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Inked by Her (Queen of Hearts Ink Book 3)

Page 6

by ChaShiree M

  I am introduced to his brother and sister, an aunt and uncle, and his grandfather. His sweet grandfather is the only person who is nice to me at all, besides Perry.

  Portia, this is my aunt, Fallon and my uncle Soren. This is my girlfriend, Portia.” He announces.

  “Lovely to meet you.” I say, extending my hand to them. They shake, but I feel like the snootiness is pouring off of them.

  “Likewise, I am sure.” Fallon says.

  “This is Tabby’s father.” Perry whispers in my ear. He’s handsome in a silver fox kind of way.

  “Perry my boy, so good to see you. I hear my no-good daughter was hiding out with you.”

  “She was.” Perry says. His back stiff.

  “She will come home soon enough. The good of this family is worth more than any ridiculous notion of freedom or finding love. Trust me.” He says, looking at his wife. “You’ll do well to remember that, boy.” He says, pointedly looking at me.

  What the fuck is wrong with this family? Suddenly a bell rings and someone calls out that dinner is served. Thank fuck.

  When we get into the dining room, I am dismayed to find that we are not seated together. He is sitting by a ridiculously pretty girl named Mackenzie. I am annoyed and try to ignore the girl’s heavy flirting. Perry, bless him only talks to his cousin Cymion on the other side of him. She looks completely miserable. Her husband, Kenton, who I might add is sitting right next to her and chatting up an older pretty woman, whose name I can’t remember. He is totally ignoring her, and she looks like she might cry at any moment. I am sitting by his grandfather Marvin, who is a lovely dinner companion. Since I can’t sit by Perry, this is the second-best choice.

  The meal is delicious, but I feel most unwelcome. I can’t imagine the rest of my life being treated so coldly by the family of the man I love. I wonder if the rest of my life will be the same.

  This is just another obstacle we will need to overcome. I won’t stand between him and his family and if I am carrying his baby, do I really want him or her around these people? I really don’t, but it may not be up to me. By the time desert comes, I am ready to go home. To Minnesota. I have never felt so unwelcome in my entire life.

  “You ready to go, Angel?” He asks me, coming up beside me.

  “Oh God, yes.” I say, taking his outstretched hand. We head for his car and are the road before I know it. I finally feel like I can breathe again.

  “I feel like I should apologize for them again. I have done everything in my power to not be like them.” He says, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

  “You can’t control their behavior, Perry. You are nothing like them. I can tell from being around them. I love you.” I say, trying to reassure him.

  “I love you too.”

  I don’t let this put a damper on the rest of my trip. By the time we get to the airport on Sunday morning, I’ve fallen even more in love with this man.

  As soon as I get home, I have a test to take.

  Man, oh man. Last month’s dinner with my parents was a disaster. I couldn’t have pictured a worst first meeting and none of it was on Portia. I take most of the responsibility for it, because though I tried my hardest to warn her in one of our many phone calls, I should have tried harder. Also, I should have known my parents would turn this into a party type thing to try and show how she doesn’t fit in. The thing is though, all they did was prove to me why I need her. She is nothing like them.

  I came into the office today for a second to sign some contracts before my flight out, and I am finding myself sitting in my office staring out of my window. Though my view is beautiful from the 25th floor, suddenly sitting at my desk overlooking the horizon seems bleak in comparison to the sunshine I left behind when I left Portia at the airport.

  It further makes the decision I have been grappling with more plausible, but I still want to do it in a most professional way. As minimal damage to my family ties as possible, because well… they are my family.

  “Lisa, I am done with the contracts. Please have them couriered over to Blaine and Associates ASAP. Other than that, I am gone for the day. Why don’t you take off early as well?”

  “Thanks Mr. Gentry. That would be awesome. Enjoy the wedding and say hi to Portia for me.”

