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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

Page 101

by Samantha Leal

  “Tomorrow is going to be a defining moment in your careers,” he said. “I can’t wait to introduce you to the caves.”

  Melissa’s blood ran cold with anticipation, and as she walked back up to her room with an official secrecy document in her hands, she knew she was on the verge of something amazing. Whatever the day ahead was going to bring, she was sure that it was going to change her life.


  The next morning as Melissa boarded the bus that would take her to the excavation site, she was full of so much hope, fear and anticipation she didn’t know what to do with herself. She and the other members of the team all sat in silence as Dr. Quattro led them into the French countryside and out into the hills. She didn’t know where they were going or even how long it had taken them. Quattro had taken all of their cell phones, watches and electronic equipment in case they somehow interfered with what he thought may be some sort of electromagnetic field.

  Melissa found herself skeptical. She had heard of people going missing on excavations like this. The terrain was unpredictable and who knew what the architectural state of the cave would be? In the back of her mind, she just kept thinking that surely Quattro’s colleague had fallen into a break in the rocks and either became covered or fallen so far down there would be no hope for recovery. Quattro however, was adamant this wasn’t the case.

  As they disembarked the bus in the middle of an open field, Melissa shivered and she looked around her, realizing how totally alone out there they were.

  “This way,” Quattro said as he marched ahead.

  Melissa noticed a break in the ground and what looked like it could easily be a badger sett was the ground crumbling away and opening into a hole of about three feet wide.

  “We need to start from here,” Quattro said. “Travel about a hundred meters down and then the rocks open up and reveal the entrance to the cave.

  Melissa couldn’t even speak. This was her last time to back out, but she knew she wasn’t going to.

  “Let’s do it,” Quattro said as he strapped on his helmet and began to crawl into the tiny space before disappearing out of sight. Melissa wasn’t far behind him, and as she maneuvered her body down into the earth, she decided now was not the time to second guess her decisions. She was going for it with everything she had, and she was going to make her mark.

  Underground, as they scaled the rocks, she could smell the familiar scent of damp earth which rapidly gave way to clay. It was pitch black in there apart from the light on her helmet and just when she thought the journey down to the opening of the cave was never going to end, she heard Quattro call up to her that he had gotten there.

  When her feet touched down next to his, she breathed a sigh of relief. She crawled forward on her hands and knees in the tunnel that could have only been around a few feet high and suddenly it opened out into the most spectacular underground world.

  “Oh my god!” Melissa exclaimed as her voice echoed around the cave. There was a lagoon down there, huge prehistoric paintings of bulls and horses adorning the walls and star maps present, too. She had never seen anything so spectacular in her entire life and she knew instantly why Quattro had wanted to keep it so secret. There was a magic to the place… It was so hidden, so concealed from the world, it was a miracle it had been found in the first place. Everything in there was perfectly preserved and the contrasting rock formations of stalagmites and stalactites were bone chilling.

  “They’re amazing,” she whispered, and her voice still echoing. She stepped forward and made her way to an area that seemed to pull her there… She couldn’t explain why, but there was something about the rocks that made her determined to walk to them. She needed to touch their points and feel the moisture running along them.

  It took Quattro a moment to realize where she was heading, but when he did, he spun around with a look of horror on his face and called to her. “Wait, no!”

  But it was too late. Melissa had reached the rocks and had one in each hand. As she held onto their tips, a fire raged through her and what felt like lightening rocketed up and down her spine.

  She was pummeled backwards, and the whole world went black. Everything was silent, and the pain in her head throbbed. She couldn’t hear Quattro anymore, and she couldn’t feel anything. With a rush of nausea, she fell unconscious before she could even process what had happened.


  The cold bit her skin, but she could smell the faint smoky drift of firewood. The crackling and snapping of twigs brought her more back to life as she rolled over and realized she was on ice-cold ground.

  “Quattro?” she croaked as she leaned up on her elbows and looked around. She was in the cave…but it was different. No one else was there and a small fire burned around nearby. She looked down at herself and realized she was wearing the black skin of an animal. The fur was keeping her warm, but she had raggy material tied to her feet and she was dirty.

  “What the hell…?” she said as she got to her feet. The pain in her head was still raging, and she was sure that someone was playing a joke on her as she looked around at the lagoon and the ancient rocks. The paintings weren’t as extensive, but they looked fresh, as if they had only just been done. The cave looked different because it wasn’t as developed or underground… She could sense something had changed with time and space… She had gone somewhere else.

  Her mind raced as she thought back to what Quattro said about his colleague disappearing. He had said something about a vortex, about him being taken by something. Melissa looked around in panic… Could the same have happened to her? Could it have been the rocks? Something so strong had pulled her there and then… Nothing. Blackness. Then she had woken up there.

  She trembled as she tried to piece it all together. Then with horror she threw herself back against the wall of the cave as she was sure she could hear something.

  She wasn’t alone.

  There was something else in there with her.

