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Beauty & The Jaguar

Page 7

by E A Price

  If Sadie was surprised that his mother was blind, she didn’t show it. No, if anything she seemed to perk up immensely, and if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was really enjoying herself. Within five minutes of being there, she had high-fived half his nephews, exchanged compliments with all his sisters in law, got the approval of his protective brothers, made his mother incredibly happy and made his father blush with her gentle teasing. She was now holding his youngest nephew and making cooing noises at him.

  Lorenzo steeled himself as all his brothers took turns in slapping him on the back and congratulating him. Yep, five minutes was all it took to convince his wary older brothers that she would make a good mate for their youngest brother.

  His father beamed at him, and Lorenzo’s jaguar mewled in worry. Now, it wouldn’t just be him who was disappointed if she left – he’d be disappointing his whole family.

  Sadie looked up from his nephew and caught his eye. She smiled, but there was sadness behind it. Maybe he should change that to when she left.


  “You have a nice family,” said Sadie as Lorenzo walked her home.

  Maybe that should be too nice. They were, frankly wonderful. Everything she had ever wanted in a family. Warm and loving and happy and incredibly in love with each other. She had wondered a little about his sisters in law – since they had been kidnapped too. Though, really only two had. The third had actually been a hiker who fell in love with Lorenzo’s brother when he saved her from a twisted ankle. Yeah, love at first sight while hiking. It was her that she borrowed the boots from. Maybe that was why Lorenzo was pushing the hiking.

  But as for the kidnapped sisters in law, rather than Stockholm syndrome sufferers, they really did seem to love their mates. Sadie flicked a look at Lorenzo. She couldn’t really say she blamed them.

  His parents had seemed very warm, and very loving people. Exactly like parents should be, and how her mother had never been. His dad was big and avuncular and she thought that the phrase that his stomach was like ‘a bowl full of jelly’ very much fit. While his mom was sweet and could break your heart with just a smile – no wonder they doted on her. They all had such an easy warmth with one another that Sadie had never known in a family. Not even in the happier times she had with Al – there always had been a ripple of unease in their home.

  “Yeah,” Lorenzo agreed, snapping her back to attention. “Give it back.”


  “You took my dad’s phone.”

  Sadie stopped and looked at him. He didn’t appear angry, more resigned than anything else.

  “He doesn’t really use it often,” added Lorenzo, “but he keeps it for emergencies.”

  She pulled the phone out of her pocket and handed it to him. She took it when she thought no one was looking. She thought she could call Mandy.

  Lorenzo slipped it into his own pocket. Sadie gave him a guilty look, but he didn’t seem as bothered as she thought he would.

  “It’s late,” he murmured, “come on.”

  He set off towards the guest house and uneasily, she followed.


  Lorenzo had been a little distant since she tried to steal his father’s cell phone. Okay, she couldn’t really blame him for that. She may deserve it, but she wished he would forgive her.

  Maybe she should tell him about Mandy – tell him why she really needed the phone. But what if that put Mandy in danger…

  Sadie grabbed her jacket and made her way downstairs. She was about to go look for Lorenzo when she heard sounds of distress from the kitchen. She found Laurel being sick, and Hester shouting for help.

  “What happened?” exclaimed Sadie.

  “Laurel’s been poisoned!” hissed Hester.

  In want of anything better to say, she exclaimed, “Goodness!”


  “She’ll be okay,” said the doctor reassuringly.

  Diego huffed and visibly vibrated with anger. Lorenzo didn’t blame him. If it had been Sadie…

  The leap healer, Francisco, had done what he could, but given that she was human, Roberto considered it prudent that she see a human doctor. Roberto ordered Lorenzo to drive them, and Sadie volunteered to come. He was glad she had – he didn’t want to leave her alone, not with some mad poisoner on the loose, but he also wanted to be there for Diego. Unlike Sadie, Lorenzo was certain Laurel would be sticking around once the two weeks were up. Laurel and Diego were already… well, he was pretty sure the two were already inseparable. He was a little jealous but pleased for his friend. Diego was a good male, and he deserved to be happy.

