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Uncommon Romance

Page 22

by Belle, Jove

  “Good.” Hollis spoke directly into her ear, then kissed the sensitive spot right behind it. She kept one hand on Jude’s breast, her fingers dusting over the clamped nipple and shooting fire through her body, as she worked the other hand lower, gliding over the taut skin of her stomach until her fingers slid into the V at the top of her thighs.

  Hollis bumped into her hood and the touch resonated into her clit. She gasped.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  God, with the balls threatening to slip from her cunt at any moment, widening her stance was an impossible request. She struggled to edge her feet apart, moving slowly to gauge her body’s response. When she hit about shoulder length, Hollis squeezed with both hands, distracting her from…everything. Movement would have to wait.

  “That’s good.” Hollis slid her hand lower, opening her folds and teasing just inside her cunt. “I can play right here.”

  Hollis swirled her fingers, then drew them to her clit. Jude was already painfully hard and desperate for a little release. She moved her hips against Hollis, humping against the fleeting fingers.

  “Stay still.” Hollis slapped her hard and quick, and her clit threatened to explode. She sucked air through her teeth and focused on breathing until the intensity faded incrementally.

  The black pressure at the edges of her vision receded, and Jude realized that Hollis had stopped moving as well. She was waiting for Jude to be ready.

  “I’m sorry. I won’t move again.”

  “Good.” Hollis resumed her careful touch, circling the barest tips of her fingers over Jude’s clit. “I’m going to take care of you.”

  All she could manage in response was a plaintive whimper. It was pathetic, and she didn’t even have the wherewithal to care.

  “Do you want to come?” Hollis asked lazily, her voice moving with the same lack of urgency as her fingers. Still the words, the hope for release, pushed the fire through her body at an increasingly rapid pace. If Hollis denied her after bringing her this high, Jude would break down and cry.

  “Yes, please.”

  “You can. Whenever you’re ready.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Jude stopped holding back and let her body go. The thick band of excitement traveling from her nipples to her cunt pushed the heat rolling in her cunt deeper. She released with a shout, her body clenching tight then relaxing. The balls rolled out of her, slick with arousal, and Hollis caught them easily.

  Hollis supported her until she was able to stand on her own; then she released her and stepped away. The bells inside the balls tinkled when Hollis set them down.

  Hollis stepped back into Jude’s field of vision. She stood with her hands on her hips and an impossibly smug smile on her face. Jude returned her smile weakly.

  “How are you doing?” Hollis evaluated her closely as Jude nodded. She wasn’t up for talking quite yet, after the relief and disappointment of removing the balls. If she spoke, she’d beg Hollis to put them back in. Hollis dipped her head and licked over one protruding nipple, then the next. “How about these? Do you need me to remove them?”

  If Hollis spent just a few more minutes concentrating on her breasts, licking over her nipples, she would orgasm again. She definitely didn’t want to remove the clamps just yet. That was worth risking speech. “They’re okay.”

  Hollis nodded. “I want to fuck your mouth. Please kneel.”

  Jesus, any calm her body claimed with her orgasm fled, and she was flooded with renewed arousal. The sticky wetness between her legs grew slick and desperate. She dropped to her knees easily, even with the cuffs restricting her motion. Without the balls, her whole body felt lighter, easier to control.

  “Good. Open your mouth, please.”

  Jude gripped her own ass tight, squeezing just to satisfy the need to hold on as Hollis rested one hand on top of her head, her fingers playing loosely in her hair. She licked her lips, then held her mouth open and waited.

  “Don’t move.” Hollis gripped her cock in her right hand and eased her body closer to Jude. She brushed the tip against Jude’s lip and withdrew, her hips rocking with the motion.

  This was why Hollis had restrained her hands, she was sure. The desire to wrap her arms around Hollis’s thighs and pull her in deeper was overwhelming. She dug uselessly at the flesh of her ass, her stomach drawing tight with excitement.

  Hollis pushed the cock into her mouth, resting it on her tongue and pushing forward until she hit the back of Jude’s throat. Jude forced herself to relax, to ease her gag reflex to allow the touch. After a moment, she swallowed, taking it in farther. Hollis pulled back immediately and tightened her hold on Jude’s hair. The message was clear. She didn’t want Jude to help at all.

