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Releasing Raven [Braden Security 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Dale Cadeau

  After a few seconds Brad stood up and took the handles of Raven’s chair and wheeled her close to his seat at the table. “Guys, I would like to formally introduce you to Raven Windfield, and she is mine.”

  Raven looked at Brad, stunned. “You can’t say that. I’m not yours or anybody’s.”

  Brad just sat down and took one of her hands in his. “You’re mine now.” When she would have responded back, he just clasped her hand tighter in his, shushing her.

  “We’ll discuss this more later, love.”

  James stood up and came around the table to Raven’s side. He held out his hand to her and when she took his, he leaned down and kissed the top of hers. Brad growled at him, but James just stood up with a grin. “We, Clay, Angel, and I are very pleased to finally meet you and welcome you into our family.” Letting her hand go, he returned to his seat.

  “Now let’s get this over with so you and Brad can spend some time together.”

  “I’m ready, ask away,” Raven said with a blush.

  “What more can you tell us about your brother, something that we wouldn’t have been able to find out from the normal background check?” Clay asked, his eyes never leaving Laura, who was sitting down the table from him.

  “Well he’s an asshole. I didn’t know how bad he was, until he pulled this stunt. I know he likes to think of himself as a big shot, as our dad used to say. He always wanted better. He was never satisfied with what we had. At least he didn’t run with a bad crowd, he was a good kid. He went to a private school that he insisted on. My grandmother chipped in to cover the cost. I know he wasn’t above cutting corners to get where he wanted to. But this just seems too much for even him.”

  “I’m glad we all have the same take on your brother,” Angel butted in.

  “But what can you tell us about your wheelchair and the drugs found in it? Tell us more about your daily routine, maybe we can figure out who had the chance to put them in your chair.”

  “I’m pretty boring, I have the same routine every week.”

  “I noticed that your wheelchair was a bit special. Where did you get it?” James asked.

  “The wheelchair was one of the nice things that my brother did for me. He had it specially made for me. He said that the normal ones would get uncomfortable for me after a while. He explained that this one would last at least ten years. It also looked better, if I was seen in public with him. He told me it showed the city that he was looking after me, by making sure I had the best.”

  “Did you know about the special seat and the opening under it?” Clay inquired.

  “I think he said something about it when he first gave it to me. But what use would I have for it? I can’t very well stand up and take stuff out of it.”

  “So tell us your routine on any given week.” James wanted to know her routine almost down to the minute.

  “I don’t go out much. I have Mary, who comes over twice a week and sees to most of my needs. The only real routine is going to the gym on Wednesday and having my sessions to keep the muscles in my legs strong. Other than that, it would be just a few places, where I would take the wheel trans. Now I go with Brad, he even joined the gym with me and works out while I’m with Lucy.

  “Well nothing seems unusual there,” Clay said after she had finished.

  “She didn’t tell you everything about the gym,” Brad added, looking down at Raven. “Tell them about Jim?”

  “Okay, but there’s nothing strange about Jim. Except you not taking a liking to him.”

  “Tell them what happens when you arrive at the gym, Raven,” Brad pressed.

  “What happens at the gym, Brad?” James asked.

  “Jim and Lucy meet her just inside the front door. The first thing Jim does is move her from her wheelchair into another owned by the gym. Then Lucy takes her to her session and Jim disappears with the chair.”

  “I told you that they don’t allow my chair in the facilities. Jim just moves my chair into his office so no one will take off with it. Nothing is suspicious this has been going on for about a year now, when new owners took over,” Raven told Brad in an exasperated voice.

  “I say we end this discussion for now. I will go and look into the gym,” Angel said, getting up.

  “I agree with you Angel. It’s a good place to start,” James said as he took in the looks between Brad and Raven.

  “I’m going with you, maybe I can get to talk to this Lucy,” Cyn added, coming to his side.