  She swallowed hard as her heart pounded loudly in her chest. She could hear something snarling and moving closer. She curled into a ball, trying to make herself as small as possible so it was almost like she wasn’t there. She was so terrified, she didn’t dare move, and when she finally had the nerve to look up, her heart almost stopped beating.

  There in front of her, about a hundred foot away, was a saber-toothed tiger, massive on its haunches, snarling at her and eyeing her up for its next meal. Melissa wanted to scream, she wanted to run… but she just couldn’t move.

  “It can’t be,” she whispered. “This isn’t happening.”

  The tiger snarled again and moved forward. Its huge paws padded across the frozen earth, and Melissa kept closing her eyes and pinching the skin on her legs.

  “Wake up,” she muttered. “This isn’t real, wake up.”

  When she opened her eyes, the tiger was still in front of her, its immense tusk-like teeth dripping with saliva and the taste for her. She began to wail. The tiger reared up on its hind legs before lunging towards her.

  Suddenly from above, there was a flash of black fur as another creature leapt over her. It dived at the tiger with rage before it could reach Melissa and drove a long spear into its heart. The tiger collapsed onto the floor and whimpered as it let out its last breath. The creature that had saved her got to its feet and stood tall and proud.

  It was with both relief and trepidation that Melissa realized it wasn’t another animal at all, but a person. A handsome man wearing a similar animal pelt to hers, all muscles and dirt, his long hair matted with mud and his chest heaving with exertion. He walked over to her and blocked out the light from the fire with his huge frame before extending a hand to her to help her up.

  “Woman,” he said gruffly. “Get up.”


  Melissa put her hand in his and he pulled her forcefully to her feet. His eyes were bright and innocent through all of the caked mud and dirt that was covering his skin, and she had the intense urge to reach out and stroke his face. />
  “Go,” he said. “Now.”

  Melissa looked up at him and wondered why there was so much urgency. He had killed the danger. The saber-tooth was dead. What else could be waiting for them? She noticed a look of shock on his face and turned to follow his gaze. Behind her in the darkness of the cave were small, strange-looking men with big ugly features crawling out of the shadows.

  Melissa shrieked as he lifted her high up over his shoulder and began to run with her for the cave entrance. She squealed as she bobbed along, her hair trailing right down his back as he clung onto her taut thighs with his big, rough hands.

  The men running after them were like something she had studied. But it couldn’t be possible. They couldn’t be what she thought they were, surely…


  Her savior ran quickly out over the barren terrain, and she clung to him for fear of losing her grip and being dropped in the middle of the icy field and savaged. The sun was setting and casting an orange glow over the ice, and as they ran up an incline and he made a left around a rock, Melissa suddenly felt safe. This place felt free of danger, and it appeared they had outrun them.

  He slowed his pace but still kept a rough grip on her. She could feel his muscles beneath the pelt, and she ran the tips of her fingers over them, lightly stroking each rock-hard flex. She bit her lip with excitement… Although all this seemed unbelievable, she was having the time of her life.

  “Home,” the man said as he approached a cliff face.

  He placed Melissa down on the ground and began to roll away a large boulder that was covering the entrance to another cave.

  “In,” he said.

  When Melissa hesitated, he pulled her by the arm into the cave and began to roll the boulder back over the opening.

  It was dark and warm in there, with the heat and light from an embering fire casting dancing shadows along the walls. She could see paintings of the bulls and horses and wondered if he had decorated some of the caves that she discovered on her excavation with Dr. Quattro.

  This man was so wild and untamed, and yet he clearly had a soft side. He barely spoke, but he was most certainly an advanced human. He wasn’t the same as the Neanderthals… He was just like her, only from the beginning of time. She was enchanted by him and he was with her. He motioned for her to sit down by the fire, and Melissa gladly accepted. She was cold and she pulled the pelt around her as she warmed her feet and legs and rubbed her hands together.

  He moved closer and sat right next to her. He ran his hands through her hair and studied her face. He could tell she was from somewhere else, too… She could feel it.

  “I’m Melissa,” she said as she pointed to her chest.

  “Melissa,” he repeated and a smile spread across his face. He held a hand up to his heart and something inside of Melissa melted.

  Finally, a real man, she thought.

  He got to his feet and started to root through a pile of belongings in the corner. He had bowls which looked like they were made from clay and he had a clay jug filled with water. He offered her a bowl with water in and Melissa drank from it. Even though it was cold, she needed something. She needed to taste something, feel something… She needed to know it was all real.

  “A man,” he said. “Come…”

  Melissa sat up and looked at him. She knew he must have meant Quattro’s colleague, but she didn’t know if he would understand her.

  “Where is he?” she asked.

  “Dead,” he said and shook his head.

  Melissa felt a pang of disappointment. She wondered if Quattro’s colleague had figured out a way to get back to the present. What if she was going to be stuck there forever?

  “What’s your name?” she tried, not sure if he would understand.

  He shook his head, “No.”

  “No?” Melissa laughed.

  “No name,” he said.

  “Well, I’m going to give you a name,” she smiled. “I’m going to call you Saber, because you killed one and saved me.”

