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Lily: Captive to the Dark

Page 19

by Alaska Angelini

  “May I have her number, Agent Sullivan? I think I’d like to speak to your wife.”

  A smile came to his face and he pulled out a business card, scribbling on the back. “You can call her anytime. She’d be happy to be of assistance.” He stood. “Anyway, I should be going. There were some people found murdered not too far away. We have reason to believe they were tied to the cartel trafficking in this area, too. It was probably them.” He winked at me and my lips separated in surprise. Holy shit. He was going to make sure we walked away from this without any problems. Tears came to my eyes and I stood as he did.

  “Thank you so much. I won’t forget this.”

  He smiled, leading me back to the men. “I have to get going. Keep in touch. If any of you ever need anything, you have my number.”

  Slade shook his hand and walked him to the door. The moment it closed, I took a deep breath. “He’s covering for us. Dear God. I can’t believe this. Why would he do that?”

  Zain patted the chair and I didn’t hesitate to step up to the barstool.

  “Your brother has amazing connections,” he said, pushing a plate of fruit in my direction. “We’ll talk about that later, though. Time to eat. We have a helicopter to catch.”

  The bright color of his eyes darkened and my breath hitched in my throat. Even after everything we’d been through, me being taken, him killing his father…my Master was still present behind the exterior. And so composed. How was he, really?

  “Are you packed?”

  I bit into a strawberry, hesitating as his stare zeroed in on my mouth. Slowly, I brought the end down and placed it on the plate. It was almost impossible to swallow. “Yes, I took care of it last night. Marcio already has my bags. What about you? Can you get into your apartment yet?”

  He nodded. “I actually called the police station earlier this morning. We’re good concerning them, too. Now, you eat. I’ll just head to my place and pack some things. It shouldn’t take me long.”

  Slade came back through the front door and Zain kissed the top of my head as he walked in that direction. Though I knew he wanted to kiss my mouth before he left, the Master within him left my skin tingling. His behavior was in contrast to the way he was acting. The respect he had for my brother was evident.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to grab some clothes from my place real quick.”

  “Take Marcio with you as a precaution.”

  Neither men paused in walking while they spoke.

  “Got it.” Zain disappeared out the front door and my brother pulled out the stool next to mine and sat down. I popped his hand as he reached toward my plate, taking a grape.

  “You sure he’s the one you want? You’re still young. There’s plenty of time and men out there.”

  I spun on the stool to face him. “Men that would die for me? Men who would kill for me?” My head shook. “I love him, Slade.”

  His eyebrows drew in. “Why did you never say anything to me? Why not tell me about him? Did you really think I wouldn’t have understood?”

  “No. If I would have confessed something to that magnitude, we both know you would have freaked out at the mere thought. Even now, I can see how uncomfortable you are around him. You like him, but there’s something holding you back. So, what is it?”

  The sound of a door opening had both of us turning toward Mary as she exited their room.

  “I like Zain, don’t get me wrong. I just want what’s best for you. He loves you, that’s clear as day to me. But he’s not like most men, Lily. What if he can’t hold a job? The guy is a killer, not an accountant. He might not adjust well to this life. What happens to the two of you then?”

  My head lowered at his words. He had a point. “He’ll do fine,” I said, looking back up. “He’ll excel at anything he gets handed. That’s just who Zain is. If, for some reason, it doesn’t work out at Slade Industries, he and I will take it from there. Don’t worry yourself. We’re both adults. Let us handle it.”

  Slade stayed silent and stood as Mary approached. He turned, wrapping his arms around her and leading her to the seat he just stood from. Dark circles were prominent below her eyes and I nearly gasped at how weak she appeared. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. Their nearly silent conversation seemed to last minutes as I picked at my food. When he straightened, I gave her my attention.

  “Mary, you okay?”

  Her fingers weaved through her hair while she forced a smile. It was so badly done that she let it fall and replaced it with a frown. “I’m not going to lie, I feel like shit. I was up sick again last night. I’m exhausted, but I’m so tired of trying to sleep. I’m calling the doctor today. I can’t keep doing this.”

  For Mary to admit her true state, I knew it had to be bad. My eyes rose to Slade and I suddenly realized where the majority of his stress was coming from.

  “Just keep the fluids going. Don’t get dehydrated, it’ll make things worse. Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Sometimes those can make the sickness worse at first. At least, that’s what I…heard.” I slowed, catching myself. My hand reached for the glass of orange juice and I took a big drink. I hadn’t heard. It was my own personal experience. Zain had been so excited to bring me those prenatal vitamins, but when the sickness got worse, he cursed the day he got them. Fluid intake helped, but how sick I’d become made it hard to continue helping girls.

  “You keep talking with so much knowledge. Who have you known that’s pregnant? You stay in here most of the time.” Slade said, confused.

  I took another drink, slower this time. When I turned to him, I noticed Mary was staring at me inquisitively, too. My heart sank and pain filled my chest. How different our lives would be had I left Afghanistan pregnant. No…Zain would have never allowed that. He would have died trying to keep me.

  “A slave. I helped deliver her baby.”

