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Taboo Cowboy: A Secret Baby Ranch Western Romance

Page 3

by Crowne, KC

  “It would be after dinner, after everyone is in bed, so I guess you’d be okay up here?”

  “Of course,” I assured him. “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”

  “My family can’t see me leave,” he mused.

  “I know, I know…they would ask too many questions, and I’m supposed to be your girlfriend. Don’t worry about it, I’ll cover for you if they ask.”

  “Thank you, Molly. Have I told you lately that you’re the best faux girlfriend a guy could ask for?”

  “Why thank you,” I said, laughing.

  Christopher was my best friend. No one understood me like he did, and I’d do anything for him. Including helping him hook up with his high school dream guy.

  After all, his tales of sexy times were the closest I could get to getting lucky myself.

  A virgin’s got to do what a virgin’s got to do.

  But who knew, maybe by some wild turn of events, I could leave this ranch a whole new woman. As absurd as that was, I couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities.


  Dammit. I was nervous as hell.

  It’d been a long time since Christopher last joined us for a sit-down family meal. Even when he’d lived here, he’d often avoided the dinner table, taking his food to his room instead.

  Mama G rang the bell, signalling time for dinner.

  When I entered the room, I was surprised to see my son already seated at the table.

  Christopher. God, it was good to see the boy back home. But I could tell right away that my warm feelings hadn’t exactly been reciprocated.

  I couldn’t blame him, really. My relationship with my boy had been strained, to say the least. First of all, I hadn’t even known I’d had a kid until well into his young life. He’d been the result of an ill-advised fling I’d had with a woman in town, and by the time she’d realized she was pregnant, I was already gone off to the military.

  Why she’d kept it a secret, I had no idea. But didn’t find out about him until I’d finished my two tours overseas, Christopher already a few years old at the time. I remembered how furious I’d been at the idea of missing so much time in my son’s life. Not to mention instead of having years to figure out what kind of dad I wanted to be, I had to sort it out all at once.

  My own dad, well, he’d been a tough man. He loved us all deeply, but it was hard to see sometimes. I’d always vowed that when I had kids of my own I’d be less like that, more expressive with how much I cared about them. But when rubber hit the road, I unconsciously went back into my internal programming from growing up the way I had.

  He’d been a good kid, but that didn’t mean he didn’t act out from time to time. As much as I tried to have a soft touch, I’d find my dad coming out more often than I wished for, that tough, authoritarian way of rearing kids.

  I loved the boy to death, but now that he was a man all I could think about were those years I’d missed. Sometimes I got the impression he still had a grudge against me for not being there.

  Molly was beside him, bringing my attention back to the moment. And it was all I could do to keep my eyes off her. She seemed to be good for him, but something about them didn’t sit right with me. The connection they seemed to share was more of a friendship than anything romantic. That much I was certain.

  A good woman could do wonders for a man, I had no doubt.

  But I also knew that she wasn’t his woman. He was bullshitting me when he’d said he had a girlfriend. He might not realize it, but I knew my own kid better than that. I might have been absent for most of his childhood, but I knew my son - and I knew he didn’t like women.

  Why he kept up the facade was beyond me. I loved my boy no matter what. But I also knew these kinds of things weren’t easy to discuss especially in our neck of the woods.

  Truth was, I didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought about my boy. I loved him all the same.

  I thought asking him to bring her out here, offering to pay for the trip, would force him to admit the white lie.

  But I was wrong and here we were, playing some kind of game.

  Little did the poor kid know, I was already three moves ahead of him.

  I took my seat across from Christopher and Molly at the big dining table. We all had our seats, the same seats we’d had since we were young boys. Dad’s seat at the end remained empty long after his death, directly across from my mother.

  The table we surrounded was the same one we’d grow up sitting at - one my father made from a tree he cut himself. Almost everything in the house had been touched by him. We’d all helped build the home. That’s just the type of family we were. Mama G had wanted herself a log cabin home in the plains big enough to house all her kids and grandkids, so that’s what she got.

  My brothers and I all lived in the main house still, even though there were smaller cabins on the property designated for us once we had families of our own. So far, only my sister Emily and her husband Logan had moved out of the main house and into their own space.

  Even though I was a grown man, I still liked the closeness of the main house. All I did was work and sleep so that little time I got to spend with my brothers and our sweet Mama G was real treasure.

  Christopher didn’t even look at me when I sat down, but Molly did. I noticed the pink in her otherwise pale cheeks.

  Damn, is she blushing?

  She liked to dress the part of a city woman - her designer slacks and silk blouses seemed perfectly tailored for her curvy figure. Her sharp outfit put her in total contrast to a table of rugged types in jeans and T-shirts and flannel.

  Her light blonde hair was cut in a stylish long bob, falling over her shoulders in soft waves.

  I’d even bet she was a natural blonde too.

  Either that or it was a damn good dye job, but she had the complexion for it.

  Her blue eyes were the largest features on her face - she tried her best to look like a sophisticated woman, and she did, but those eyes made her look sweet and innocent and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about that.