  Jude whimpered and forced herself to relax. Hollis had a plan, and she needed to trust her to take care of both of them.

  The texture of the dildo against Jude’s tongue, sliding between her lips, was foreign and not entirely pleasant. She’d much rather suck Hollis’s clit into her mouth and lave it with her tongue. She craved the salty desire she knew coated Hollis’s pussy and thighs.

  But the twist of Hollis’s fingers tightening in her hair had Jude riding the line between pain and the haze of endorphin-released pleasure. Hollis pushed in again, the same depth as before, right on the edge of breaching her throat, but not quite. She released the hold on Jude’s hair and stroked her face, tracing over the high point of her cheeks.

  Jude met Hollis’s intense, demanding stare and held it as Hollis retracted, then thrust forward again. As always, she was lost in Hollis, caught up in her gaze. This time, rather than her regular placid look and impenetrable expression, Jude found deep longing. Hollis fucked her mouth gently, in and out, with more care than Jude ever expected while on her knees with a cock in her mouth. She stroked in and out at a calm, metered pace, her legs moving through the motions easily.

  Hollis stopped with the cock at the back of Jude’s throat, her eyes still focused intently on Jude’s. She stood perfectly still, one hand on Jude’s cheek, the other threaded loosely into her hair. “I need more.” She spoke in a choked whisper.

  Jude opened her throat, prepared to take the cock deeper, but Hollis pulled out completely and dropped to her knees in front of Jude. Hollis moved slowly, with careful deliberation, tracing the curve of Jude’s body with her hands. She followed the natural path down to her hips, her touch so gentle Jude trembled with wanting more.

  She brought one hand up to cup the back of Jude’s neck and held her that way for several moments, one hand on her hip, her thumb moving rhythmically over her skin, and the other wrapped loosely around her neck, her fingers playing with the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. Jude felt more deeply penetrated by the intimacy of the moment, by the raw pleading in Hollis’s eyes, than she had during any of their other encounters. Hollis had fucked her in creative and varied ways, but she’d never touched her like this.

  She couldn’t take the beseeching look any longer. Jude closed her eyes and let her head fall against Hollis’s. She didn’t know what Hollis was searching for and was lost in trying to give her the unknown. She stayed like that, with Hollis’s hot breath puffing against her face, rushing down her body, and bringing bumps to the surface of her skin.

  With her grip light and gentle, not the forceful ownership Jude accepted and submitted to, Hollis kissed her. Her mouth open, her lips lingered and tasted, but made no demands. Hollis left her breathless and panting, and she wasn’t even really touching her. Not like she was used to, with force great enough to shake her from her feet and steamroll orgasms from her body.

  Hollis inched forward, her grip still careful on Jude’s body, her fingers not pressing tight enough to leave even the slightest red blotch upon Jude’s skin. The cock pressed against her, sandwiched between their bellies and wet with Jude’s saliva.

  “Please.” She didn’t know what more Hollis wanted, but she would lay herself prostrate, flay herself open to give her what she needed. It was a futile, u
seless word, but the only one Jude could utter. “Please.” She pressed the word against Hollis’s lips in a whisper and imagined her plea sliding down Hollis’s throat and making its way into her very soul, rooting them together in this moment.

  “Yes.” Hollis kissed her lips, flicking her tongue into her mouth with a slick reminder of how easily she could own every part of Jude. Then she moved south, her mouth sucking and licking down her throat to her chest. Her body rubbed against Jude’s, pulling against her distressed nipples. The teeth of the nipple clamps dug in and held tighter, flaring her chest and cunt to life with ripping pain.

  Jude tensed and arched, forcing her chest into Hollis, but Hollis maintained that maddeningly easy pace. Her mouth moved slow and gentle, sucking lightly as she murmured against Jude’s skin—meaningless words of desire that slid into Jude, promising gentle release in complete opposition to the clamps wrenching her desire higher by force.

