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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

Page 103

by Samantha Leal

  Her head was full of questions, each vying to be the first to be asked.

  “So, where am I from?” Starting with the obvious one.

  “These are the lands of Ionia,” the young man said, proudly. “Your brother rules five of the seven provinces, if he takes the final two, our people will be lost, forever.”

  Ionia? The name meant nothing to her.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t see how I can be this person that you think I am. I’m just an ordinary girl. I don’t have any destiny and I definitely don’t have any magic,” she was still trying to convince herself that they had the wrong person. Magic isn’t real, is it? She asked herself

  Yet, she remembered the visions she had just witnessed in the flames. That was magic.

  “In Ionia there is no technology,” the old man spoke to her, his head bowed forward, and he didn't lift it as he spoke, he looked in some sort of trance. “Technology is the art of science. Ionia rejects science, instead it relies on magic. Magic is much deeper and its source is from the mind. Science, for all its cleverness, does not understand the mind, and that is why you cannot use magic in a world of technology, science simply rejects it.” He paused, as if waiting for his words to sink in, before continuing. “In this land, magic comes from the spirit world and is channeled into certain individuals, you are one of those individuals. Your bloodline is borne of Royalty, which is a vessel of magic, in Ionia.”

  The younger man looked upon the girl and could see confusion written on her face, confusion and fear, and for the first time he felt pity for her. Whilst her character was like an annoying thorn in his hand, this news was difficult for her to understand. In only moments she had been brought from her familiar surroundings, into an alien world. Shown her parent’s murder, and the murder of her people. Finally, they were now trying to convince her that her bloodline had been the cause of all this destruction. She looked wounded and broken.

  Niyol passed her a blanket

  “You should try and sleep, tomorrow we travel far and you will need your rest.”

  Tammy wrapped herself in the blanket and curled up to keep warm. She was stunned by what she had learned today, but she knew it all to be true, this was her home. It was almost too much to take in, she had just seen her parents murdered by her brother, a tyrannical despot. She had been brought here to save this world. How could this happen to a barmaid, a simple small town girl who never did anything exciting? Many thoughts whizzed around in her head, and it seemed to take an eternity before she finally fell into a light sleep.

  The old man was pleased that she slept because the next day, and many days to follow, would be difficult for her. He just hoped that he had made the right decision, all their hopes depended on this girl.

  Chapter 4 Fresh Tangy Oranges

  Tammy felt confused when she first awoke. When she saw the old man, in exactly the same place he had been as she’d fallen asleep, she realized that it wasn't a horrible nightmare, everything was real.

  “Are you well, Princess?” the familiar voice asked her.

  She recognized the voice as the son of the old man, the handsome stranger who was the first cause of all her troubles.

  “Don’t call me that!” she snapped back at him. “It sounds ridiculous.”

  “It is not ridiculous to your people,” he told her. “They will rejoice at your return. You are their savior. You must become comfortable with this role, Princess.”

  “Are you doing that simply to annoy me?” she spat at him, knowing he was enjoying her discomfort.

  Right now it all seemed his fault. It was him that had sent her into that stinking cellar, which ultimately landed her in this strange place. She didn’t belong here, even if it were true, how could she make herself into a Princess, and a magic one at that? It sounded too surreal, how was she ever going to get back home again?

  They ate a quick breakfast of fresh forest fruits, and drank clear spring water. Tammy felt she had not eaten anything so delicious in her entire life. As she was finishing breakfast, the old man approached her.

  “It is time for us to move on, Princess. We need to start the journey that will one day result in the freedom of your people,” he smiled at her. “Today, is a good day.”

  His words sent dread through her heart, how could she be the savior of any people? She was so confused, what exactly did they expect her to do?

  Niyol’s voice snapped her out of her reverie, “You ride with me, Princess,” he placed extra emphasis on the word, Princess, enjoying that it caused her chagrin.

  “Up there? With you?” she frowned. “No way. Can’t we walk?

  “I gather our Princess hasn't ridden on horseback before, then?” he smirked at her, enjoying her discomfort.

  “No, the Princess hasn’t, neither does she want to.”

  “Well, it’s at least twelve miles before our first stop. Passing through woodlands that are home to many wild creatures, including wolves and bears. If that’s what the Princess ordains, then who am I to argue?”

  “Okay, okay, I get the picture,” she said, resignedly. “Help me up,” she demanded, holding her hand out. He grasped it firmly, pulling her up, seemingly effortlessly. She swung her leg over the horse and tried to wriggle into a comfortable position. “Have you never heard of saddles in this world?” she asked, a note of sarcasm in her voice.

  Niyol ignored her sarcastic remark, simply shaking his head in despair. How his father thought this flip of a girl, this prima donna, could save their world, escaped him. He pressed his heels into the horse and commanded it to move off. Finally, they set off on their journey. Niyol wrapped his arm around the young woman’s waist, keeping a firm grip when the terrain became rougher. His father would never forgive him if he let her fall. The softness of her shape between his legs was encouraging his member to harden. He wondered at what she’ll do if she notices.

