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Take My Breath Away

Page 6

by Mia Ford

  I dressed in my best slacks and a Henley that brought out my eyes. I wore boots with it and headed out of the dorm to meet Rosie outside. It felt like a date, but I told myself that it wasn’t.



  I showered after my class and dried my hair in loose curls. I didn’t know why I cared about what I wore being that Sterling had seen me naked several times already. We were past that and we weren’t even dating. I selected a pair of heavy velvet leggings and pulled a black cami to match. I added a cropped sweater in a vibrant pink and black boots as I looked in the full-length mirror that Violet propped against the wall.

  I looked good, and I smiled, which reminded me to add some gloss to go with the sweater. I added some mascara to my eyes and a setting powder to my face before glossing my lips. I told Sterling that I’d meet him in front of his dorm and he would drive from there. I grabbed a coat and slipped it on before I slipped my purse over my body. Violet was already gone for the night, out to dinner with Brian before the party.

  They were getting serious.

  I left the room and locked it before making my way to the stairs. I walked down them, seeing students go through the room as I smiled to myself. I recognized one as a girl that Sterling was talking to and my mouth dropped into a frown. I didn’t know how many he’d had sex with but there had to be a lot.

  I walked out of the front door and looked over at his building with a sigh. Was I doing the right thing? I walked to the right and across the road to him, seeing someone out on the front steps. When I got closer that figure walked down and greeted someone as I smiled weakly. I kept walking and made my way around a group of bushes and saw Sterling leaning against the building and looking up at the sky. I glanced up, seeing some dim stars as I pressed my lips together.

  “Hi,” I heard him say, and I glanced in the direction of his voice. Sterling was dressed to the nines tonight, and I looked him over as he approached me.

  “You look great,” I told him as he spun around slowly, making me laugh.

  “I could say the same to you. You look beautiful tonight.” He kept walking towards me and I looked into his face.

  “Thank you,” I replied as we started to walk to his car. He opened the door for me and I slid inside, seeing flashes of the old Sterling from when I was younger. He got in and started the engine, giving it a moment to warm up. This felt different, and I was terrified to think of the reasons, staying quiet as I looked at him. We backed out of the lot and he headed to the restaurant, looking confident and sexy as he drove. Little Sterling was a sweet boy who watched out for me and defended me from bullies. Big Sterling was a man now, and he was sexy. He was magnetic for me. He was kind, and the man knew what to do in bed. If someone told me back when we were younger that we’d be sleeping together, I would have laughed at them. Sure, I had a little crush, but I never thought much past that.

  I could count on two hand the amount of times I’d felt him inside of me. I felt his fingers, tongue, and lips all over me and it was everything that people described in books and movie. I didn’t think that I’d find that a lot in life.

  We pulled into a parking lot and I blinked, coming back to reality. We were here. Sterling parked and smiled over at me as I pulled my jacket around my body. He turned off the engine and walked around to my door to open it, smiling as I slipped past him. I’d been here many times before due to the cheap Italian food and cheap wine. Every student came here but tonight felt different. It didn’t seem too crowded tonight but there was a big party going on. Every student probably wanted to drink themselves blind and forget all about tests and classes.

  The owner greeted us and signaled for Sterling to pick a table from what was affordable. He nodded and walked to his favorite corner booth as I followed and glanced around at the tables that were filled. Even older women stopped what they were doing to take a long look at Sterling. He was gorgeous, and he lit up every room that he walked through. I didn’t even send out a spark, and I shook my head as I slipped across the booth from him.

  We ordered wine and decided to split a plate of lasagna with a big salad. We chatted about school and what was going to happen after school.

  “You’re going to stay here, aren’t you?” Sterling asked me as I gazed at him.

  “I don’t think Mom would let me leave. I’ll probably end up working for Dad even with this art degree. Why do you ask? You’re going on to law school, Sterling.” I told him as he shrugged.

  “Maybe. I’m so used to Seattle now that it seems weird to leave. Maybe I’ll look into going to California. It’s not too far,” he smiled at me and I held in the thought that was even too far for me. I would never say that to him, so I reached for my wine again.