  Jude fought against her cuffs. She twisted her wrists, willing them smaller. She wanted to touch Hollis. She needed the feel of skin against her palms to tether her. She felt as though she might float away at any moment.

  She was about to beg, to plead with Hollis to release her, when Hollis reached behind her with an urgent moan. She kissed Jude again, this time easing her tongue between her lips. The slick slide of Hollis’s tongue inside her mouth made Jude moan out in pleasure. She was shamelessly loud in a way she hadn’t been in years, all her training forgotten.

  Then, by miraculous intervention, her hands were free. She placed them both on Hollis’s hips, uncertain where she was allowed to touch and where was off-limits. This was a new and rare pleasure. After her boldness during their previous encounter, Hollis had strictly enforced her no-touching policy. She preferred Jude restrained and helpless.

  Hollis’s skin was hot beneath her touch. She trembled, but otherwise remained still as Jude explored. She traced the leather edges of the harness, holding back and forcing herself to go slow, to touch gently. This was so different from their other times together, Jude wasn’t sure of the boundaries.

  She eased her hands upward until she was cupping Hollis’s breasts in her hands. She squeezed gently, testing the weight. She met Hollis’s gaze as she swiped her thumbs over her nipples. It was such a gentle touch that, given their history together, shouldn’t have earned any response at all, yet Hollis stiffened and gasped.

  Jude lowered her head until she was poised to take one turgid nipple into her mouth. “Is this okay?” She waited with her lips millimeters away.

  Hollis nodded, her movements jerky and vulnerable, and drew Jude in with her hands on the back of her head. “Yes.”

  Jude licked over the nipple, flattening her tongue and simply getting to know the contours. Then she flicked her tongue, once, twice, and a third time, lapping at the stiff peak. Hollis’s grip in her hair tightened and she pulled Jude in securely. She arched her back, forcing herself into Jude’s mouth. Jude sucked her in, opening her mouth to take as much as possible, then pulling back while keeping the suction tight and hard.

  Hollis gasped again, so quietly Jude wasn’t sure it’d really happened. She repeated the motion and twisted the tip with her teeth before releasing her completely.

  “Yes.” Hollis hissed her approval loud enough that there was no mistaking it.

  Hollis eased her onto her back before she was done exploring her new-found freedom. She wanted to trace every line, flatten her hands against every expanse of skin, and lick every drop of moisture from her body. But when Hollis positioned the tip of the cock at her opening and moaned, “I want to fuck you so bad,” Jude forgot every objection to their change in position.

  “Please.” Hollis held her hips still, the dildo nestled just inside Jude without truly penetrating. “Please let me fuck you.”

  Jude spread herself wide and arched into Hollis, and the cock slipped in a little farther. “Yes.” She wrapped one leg around Hollis and urged her to take her.

  Hollis sank into her slowly, letting the cock slide in easily and completely. When she was fully inside, she thrust forward quick and hard, and Jude felt more fully penetrated than she ever remembered being.

  Hollis held herself over Jude and lowered her head to her chest. She licked Jude’s sensitive nipples, just slipping lightly over the flesh and avoiding the stainless-steel clamps. The pressure sliced through Jude hot and hard, ripping open the wave of pleasure the clamps always brought her. Then, before Jude could relax into the extreme stimulation, Hollis removed the clamp from one side, then the next.

  Blood raced into the deprived areas and Jude felt like she was on fire. She gasped and squirmed, unprepared for the sudden rush. Hollis gripped both breasts and flattened her body against Jude’s, her hands sandwiched between them. The pressure helped mute the experience, but didn’t come close to quieting it completely.

  “You can come if you need to.” Hollis thrust again, pressing the cock deep inside.

  Jude moaned and gripped Hollis by the shoulders, holding her tight against her. She let herself feel the bands of heat flowing within her, ready to unfurl and explode. It would take so little. “Close.”

  Hollis eased her hips back while maintaining full contact with the rest of her body, and just as carefully thrust forward. A few more controlled thrusts and Jude’s orgasm swept over her, slow and easy, like a heated drink overflowing the cup. She rode it until the heat and tide receded, but instead of feeling empty and wanting, her body clenched around Hollis’s cock deep inside her. She started the steep rise toward orgasm again.