  “Okay, but Jim’s mine. Let me ask the questions,” Angel told her as they made their way out of the office.

  “He’s not going to find anything. Jim and Lucy are great people,” Raven said, turning to James.

  “We have to find out either way, Raven. You don’t have to worry. Angel, I can assure you won’t let anything slip. He’s good at his job and they will never know that they are being questioned or that it relates to you in any way.”

  “I hope so, I would hate to have to leave that gym and go someplace else.”

  “Don’t worry, babe, we all know what we’re doing. Now go on and tell James and Clay about the routine your brother has when you get back from the gym,” Brad told her patiently.

  “You think that important? I think it’s just a quirk of his.” Raven looked at Brad and, taking in his serious expression, went on.

  “Anyway, usually every Wednesday, he comes to visit shortly after I get back from the gym. He takes my chair, polishes it and checks it out to make sure nothing is wrong with it. I think he’s just being nice.”

  “Your brother’s nice?” Brad asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “He isn’t always selfish. He bought me the chair, didn’t he? He just has different priorities than me.”

  “So what you’re telling us is that your brother bought the chair, knew about the opening below the seat, and checks it out every Wednesday. Am I right?” James asked her.

  “It does sound a bit strange, now that I think about it from another point of view. But he has been doing it for over a year, it’s not something he just started. You don’t think he had the drugs planted in there, do you?” Raven looked between James, Clay then Brad.

  “We really don’t know yet,” James said

  “I think you’re on the wrong track. I can’t believe it. He’s my brother. He wouldn’t do that to me.”

  “You could be right, and I hope you are.” James rose from his chair and helped Avery from her perch on the arm.

  Turning to Clay, he said, “Let’s go find out if Grant came up with anything?” Clay agreed and he put out a hand out to Laura and the four left the room.

  Chapter Eighteen

  As soon as they left, Brad took his chair and put it facing directly in front of hers. Reaching out, he put his hands on both of her cheeks and rubbed a finger below each of her eyes. Brad wiped the tears that had started to slip out without her knowing when she had started thinking about her brother betraying her. Looking deeply into her blue eyes, he smiled.

  “You’re not shying away from me like you have been. I thought with this going on, that you wouldn’t even see me anymore. Care to tell me why the change?”

  Raven slowly raised her still glistening eyes to his. “I was wrong.”

  Brad just held her chin up when she tried to move it down and out of his grasp.

  “Raven, this is me, Brad. I worried about you all last night. I was worried before this even happened. We have to get on an even path together. I don’t want anything to be between us. I know this isn’t the time to tell you, but you’ve come to mean a lot to me. I meant it when I told the guys that you were mine. Nothing is going to change that, except you.”

  Raven felt the tears start again as she listened to Brad. “But I’m nothing special. I’m in a wheelchair and can’t do all the things that we should be able to. Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m very sure. To me, you are special. And if we can’t do something, it’s not important. I just want to be with you. Having you by my side is

  “Oh, Brad.” Raven reached out and flung herself forward in her chair toward him. Putting her arms around his neck, she hugged him tightly.

  “What did I do to deserve you?”

  Brad pulled her onto his lap and leaned her back a bit so he could see her face. She still had tears running down her face, but her smile said they were happy tears now.

  Brad leaned down and just as his breath reached her lips, he said, “No I’m the luck one.” Kissing her with desperation and need, he pushed his tongue through her lips, trying to satisfy his hunger for her taste.

  Brad was breathless when he finally released her lips. Raven was panting also, but squirming on his lap to get even closer to him if it was possible.

  Brad put both his arms around her, hugging her tightly and bent down, nipping her ear to get her attention.

  “This is great, I love having you in my arms. But, babe, we have to talk about what went on. I know you were giving me the cold shoulder, sometimes I thought I would get frostbite. So sit up here and let’s get this out in the open.”

  Raven just hung on tighter, “Can I stay like this? It would be easier to talk.”