  As for Sadie, she had fussed over Laurel no end and was now helping her wash and putting her into some pajamas she had helpfully brought with her. While they were panicking, Sadie was actually planning ahead.

  “We pumped her stomach for good measure,” continued the doctor, “but I think the tonic Francisco gave her pretty much did the job. She’s going to be shaky and in pain for a few days, but I’m sure she’ll make a full recovery. I’m keeping her in for the night though – at the very least.”

  Diego started growling, and Lorenzo placed a soothing hand on his shoulder. “Thank you, doctor,” said Lorenzo.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” grumbled Diego. “You can’t keep me away from her.”

  Lorenzo and his jaguar growled in soft sympathy.

  The doctor smiled slightly. “Is this my first day? I’ve been tending to your human leap mates for years – I know what male jaguars are like when it comes to their mates. I already asked my nurse to make up one of the spare beds.”

  Diego shrugged, and Lorenzo once again offered his thanks.

  “My nurse is going to be here all night monitoring Laurel, and if you need me, you know I only live five minutes away.”

  It was a small town to be sure.

  Lorenzo straightened, and his jaguar purred as Sadie came out of Laurel’s room. She looked tired, but she was calm, and she gave Diego a reassuring look.

  “She’s really sleepy, but she’s asking after you,” she said to Diego.

  Diego nodded grimly, and Lorenzo patted his shoulder.

  “I need some air,” murmured Sadie, head down, making her way out of the front door.

  Lorenzo stared after her and sighed. When she was tending to Laurel earlier, something had dawned on him that he really ought to have noticed sooner, and it was something that really was going to take her away from him.

  His beast let out a plaintive yowl as he slowly followed her.


  Sadie quietly let herself into the car. She had lifted the keys from Lorenzo when they arrived at the clinic. She had told herself she would only use them if she was sure Laurel would be okay. Now that she was certain that Laurel would be fine, she decided to make a bid for freedom. Yes, she had rumblings in her stomach about this, but what happened to Laurel had just made her even more worried about her daughter. She had to check up on Mandy – she was her main concern. She just had to talk to her. She had to know everything was okay.

  Sadie froze as Lorenzo swung himself into the car. He stared at her, and slowly she slumped and held out her hand with the keys.

  Lorenzo let out a long breath. “How old?”

  “What?” she asked startled. Her hands lowered to her lap.

  He gave her an intense look. “Your kid? How old?”

  Sadie gave him a level look, ignoring the throbbing worry inside her. “She just turned twelve.”

  “Shit,” exclaimed Lorenzo, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Please tell me I didn’t abduct you and leave your kid to fend for herself?”

  Sadie shook her head. “She’s with her dad, but I…”

  Lorenzo opened the glove compartment and took out her phone, handing it to her. Sadie snatched it and eagerly searched through it for missed calls or pleading messages from her daughter to come save her. There was nothing.

  Well, there were a couple of missed calls from her boss – wanting an update on whe
re she was with selling all her products, but none from Mandy. Plenty of pictures of her at Disneyworld however, with her dad and his girlfriend and all of them looking incredibly happy together.

  She felt a twinge as she stared at her daughter with Al and his girlfriend. They looked like a perfect little family. Yes, she wanted the cookie cutter perfect family, but she also knew no family containing Al would ever be truly happy.

  “Everything okay?” Lorenzo asked tonelessly.

  Sadie nodded and smiled at a picture of Mandy riding the teacups.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” he grumbled.

  She looked at him sheepishly. “Would it have made a difference?”

  Lorenzo glared at her in disbelief. “Of course it would.”

  Sadie tightened in anger. “So you don’t want me because I have a kid?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Why do you think I’ve been trying to run away?” she demanded.