  “So good.” She arched into Hollis, urging her to stop holding back and fuck her for real.

  Hollis kissed her languidly, her lips and tongue owning every part of Jude. She ended the kiss with a tight tug at Jude’s bottom lip, catching it between her teeth. She held it and sucked, then released it slowly. “Are you ready?”


  “I want to fuck you now. Just us.” She thrust into Jude to punctuate her point.

  There was a time in her life, years ago, when the statement would have seemed absurd. Hollis was penetrating her with a fake cock. She was stretched and filled and so wet for more. She wanted to be pounded through the floor, and the look in Hollis’s eyes promised that she’d deliver. But with the cock between them, it was so much more than just us.

  Jude understood what she meant, though, and was touched by the sentiment. No cuffs, no clamps, no commands, and no safe word. Just the two of them feeling each other, making each other feel without the formality and rules. She stared into Hollis’s eyes and lifted the other leg up until they were both wrapped tight around Hollis’s waist. She nodded and tightened her hold on Hollis’s shoulders.

  She was there, beneath Hollis, open and offering herself in the most pure way she knew. Hollis kissed her again and shifted her grip, moving her hands from between them and back to the floor at Jude’s shoulders. She pushed up, angling her body for better, deeper penetration.

  Jude hadn’t thought it was possible, in that position, for Hollis to touch her any deeper. She had been wrong. Just the subtle shift in body position forced her deeper into Jude, forcing a strangled gasp from her lips.

  “Hold on.”

  Hollis fucked her slowly and thoroughly, pushing into her with careful, deep strokes. The firestorm brewed within her, swirling low in her cunt and curling out and traveling through her belly and up into her chest.

  Jude rose hard and fast, in counterpoint to Hollis’s slow, controlled movements. She reached the brink of falling shamefully fast and didn’t care. Hollis fucked her so good, and all she wanted was to find the orgasm her body was chasing.

  Hollis thrust once more, sharp and hard, and Jude fell, flew, shattered. Her body slumped into a puddled, weak mass, too spent to hold herself together. Her legs fell away from Hollis, her hands slipped to the floor. She was a quivering, happy mess.

  “Not yet.” Hollis’s command barely penetrated her fog, but she knew, as Hollis gripped he
r ankles and urged her legs up to her chest, that the command wasn’t about Jude’s orgasm, but more about her own desire to continue.

  With Jude’s body folded open, her cunt angled up to meet Hollis’s cock, Hollis began to fuck her hard and fast. She slammed into Jude with so much force her body inched back across the floor with each thrust. Hollis pushed her forward, crawling forward to push into her over and over and over.

  When Jude’s head touched the chest at the foot of the bed, Hollis released the hold on her ankles. She gripped Jude’s hips, letting her feet rest against her shoulders. She jerked Jude’s body onto her cock with each punishing thrust until they were both covered with a thick sheen of sweat.

  Jude let herself be manhandled, her hands grabbing at the floor uselessly with each forward thrust of Hollis’s hips. Her cunt was oversensitized and buzzing with each stroke. Just a little more, a little harder, and she’d come again.

  “Harder,” she pleaded. She wanted Hollis to abuse her body, to pound through her cunt until she exploded.

  Hollis jerked Jude’s hips up higher and arched back, changing the angle and the depth of her stroke slightly. Her back and legs trembled as she thrust, pushing forward with the full power of her body in each stroke.

  “I’m close.” Hollis gritted the words out, but they didn’t matter.

  Jude came on the next stroke, when the cock pressed against her back wall and her exposed, raw clit rubbed hard against Hollis. She shuddered and orgasmed in sloppy, wet completion.

  As she trembled through her orgasm, Hollis jerked and stiffened. She came with her cock deep inside Jude, then collapsed on top of her. Her back and legs twitched helplessly as she rode out the power of her release.

  “Stay with me.” Hollis whispered the words.

  “Yes.” Jude wasn’t sure if Hollis was talking about the night or if she meant something longer. She didn’t question it as Hollis led her to her bed and held her close until they both fell asleep.


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