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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

Page 20

by Samantha Leal

  “Do you think you could ask your boys to lay off?” Geron asked. “I was just on my way up the mountain to talk to you about it.”

  “I would but, you know, they’re not really supposed to be out this way.”

  “It’s not really something that can be helped. The ancient caves are all interconnected. You know that as well as I do. Mount Argon has tunnels that lead right to the tip of this mountain. And we can’t fully explore them with you guys treating the place like it’s your property.”

  “It is my property,” Blaine growled.

  Geron sighed. “What belonged to the ancient dragon shifters belongs to us.”

  “You want me to go up there and put a little marker so they don’t make that mistake again? I can’t promise anything on behalf of anyone else. The only person I can be accountable for is myself,” Blaine said stubbornly. He wasn’t in the mood for this shit. Not right now.

  “But you’re their boss, Blaine. Everybody within a thousand miles knows you’re the one in charge of these shifters. This mountain practically belongs to you. You can’t tell me you don’t have some say in what they do.”

  “I have some say, sure. But I’m not going to tell them to lay off your guys if they’re violating our agreement,” Blaine exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. “Fuck it, man, what do you want me to say?”

  Geron stared warily at Blaine, and then nodded slowly. “I see. So that’s the way you want to do things.”

  He turned away and, as if on second thought, Geron paused.

  “You do know that we’re allowed in the valley. That space between Oak Mountain and Mount Argon has just as much significance to the dragon shifters as it does to the bears. And we’re willing to fight for it, even if that fighting doesn’t involve bloodshed. Do you get me?”

  “I get you, I get you,” Blaine said, waving his hand dismissively. “You just take care of you and yours. If something happens, we’re just going to have to play it by ear. You know, there are humans up in the mountains too these days. They’re not really interested in the shifter lore. In fact, most of them are downright ignorant. I’ll make sure the bear shifters don’t shed blood, but we’re prepared to fight for the valley too, if it comes down to it. It’s part of my grandfather’s deed. So, technically, it’s mine as much as the rest of this place is, whether you and your scaly friends like it or not.”

  Geron nodded and said nothing more as he began to walk slowly away, making his way down the mountain. Blaine watched him silently and then continued on his way up. There was a mine heading down right into the center of the mountain; one he had only bear shifters working on. The humans just couldn’t grasp the significance of the task; it was something he felt safer taking care of on his own.


  Greg Barnes ran toward Blain, his body coated in dirt. “You came just in time. There’s something you’ve got to see!”

  Blaine frowned and followed Greg as he ran toward the mouth of the mine.

  “Come on, it’s inside.”

  Blaine put on his equipment and headed into the hollow, following Greg down the dark, winding corridors. When Greg stopped, Blaine did the same and stared up in awe at the high ceiling.

  “We’ve got something here,” Greg whispered. “Gold.”

  Greg lit his flashlight and a strong beam of light made the entire cavern glitter.

  “Holy shit,” Blaine breathed. “This is big.”

  Greg grinned and nodded his head as Blaine walked toward the wall and pressed his hand against the cool minerals. There was power there. He could feel it. But this wasn’t the heart of the mountain. It was only just beginning.

  “Send out an advertisement in the newspaper for me, Greg. We’re going to need some help.”


  “Estelle! Have you seen the newspaper yet? It’s perfect for you!”

  “What is, Helen?”

  Helen beamed, her brown eyes dancing in excitement.

  “An internship for a person with your credentials. Right up in the mountains! It’s the perfect way to get the last credits you need for the class!”

  “Are you sure? Let me see,” Estelle said, grabbing the newspaper from Helen. Helen was what she liked to call her “skinny” friend; the thin, stunning beauty who walked around campus with people falling all over themselves just to look at her. Meanwhile, Estelle and other women on the heavy side, like she happened to be, were often overlooked, uncared for by the more superficial masses. They wanted to be around people like Helen, and people like Estelle were left behind.

  Not that she minded very much. Estelle was granted an incredible opportunity, and had taken to her books and to nature. She had also learned just how to stand her ground, so that when people were being unfair to her, she didn’t give a damn if she made a scene about it. She knew how to hold her own, while people like Helen, who were so used to being admired and petted, were terrified of being on the receiving end of criticism. And Estelle wouldn’t trade her iron will for the world. It was one of her best assets.

  “It’s for office help,” Estelle said, devouring the newspaper article hungrily. She had been hoping for an opportunity to intern in the mountains over the summer. She had come a long way to attend Stonybrooke University, and still hadn’t managed to get out of her comfort zone now that she had made herself comfortable out west. She was twenty-three years old, for crying out loud. Wasn’t it about time for her to start making her mark on the world? But to do that, she would need to get out there more. Experience new things.

  “Would you actually have to be doing any mining?” Helen asked, looking over Estelle’s shoulder as she read the ad over and over again, her mind attempting to read between the lines. It was better to be safe than sorry.

  “It doesn’t really say,” Estelle said. To be honest, she had the feeling that the ad had been hastily put together, and that the demand for the position was probably pretty urgent. If she didn’t get out there for an interview, she might miss her chance completely.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Helen cried as Estelle began to make her way to her car.