  “You’re out of the family business, then? Must be nice.” I still didn’t hear the end of that and I was graduating soon.

  “They’re always going to try, Rosie. It’s up to us to break the pattern.” Sterling sounded so confident as he looked warmly at me. I knew that we both kept to our own families because it was what everyone wanted. Who was breaking any pattern doing that?

  “I guess. It’s hard to run from family business and money, Sterling. They know that they have the last word.” I was feeling the pressure of that more than ever right now. I was graduating with an art history degree and I could move to any city and work at a gallery or assisting for shows. The world was my oyster, but I still heard my father telling me to help my brothers with the business.

  “Just walk away. Graduate and start over somewhere,” Sterling told me, looking sad for a moment. Would he miss me as much as I’d miss him?

  “We’ll see. I just want to walk across that stage and know that I am done.” I smiled at the idea as I reached for my fork to cut off a piece of the gooey lasagna.

  “I always knew that you were going places, Rosie. I knew it from the moment I met you.” I stared into his eyes, getting lost in their depths for one tortured moment.

  “Come on now. You were always the star in school with sports and… everything.” I almost said girls, but I didn’t want to sound like I was paying too much attention. “I was just the school nerd.”

  “I wish that all school nerds looked like you. The world would be a happier place,” he told me, reaching for his fork to stab some lettuce. I laughed and took another bite of the pasta, chewing slowly.

  We finished dinner and sipped the wine, taking in the atmosphere. I knew that I would miss this place if I left. It had more charm than every five-star restaurant my family took me to over the years. I had some amazing memories here.

  “So, do you want to hit the party or do something else?” I heard him ask me as I looked at him. His eyes were dark and suggestive, and I pressed my thighs together. Didn’t we just sleep together recently?

  “Ice cream and your dorm?” I suggested as he grinned.

  “Sounds perfect.” He paid the bill, and we walked across the street to the old ice cream parlor, ordering cones. We sat outside to eat, enjoying the sweet treat as we looked out onto the city. I knew what was going to happen if we went back to his dorm, but I couldn’t stop it. We might be parting soon, and I needed every bit of Sterling that I could get. I tossed the last bite of the cone into the trash and looked over at Sterling. His eyes were hot on me and he stepped forward to kiss me, cleaning the last drops of chocolate from my mouth. This was as open as we’d ever been, and I moaned into his mouth.



  Her lips were sweet with the ice cream and I could taste the wine on her tongue. I’d never kissed Rosie in public like this, but her lips were too tempting for me. I couldn’t stop myself.

  Her moan vibrated against my lips and I slipped my tongue deeper inside of her mouth.

  “Come back to my room?” I asked in a whisper as her hands tangled in my hair.

  “Yes.” I pulled away painfully, leading her to my car. I could drive now since I’d allowed her to enjoy most of the wine. I opened her door and watched
her slide in before closing it and going to my side. I couldn’t get to the dorm building fast enough tonight. I started the engine and pulled out to the street with a quick right. Rosie inhaled deeply as I drove, and I spared her a glance at a long red light. She looked at me with big eyes and I felt my cock harden in my pants. The light turned green and I hit the gas.

  I pulled up and found a parking spot in the last row before letting her out. We were walking to the door when I heard someone call my name. It was a female, and I scowled as I looked around.

  “Sterling. Hi. Aren’t you going to the party?” It was Grace, and I frowned as I glanced at Rosie.

  “No, not tonight. I made other plans,” I told her as she looked at Rosie. Girls were fucking catty, and I saw the cold stare that Grace gave Rosie as I clenched my fists. She’d been in my life longer than anyone here and I trusted Rosie. I needed Rosie. “Let’s go.” I turned and headed to my building and Rosie followed as I tried to contain my anger.

  Rosie was quiet until I was unlocking my door. I pushed it open and pulled her inside as she bit her lip.