  “I will Lisa. Have a great weekend.” I hang up and begin to gather my things when my office door opens. Looking up, I am none to jazzed about seeing my mom standing there.


  “Perry. Darling have I caught you at a bad time? I was hoping we could have lunch.” She is so full of it. She knows damn well I am going out of town. I had to add it to the calendar, so they knew not to schedule any emergency court proceedings for this weekend and I know my dad told her.

  “Mother, I am on my way to the airport as you well know. Lunch will have to keep for some other time.”

  “Oh right. Minnesota. For the life of me Perry, I can’t understand why you insist on associating with those barbarians out there. I mean there is nothing by way of sophistication in small towns like that. The Midwest itself is devoid of real culture.”

  Is she fucking serious? I swear this family is getting worse and worse, making my decision easier and easier.

  “Then mother, I suggest YOU don’t go there. Now if you will, I must be leaving.”

  “Fine. I expect you for dinner Sunday night. I will have one of your suits brought from your apartment, so you have suitable attire. Ta, Ta.”

  Shit. I cannot wait to be done with this place.

  As usual the flight and everything is excellent. But walking into Portia’s apartment and seeing her asleep on the sofa waiting for me is better than anything else I could ever imagine.

  When she came last month, there was something about her that seemed different. I mean, she looked the same. All the feelings and lust between us are still present and accounted for, but something about her is different. Her face is clearer or maybe it is that she is filling out a bit in the hips. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with a woman with curves and then some, but it just makes me wonder if she is drowning her feeling about our distance in Ben and Jerry’s?

  Bending down on my hunches, I push her hair out of face and once again I am struck by how beautiful she is, and how much she looks like an Angel. Especially right now with her skin all glows and stuff.

  I kiss her temple, nose, eyelids, and finally her mouth. When she moans into my mouth and her eyes start to flutter open, I finally feel home. I always need to see her eyes on me, so I can see the same love reflected in them.

  “Hi baby. You made it. Sorry I fell asleep.” She says in the cutest raspiest voice ever.

  “Angel, I will always make it to you.” I kiss her once again, this time making sure she feels everything I cannot say. “How long do we have before the rehearsal dinner?”

  “Hour and a half.”

  “Perfect. I need to shower and shave. Want to join me?”

  “Uhm…no it’s ok. I already took a shower. I am going to start getting ready myself.” She leans up and gives me a peck before walking away.

  What. The. Fuck. She has never turned down a shower with me before. Dread starts to build in my gut. As far as I am aware, everything is fine. The only thing that has changed is she met my parents last month. Overcome with panic, I wonder if they have finally succeeded in finally taking the last of everything I had left?

  Shaking off that thought, because no way would I let her go. I succeed in jumping in and out of the shower in record time. I get dressed, noticing that Portia is not in the room the whole time I am getting ready and now I know something is up.

  Walking into the living room, I am momentarily stunned. Standing before me, is the most radiant creature I have ever seen. The nude dress she is wearing looks like a second skin on her, given her tan. Her hair is up in a bun style with pieces of hair falling. She has on minimal makeup. I cannot at this moment tell you anything about the dress, because it is her. She makes the dress beauti
ful. Not the other way around.

  “Wow. Angel. You look… there are no words.” She blushes and drops her head.

  “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself handsome.”

  I pull her chin up and ask the question that has been bothering me.

  “Baby, is everything ok? Are we ok?” She looks stunned at the question and then answers.

  “We are more than ok, babe. I’m just tired and out of it. It has been a long week. Ok?” I search her eyes looking for I don’t know what, but when all I see is love and sincerity, I decide to move on.

  “Ok baby. You know you can tell me anything right?” She nods. I Kiss her nose and we head out.

  The rehearsal dinner is more like a mosh pit. UTGARD is packed. All the Crawford’s are here, all the Jorgenson’s, and a few other people I don’t know. Of course, at the center is Carrie as beautiful as ever with Dex attached at her side. Watching them from the other side of the room makes me yearn for me and Portia’s turn. Not too long I vow.

