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Uncommon Romance

Page 7

by Belle, Jove

  Kat might have been harboring any number of criticisms, but none of them surfaced. “It’s lovely. Thank you for the invitation.”

  Kat responded like she’d been invited to a dinner party instead of a threesome, and her formality threw June for a loop. She stared at Kat, searching for the right answer. She still hadn’t thought of an appropriate response when Ash opened the door and pulled June into a deep kiss.

  It might have been rude to kiss Ash with such abandon with Kat shuffling from foot to foot next to them, but she didn’t care. What they were about to do, what they’d already done, put June off-kilter. Kissing Ash righted everything in her world; it grounded her and reminded her of who she was, who they were. She desperately needed that right then. Rude or not, introductions could wait for a few moments.

  Ash ended the kiss and followed up with a short, quick peck. Then she rested her forehead against June’s. “Hi. Welcome home.”

  “Hi back. Thanks for the welcoming.”

  Ash kissed her one last time, then released her and turned to Kat. “And you must be Kat.” She stepped close and pulled Kat into a kiss. It wasn’t nearly as long or thorough as the one she gave June, but it swallowed up any response Kat was on the verge of issuing.

  It also relieved the pressure in June’s chest. The fleeting thought that maybe this had been a bad idea slipped away as she watched Ash kiss Kat. Any worry she had about things being awkward changed to much simpler thoughts about how quickly she could get them both into the house and out of their clothes.

  She decided to follow Ash’s lead of “do it instead of talk about it.” She slipped around Ash and through the door, unbuttoning her shirt as she went. When she undid the last button, she slipped the shirt off and dropped it on the floor. She didn’t pause, didn’t look back to see if they were watching, but when she popped the clasp on her bra, she heard Kat gasp and Ash say, “God, June.”

  She dropped the bra in the dining room and stepped out of her shoes as she rounded the corner into the living room. She heard the side door close and hurried footsteps catching up to her. Ash giggled right before she grabbed June’s shoulder and spun her around to face them.

  “In a hurry?” Ash laughed and kissed her, pulling Kat into their embrace.

  “Yes.” June did her best to keep her voice even, but the need still worked its way into the tone. She didn’t elaborate to explain that while Ash and Kat had both gotten off earlier, she hadn’t and was about to pop the seams on her stockings if something didn’t happen soon. Instead, she stared at Ash levelly, daring her to delay her longer.

  “Really?” Ash’s eyes darkened as she looked at June. She maneuvered them until June’s back was pressed to the wall with Ash in front of her. “Maybe you should let us help you with that.”

  She gulped and nodded. Ash could do anything she wanted to her because it always ended with happy orgasms. By extension, she’d let Kat have her way as long as Ash was there to guide the encounter.

  Ash stared into her eyes, then stepped to the side and tugged Kat into position until she was standing in front of Ash. June held Ash’s gaze. She wouldn’t look at Kat, or anywhere else, until Ash allowed her to.

  “Her zipper’s on the right side of this skirt.” Ash spoke to Kat but continued to stare at June, her eyes focused and intense.

  June felt Kat’s hands on her waist, her response immediate once permission was granted to touch. Then one hand lowered the zipper until the only thing keeping her skirt up was the pressure of her body against the wall. Kat tugged on her hips, pulling her forward. The skirt fell to the floor and pooled around her feet.

  Kat gasped and Ash smiled at her. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  Kat traced the lace edge of her panties from her thigh to the juncture of her legs, but she stopped short of pressing her fingers against June’s cunt completely. Next she played with the top edge of her stocking, following the line up to the garter. “Do you always wear this to work?”

  Ash’s hand curled around her body to cup her ass. She rubbed the bare skin, playing with the thin line of the thong as it dipped in between her cheeks, then tracing it up to the top. Her touch excited June, sending a surge of excitement to her already over-stimulated cunt. Ash squeezed lightly and said, “Not always, but often enough.”

  In reality, June typically chose function over form. Underwear served a vital function. It kept her business hers. She preferred as much protection from exposure as possible, but when Ash had insisted on dressing her that morning, on the lacey thong to match her bra, and even lacier garters to hold up her stockings, she’d been easy to convince. She liked to think she’d have defended her position better if Ash hadn’t been stroking her clit and whispering naughty words in her ear at the time.