  He shrugged half-heartedly. “I figured you just wanted to get away from me.”

  “From you? You’re hardly Bluebeard.”

  Lorenzo frowned. “Who? Is that the pirate from Treasure Island?”

  “What? No, not even close, he’s… look, it doesn’t matter.”

  “I just thought that because of, you know…” He gestured to his face.

  “Because of what? These?”

  She reached out, and her fingers brushed his face. He froze.

  “They’re just a few scars.”

  “They’re bad. You know they are.”

  Sadie scowled at him. “Do you really think I’m so superficial?”

  “No, I just think they really are that bad.”

  “You shouldn’t think so little of me,” she huffed, feeling a little more put out than perhaps she should.

  She shouldn’t really blame him – after all, she was trying to escape him.

  “You should have told me about your kid,” he said softly. “I wouldn’t have tried to keep you from contacting her.”

  “Just everyone but her,” she said wryly.

  He smiled slightly. “Yeah. Look, Diego will stay here tonight, so I’ll drive you back to the compound, we can get your stuff, and I’ll drive you home.”

  Sadie stared at him. “What about the two weeks?”

  The two weeks in which he was supposed to be showering her with woo. Though so far, it seemed to involve a lot of hiking.

  “What about them? Your…”

  Sadie alighted in a fury, getting out the car and slamming the door. Lorenzo followed, giving her a perplexed look.

  “Really?” she hissed. “You really don’t want me because I have a daughter?”

  He frowned at her. “That’s not…”

  “So I have a kid? So what? Why does that suddenly make me ineligible to date?”

  He was just as bad as the other guys at the speed dating. Play the mommy card, and suddenly you’re invisible.

  “I didn’t say that.” Lorenzo rounded the car to her in record speed and gently held her arms. “I don’t think that at all.”

  “You’re using it as an excuse to get rid of me,” she said, a tad petulantly.

  “No, I just thought you’d want to be near her.”

  Sadie rolled her eyes, perhaps realizing her frustration wasn’t entirely about him. Sadie had been kidnapped, and out of reach for days and her daughter was having too much fun to notice. Perhaps she was feeling a little sorry for herself. Perhaps she needed to feel a little needed.

  “She’s in Disneyworld,” said Sadie. “Whether I’m at home or not makes no difference to her.”

  “You don’t want to go,” he said slowly and carefully.

  “Well, ah…”

  “Because you’ve been trying to escape since you got here.”

  He was using a special voice usually reserved for escaped lunatics and people who thought that turkey burgers tasted better than regular burgers.

  “I was just worried about Mandy, but I can see she’s okay. I just want to be able to call her, to hear her voice,” she said, feeling somewhat foolish.

  Yep, she tried to escape when he kidnapped her and then yelled at him when he tried to let her go. She must seem crackers to him. Possibly even cheese and crackers.



  “You can have your phone to call your kid, and you’ll stay, right?”

  His eyes gleamed, and he held his breath waiting for her response.

  “Right,” she murmured.

  His lips twitched into a small, pleased smile.

  Sadie reached up to his face and brushed one of his scars. “Don’t,” she murmured.



  “I don’t like them being touched,” he rumbled.

  Could have fooled her. The small growls he made whenever she touched him gave her an entirely different impression.

  “Well, get over it, dummy,” she said – ever the diplomat.

  Then she leaned up and pressed a kiss to one of his scars. His chest expanded and he let out a small groan.

  “A little touching can’t hurt,” she whispered.


  Sadie almost felt a little trepidation about calling Mandy. She wasn’t sure why, but somehow, things seemed different. When Mandy left on her dream vacation, Sadie was a huge spaghetti-like mess of worry and fear over the impending divorce and custody hearings. Okay, so she was still a spaghetti-like mess, but she felt different. The difference was probably the jaguar shifter staring intently at her right at that very moment.

  She hadn’t called Mandy the previous night. Mandy should have been in bed by then – though knowing Al, there was a good chance she wasn’t.