  “Deliver…?” My brother’s eyes went wide as he stared at me.

  Grapes rolled on the plate as I pushed it away. “Yes, she was lucky. Not many of them made it past the first trimester with the beatings they received. Most were intentional. I think they called it population control. Anyway, it’s not important.”

  “Wait,” my brother said, narrowing his eyes. “You mean, they beat the slaves to abort the babies?”

  This was getting way too close to parts I didn’t feel comfortable talking about. I stood, placing the back part of the barstool in front of my chest. Whether it was to guard myself from the pain I’d lived, I wasn’t sure.

  “Yes. They did that quite often. There were a decent number of girls there.”

  “How many?” Mary’s hand shot up. “Forgive me. I’ve never wanted to pry. It shouldn’t start now. I’m sure you don’t want to relive this. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.”

  How many? Too many. “When I left there were nine amongst Zain’s three uncles and his father. They had multiple slaves. But the girls were never allowed to be together. They almost always got into trouble and that wasn’t good for anyone.”

  Mary’s fingers pressed over her lips. “Nine girls. Between four men?”

  “I thought Zain had four uncles and then there was the father?” Slade asked.

  “That’s right,” I agreed. “But one didn’t live there for long, and the other...well, he did, but Saul moved out. It’s a long, complicated story.”

  The two of them got quiet, only for Slade to shift his feet. “Maybe someday you can tell me everything that happened. When you’re ready. I’ve never asked, but I’d really like to know.” I could tell he was holding something back.

  “Maybe someday.” Even as I said it, I’d already taken a step back.

  “Lilian, I’m sorry, but I can’t help but ask. With all this talk of babies and knowing that things were far from great there…”

  Another step back.

  “Obviously you didn’t get pregnant or at least.” He paused. “I mean, did you? Or I guess what I’m trying to ask is—”

  “Slade,” Mary hissed, “you
can’t ask her that.”

  “Well, if she was pregnant and one of the fuckers did something, I have a right to know. She just seems to know too much.” He turned back to me. “Did they hurt you? Were you ever pregnant?”

  The door clicking closed had my eyes jerking to the doorway. I couldn’t contain my panic and it only grew as Zain walked forward with a surprised, yet hurt, expression on his face.

  “You told them without me?”

  My head shook and I wasn’t sure what he’d heard, but my Master’s presence and acknowledgement left my walls crumbling. It left the memories raw, real, as if I faced my loss all over again.

  “So, it’s true? Who?” Slade roared. “Start talking. This should have been something I knew when you returned. Lilian, I could have helped you. Or…Jesus.”

  My lips wouldn’t move. All I could do was hug myself tighter to fight the emptiness I felt every time I remembered. Sorrow overtook me as I watched a tear fall to the floor. Frustration mixed with sadness as he spun toward Zain. “You got her pregnant? Yes?”

  I looked up to see Zain press his lips together, his face turning hard as he came to my side. Instead of answering Slade immediately, he angled my face up and cupped my cheek. The strength I clung to within myself flickered and pain overtook the cold stature I wore like a life vest. More tears escaped while he lowered and placed his forehead against mine. “I’m here now. Shh. No more crying. Hold me.”

  As he spoke the words, I was already wrapping my arms around him. The barrier I’d made over my heart for protection against anymore hurt was gone, replaced with a wall of power I trusted more than my own. Zain pulled me directly in front of him and I let my chest merge with his. He wanted to protect me and I was upset enough to let him.

  “That’s right. I got Lily pregnant. It wasn’t planned, but it happened. We were…happy when we found out.”


  Slade lost some of his anger as Mary’s voice broke through. “You have no right,” she said, quietly. “I know you’re protective of your sister, but you’re crossing the line. Can you not see it hurts her to relive this pain? Let it go. If she wants to tell you when she’s ready, allow her that. She has Zain to protect her now. Look at them. Look at him. He’s doing that.”

  “I want to know who was responsible.” His tone was demanding, but a gentleness laced his words. “I have to know. Please. I feel like I don’t even know you anymore. You’re my sister, Lily. Your pain is mine. Just tell me what happened.”

  Zain’s arms tightened and I turned to face Slade.

  “I can’t.” I barely got the words out. That night had been the worst of all I could remember. The words that were spoken. The evil I’d seen come from behind his uncle’s eyes as his rage was unleashed on me and my unborn child was something I was sure I’d never recover from. Even now, I was trembling so badly I could barely stand.

  “My uncle, Saul. Lily was almost ten weeks when…” He paused. “I didn’t think Lilian was going to make it. She was unconscious and barely breathing when I found her. I wasn’t there when it happened or else he’d be dead right now. He was smart enough to be gone when I got home and stayed away until recently. Now he’s back under my father’s roof and I have every intention of making him pay for what he did. You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t forgive and I sure as hell don’t forget. He’ll pay with his life, you have my word.”

  Slade’s head lowered to stare at the floor. His face was like stone, his frame stiff with anger. When his eyes rose to mine, the mask he wore so well slid into place.