  June looked at Kat through her lashes. “Do you like it?” Demure wasn’t something she could normally pull off with any real success, but based on Ash’s soft growl and the way Kat’s gaze burned on her skin and her fingers dug into the flesh of her thigh, she thought it’d worked okay in that instance.

  “Very much.” Kat adjusted her hold, one hand on June’s waist and the other cupped around the side of her neck, then eased closer. She slanted her mouth on June’s and kissed her slowly. She eased her tongue between June’s lips and caressed the inside of her mouth, her tongue, with easy, languid swipes of her tongue.

  When Kat pulled away, she left June breathless and disoriented. June fisted her fingers around the lapel of Kat’s jacket so tight the wrinkles might never come out.

  “I can’t wait,” Kat murmured, then pressed her lips to June’s again, this time with obvious need. Half a second later, she slipped her hand between June’s legs, her fingers beneath the scant fabric of her panties.

  Rather than thrust inside, which is what June’s fantasy Kat had done in her mind time and time again, Kat slipped her fingers through her folds, sliding through the moisture and moving up to finally tease across her clit.

  June gasped when Kat’s fingers brushed over her clit for the first time, sucking in even more of Kat’s tongue with the movement. Ash squeezed her ass rhythmically and whispered in her ear, her breath hot and hypnotic. “That’s it. God, you look so hot.”

  The smooth circles against her clit didn’t escalate. Kat kept the pressure, the rhythm, the motion, the same. June whimpered. She was so close, her insides clenching and releasing in time with Kat’s touch. She thrust her hips, needing just a little more.

  “I want you to come, June. You can do it. Then we’ll take you to the bedroom and fuck you so hard your legs won’t work after.”

  Kat growled and kissed her harder, but the fingers against her clit continued the same maddening pace.

  “Do it now, baby.” Ash whispered in her ear, and that was it. June clenched, receding like the tide, then flowing forward and crashing.

  She sagged against the wall, relieved and happy and yet not at all satisfied. One orgasm against the wall while Ash and Kat were both fully clothed would never be enough for her. June broke away from Kat and gasped for breath. Her body twitched as she came down. She kissed Kat one last time, then turned and pulled Ash in for a kiss.

  She kissed her hard and deep and with as much urgency as she could muster in the moment. She wasn’t done and she wanted Ash to know that. When she felt like she could finally move again, she broke away.

  “Let’s go.” She eased herself between their bodies and the wall to resume her trip down the hall.

  “Is she always like this?” Kat asked.

  “When I’m lucky,” Ash responded.

  “You both better be naked when you get to the bedroom, or I’m not letting you in.” June worked her panties and garters off, not the easiest maneuver while walking, but she didn’t want them in the way for the rest of the evening. The stockings slid down easily after she unhooked the garters. They were expensive and delicate enough that she didn’t leave them crumpled on the floor with the rest of her clothes. She folded them neatly and left them on her

  They’d never done anything exactly like this before, so June was a little at a loss. Should she stand at the door to greet them as they entered? No, it wasn’t a goddamned dinner party. Still, she wanted to see Ash walk through the door naked. And the thought of Kat joining her made June clench low in her belly, as though she hadn’t just had a pretty damn good orgasm moments before.

  Finally she decided on the bed. She draped herself across it sideways, positioned with a perfect view of the door. She heard the rustle of fabric and Ash swearing softly, so she knew they were getting undressed in the hall. It wouldn’t be long at all.

  She braced her head on her hand, then took a moment to assess herself. As much as the position she’d chosen gave her the perfect view of them entering the room, it also gave them a perfect view of her. She adjusted her breasts, making sure they were behaving and pointed in the same direction. Not the sexiest thing she’d done, but the effect was worth it. Then she ran her hand through her hair, pulling it free and fluffing it until it flowed out behind her. She was halfway through tracing the edges of her mouth, checking for errant lipstick, when Ash cleared the threshold. Kat entered a step behind her.

  They paused there together and simply stared at her. The raw desire on their faces made her nipples tighten.