  Truth was, she was playing a game along with my son and I was going to get to the bottom of it. Seeing as how she clearly wasn’t my son’s girlfriend, I wouldn’t mind giving her a nice little spanking after.

  I felt like a dirty old man for the thoughts flitting through my mind.

  “So Christopher, where did you and Molly meet?” Emily, asked.

  The fun starts now.

  I saw the look shared between Molly and Christopher, as if they were trying to decide who would answer. Christopher had just taken a drink and shrugged, so Molly spoke.

  “We went to college together. We actually met during orientation and connected instantly.”

  “College orientation?” I asked.

  She turned those baby blues toward me and nodded. “Yes.”

  “So, seven years ago? Y’all have been together for seven years, and he’s only just not telling us about ya?”

  Molly averted her gaze for a second to collect her thoughts. She was trying to come up with another lie, surely. But Christopher answered for her, his voice tinged with annoyance. “No, Dad. We haven’t been together for seven years. We met seven years ago and were friends first.”

  “I see, so when did y’all couple up?”

  “Just recently, actually,” he said, kicking his chin out and staring me in the eyes. “She was my best friend, and we recently decided we both wanted more.”

  “How recently? Like right before y’all came out here?”

  “Silas…” My mother’s voice was scolding, as if picking up on the fact that I was more grilling for information than making conversation.

  But I just wanted the damned truth from my own son.

  I was tired of the lies between us. It’d been long enough.

  Christopher stammered. “A bit before that, actually. Umm, I can’t recall exactly when.”

  I looked at Molly, who wouldn’t look at me. She stared down at her plate a
s if the baked chicken and mashed potatoes were the most interesting food she’d ever seen.

  Wyatt spoke up. “Well, I think y’all make a nice lookin’ couple. I’m happy for you, Christopher.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Wyatt,” Christopher said, shooting me a look of death.

  “I’m happy for you too, son. She seems nice for someone from New York City.” I said.

  “Excuse me?” Molly lifted her head, her blue eyes full of fire.

  I shrugged. “Nothin’ personal, Molly. But I’ve met a few Ney Yorkers living here on the ranch. They all seem…I don’t know- up in their own heads. Like they don’t know how to relax. It’s an energy you can pick up on from a mile away.”

  “That’s just the nature of the city, you know? You’re always on the move, always running around, barely a chance to catch your breath. You ever been there before?”

  “Just once, and I wasn’t the biggest fan. When I first found out I had a son and his mother was shackin’ up with someone there. I went out to meet Christopher for the first time, and I knew right quick that I had to get my kid out of that place.”

  “Really? One visit and you think you know all about it?” Her gaze narrowed in on me.

  “I’d seen enough. Sure, the city’s impressive and all, but it felt like living in an ant hill or somethin’. I’m used to fresh air and wide-open spaces – New York’s anything but. There you can’t walk a foot without bumpin’ into someone who won’t waste a damn second in givin’ you a piece of his mind for the trouble.”

  “Dad!” Christopher said. “Can you stop being a dick for one evening, please?”

  “Language Christopher. You’re in the presence of women. And besides that, I’m tellin’ her what I think.”

  “You started the conversation by insulting her,” he reminded me pointedly. “And I won’t stand for it. She deserves an apology.”

  “Sorry, Molly – my brother’s not exactly the city type,” my youngest brother Chase spoke up. “And he doesn’t miss a chance to let people know about it.”

  Maybe I’d been a little rough on the place.

  Molly looked at me too, and that’s what convinced me. The look on her sweet face. She was angry, yes, but also a little hurt, maybe?

  Something inside me shifted when I saw that look. I didn’t want to upset her. I really didn’t.

  “I’m sorry, Molly,” I muttered. “Sometimes my mouth runs away from me.”

  “Thank you,” Molly replied, sitting up straighter and looked away. “But it’s no problem – New York’s not for everyone.”

  “Shall we get back to our dinner?” My mother’s voice was quiet but sharp. If anyone wondered where I got my outspoken nature, it wasn’t my Dad. She was easily one of the kindest, most polite people you could ever meet - until you pissed her off or showed poor manners. Then she’d let you know all about it. She was better at speaking her mind than I was; she could do it and you wouldn’t even know it.

  “Yes, ma'am,” I said, finishing the last bite on my plate. Normally we all stayed at the table until everyone was finished when we had guests over, but I wasn’t feeling it tonight. I loved my son, but any time the two of us were together, tension was the norm. I didn’t want it to get any uglier, so I picked up my plate and excused myself from the dining room.

  My mother shot me a death glare, but I think even she knew it was for the best. I didn’t want to disrupt the peace any more than I already had.

  I noticed Molly watching as I headed out of the room, but when I caught her, her cheeks reddened.

  So fucking cute.

  It was almost a shame my son wasn’t straight; he sure had a beautiful woman sitting beside him. Whoever ended up with her would be a lucky man.

  The thought struck me.

  I wasn’t one to moon over love and happily ever afters, but something about the woman had grabbed me by the throat. I shook my head and scolded myself. She was my son’s friend and too damn young for a cranky bastard who was set in his ways. After washing my plate, I headed outside. I preferred to spend my evenings alone, with the horses. There was nothing like an after-dinner horseback ride to clear the mind.