  “Oh, babe, there’s nothing you could say that would be bad enough that you would have to hide from me.” Brad kissed her ear, then kissed the top of her head.

  “Maybe not, but can you humor me this time?” Raven muttered into his shirt, where she had now buried her head.

  “This time only, Raven. I want us to go on as we mean to every day and hiding is not allowed.” Giving her another hug, he told her, “Go on, I’ll listen.”

  “Remember the night when I was at your house and wanted to leave?”

  “You mean the night we made love? One of the best nights of my life. I won’t forget it.”

  Raven smiled to herself at his answer. “Yes, that’s the one. Well while we were, you know…”Raven broke off.

  “Making love,” Brad said for her, smiling down indulgently at her bent head.

  “Yes, making love.” Raven was now running her hand up and down his chest. “Well when we were in the middle of things, I thought I felt my legs move. I was so shocked that I didn’t know if it really happened or if I dreamed it, there were a lot of firsts to take in all at once.”

  “Yes there was,” Brad added as Raven stopped for breath. “Go on.”

  “It shocked me enough that all I wanted was to get home and be alone. My mind started racing with all the possibilities. What it would do to my life and my relationship with you. With you around, I sometimes can’t think straight. And I needed to think and really take everything in. So that was why I rushed out.”

  “You know you could have just told me. I would have understood. In fact I think you did move. I noticed it in passing, but I had other more pressing things on my mind when it happened.”

  “I didn’t want you to get your or my hopes up, if I was mistaken. I know it must be difficult to date someone that has a handicap. I just wanted to be sure before I told you. The next day I went to my doctor and had tests done. Nothing showed up. He told me that I probably just got caught up in the moment and thought it happened, but it really didn’t. My brother, when he picked me up, said the same thing after telling me I shouldn’t get involved with you.

  After listening to both of them, I got even more depressed when I thought about us. You could have anyone you want. It especially depresses me when I think of all the things that I’m holding you back from doing. I was determined to end it with you after talking to them. But every time I got the chance, I backed out and told myself I would do it the next day. After a few days of making excuses, I knew I could never send you away, so that’s when thing got a bit frosty. I was waiting for you to get tired of me holding you back and leave me.”

  “I can tell you, your plan wouldn’t have worked. I would have found a way to thaw you out. But go on and tell me why it’s different now. I would have thought, with me being up on drug charges, that you would have totally frozen me out.”

  “After everyone left and the mayhem had died down, I had time to think. With all the news crews around and the cops, it made the whole thing seem surreal. When I stepped back a bit and just thought about you and our time together, I knew that you couldn’t have done it. You’re a protector, it’s not in your makeup to harm. The drugs just didn’t make sense. I couldn’t go down to the station, wheel trans doesn’t run that late. But I had made up my mind to see you as soon as I could and give you whatever support you needed.”

  “That’s all good, babe, but what changed your attitude toward me and us being together?”

  “That happen later when the girls came over.”

  “James mentioned that the girls went over to your place. They didn’t give you a hard time, did they?”

  “I think that’s exactly why they came over, to do just that. But, lucky for me they listened before they said anything. When I told them that I knew you were innocent and got steamed at the injustice of what went on, Avery noticed that my foot was moving up and down on the foot rest. The other girls noticed it, too. It gave me hope again. So when I told them about my trip to my doctor the last time and his opinion. They told me I needed another opinion. Cyn called someone named Lance and he set up an appointment with a brilliant doctor that he knew. That’s why we were a little late getting here. He gave me a checkup and some tests. He didn’t find anything either, but he concluded that maybe my mind is finally coming to terms with my parents’ accident. Maybe I’ve got other things now to take its place, and I’m finally letting go. He gave me hope and set up some sessions for me with a coach that specializes in this kind of trauma. So maybe in time, I will be able to do everything that you want and won’t be a burden on anyone.”