  “To the mountains!” Estelle shouted.

  Helen whooped and Estelle grinned. Sure, it was a little bit impulsive, but she needed the experience in order to graduate. What else was she going to do?

  Estelle programmed the directions for Oak Mountain into her GPS and took off right out of the parking lot of SU so that she could try to beat out anybody who replied to the ad. She gave the office a call the second she was stuck in traffic and told the tired-sounding woman who answered that she was on her way to help.

  “I’m sure we’ll be able to find something for you to do,” the worn-out woman said. “Come into the office whenever you arrive. Somebody will be here to see you, no matter what time it is. We uh…we work odd hours.”

  “That sounds great!” Estelle exclaimed.

  “Sure,” the woman said, and Estelle tried not to be dampened by the woman’s lack of spirit. She had probably worked a long, hard day. It was hard to keep up a positive attitude when you were that tired. Estelle knew that much. She had always been a hard worker.

  “Thank you,” Estelle said. “I hope you have a good day.”

  And she meant it, even if the woman was too tired to care.

  Estelle made it to the base of Oak Mountain about three hours later, and parked at the side of the road to check it out. It was huge, and there was something distinctly different about the energy here.

  In Stonybrooke, things always felt safe, in a way. Like, for example, if you had one friend who was a wolf shifter, you would be protected. But out here, there were rumors of bear shifters who dealt in the mystical, and dragon shifters who flew over the mountains at night, looking down on the humans who populated the earth as they sought a way back home.

  Estelle herself wasn’t a shifter at all. In fact, she came from a long line of humans who hated shifters. But she was always a little bit different than her family, who often bullied h
er about her weight and made fun of her for dressing well, saying she should just stop trying to look good and accept the fact that she would never be beautiful. Fat girls could never be beautiful.

  But Estelle wasn’t some pathetic little girl who didn’t know her worth. She knew they were wrong, and had managed to dredge up a strong sense of self-worth despite their bullying. No matter what anybody said, she was going to take care of herself and dress however the hell she wanted. So what if her family didn’t like it? She was smart, and there were people in this world who could care about her even if her family couldn’t. The first chance she had gotten, she took off from her east coast home and began attending Stonybrooke University, where she discovered that she related even more to the wolf shifters than she did to the hateful people she had originated from.

  She had faced her fears and was now living life the way she wanted to and couldn’t be happier. Now if only she could get past the steep mountain roads that seemed to be promising her trouble…

  “It’s not as dangerous as it looks.”

  Estelle froze at the masculine voice coming from behind her and turned around slowly. Her eyes met the dazzling brown eyes of a much older man, who was leaning against a tree and studying her, his thick, muscular arms crossed in front of his barreling chest.

  “I’ve just never been up a mountain before,” she admitted with a sheepish laugh. “I’m from the east coast.”

  “Well, what the hell are you doing all the way out here then?” the man asked, his eyes intense upon her. He was handsome, she realized, squinting at him to get a better look. Really handsome. “You’re a little far from home.”

  “I don’t consider it my home,” Estelle said firmly. “Home is where you make it.”

  “Well then…” the man said, standing tall and walking toward her with his hand outstretched. She took it, and the contact of his fingers sent a wave of heat coursing through her body. She pulled away, embarrassed and a little confused, and the man set his jaw, almost as if he could tell exactly why she had reacted the way she did. It was unsettling.

  “I’m Estelle Sanders,” she said, desperate to take away from the awkwardness of the moment.

  “Blaine,” was all he said, squeezing her hand and then letting it drop.

  But his eyes seemed to be speaking volumes. He was a tall man, with dark, crisp features. His chiseled jaw and square chin were covered in neat brown hair, his beard carefully groomed and the same color as the hair on top of his head, speckled with the odd few grey hairs. Except for his trimmed beard, Blaine’s hair was wild and wavy, reaching just above his broad shoulders. She had only seen men this handsome in movies, and normally, she wasn’t even interested in men wearing red flannel.

  “Do you live around here, Blaine?” Estelle asked, doing everything she could to distract herself from the inappropriate thoughts that continued to plague her mind. The man was beastly in a way; but completely different than the wolf shifters. More rugged, perhaps.

  “I’ve lived on this mountain all my life,” Blaine said. “And I know what you’re thinking about Oak Mountain here, but really, once you start going up, it isn’t so bad. Just stay away from the edges.”

  “Actually, I’m glad we’re talking. I found this ad…”

  Estelle rustled through her purse and pulled out the newspaper ad, handing it to Blaine. “I’m looking for the BBT Mining company.”

  “Really?” he asked, his eyes flashing as he snatched the ad away from her. He read it quickly. “This is the first time I’m seeing the ad myself. I was heading down to the silver city to go make sure Greg did it right.”

  “Greg? Do you know the man who placed this ad?” Estelle asked, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. How was she going to get any position with the BBT Mining company if she gave this man a bad impression. She groaned. She probably already had.