  The rest of the night goes off without a hitch and home we go. She is so pooped she falls asleep in the car on the way back and instead of waking her, I undress her and redress her myself. I lay in bed beside her and pass out.

  The morning is a myriad of cursing, rushing, and driving. Portia and I overslept. When we finally get up, we have 45 minutes to find everything we need, pack, and get over to their house. We made it with only mere minutes to spare and thus started the day I didn’t get to see her, until the reception was well underway. Between the ceremony, pictures, the bridal party dance, and other duties there has not been a moment of peace.

  Finally, when the reception is going full swing, I am able to sit with her and see how she is doing. She was looking a bit pale, but I figured she was dehydrated.

  “Angel, you need something? You don’t look well.”

  “Just tired. Stomach is a bit upset too.”

  “You need to eat. Let me go fix your plate.”

  “No, it’s ok. Really.”

  Right then, Tabby comes over. “Portia, you need a drink. Here you go.” when she walks away, I notice she doesn’t sip it. Hmmm…

  “Babe. You didn’t take a sip? You love Skinny girl wine.”

  “Yea. Uhm…I have a doctor’s appointment Monday and they said no alcohol the two days before.”

  Is she ok? My mind starts going to some dark and dreary places.

  “Is everything ok Angel? Do you need to me to stay through tomorrow?”

  “No. God no. I am fine. Just a checkup. All routine. I promise. How about you get me some cake.” I want to believe her, but unless she tells me otherwise I let it go and get her cake.

  The rest of the night goes as expected and once again she falls asleep. I do not wake her the next morning when I leave. She looks exhausted. I kiss her, leave a note and Uber to the airport.

  The whole flight home I am worried. She doesn’t seem like herself and I don’t know what to do. That is eating me more than anything.

  When I finally get into Boston, I go straight to my parents’ house, shower, change, and get ready for dinner. Though my mind is nowhere in it, I show up. At this point, I am literally going through the motions.

  “Perry dear. You are just in time.” I kiss her cheek and shake hands with everyone. As I turn to leave for the dining room, my mother intercedes.

  “Perry. Darling. Look who stopped by today. Just in time for dinner.”

  Fuck my life. Mackenzie Dayton is the worst. We have been neighbors since we were toddlers, and I have long since suspected that our parents hoped for a mutually beneficial match between the two of us. Lord knows she has not been so subtle about her hope for the same. See where as we are old money and wealth, her family is new money and connections we have yet tapped into.


  “Perry. Always so formal. We have known one another for ages. Surely two old friends can share a hug.” She says as she is wrapping her arms around me. Instantly I feel like I have mites crawling on me. The feeling of another woman touching me that isn’t my Angel is abhorrent and fills me with dread.

  I extricate myself from her, smile my fakest smile and walk into the dining room. I manage to make it through dinner and dessert and move my chair back to excuse myself when she appears on my lap with her cell phone. Before I can react, she leans her head in for a kiss and I manage to twist mine away landing on her cheek as the camera flashes.

  “Can we say invasion of space Mac. Not to mention sexual harassment. In the future, please refrain from touching me without my permission. Mother, as always a delight.” I say in my most sarcastic voice and make my exit.

  What the hell was that all about?

  I get home but stop to get something to eat on the way because i barely touched my food at my parents.

  By the time I shower, get in pj’s, and check emails it has been about two hours and I hunker down to call Portia. As if reading my mind, I get a ping from a text message from her.

  Angel: You lying, cheating, no good bastard. Hope you had a good time at the expense of the little people. You two look perfect together. Lose my number.

  Not your Angel.


  I call her frantically trying to see what the hell happened and what she is talking about, but she follows it up with a pic and my blood drains from my face. Fuck. They fucking set me up. My own damn family. Not that I should be surprised. Just thought they had more class than this. That’s it. That was the last straw.

