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Releasing Raven [Braden Security 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 16

by Dale Cadeau

  “We thought about that and got Grant to dig into the family’s background a bit. They have relatives in Canada. We thought that Braden Security could pay for their relocation to Canada after the kids comes clean. We knew that this was a good option, because the little kid talks about his vacations up there and how his mother would love to be nearer to her family, especially since she found out that she is sick. It also helps us by taking the pressure off the kid to tell the truth. He is scared, but now his family will be safe and he has distance between him and the gang.”

  “Sounds good to me. We’ll have them flown up in our jet after the kid gives a statement to the cops. We can always bring him back if needed.”

  “We thought that’s what you would say. So we went over and had a talk to their mom. She is disappointed with her kid, but jumped at the chance to get him away and move closer to her family. They are packing up today, just what is necessary to take. We will have to arrange movers for the rest, but they should be ready around noon. Tony and I are going to take them down to the station and stay with them until the boy has given his statement and we see them off. We were going to get them on a flight out tonight, but if we can do it by your jet, it would be even better.”

  “What time do you think you’ll be done today? I can have the jet fueled and ready to go.”

  “I think they should be ready to leave around five today. That gives us time to pick them and their luggage up and a few hours at the station.”

  “Good work, it’s about time we caught a break. With the kid’s testimony and if Chase can lure the niece in, we should have Brad’s name cleared soon.”

  “If we leave now it will give us time to help them pack up and assure them again that they are doing the right thing. Is there anything else?”

  “No, nothing that we can’t handle. Go and call us after the boy gives his statement.”

  Gabe and Tony got up and left.

  James turned to Chase. “Well, do you have a plan to reel in the niece? And stop yawning, it’s making me sleepy.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not used to the late nights anymore. Sam kept me on a rigorous schedule. Up at five and bed at ten. It will take me a while to get back into the swing of things. But as far as Carlos’s niece, I made a tentative date with Les to look over his campaign headquarters today, she should be there and I’m going to make my move then.” Chase got up and moved toward the door. “I’m leaving and going home to chase a few more zzz’s, then visit Les’s office. I’ll call you with the outcome later today.”

  “Okay, see you, but remember to be on your guard. Cindy is related to Carlos and we all know what he can do. Be prepared, she could be just as deadly.”

  “I still have the toys you gave me last night. I’ll make sure that I’m ready.” Chase left with another yawn.

  “Angel, why don’t you give the gym another try? Maybe alone you will be able to shake something out of Jim,” James said to Angel, sitting to his right.

  “On it.” Angel got up and left.

  “Well that just leaves us. Brad, I think that you should go home. The cops will probably contact you about dropping the charges for giving the kids drugs. Other than that just keep your nose clean until we hear from the others. Take Raven out, but stay away from the gym or the kid’s center,” James said as he stood up.

  “I think I’ll go back to what I was doing this morning before Angel arrived. Keep me informed, though.”

  “Where’s Clay, by the way? I thought he would have wanted to be in on this.” Brad looked around the room, just now noticing that Clay had not been at the meeting.

  “Clay is home with Laura. I think that she came down with what Avery and Cyn have.” James gave a knowing smiled.

  “We sure are turning into a fertile bunch.” Laughing, he left the room.

  Brad turned to Grant still sitting beside him and engrossed in his Blackberry. “What is so interesting about that thing? You have been staring at it all morning.”

  Grant looked up “I took Charlie’s advice and bought some stock. I’ve been watching to see what it does. I’ve made two hundred and fifty this morning.”

  “Well good for you, I’m off.” Brad left and Grant went back to checking out his stock.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Brad was happy as he got into James’s truck, which he had to borrow. He left his at home this morning when he had jumped in with Angel in their rush to get to the office. Things were finally starting to look up. He hoped that by this time next week, he would have all of this nonsense off his shoulders and he could concentrate on Raven and making a life for the two of them together. He was probably moving too fast, but she had become his whole world in the short time he had known her.

  Pulling into his driveway, he noticed that Mary’s car was over at Raven’s, so he made his way into his house. Mary would not want him disturbing her session with Raven again. Throwing his keys on the hall table, he looked around his living room. It was a mess. The new furniture had come, but he had just pushed it in corners, not taking the time to arrange it. Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water and a couple of cookies out of the jar and ate them as and walked back into the living room and got to work unpacking boxes and moving things into place.

  Brad had become so engrossed in making his house habitable that the time had flown. Taking a break with another water, he looked at his watch. Four p.m. Knowing that Mary had probably left by now, Brad walked over to his front window and looked out. What he saw made him see red. Sideway parked in Raven’s driveway was Les’s car. Les must have been in a hurry to not even have parked properly, leaving the car door still open. Brad didn’t like the looks of this. Raven could be in trouble or at least be being berated by her brother again. Brad put his water down, and, picking up his cell, he called James.


  “I don’t have time to talk, but get your ass over to Raven’s house. The brother is over there and I don’t like the feel of this.” Brad put the phone in his back pocket and hurried out of the house and over to Raven’s.