  “I’m sorry about your loss. Even more sorry that I couldn’t comfort my sister when she needed it the most. That ends today. No more distance, Lilian. No more pulling away. We’re a family and from here on out, we stick together.” He turned his attention to Zain. “That goes for you, too. You’re one of us now. Anything you need. Anything. All you have to do is ask. Family?” His hand extended and Zain walked us forward as he reached over and shook it.


  Chapter 26


  The flight was mostly silent. Lily and I were both lost in our thoughts and the only comfort I got from the memories was the fact that she was curled into my side. As the scenes played out, I barely recalled how the mountains turned to hills and then became mountains again. The large estate brought me back to reality as we lowered to the helipad. Even the exit from the helicopter seemed surreal. It was as if I was still stuck in some dream state. The last few weeks had been more than what most people could take, and although I liked to think of myself as a strong person, the events had taken their toll. All I longed for was the one who I held close to my side as we entered the large mansion. Statues and large paintings decorated the space. My fingers pushed into her bicep as I led her past the entrance to greet the staff lined up before us.

  “Ms. Roberts, it’s good to see you again. Mr. Collins, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Harold and I’m in charge of the staff. This is Mrs. Evans. She’s the main housekeeper.” He gestured to a short, older woman with gray hair. She reminded me of a grandmother, if I had ever had one. I liked her instantly. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled.

  No one seemed to bat an eyelash at the fact that my slave’s face was immensely bruised. It was odd, but I pushed it away as Harold went over meal times and excused the rest of the staff.

  “Ms. Robert’s last visit was to the East Wing, so we have everything already made up. There’s a tray of refreshments waiting.”

  “Thank you, Harold. We’ll be heading there now. I feel like I could use a nap before dinner.”

  Lily yawned as I led her up the grand staircase and I couldn’t help but worry as we made it to the top. A door stood a good twenty feet ahead and two halls broke off to the left and right. As she turned us left, I weaved my fingers through her hair just above her ear and drew her head to rest on the side of my chest.

  “Straight ahead?” I really didn’t need to ask where her room was. My guess was it was bigger than the rest. That meant at the end.

  “Yes,” she said, quietly. “But I’ve only ever been here once, a few years back.”

  I turned the door knob and pushed open the barrier. An off-white comforter covered a massive bed centered in the middle of the room. There was a setup to the right with a black loveseat, facing a fireplace. My head shook while I tried to take it all in. The penthouse was one thing. The luxury I’d seen her in had grown on me. But this? My head tilted back to look at the large crystal chandelier above. When I brought my gaze down, I spotted French doors that led to a balcony.

  “Your brother…”

  “Is Slade,” she finished. “He has quite the taste.” Lilian broke from me, shrugged off the black, knee-length trench coat, and tossed it on the foot of the bed. When she turned to face me, my heart began to race. There was so much emotion playing on her face. I was smart to worry. Tears shown in her eyes and her lip quivered. For the first time, we were alone, safe, and not having to hide who we were. The impact was like a fist to my gut.

  Lily rushed forward, collapsing to her knees at my feet. She hugged tightly around my legs, sobbing as if she were a child. She’d been so strong and I had known it would only be a matter of time before this happened. The girl who left me over three years ago had overcome odds few people in their right mind would have been able to handle. After three years of putting on a mask, it was falling, breaking, right at my very feet.

  “Oh, slave.” My fingers gripped her hair, holding her to me while she squeezed even harder. It was as if she was scared I’d disappear without the connection. Truth be told, I was almost weary myself. This seemed too good to be true.

  “I was so afraid I’d lost you,” she rushed out. “All that time with Jonathon, I didn’t want to believe it, but I feared you were dead. Now this,” she sobbed even harder. “Is this really happening?” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked up. “I can be with you? For good?”

  “Forever,” I said,

  I wanted her to know I wasn’t going anywhere. That she never had to worry about losing me again. But I still had to go back to Afghanistan. That thought had me reaching down for her and pulling her small frame into me. I couldn’t think about that now. If I contemplated what might happen, I’d never be able to leave her, and I had to. Had to make my uncles pay for their crimes.

  “I want you to look past these last few weeks and I want your head clear. I’ll be asking you this question throughout the course of our stay.” My hand stroked her face as I made her look at me. Before I spoke, I wiped away the tears. “I’ve told you once, and I’ll say it again, with me, it’s forever or never. You have my heart, Lilian. I want no one but you. Do you feel the same, as of right now?”

  “Well…yes.” She looked confused. “Of course I do. Right now? I don’t like how you say that.”

  My tongue traced my lips while I tried to gather my thoughts in a way she’d grasp. “You love what you know of me. What we shared. But things are going to be different this time, slave. I’m still your Master, but you may not like what comes with that, here, in the real world. We had four months together before you were taken. The first couple of weeks, I took it easy on you, letting you adjust to your new life. Then, you were pregnant. You never experienced who I truly am.”

  Lilian’s eyebrows drew in while she watched me speak. I could imagine how fast her mind was turning over my words.

  “You’re on birth control, correct?” I knew she was, but I wanted to hear her say it.

  “The shot.”


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