  She swallowed, then asked, “What are you waiting for?”

  Ash gestured for Kat to go first, but Kat hesitated. “How do you want to do this?”

  Ash smirked. “How about you just go for it? Do whatever you want, and I’ll join in when I’m ready.”


  Ash looked from Kat to June, then back again. “Oh, yeah.”

  Kat returned her gaze to June and took a step closer. She kissed June, light and quick, then leaned close to whisper in her ear. “I have this fantasy of you on your hands and knees with me fucking you from behind. I haven’t been able to shake the image since I met you.” As she spoke, Kat rested her hand on her waist, then moved it up until it cupped the swell of June’s breast. She swiped her thumb over the skin over and over.

  A shiver ran through June and she swallowed hard. She liked Kat’s fantasy a lot. Without saying a word, she climbed onto their bed and positioned herself on her hands and knees. She looked back over her shoulder at Kat and tried to smile provocatively. She felt exposed, like she was on display. Kat held her gaze for a moment, her eyes dark and unreadable, and then she pointedly looked at June’s body.

  “Perfect,” she growled as she moved onto the bed behind June. She gripped June’s hip, her fingers digging into the flesh in a way that shocked June. Ash was always so careful with her. Kat’s hold on her would leave a mark, a bruise that she could look at the next day as a reminder of Kat fucking her. Kat tightened her grip incrementally, holding June firmly in place. “Stay there.”

  Kat issued the command through gritted teeth, and before she finished speaking, she sank her fingers into June. The sudden intrusion rushed through June. She bucked against Kat’s fingers and rode out the entry. Everything about this, about the way Kat touched her, was foreign to her. Kat was rough, and she thrust like she was trying to fuck all the way through June.

  God help her, it turned her on. With every thrust, every deep-reaching intrusion, she grew more aroused, more excited. All she could hear above the blood rushing through her body was Kat’s rough panting and the wet slurping of her arousal as Kat fucked her fingers into her over and over.

  She dropped to her elbows and finally released the groan she’d been holding back.

  The bed dipped and she felt, rather than saw, Ash drawing closer. “So beautiful.” She breathed the words into June’s ear and her hot exhale washed over June’s skin and seeped into her pores. Ash nuzzled her ear, her neck, kissed along her shoulder. Every touch of her lips was gentle and sweet and loving.

  Kat added another finger and thrust in particularly hard, forcing her face into the comforter. June gasped for breath and pushed back to meet Kat. It felt so good, so dirty and wrong, and overwhelmingly sexy. She felt used, like she could be anyone beneath Kat.

  Ash whispered sweet things in her ear. She kept her voice soft, gentle, as she begged June to turn her head, to let Ash kiss her. The building pressure in her cunt, the almost violent awareness of her body, of the rising need to orgasm, clouded June’s brain. All she could focus on was the growing need inside her, spiraling and retreating with Kat’s thrusts.

  “Baby, please, kiss me,” Ash pleaded, her fingers working gently along June’s body, teasing her nipples, then dipping lower.

  “I want more.” Kat grunted as she thrust into her, adding a fourth finger and pushing hard enough to flatten June against the bed, trapping June’s hand with her fingers barely touching her clit.

  June yelped in surprise and turned quickly to let Ash swallow down any further noise. Her body was on fire, stretched and painful, yet so very good. She needed Ash, needed her kiss, the caress of her tongue to ground her here. She wasn’t ready to shatter, but Kat was relentless. Her thrusts, her greedy pace were pushing June through a threshold she’d previously been unaware existed. This wasn’t gentle or fun or loving. It was the rawest, purest form of fucking, and her body loved it. Her mind and heart, however, were terribly, overwhelmingly confused. She shouldn’t have liked it, to be taken so forcefully, so roughly, but she did.

  June poured all her confusion, her resistance, every ounce of passion into the kiss with Ash. She drew from Ash’s love, her careful tenderness, and used the strength to push herself back up. She spread her legs and dropped her head to open her body to Kat, to give her what she was clearly going to take regardless.

  Ash skimmed her fingers over June’s clit, and her body trembled and skipped even higher.