  As he neared the door he heard Les’s voice and noticed that the front door had been left open a bit. Brad grabbed it, opened it fully, and slipped in. He could see down the hall and into the kitchen. Stopping in the hallway, he tried to take stock of what was going on. He could see Les pacing the kitchen, dragging one hand through his hair. His other hand had something in it, but with his abrupt movements, Brad couldn’t tell what it was. Raven, he couldn’t see from this angle. Silently, he listened.

  “What the fuck, Raven? Why did you have to go and side with that man? Didn’t I show you that he was nothing but a bum and a drug pusher to boot? I’m your brother. Where is your loyalty? I’ve done my best by you and this is the thanks I get. You tell me to get out of our parents’ home.”

  “Loyalty, I’ve been loyal to you, but it stopped when you accuse Brad of pushing drugs on kids. I’m starting to think you might have had something to do with all of this. I know Brad, he wouldn’t have had anything to do with the things you’re accusing him of. So yes, I would like you to leave. “

  “Raven, if you would just listen. I can tell you why I did some of it.” Les had a whine to his voice.

  “So, talk. I don’t think you can say anything that would change my mind. But as you said, you are my brother and I will give you a chance.” Raven was starting to getting worried about the wild look in Les’s eyes.

  “Oh, isn’t that nice of you? I have watched over you since you went mental after the accident. I’ve let you live in our home rent free and try to talk some sense into you. But you are too stupid to know what is good for you. Well it’s time you listen to reason. My life is just about to take an upsurge and I can’t have a disabled sister pulling me down. People ask all the time, why you are not in assistant living and getting the help you need? Do you know what that does to my reputation? And that boyfriend of yours, he’s just out for what he can get. Some people set me straight on that bunch of deserter
s, how they try to cover up their continued misdeeds by running a legitimate business. I know for a fact that they are the ones running a scam. People like you are too naive to see it. Cindy explained how they milked her uncle out of two million. And that boyfriend of yours killed her father for no reason, he was just in the wrong place. You can’t go on like this. You have to listen to me. I know what’s good for you and me both.”

  Raven grabbed the handles of her chair tightly, her knuckles turning white. “Now you just listen to me for a moment. I am not mental and I look after myself without your help. The house was left to me, so you have no claim to rent or anything else. As for Brad, I don’t know who’s telling you these lies, but I know they are wrong. And as far as the people you are trying to impress, I don’t give a rat’s ass what they think. Now get out of my house.”

  “You are really going to be pig headed about this, aren’t you? Well I’m sorry but I can’t let you ruin my plans for the future. You’re only living half a life in that chair, so I’m sure you’ll understand.” Les raised his right hand. In it was a small pistol. Pointing it at her, he said, as he took aim, “You’ll be better off with the parents.”

  Brad had heard enough. Rushing into the kitchen, he took in the scene before him. Raven was in her chair beside the kitchen cabinets and Les was standing in the middle of the floor, looking like a wild man, pointing a gun at her. At hearing Brad rush at in, Les turned and shot. Brad felt nothing for a moment, then he looked at Raven’s face and saw the anguish. Finally he felt a burning along one side of his chest and put his hand up to it. It came away bloody. Brad tried to keep going, but his legs just gave out and he fell short of his target. Raven gave a scream and opened the drawer beside her. Finding the gun that Mary had given her years ago for protection, she pulled it out. She didn’t even know if it was loaded or not, but when Les turned back toward her with a smile on his face, the gun shaking in his hands, pointed directly at her, she pulled the trigger. The jarring from the gun going off pushed her, chair and all, back into the cupboard. Not taking her eyes off Les, she saw the red bloom from his shirt. He gave her a dumbstruck look, put his hand to his chest, and crumpled to the floor.

  Raven dropped the gun and pushed herself up from her chair, shakily walking to Brad’s side. She moved around Les and his sightless eyes. She only had eyes for Brad now and he wasn’t moving. Raven was scared to reach out and touch him to find out.

  Suddenly the front door busted open and James came in with his gun drawn. Angel was on his heels.

  James took in the situation immediately and said to Angel, “Call the ambulance.” He crouched down beside Brad, with Raven just standing staring down at him in shock.

  James reached out and felt for Brad’s pulse. It was weak, but steady, the blood pouring out of his side. Looking up at Raven, he said gently, “Raven grab a towel for me, please,” as he put pressure on the wound, trying to stem the flow of blood.

  Raven turned around toward the cupboard in a daze and felt her legs give out.

  Angel was just in time to catch her and slow her fall to the floor. Angel gave her a quick check, and when he saw that nothing was wrong with her, he reached for the tea towels near the stove and rushed them back to James. James took them and compressed Brad’s wound with them.

  “The ambulance will be here any minute. How is he?” Angel knelt down on Brad’s other side.

  “I don’t know Angel, he’s lost a lot of blood. Hopefully, he’s strong enough to put up a fight.” The ambulance could be heard pulling into the driveway.

  “I’ll hurry them along.” Angel got up and went to the door and yelled that they were needed in here. Two EMS came in and got down beside Brad, pushing James out of way. They made short work of bandaging him up and inserting an IV. Looking up after doing that, one of the EMS turned to James, standing there with blood covering his hands.