  Estelle froze, trying to think about all the things she had said and done that probably looked stupid to a man who just happened to know Greg, the person who had placed the ad. She probably came across as a clueless little twit who didn’t deserve a management position at all. And on top of that, it was obvious she had never driven up a mountain before in her life.

  “Actually, kid, I told ol’ Greg to place the ad. One of those Bs stands for Blaine.”

  Estelle covered her face with her hands and groaned.

  “Then I’m looking for you,” she said, refusing to meet his eyes.

  “What, you want to mine?” Blaine asked, looking her up and down skeptically. “You don’t much look the type.”

  “Well, not specifically. I need an internship to complete my degree in business management so when my friend saw the ad she thought of me…”

  “Ah, Greg placed two. Clever bastard…”

  Blaine was quiet as he studied the paper first, and then Estelle. Every once in a while, she hated being a big girl. Meeting people for the first time, it often felt like they judged her before they even spoke to her, or decided she wasn’t competent or qualified just because of the way she looked. But none of those questions seemed to rise in Blaine’s eyes and he nodded.

  “You’re going to want to go up the mountain a ways…it will seem scary, but you’ll get there. The building’s not at the top. You turn left on Cedar Road.”

  “Thanks,” Estelle said. “Do you want a ride?”

  “With someone who has never driven on a mountain before?” Blaine asked, quirking his brow. It made her laugh but his handsome face remained close to expressionless. “I think the question would be, do you?”

  Estelle was a little bit taken aback. “You mean, you would drive me up?”

  Blaine nodded, shrugging casually. “I’d rather drive than ride. That’s just the way it is. Either way, I’ll make my way where I’m supposed to be. Doesn’t matter to me any.”

  “Well…you’re welcome to drive my car,” Estelle said after studying Blaine for a moment. She had a pretty good judge of character after living with such a terrible family dynamic for so long. Blaine seemed like he was hardened, but he wasn’t a bad man. She would have staked her life on it.

  Blaine nodded. “You’ll definitely get there faster. Besides, it’s easier getting down than up. It would be a good way to start practicing. If you’re going to work for me, you’re going to have to get used to it.”

  Estelle nodded and got into the passenger’s seat of her car. It was a little bit funny to sit there in a way. She had never done it before except one time when she had let Helen talk her into going out to the bar with her. But she had to admit, she liked the change of pace. She had been nervous about trekking up a mountain without anybody to supervise her or ask questions to. It was hardly a part of the curriculum when she was learning to drive in the flat land of the east coast. Now that she was out west, it seemed like a good idea to have someone there with her.

  “Thanks,” Estelle said quietly as Blaine got behind the wheel.

  “It’s nothing,” Blaine said without meeting her eyes. He closed his door and the car was immediately filled with his rugged, outdoorsy scent. His heady aroma nearly made her dizzy, but in a good way. She hadn’t been near anyone quite this masculine in her entire life. A lot of the wolf shifters were rugged and manly, but she hadn’t been very compatible with most of the wolf shifters she had met. It was just a wariness between them and humans, which she couldn’t blame them for.

  But Blaine seemed completely different, and she watched him out of the corner of her eye as he whipped around curves that she would have had to creep through at a snail’s pace. Normally, she didn’t even let Helen drive her car. She had worked hard to get just the make and model she wanted. And yet, with Blaine at the wheel, he seemed so competent and capable that she didn’t even mind. She was at ease with him, and, unlike the wolf shifters in Stonybrooke, he was at ease with her. At least, as at ease as he would probably be with anybody else.

  Blaine wasn’t looking down on her for being human, or being a woman, or even for being a big girl. I
n fact, the way his eyes had lingered on her and sent such a strong surge of heat through her body, she was wondering if maybe he wasn’t even a little bit attracted to her.

  That was an inappropriate thought, though and she tried to push it away. Whether he was attracted to her or not, they had business to do together, and it was hardly professional for her to be thinking about the man’s sexuality before even thinking about what she might possibly do to redeem herself after what could very possibly amount to being a very humiliating encounter with a potential boss that would cost her the chance of an internship.

  “This is it,” Blaine said, after whipping the car to the right and coming to an abrupt stop.

  Estelle was surprised by how quickly they came upon the building, but sure enough, a large cabin-like structure was right outside her window with the letters “BBT” painted in red on a sign above the door. She had been far too consumed in her thoughts; she hadn’t even given herself a chance to enjoy the scenery. Maybe on the way down.

  “Wow. It would have taken me an hour to get up here safely.”

  “That’s why I offered to drive,” Blaine said with a quick wink. He turned the car off and dropped the keys in her hand, and led her inside.

  “Everybody, this is Estelle. She’s going to be my new intern.”

  Estelle was just as surprised as everybody else by the announcement, and she felt her eyes widen in shock and embarrassment.

  “Hi,” she managed to say.

  “Come on,” Blaine said. “Let’s go over my paperwork in my office.”

  “All right,” Estelle said, following Blaine. He shut the door behind them and sat down at his desk. “I brought my resume…”

  “Please,” Blaine scoffed. “Anyone with a brain in their head can do this job. It’s pretty straight-forward, but a lot of organizing. Do you have any experience or will you need training? Because we need someone right away.”


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