  The horse wasn't as uncomfortable as Tammy thought it would be, it just took a little getting used to. It didn’t help that there was nothing for her to hold onto, other than the horse’s mane, but she felt uncomfortable pulling on that too hard, though the horse didn't complain. She didn't even mind when the man behind her wrapped his arm around her waist, his strong arms holding her securely, his broad chest pressing into her back, it gave her a feeling of safety, something she hadn't felt since this adventure had started. She shuffled back to press closer to him, his strong arms giving her a sense of security. Then she felt something stiff pressing against her ass. She blushed with embarrassment when she realized what it was, and for a fleeting moment an image of a naked Niyol shot through her mind.

  To take her mind from such visions, she tried to make conversation with him, but he was reluctant to talk. Whenever she had a question, his answer was always, “things will become clearer,” or, “ask my father.” It was all quite frustrating.

  “Will I ever be able to return home?” she asked him, not expecting a reply, and was surprised when he responded.

  “This is your home,” he said, as if that was all he would commit to.

  He really infuriated her sometimes, with his superior attitude, wasn't she meant to be the Royal one? What was he anyway? Nothing but a jumped up bodyguard. Perhaps it was time to give out some Royal edicts, starting with forcing this infuriating man to treat her with some respect.

  “Yes, I will show you how to return to your other world, when the time is right,” his words startled her and she felt a little guilty for her angry thoughts.

  The rest of the journey passed by in an uncomfortable silence, for each of them, and they were both pleased when they entered a large clearing, not too far from a small village.

  As they drew closer, a rider on horseback came out to greet them. He was dressed similar to Niyol, with a dark green leather jerkin and black leather pants. On the breast of the jerkin was a badge with a red background, and embroidered in gold was an eagle fighting with a wolf. It was the same as the badge on Niyol’s jerkin. She wondered if it was some kind of
clan marking.

  “Welcome to Ionia, Princess Tamara,” the rider greeted her. “My life is yours to command,” he bowed at the waist, sweeping his arm in front of his body, in an elaborate salutation.

  “Thank you...umm...” she stared at the rider questioningly, wondering at his name.

  “Peta,” he responded.

  “Thank you for your gracious welcome, Peta.”

  They all rode together into the village, with Peta leading the way. News had travelled ahead of her and the streets were lined with happy people. When they entered the village, a huge cheer rose from the thronging crowd.

  “Are these people here for me?” she asked Niyol.

  “I told you that your people would be happy to see your return,” he said to her. “They think, like my father, that you will save them from the tyrant.”

  “And you?” she asked.

  “It matters not what I think, if you can motivate the people to stand and fight, then your being here may have merit and reason,” he couldn't hide the doubt in his voice.

  “Why do you dislike me, Niyol? I have done nothing to deserve your derision,” she scolded.

  Niyol didn't respond to her question, he just stared ahead. Truth is, he was actually getting used to having her around. She did instill in him some confidence that her arrival may help, especially having seen the village folk welcome her, but he wasn’t going to admit that to her. Unknown to her, he smiled down at her head as she sat in front of him on the horse. He thought she smelled of fresh tangy oranges, and in fact, he thought she was quite beautiful, for a thorn in his hand.

  Chapter 5 Mind Reading

  Tammy had spent many days and nights in conferences with leaders from all over the land. Many of them had come straight from battle, against her brother. All of them greeting her with a low bow and treating her with the greatest of respect, a respect she felt she hadn't yet earned. Yet they all had one thing in common, they believed she was their savior.

  They told her of terrible horrors about her brother, how his army ruled with an iron fist that smashed down on those who would dare to disobey him. Although she knew it wasn't her fault, she still felt a deep shame at his actions and was beginning to feel that she should help, that it was her duty to do so and stop this man, of whom she shared a bloodline.

  After she had been updated by the warlords and clan leaders, then came the mages, men and women of various magical abilities. They tried to uncover her own magical skills, but so far nothing had come forth, and deep inside herself she truly felt that nothing ever would. She struggled to accept the concept of magic, yet here she was in another world, another dimension. Whilst her mind struggled to accept it all, it was all undeniably happening.

  At the end of the day she was exhausted, filled with stories of her brother’s inhumanity, and pressured by mages to show some magical trickery. It was a relief when they all left, and she managed to steal a moment alone. Meandering down a pathway, that she knew led to a pleasant secluded spot by a stream, she listened to the musical trickle of the water. This noise had always soothed her mind, whichever land she was in. She felt in great need some time out, time alone, though she thought that to be a concept these people did not seem to understand. What she really needed was to go home, even if it was just for a short while, so she could get her head around all of this new information. Watch some TV, listen to some music, just do normal everyday things, things she had taken for granted. Everything had come at her at once, ever since the day she had arrived in these strange lands.

