, all the while plotting out his family’s demise? Kill him, myself? I almost groaned out loud. I couldn’t do that to Lily. Fuck, she loved him. How had I missed all of this these last three years?

  The elevator dinged and I stayed quiet as Gaige talked his way in. I could see their hesitation, but one flash of the badge and they allowed us through. As we approached the room, a man was standing outside. His watchful eyes were narrowed and he stepped in our path as Gaige took the front.

  “Agent Sullivan to see Mr. Cook. You need to step out of the way.”

  “Zain isn’t seeing anyone.” The Arabic accent was thick as he stood his ground.

  Gaige shot me a glance. “I’m sorry, are you family?”

  “Cousin,” he said, proudly.

  “Ah, well, move before I arrest you for tampering with an investigation.”

  Barely existent words broke through and I narrowed my eyes, listening.

  “Give me your word,” Zain ground out. “You swear you didn’t have anything to do with it?”

  A phrase in Arabic sounded. I didn’t have to speak the language to assume it was some sort of curse.

  “Would I lie to you about something like that? I know nothing of a girl. If you were told she was taken, it wasn’t by me.”

  The young man shifted and stayed grounded for a few seconds before reaching back and knocking hard. Gaige pushed past and slung open the door. Mr. Amari stood from the chair as we all walked inside. Zain looked at us nervously, but it wasn’t from fear, more like anticipation.

  “We’re going to have to ask you to leave us for a few minutes. We have more questions for your son.”

  He stood, putting himself between us and Gaige. “May I see your badge?”

  Gaige flashed it and moved in closer so he could see. I held my breath, waiting for him to ask for ours. “This shouldn’t take long. We’re wrapping things up and should be gone shortly,” Gaige continued.

  The lack of threat had the man’s stiff shoulder’s relaxing. I could tell he was slightly distracted. His eyes kept darting to the door, as if he either wanted to leave or was waiting for someone. “I’ll be outside,” he mumbled.

  A nod was all Gaige gave as he stepped even closer to the bed. The moment the door shut, I walked over.

  “Have you found Lily?” he rushed out.

  I swallowed hard, feeling the anger surge. “No, but she called.”

  Zain pushed to sit, wincing a little. “What did she say? Is she alright?”

  My head shook. “I’m not sure. She killed two of the men who had her. I listened while at least two more showed up. She was fighting with one, but then the phone went dead.

  “Fuck,” he said, catching his breath. “No. Fuck.” The growl was followed by him throwing back the covers. “I’m out of here. I have to find her.” He pulled out the IV, using the blanket to apply pressure.

  “She had a message for you.”

  His distinct eyes shot to mine and he stilled. “What did she say?”

  While I studied him, I couldn’t denying how much raw pain he held. I could see it. Feel it. I looked over to Brace. “We may not have been able to track her, but we did record the conversation. I think you should hear for yourself.”

  I nodded at Brace, who took out a recorder and hit play.

  “I’m alive,” she said, rushed.

  Zain leaned in closer to the recorder as he listened. Every expression on his face, I caught. To deny what I knew would be a mistake, but letting this go was harder than I thought. His brow furrowed and something flashed behind his eyes at Lily being attacked. As I stared deep within his glare, I knew there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. Mostly…kill. That’s what worried me the most. This man was dangerous.

  “You’re going to fucking pay for that, cunt.”

  Zain’s fist clenched, the rage ramping up through the posture of his body. But within all of that, I spotted control. His breaths were steady. He wasn’t acting out or doing something rash. He was studying, deciphering every single sound he heard. And just like with Blake, I felt a confidence toward Zain. God, he did love her. A lot. And even if there was a killer within him, there was also a protector. He’d tried that night. Enough to almost die for it.

  The room remained silent as the yelling came to a stop. My arms crossed over my chest as I watched Zain continue to stare at the recorder. Whatever he was thinking, I knew it wasn’t good for whoever took her.

  “How well are you? It’s been, what, thirteen days? What have the doctors said?”

  His eyes broke away and moved over to mine. “I’m not critical anymore. They were putting me in a regular room this afternoon. I’m good. I want to leave. Will you take me with you?”

  “What about your father?”

  His stare left mine and went to Gaige’s, only to return. Words were useless when the murder was so clearly behind his gaze. “I’ll deal with him,” he said, lowly.

  Gaige reached inside his jacket, pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and handed them to me. “I’m going to go outside the room and take care of the discharge. Put him in cuffs and help him out. Have your men guard your sides at all time. I’ll have your back and explain everything to his family.”

  Zain pulled all of the wires free from his chest and stood. He was a little wobbly, but held the bed for support.

  “Is that your clothing over there?” I pointed toward the small table across the room.

  “Yeah, Amir had them brought over. Can you get them for me?”

  I grabbed the bag and pulled out a pair of what looked like black jogging pants, a black T-shirt, and a pair of running shoes. My eyebrows drew in. Every time I saw the guy, he was wearing all black, whether it was a suit or regular clothes.

  Gaige waited until Zain was dressed and eased out of the door. I opened the handcuffs. “Hands in front.”

  A look of uneasiness came ov
er him. “You fucking try to kill me when we get out of here,” he said, looking up at me, “I swear, you’ll pay. I don’t trust anyone and to let you do this—”

  “Enough,” I growled, locking one side on his wrist. “If I wanted you dead, you’d already be six feet in the ground. Now, lift your other arm and let’s get the hell out of here.”


  My arm linked through his and I took on some of his weight as we headed for the door. It opened just as Brace reached for the knob.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Amir stepped back as we kept walking. “Hey, I asked a question.” He hurried to Gaige, who was scribbling across a piece of paper at the nurse’s station. “Why are you taking my son?”

  Gaige turned to face him, towering over the man. “Protective custody, sir. Surely you can understand that. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “But…” Amir followed. “I’m taking him home,” he said, his voice booming.

  We all stopped and Zain kept his voice low. “Calm. I’ll see you soon.”

  “No.” Amir and the cousin walked forward. “There’s something you’re not telling me. FBI? I may not be an American citizen, but I know a simple shooting doesn’t bring in a department like theirs. What’s going on, Zain?”

  “Nothing you need to concern yourself over, Father.”

  As they kept eye contact, the tension between them grew so thick, I couldn’t begin to process what was going through either of their minds. Secrets always had a way of getting out. Was Amir afraid his were going to become exposed with Zain out of his reach?

  “If you say so.” Amir gestured his head to the cousin and they took off walking at a fast pace. As we followed behind, I took my time letting my mind run. Amir was trouble and I knew Zain planned to put a stop to it. But he wasn’t in any condition to do that yet. At least, not alone.

  I promised Mary long ago that I would stay out of trouble, but Zain coming into our lives changed things. My sister loved him. I may not have been able to protect her, but I’d be damned if I was going to drop the ball concerning him.


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