  “You’ve slept with her.” It wasn’t a question, and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

  “You went off with some guy at the party last weekend too.” Hell, that’s why I left with Grace in the first place. Her eyebrow rose, and she narrowed her dark eyes at me.

  “I didn’t go home with him. I didn’t leave that house, Sterling. I knew that I didn’t want him.” Her words hurt as I thought back to the emotional turmoil that I was in. I was so certain that she left with him and fucked Grace to work my jealousy out of my system.

  “What?” I asked as I walked towards her, pressing her against the door. My mouth claimed hers as I reached down around her hips to pull her against me. Rosie whimpered as she wrapped her arms around my neck, her tongue meeting mine hungrily. I pulled her against me with my hands around her ass, turning us toward the bed in one fluid motion. I’d never wanted a woman so much in my life. I took the few steps and dropped her gently to the mattress, lifting her shirt from her body. There was a tight cami underneath and her cleavage was threatening to burst out as I licked my lips. I kissed Rosie again pushing her back as I teased the bottom of the thin shirt with my fingers. Her mouth was wide and open for me as I swept my tongue over hers hungrily. My hands pulled the shirt up, revealing her full breasts and I cupped them greedily.

  He didn’t see her like this. He didn’t feel my Rosie like I was going to tonight. Wait… my Rosie?

  I kissed down her neck before lifting the shirt over her shoulders. Cupping her in my hands, I took in her deep pink nipples that were straining for me to touch them. I kissed her neck gently, moving slowly down as she arched her back.

  “Sterling. Please,” she begged as I breathed over the pebbled skin. Her cry was raw, and I lowered my head down to suck her into my mouth. I took her deep, letting her adjust before dragging my teeth across her skin. I wanted to mark her. I wanted to own Rosie. I worked each nipple as she trembled underneath me, slipping between her legs. She was still dressed, but I pressed against her as I sucked hard on her right breast. Rosie arched her hips up against me, seeking the friction as her low cry filled the room. I knew how sensitive she was and when she moaned my name and jerked against me, I had to hold in my own release. That would be somewhere inside of her body and not in my pants. Rosie cried through it as I slowly sucked her into my mouth, prolonging her pleasure.

  When she finally stilled underneath me, I took her in to see faint bite marks on her skin. Rosie was flushed and weak when I rolled over to take off my clothes. I tossed them to the side and slipped my hands over her hips to tug the leggings down. Rosie kicked off her shoes, and I stripped her bare as she gasped.

  “Sterling,” she whispered as I spread her legs and bent down. I needed to taste her sweet pussy and licked through her folds slowly as I gripped her thighs. Rosie cried out as I teased her, circling my tongue over her as I avoided her swollen clit. “Oh. God.” She was losing her mind as I gazed up at her, gripping my hair and pulling. I swept my tongue over her clit as she whimpered and tried to jerk against me.

  Rosie was so hungry as she tried to press against me and I began teasing her in earnest. I loved making her come, and I sucked her into my mouth eagerly, needing all of her. Taking my fingers, I spread her open and pressed my mouth harder against her. I slipped a finger inside of Rosie, teasing her gently before I replaced my digit with my tongue. I fucked her with her tongue slow and deep, finding the spot that breaks her. I’d never gone this hard at Rosie before and I pressed deeper as she cried out. I slipped my tongue over her back wall and she moaned my name as heat washed over me, drowning me in her honey.

  I sucked until there was nothing left. I knew that I could easily slip inside of her and fuck her to another orgasm, but I wanted to wait a minute. Rosie pushed herself up, and I watched as she told me to get on my back. I obliged and spread my thighs apart as she crawled over me, taking my cock into her hungry mouth. She sank over me, taking me deep into the throat as I reached a hand out to push back her hair. Rosie moved up and down and I watched her tits bounce with eager eyes. I wanted to memorize this feeling and the way she looked trying to take me all the way into her stomach.

  Just before I was ready to come, I pulled her hair and told her to stop. She moved from me and stared at me with wide eyes as I considered how I wanted to have her first. I knew that however many ways I did, she wasn’t leaving tonight.