  Lorenzo was sitting across from her, trying to look nonchalant, but honestly, he seemed just as nervous as she was.

  Sadie breathed in and out and finally dialed. Mandy picked up on the second ring.

  “Hey Mom!” she chirruped cheerfully.

  “Baby!” exclaimed Sadie in relief. She was surprised that tears actually came to her eyes on hearing her little girl’s voice. “I’ve missed you so much,” she admitted.

  “I’ve only been gone like a week,” chided Mandy in a teasing voice.

  “I still missed you. Are you having fun?”

  “Yes, it’s the best vacation ever! We’re going to Epcot today, I can’t wait, and tomorrow we’re going to Animal Kingdom and…”

  Mandy happily chatted about all the things they were going to do, and all the things they had already done. Sadie half paid attention. What Mandy was saying really didn’t matter so much as the sound of her voice – that’s what Sadie cared about.

  Her eyes flickered over to Lorenzo and she smiled. He nodded and relaxed a little.

  “Did you see all the pictures I posted?” asked Mandy.

  “I did, they’re wonderful.”

  “I bought you a present,” said Mandy shyly.

  Her heart fluttered happily. “Oh, baby, you’re very sweet but you should spend your money on yourself.”

  “Well, Dad paid for it,” admitted Mandy. “He said you needed to see what you were missing. He said I should make sure I post as many photos as possible for you to see.”

  “Aha.” Yep, that sounded like something he would say.

  Lorenzo’s phone started ringing, and he got up from the kitchen table, walking away as he answered.

  “So, baby…”

  “Who was that?” asked her daughter, who clearly had bat-like hearing.

  “Oh ah…” Sadie flustered and didn’t answer quickly enough.

  “Was that a man?” Mandy’s voice bubbled with excitement.


  “Was that your boyfriend?”

  “Uh, baby…”

  “Julie, my mom has a new boyfriend!” cried Mandy, calling to her best friend.

  “No, no, no…”

  “Karen my mom has a boyfriend!”

for you!” called Karen from the background.

  Sadie groaned. Good lord, she was telling the whole world!

  “Send me a pic,” said Mandy excitedly.

  “I will certainly not!” huffed Sadie, but Mandy wasn’t listening.

  “What’s his name? What does he do?” asked Karen in the background.

  Shit. “Okay, baby, I have to go, love you, love you, love you!”

  Sadie blew a few kisses and quickly hung up. She was panting as if she’d run a marathon. Jeez. Though, at least Mandy was open to the idea of her dating. More than open, in fact – her daughter wanted to encourage her, and she was pleased about that. Well, Mandy had accepted Karen with little fuss, and to Sadie’s chagrin, loved her. Maybe she would love Lorenzo… she wouldn’t blame her.

  He sauntered back into the room. “Everything okay?”

  “Mmmm hmmmm. You?”

  He shrugged. “Just my mom wanting us to come for dinner. My dad’s making a curry. He makes his own naan breads.”

  “He sounds like a treasure.” She thought of Al and how he had expected her to cook for him, his friends, for dinner parties at the drop of a hat. He couldn’t even imagine getting in the kitchen and doing anything for himself.

  Lorenzo chuckled. “I’m sure he’d love to hear you say that.”

  “I hope you said yes to dinner.”

  He hesitated. “I said I’d let her know.”

  Sadie frowned before realizing why. She placed her phone on the table. “Mandy’s fine and happy, and I trust Al to take care of her. In spite of how I feel about him, I know he loves her.”

  Lorenzo nodded. “How come you’re not with him anymore?”

  Sadie looked away from him. “I…”

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  “No, I want to. How about we get out of here and go for a walk, so we can be alone.”

  Lorenzo almost did a double take. “I’m sorry, are you saying you actually want to go on a walk?”

  “Oh don’t look so shocked. Maybe I’m starting to like them.”


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