  We had several stables, most of them accessible to the guests. But I strolled to our family stable. Jagger, my Arabian stallion, was waiting for me, as usual. I was the only one in the family who could handle him. My brothers had their own horses, so they didn’t bother with him much, making him mine.

  He was the best breeder we had and had sired many beautiful foals over the years. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t an asshole.

  Kind of like me, I thought to myself and chuckled. In that way, I could relate to him.

  Neither of us trusted many people, but we did trust one another. I ran my hand over his silky, jet black coat. He kicked up his feet, eager to be free from the stall and to run through the fields.

  “I feel ya, buddy. Let’s get out of here.”

  I couldn’t imagine why anyone would choose to live in the city. Not when you could live somewhere with clean air and views like we had here. I took Jagger out for a ride, heading for the most difficult trail, one that was generally off-limits to guests. Most of our guests didn’t really have the experience to ride the rocky trails. They were here for the peace and serenity of the plains - not the true cowboy experience. I couldn’t fault them for that, but I also didn’t understand it.

  This had been my life, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I felt blessed to be born out here, in a time like this. And I felt blessed to have a gorgeous beast like Jagger to ride when I needed tranquillity. Sometimes it got lonely, sure. But I was a man who didn’t mind his solitude.

  Seeing Christopher reminded me of his mother. We’d been young and dumb when Heather had gotten pregnant. I hadn’t known she was pregnant until years later, but that was beside the point. Or maybe it was the point. Seeing him reminded me how much I’d missed out on - all those years he was out there, and I had no idea he existed.

  I now understood why Heather had done what she had, but it didn’t make it any better. Those were years I never got back. Years with my son that I’d missed out on, and I knew he resented me for it even though it had been beyond my control.

  I passed the backside of the house on the way to the trail and was surprised when I saw the back door open. Hardly anyone ever used that door. I was situated behind the trees, and Jagger was as black as the night, so we blended into the darkness.

  Christopher stepped out onto the porch and hurried around the side of the house toward the front. He didn’t see me. It wasn’t the first time that Christopher had snuck out of the house, but now he was an adult. I couldn’t ground him or scold him. He was free to come and go as he pleased. Even if I did find it rude to leave Molly behind in a strange house. That was for the two of them to sort out; it was none of my business.

  Jagger and I continued toward the trail and looked up at Christopher’s window. The light caught my eye. Usually Christopher’s dark, black-out curtains were drawn, but not tonight. Tonight they were wide open, and I noticed why instantly.

  Molly was standing in front of the window, staring out. His windows faced the horizon, so she had a nice view, except she wasn’t looking towards the horizon.

  She was looking at me.

  I stopped and stared back. I couldn’t see much of her from a distance, but I saw enough. Even her silhouette was beautiful.

  The curtains quickly closed, and she disappeared from view.

  I stayed in the same spot for a long time, hoping she might open them again. I wanted to see her again. After a few minutes, I gave up on the wait. Jagger was growing impatient, so I nudged him along, trying to put Molly out of my mind.


  He caught me.

  Dammit, he caught me staring.

  No, maybe he thought I was enjoying the view of the property, not the view of him on his horse.

  God, I hope so.

  I backed away from the window, my face was on fire. I was so embar

  I’d been checking out my best friend’s father from afar. While I was pretending to be his girlfriend. What kind of person did that make me?

  Calm down, Molly, I told myself. It’s not that big of a deal. You can admire an attractive man. And it’s not like Christopher is your real boyfriend, so you're not that terrible.

  I still felt terrible.

  I’d never seen a real-life cowboy. Honestly, I didn’t even know they existed, not really. Not anymore. But seeing Silas on his horse, well, there was no more doubting for me. He was the real thing in his tight ass jeans and cowboy boots.

  My panties were soaked just thinking about it.

  I’d never been the type of girl to have cowboy fantasies. I always thought modern-day cowboys looked a bit silly, like they hadn’t gotten the memo that we were living in the next century. Most of them just dressed the part, and it felt like an act to me. But Silas was the real deal, I had no doubt about it, and I felt much different thinking about that.

  I’d always had a thing for manly men. Call me cliché, but I wanted someone who knew what they were doing and what they wanted. I wanted a man who took control. And Silas seemed like the type to me. He wasn’t a pushover, and that was so damned hot.

  Yes, he was also a bit of an asshole, but this was a fantasy - an innocent fantasy. There was no harm in that.

  I moved toward the bed and sat down. I was all alone for the next several hours. I was wearing my pajamas - pink, silk sleep shorts and a matching tank top. The smooth material against my skin only added to the sexy feeling.

  I was turned on and had plenty of time to myself on my hands.

  I felt vaguely guilty about using my best friend’s bed for the deed, but I knew Christopher would laugh at that very notion. He wouldn’t care if I took care of business here.

  I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. I moved my hands over my body, teasing my nipples as I imagined Silas touching them. I was gentle at first, but I didn’t think Silas would be gentle with me, so I pinched them harder.

  I arched up off the bed and whimpered in pleasure, an electrical current running from my nipples down to my lower parts.


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