  “What about the other one?” He nodded toward Les’s body.

  “I checked,” Angel told them, as he held Raven in his arms. “He’s gone, nothing could be done for him.”

  “What about her?” The guy gestured at Raven.

  “She’s fine, just in shock.”

  “Okay, we’re out of here.” They put Brad on a gurney and wheeled him out the door meeting the police just coming up the steps.

  “What’s going on here?” the first cop asked them.

  “We have to get this guy to the hospital. Ask the guys in there.” They brushed the police out of the way. Putting Brad in the ambulance, the sirens blaring, they sped away.

  When the police arrived in the kitchen, it was to see Angel gently putting Raven back in her chair and James at the sink washing his hands.

  The police took out their guns and pointed them at Angel and James, when they took in Les’s body lying in the middle of the floor.

  “Both of you step away from what you are doing and raise your hands.”

  Angel straightened up and raised his hands. James just picked up a towel and wiped his.

  “Get your hands up,” the police told James again.

  Putting the towel down, James raised his hands. “We didn’t have anything to do with what happen here.”

  “I think I will figure that out by myself, if you don’t mind.” Taking out cuffs, he and his partner cuffed both James and Angel.

  Raven just sat in her chair, staring off into space as the mayhem went on around her.

  The cop walked over to her chair and picked up the gun lying beside it and put it in a plastic bag.

  “Is this your gun, miss?”

  When Raven didn’t say anything, or even move to acknowledge that he was beside her. He looked up at James and Angel.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “She’s in shock. That’s her brother lying on the floor,” James told him.

  “Is there someone who can look after her while we take you downtown?”

  “I know she has a nurse help her, but I don’t have any contact—” James stopped talking as the front door banged open and the cops turned and pointed their guns at the door.

  Avery rushed in and stopped abruptly when she saw the guns pointed at her. Looking down at the kitchen floor, she pointed in horror.

  “That’s not Brad, is it?”

  “No, it’s not Brad. Avery, what the hell are you doing here?” James asked angrily.

  “Who are you, miss? Stop right where you are,” the first cop told Avery. Before she could reply, James did.

  “That’s my wife and I don’t know why she is here, when she should be at home and safe.”

  “Oh, James, I heard you talking to Angel. I thought that Brad might be in trouble again and Raven might need some womanly support. So Cyn and I both followed. She’s outside with the coroner that just pulled up as we arrived.”

  “So help me, Avery, your ass is going to be red when this is over.”

  The cops had put their guns away as they listened to James and Avery talk. Avery rushed over to Raven and gave her a hug, trying not to look at the body on the floor.

  “Miss, why don’t you take her into the living room and away from this until we finish up. See if she needs to be going to the hospital, too,” the cop told Avery.

  Avery turned the chair and pushed Raven into the living room, giving James a saucy look.

  “See, I am needed.”

  James just gritted his teeth and looked at Angel. Angel’s attention was on Cyn as she held the door open for the coroner. Cyn didn’t meet his eyes, she only looked at James as the coroner put Les in a body bag.

  “Where’s Avery?”

  “Not where she should be,” James answered back, letting go of a long breath as he told her.

  “But you know that, don’t you?”

  “She taken Raven into the living room,” Angel added.

  Cyn met Angel’s eye briefly as she walked pass him.

  “You’re in trouble too, love,” Angel told her as she disappeared into the living room.

  The coroner was no
w wheeling Les’s body out of the house.

  The cops took both Angel and James by the cuffs and pushed them toward the door and out to their car.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Avery wheeled Raven into the living room, not liking the pale hue of her face. Checking that she was fine for the moment, Avery pulled out her cell phone and called Clay.

  “Clay here.”

  “Clay, you need to go to the hospital.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “I don’t have time to fill you in, but Brad is in the hospital. James and Angel are on their way to jail. Please Clay, do something.” Avery’s voice raised in volume as the desperation showed in her voice.

  “Okay, calm down Avery, I’m on my way,” Clay told her and abruptly ended the conversation.

  Throwing her cell on the couch, she looked at Cyn, who was knelt down in front of Raven and holding her hand.

  “Has she said anything yet?” Cyn asked Avery.

  “No, nothing yet. I would go and get her some water, but I really don’t want to see James’s face again. God is he mad.”

  “You don’t have to worry. The cops just took Angel and James out the door. The body is gone, too. There were some men in there taking pictures, but I think they probably left by now. I would grab some towels from the closet and cover the blood on the floor, until we can clean it up. Get some water at the same time and I’ll try to get Raven to say something.”

  Cyn turned back to Raven. “Raven, it’s Cyn and Avery. Can you talk to me? I know you’ve had a shock, but you have to come back, Brad needs you.”

  Cyn looked up at Avery with a concerned look as Avery came back with a glass of water.

  “I don’t know, Avery, maybe we should take her to the hospital?”

  Suddenly Raven let out an ungodly scream and burst into tears. Putting her head down in her hands that were laying on her lap, she sobbed.

  Avery spilled the water as she put the glass down on the coffee table and knelt beside Cyn. Raising a hand, she started to smooth it over Raven’s hair.


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