  Despite being in a different world, it still had a familiar look to it, the trees and plants were the same as from her own world. The surroundings were somewhat similar, but yet still she felt homesick. She had not realized how much she depended on the modern comforts of the other world. To bathe in this world meant cold water, to eat was basic food, no fast food, no pizza’s, simply meat or fish, and boiled vegetables always seemed to be the constant menu. How she longed for a bar of her favorite chocolate, and she had only been here a few days! Lost in her own thoughts, mourning over the loss of her home comforts, she did not hear the approaching footsteps, until whoever it was coughed to gain her attention.

  “Oh,” she was a little startled, “it’s you, Niyol. Please, I’ve just come for some peace and quiet and you’re the last person to give me that.”

  “I come bearing good tidings,” he said, a touch of impatience in his voice. “It seems your thoughts have been understood, and I am to accompany you back to the other world, for a short while,” he said, without any further explanation.

  “My thoughts?” She questioned. “Who has the ability to understand what goes on in my head?”

  “Our mages are powerful people,” he shrugged, as if this was an everyday occurrence. “They know what you think. They understand that you are home sick. Though how you can be feeling like this, I cannot understand. This is your home now.”

  “No, Niyol, I wouldn’t expect you, of all people, to understand my feelings. Plus, I think it very rude that people pry on my personal thoughts,” she wondered if they knew everything that went on in her head and had a fleeting memory of how she had envisioned Niyol naked.

  “If you would listen to your wiser elders, and learn your personal skills, no one would be able to read your thoughts, you would be able to guard them. But, no, you choose not to learn,” he said, a note of exasperation in his voice. “You won’t believe anything that our wise ones tell you, even when they show you their magic, and try to tell you what you are capable of.”

  “I’m glad that the elders are respected in such a way, at least it helps excuse the behavior of some of the younger ones, such as you, rude and impertinent.”

  Tammy turned away from him, how could one person infuriate her so much, especially one so handsome? Again, but only briefly, the image of a naked Niyol giving her a kiss from those strong lips of his, ran through her mind and her face flushed with embarrassment.

  “Are you unwell?” Niyol queried, “You seem a little flushed.”

  “Fine. Yes I’m fine, and will feel all the better once I’m back to my normal life. At least I’ll get a break from the likes of you.”

  “Hmm,” he grumbled, not looking at all pleased. “I am to return with you and stay by your side, for when you are ready to come back here and take up your responsibilities. The ones that you should be doing right now.”

  “What?” she exclaimed. “I don’t want you in my world. You would look out of place.”

  “That is the agreement, there is no leeway on this matter. I stay by your side, or you cannot go,” he explained, looking rather pleased, that in this at least, he had the last word.

  “Look, I could simply go home and forget all about this place, this backward, middle aged primitive, beaut…” she did not finish her sentence, knowing that already she was falling in love with this land. It did feel like her real home, as if she finally belonged somewhere. “I’m not sure why I long to go back to the modern world,” she told him, “but I do, and even you can’t change my yearning. I do love this place and I will come back. But events have happened so fast, I never even knew I had a brother let alone a home in another world.”

  “If you seek pity, then you are looking at the wrong person,” Niyol responded, in his matter of fact kind of way.

  “I wouldn’t want your pity, anyway,” she said, anger rising in her as she stepped towards him, “you have nothing I want at all.” She knew this was a lie, she wanted his kisses, his caresses and any other loving act he might want to give her. Then she forced her thoughts elsewhere, annoyed that her mind kept wandering of its own accord.

  The venom in her attack, surprised Niyol, but inside he was a little pleased, she would need to learn to be passionate, if she was to save her people. For the first time since he had met her, he was starting to believe that she just might be capable of helping.

  Chapter 6 The Traveler

  Everything happened so quickly, and she was soon in her old apa
rtment. It felt good to be back home, but was it really home now, she was so confused?

  Wasting no time, the first thing she did was take a hot bath, using her most fragrant bath oils and luxuriating in the warm foamy water. Afterwards, she ordered pizza, and they both sat eating it whilst watching TV.

  A thought occurred to her as she watched Niyol eat pizza for his first time ever, which had been most amusing. He had told her that when he had travelled previously, through the portal, he would get in and out as quickly as possible, never lingering long enough to have to eat or even sleep. This would be his longest time away from his own world.

  “How do you find it, Niyol, now you’ve spent some time here?” she asked him, as he licked his fingers.

  “Noisy, smelly, and the pace of life is far too fast. Add into that mix, rude and obnoxious people, I think there is little to commend it, but,” he said, holding up a half-eaten slice of pizza, “the food’s not bad.”

  She smiled at his reaction, once again imagining his kiss. Why did her mind keep doing that?

  After dinner she turned off the television. They had been watching the news, but it all seemed mundane and boring now. This world was unexciting when the fate of a whole nation rested in her hands in the other world. Checking her inbox in her email, she sighed at all the notifications from Facebook friends that had built up. Her Twitter account was also flooded with messages. Last week all of this had been important in her life, but now it meant nothing. She didn’t even want to read the messages. When so many people were relying on her in the other world, it made her feel guilty that she was back in this one.


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