  He shrugged and smiled.

  Even though they could barely speak to one another, there was a chemistry between them that was electric. There was something running deeper than language; it was as if their souls had instantly connected and were bonding more with each passing second. Every time he looked at her and their eyes locked, Melissa’s heart beat a little faster and her nerves began to rise. He was such a man, like none she had ever met before. He was so wild and masculine, it was if he was the most original man there had ever been.

  She thought about all of her studies and of how she had read about how cavemen had treat their women… This didn’t seem to be anything like it. He hadn’t clubbed her over the head and dragged her back to his cave and had his wicked way with her. He had saved her life, took her away from danger and was now looking after her in his warm, safe cave.

  Their eyes met again and Melissa noticed something stirring in Saber. He had the potential to unleash his animal instinct and the tension made Melissa grow wet between the legs. He moved towards her quickly and grabbed her between both of his huge arms. As she looked into his eyes, something changed between them both. She had to have him. Right there and then.


  He held onto her with all the power of a God. She felt tiny in his arms and the strength radiating from him was intense and overwhelming.

  “Saber,” she whispered.

  She reached a hand up tenderly to his face and brushed some of the hair away from his eyes. He was so handsome, even under all of the sweat and dirt. His cheekbones and features were chiseled and prominent, jutting out in defined lines that made him look even more masculine. At her touch, he turned his mouth so it almost met her hand. She could tell her wanted to kiss her, but it was almost as if he didn’t know how.

  There was a part of Melissa that felt as if she could read his mind… She knew he had been with another woman before, but he seemed to know she was different. He could tell that she needed to be touched differently, and he wanted to kiss her but wasn’t sure whether he should.

  Melissa nodded and moved her lips to his. She kissed him softly and that seemed to be all Saber needed to unleash his fiery passion. He pulled her close to him and she could feel his manhood, red hot and stiff between his thighs. She moaned as he grunted and pushed her back against the cave wall. In an instant, a switch had flipped and he changed. His animalistic nature burst free, and he was ready to be the lover he had always been.

  Melissa threw her head back as he trailed kisses up her neck and slipped a hand between her thighs. She was soaking wet and he grunted hard as his fingers found her moist opening and slipped a big, thick finger up inside of her. Melissa gasped. His touch was rough but so pleasurable. She had never been turned on so much in her entire life.

  She spread her legs further and let him explore her body. He ripped at the pelt to expose her breasts and grunted as he pulled away his own clothing. When he stood naked in front of her, Melissa couldn’t help but smile. He was such a fine example of a man, so perfect. Even with all their differences, even with the fact they were from thousands of years apart, their pure human instincts of lust and passion pulled them together with an incredible force.

  Saber took hold of her and lifted her high into the air. He carried her over to the fire and lay her down on the fur pelt in front of it. She didn’t even notice the cold as she looked down at his huge throbbing cock and ached to have it inside of her. He knelt in front of her and parted her legs with his knees. As he climbed between them and rubbed his cock up and down her slit, Melissa writhed against him in ecstasy. She was begging for him to put it in her. She needed to feel him. She bit her lip as he stopped at her opening and with one powerful thrust entered her and opened her wider than she had ever been before.

  “Ohh,” Melissa whimpered as he began to thrust in and out of her with such force she was on the edge of an orgasm within seconds. She gripped onto his thick shoulders and screamed with pleasure as he fucked her hard a
nd slow. She gripped him tight with her walls, and as they contracted around him, he began to thrust harder, faster and deeper. His cock was so powerful and strong. He was the most incredible lover she had ever had. As he grunted and emptied his thick, hot seed up inside of her, Melissa came again and trembled beneath him. Saber gripped onto her throat and thrust into her once more, as the last bursts of his release flowed from him and he was hot and damp with sweat.

  As the pair collapsed on the floor of the cave in front of the fire, Melissa turned up to look at him. She couldn’t believe what had just happened, but she had never felt more free and excited. She had just been made love to by a prehistoric man… a piece of history was now a part of her. For her, it was the ultimate prize and the ultimate experience.

  Saber wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her into his side. It wasn’t long before he was asleep and they dozed by the fire, cuddled underneath the fur pelts as the sounds of howling creatures roamed the icy lands outside.

  Even though Melissa knew there were probably countless creatures out there that could kill her, she had never felt safer in his arms.


  The embers burned low on the fire, and when Melissa woke, Saber was already up, stoking it and adding more wood.

  She approached him from behind, wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck. She had never felt more like a woman around him. She had never felt sexier.

  “A kiss,” she whispered as he turned to her and her lips met his. He ran his hand through her hair and slipped his tongue against hers.

  It was all so perfect. She wished it never had to end.

  But she knew she couldn’t stay there.

  When they broke apart, his eyes looked sad, as if he knew it was all over, too.

  “I need to go,” she said. “Can you take me back to the cave?”

  Saber looked out at the fire and ignored her for a moment. She could tell he didn’t want her to leave.


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