  Brad pulled her face away from his chest and made her sit up. “You are not a burden to me or anyone else. I don’t want you to think like that anymore. I’m glad that you might be able to walk and do all the things you want to do. But do it for yourself, not me. I want you just the way you are.”

  Standing up with her in his arms, he sat her down on the conference table in front of his chair. Sitting back down, he put his hand on each of her legs, just above her knees.

  “What are you doing?”

  Brad slid his hand up under her skirt. “Just showing you that I can’t keep my hands off of you. And sometime your so-called handicap helps me. I’ve got you right where I want you and you can’t escape my intentions.”

  “Oh and what kind of intentions do you have?” Raven laughed back at him as she placed her outstretched arms on his shoulders.

  “Just this.” Brad slid one hand all the way up to her panties and gently rubbed the damp fabric with his thumb.

  Raven moaned as his thumb accurately found its target and rubbed the nub back and forth.

  “We can’t do this here. Someone might come in.” Raven whimpered, but still took her hands from his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer for a kiss.

  Brad, with a wicked gleam in his eyes, allowed her to pull him from his seat, toward her lips, his thumb putting a little extra pressure on her clit as he rose.

  Brad was just leaning down to kiss Raven when the door of the conference room burst open and hit the wall with a loud bang. Brad looked up, pulling his hands from under her skirt, ready to jump into action when he spotted Chase standing in the doorway. And what a different Chase it was. Brad was used to seeing Chase all decked out, with not a hair out of place. But the man that stood in the door had overly long, messy hair, like he had been running his hands through it constantly. His shirt was busting at the seams and only had one button done up in the middle. Chase was now sporting six-pack abs and a flat, muscular stomach. He was holding his jacket over one of his shoulders wearily.

  Almost speechless, Brad asked, “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “Nothing that I didn’t sign up for. Where’s James?” Chase walked to James’s chair, threw his coat on the back of it, and sl
umped down in its depths. He closed his eyes for a second and took a long breath.

  “I think he’s with Grant and Clay in Grant’s office,” Brad said trying to get his breathing under control.

  “Oh, okay, I’ll go find him.” Chase opened his eyes and started to stand up. Brad noticed his eyes finally zeroing in on Raven sitting there with her mouth open, looking Chase up and down.

  “And who do we have here? Forgive my manners. Am I interrupting something?” Chase got up gave at grin at Brad and a dazzling smile to Raven as he walked to their side and picked up Raven’s hand and kissed it.

  Brad reached out and took her hand out of Chase’s when she didn’t make a move to remove it and just kept staring at him from her seat on the conference table.

  “Get your own woman. This one’s mine, Chase.”

  “You don’t have to go all He-Man on me. I was just being friendly,” Chase said as moved back to his chair and picked up his jacket.

  “You are commended on your great taste.”

  “Well back off, Romeo, go find your brother,” Brad said

  “You can’t blame a guy for trying, Brad,” Chase said, turning another sly grin at Brad.

  “Sure I can, when it’s you.” Brad smiled back. He liked Chase, but knew what a ladies’ man he was, and he wasn’t letting him get any nearer to Raven than he was.

  After Chase had wandered out of the room, Raven turned to Brad.

  “Who was that?”

  “That, Raven, was Chase, James’s brother, someone to stay away from.”

  “Oh I don’t know, He has that mysterious, dangerous look that makes a woman want to know more,” Raven said, her eyes still looking out the door.

  “Do I have to go out there and beat him up?”

  Raven turned and looked at Brad, when she saw he was serious. She stopped smiling.

  “Are you jealous?”

  “You’re damn right I’m jealous. We are just starting to work things out and you are looking at Chase like he’s some delicious piece of steak.”

  “Make it chicken and you would be right. Any woman with a pulse is allowed to admire a beautiful man. But you don’t have to worry. I know my own limitations. And you, Brad, are the only man that makes my heart speed up.” Raven laid a hand on Brad’s cheek.


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