  “That’s it. Just let yourself feel it, let yourself go.” Ash kissed her cheek, sliding through the moisture there. June didn’t know when she started crying, but she could feel the tears sliding down her face, highlighted by Ash’s gentle brush of her lips over the hot skin.

  With Ash’s words fresh in her ears, June orgasmed hard and long, thrusting back to meet Kat and crying out in gratitude that Ash’s fingers stayed with her and worked her clit throughout.

  She collapsed against the bed, worn and cringing as Kat pulled out. Sleep pulled heavily at her and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in Ash’s arms and give in to the need to rest.

  Strong hands—Kat’s? Ash’s?—rolled her onto her back. She heard a deep, guttural growl, and then a tongue swiped over her cunt, dipping inside with a swirl, then flicking over the tip of her clit.

  “Jesus!” She gripped the head, her fingers twining into hair that definitely didn’t belong to Ash. Kat then. She’d thought she was done, but Kat was driving her rapidly into a second orgasm.

  She turned her head to the side and saw Ash smiling at her. “Hi, baby,” Ash said sweetly. June kissed her because she had no choice. She loved her wife—God, did she—but the things Kat was doing with her mouth amazed her. She ground her hips up into Kat’s face, and Kat gripped her hard and pushed her back down. She groaned and nipped at June’s inner thighs. Her teeth dug in, sharp enough to sting and bruise and definitely leave a mark. Then Kat smoothed her tongue flat against the aching flesh and licked and kissed, like an unspoken apology.

  “Oh, God.” June fought to keep her eyes open, to stay focused on Ash, but it was so hard. Ash’s eyes were dark and heavy and she stared at June as she slipped her hand down between her own legs. June’s eyes slid shut, then flew open when she realized what Ash was doing. It was her job, always hers, to take care of Ash. She wanted to make her come, not watch her do it for herself. “No.” She moaned, unable to articulate anything else.

  Kat, if she heard June, didn’t acknowledge her. She kept teasing through her folds, thrusting her tongue inside, then moving up to flick it over June’s clit as she lightly sucked it between her teeth. The pressure rose inside her hard and fast. She was dangerously close to coming again, and she couldn’t d
o that while Ash needed her.

  “Baby, no.” She grabbed Ash’s hand, stopped her from touching herself. “Come here, come up here.” She rolled her hips in time with Kat’s tongue, but managed to keep her eyes focused on Ash.

  “Are you sure?” Ash moved into position even as she asked the question. She kneeled over June’s open mouth but held her body too far away for June to reach. “Like really sure?”

  “God, yes.” June gripped Ash’s hips and pulled her down until she was able to swipe her tongue through Ash’s folds, gathering moisture and simply tasting. Ash was so wet it ran down her thighs and coated her cunt. Her clit poked out, big and hard and quivering pink.

  June didn’t waste time. She held Ash, guiding her to just the right position, and then she focused everything she had on making Ash come. She circled her clit, easily bringing Ash up as gently as she could. She was so close herself and really, really wanted them to come at the same time.

  Ash braced one hand on the wall and gripped June’s hair with the other. She held her in place as she bucked her hips, grinding as June sucked and licked her clit.

  Kat’s hand pushed her thighs open wider, her fingers pressing hard into the tender flesh of June’s inner thighs. She was going to be so bruised and sore the next morning. Kat clearly wanted to leave her mark on June, and she was succeeding.

  She sucked June’s clit between her teeth, rubbing over it in a way that caused a shiver to run through June. The cold, hard surface of enamel scraped over her, then was replaced with warm, wet tongue, lapping and sucking until all June could do was let he dam inside overflow. She tightened and clenched and throbbed, and it all felt so good, made even better by Ash thrashing against her face.

  June came harder than she expected, and all she could do was lie there with her mouth open. She held her tongue stiff against Ash, helpless to do anything but let her ride into her own orgasm.

  Ash stiffened, her legs clamping down tight on June’s head, and she came with a rush of wet heat. She collapsed against the wall and June gasped for breath, trying to both come down from her own orgasm and recover from Ash’s. The position was awkward, and Ash damn near smothered her when she came.


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