  I moved between her legs, pushing her back as I kissed her jaw. Rosie wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer as I nudged her with my still hard cock.

  “I want you bare. I want to feel your heat around me, Rosie.” I eased an inch inside of her as she gasped.

  “Yes. I’m on the pill. I’m clean,” she promised me as I slid deeper.

  “I’ve never been inside someone this way before, Rosie. Only you baby. I want to come inside of you,” I told her as she nodded at me. I kissed her as I drove myself inside of her tight heat, groaning her name. We rocked together slowly at first and then faster, our bodies slapping together. I was already on the edge when we started, and I grunted as I jerked inside of her, coming hard. Rosie clutched at me as she arched into me, holding in every drop. I moved deeper, breathing her in as I pressed my face to her neck.

  I knew that something changed between us tonight. I knew that she meant more, but I was left feeling uncertain. My family didn’t like her family, so we wouldn’t see each other outside of school. We’d have to go against all odds to keep this going. We’d have to turn against our families.

  I was a tough talker, but I knew that my family held a certain control over me.



  I lost count of how many times I came. He did it with anything that he did to my body and as I was pressed on my knees, I let out his name in a long moan. I came violently against his cock, feeling his warmth spurting inside of me. I couldn’t hold myself up and dropped to my stomach as he rolled beside me.

  Things were confusing now. Something broke tonight between us and it was more than every bone on my body. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, knowing that I didn’t want to move from this bed.

  The problem was that we could never leave this room. We could never be together out in public. My family hated his and vice versa and we were some of the most well-known families in town. Our fathers owned more buildings in the city and surrounding states than most people did in the entire country. It made me hate that my father was so close minded and only focused on his business. Everyone went along with it like he was always right. He wasn’t.

  I looked at Sterling for a long moment. He’d always meant so much to me from the time we met. I found it hard to believe that we’d taken it this far, and I knew that I didn’t want to turn back. I just didn’t know where we could go. Sterling stared at me for a moment as I turned my head to meet his gaze.

  “I don’t want to do that again with a condom on. I’m ad
dicted to your heat,” he confessed as my face flushed pink.

  “I think that it might be taking a risk. We can’t even see each other when we go home for the holidays, Sterling. I doubt they’d appreciate an unplanned pregnancy.” I knew that my voice was sharper than I intended for it to me. He winced, and I wrinkled my nose. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m saying anymore.”

  “It’s fine. You’re probably right,” he agreed softly as I reached out to touch his chest.

  “I don’t want to stop sleeping together. I didn’t mean that.” His eyes locked on mine. “It’s okay if it’s a secret.”

  “Rosie,” he murmured as I leaned over to kiss him. He tugged me towards him, deepening our kiss before he rolled to his back. His cock was hard under my slick pussy and I moaned as I looked at where we were joined. I wanted him again but didn’t want to move from this position.

  “Use a condom with anyone else.” I stared at him as his lips parted. “I mean it, Sterling.” I rose, and he watched as I slid my pussy over him, impaling Sterling. He let out a cry, promising me that he’d be careful. His hands gripped my hips as I bobbed over him slowly, feeling him all the way inside of me. He let me come first before pushing me to my back, spreading my legs and fucking me hard. I slipped my feet to his shoulders and arched back as he stroked every surface inside of me. “Fuck, Sterling.” I felt the heat washing over both of us as he jerked hard, buried inside of me. He came with a moan of my name, slipping his arms under me.

  “You feel so fucking good. Better than any other woman, Rosie.” His lips found mine, and I moaned as his tongue found mine. I wondered how much he meant his words as he allowed me to spread my legs under him, still inside of me. We kissed until we couldn’t breathe. That was when Sterling got us a bottle of water and joined me on the bed. I relaxed against the wall as he settled back against the pile of pillows. Sterling was staring at the ceiling and I tried not to worry about what he was thinking about. I told myself to enjoy the present moment. This was perfect, and life can change in an instant. I memorized our scent as I turned my head and closed my eyes. “Want to stay?”


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