  Fuck the contract. Fuck my family. Fuck time. I am going to get my Angel back and start our new lives together. To hell with everything else.

  Lose my number? Not your angel?

  I am the worst when I’ve been hurt. I never thought he’d be the one to hurt me though. EVER. He seemed so sincere. Now it’s over. How could he do this to me? I need to talk to someone, but I also don’t want to bash him too badly because I am most definitely three months pregnant. The rest of our lives are going to be connected, even if we are not together. I am going to be the mother of his child.

  However, I know anything I say about him will make my friends and family hate him, and I won’t do that to my baby. Besides Carrie-Ann is on her honey/baby moon and my parents are in Fiji for two weeks. That leaves Migan, who is if Carrie-Ann’s wedding was any indication, super busy with Torran, but that is another story.

  So, I am keeping this to myself. At least until I know more. This kind of drama isn’t good for a pregnant woman, right? I have been drowning myself in plain vanilla ice cream, since that is all I can tolerate right now. I’d love to have a margarita though.

  Laying down on my ugly couch, ice cream forgotten I think about the way things should have been for us. I thought we’d get married and keep having beautiful babies together.

  The way he talked to me while he was inside me, I was so sure we wanted the same things. It dawns on me that I never told him I was pregnant. I wanted to do it in person and bought a greeting card from a handcrafted online store. It’s says “Congratulations, you are going to be a great DILF.” I thought it was perfect to use and slightly funny. Inside, I wrote how excited I was to be starting this journey with him and how much I loved him. Love him. Because I do.

  Do you ever really stop loving your first love? I don’t know how I am ever going to love someone other than my baby, more than him. He was, is everything to me. Great, now I am crying again. In the two hours since I told him to lose my number, he has called back to back. Nonstop. I have forty-seven unread texts. I can’t even bring myself to read them.

  I do however, torture myself with the fucking picture that bitch posted on social media. If she hadn’t tagged him, I never would have seen it. That seems a little suspect to me. At first, I was focused on the fact that his lips were on hers. My heart instantly broke. Never has anyone had that kind of power over me. The more I stare at the picture, I think there is a look of surprise and perhaps anger on his face. That could be wishful thinking on my part though. I
realize I have fallen asleep on the couch again, when I jerk awake. It’s dark outside, but the light over the stove in the kitchen is on and there is a warm glow over the room.

  The melted ice cream on the coffee table prompts me to get off the couch. I clean up the mess and head for the shower. Crying in the shower is wonderful for clearing your head. When I get out, I am revitalized, and I know what I must do. Without bothering to do anything with my hair, which is hanging in a dripping mess I pull on my hot pink silk robe over my wet skin. It feels amazing, since my skin has been extra sensitive lately. Back in the living room, I pick up my phone. I realize it has been over six hours since Perry has called or texted me. Damn, I must have been tired.

  Have I missed my chance to hear his side of things? I start to panic. Even though it looks as though he kissed her, am I willingly going to put myself through the ache of being without him?

  As much as I want to say I would be strong enough to do this without him, the answer is no. I love him too fucking much. We are about to have a family. There is nothing I want more than that with him.

  Can I forgive him? Yes. A part of loving someone is forgiving them.

  I start listening to his voicemails first. There are just five. Fuck, the sound of his voice makes my nipples pebble and my pussy slick. Too bad he’s not here and I am mad at him. The gist of the messages is that he loves me and that he’s sorry. The texts are what gets me though.

  Angel? Please answer your phone…

  That is not what it looked like…

  Please…I love you.

  Talk to me…

  Give me a chance to explain…

  The more I read, the more desperation I see in his texts. And fuck, I am already crying again. My face must look like one giant, angry, red, and splotchy.

  Scrolling through the rest of them, I get to the last one.

  Forget this.

  Forget this? Did I ruin us by not answering him sooner? Knowing him the way that I do, I believe him when he says it wasn’t what it looked like.


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