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Be My Baby

Page 11

by Airicka Phoenix

  Calla sobbed his name. Her hips wiggled, but the way he had her positioned, she was fully confined beneath him.

  “Don’t rush me, woman,” he growled around her wet and beaded nipple. “I’ve waited too long for this not to enjoy it.”

  “We’re going to be late for…” Her words broke off in a lusty cry of passion when his hand slid up her thigh and pushed past the elastic of her panties.

  “There is nothing and no one but me and this hot, wet pussy,” he said, switching nipples.

  She could think of nothing to say as two fingers worked into her opening. They glided in seamlessly to the knuckle. Her muscles rippled with greedy anticipation. She could feel herself brimming and quickly grabbed his wrist.

  “No…” Her breathy whimper was tainted by her moan for more. “I want you inside me when I come.”

  Jared raised his head and locked his gaze with hers. “I will be,” he vowed darkly, never once removing his fingers. “You’re so wet.”

  Her response was a weak sob that quickly escalated into a louder wail when he dragged his fingers up the wall of her pussy to the swollen nerves just inside. He kept doing it, over and over again until she was a wreck of flailing limbs and ragged breaths. His free hand wrenched aside the wet strip of material covering her and his head disappeared between her seizing thighs. His mouth formed a hard suction around her clit and she a came. Hard. The world exploded in a blur of white noise and bursts of light. Her nails gouged into the back of his head, holding him to the pulsing muscle being ravaged by his lips. His fingers worked restlessly stealing every last shudder out of her before they pulled free.

  Calla was still trying to catch her breath when her panties were torn off her. Her legs were pulled apart and he plunged inside her. The invasion sang through her with a fresh wave of bliss. Her sensitive walls took hold of his throbbing shaft and pulled him in deeper. One arm slipped beneath her and she was lifted to him. The other was propped into the back of the sofa just above her head.

  “Don’t stop!” she panted, sinking her nails into the taut muscles of his ass. “God, I think I’m coming again, Jared!”

  “Think?” he teased, driving into her again and again, faster and harder each time until she was seeing stars.

  “Shit … shit! I am!”

  His cock drove downward, angling every thrust to rake over her clit. The position propelled her straight into another orgasm that curled her toes and bowed her back. Her teeth tore into her lip as the pressure broke her into a million pieces.

  Jared was still working inside her when her head stopped buzzing. His strokes were long and slow, seemingly in no hurry. He was watching her when she opened her eyes. Heat worked up her chest to fill her cheeks. An embarrassed, but severely satisfied grin pulled on her lips.

  Gingerly, he pulled free of her sated body and pulled her to him until she had completely come off the sofa and was kneeling on the floor with him. He turned her over and bent her over the cushion wet with her release and warm from her body heat. His hands took her hips and lifted them to him. Then he was inside her again. A moan left her. One toned forearm rested just inches from her nose as he levied his weight over her back, pinning her down so she couldn’t move.

  “Open,” he ordered into her ear.

  Obediently, her knees parted and he cupped her heat. His fingers pried apart her moist lips and lazily began stroking her clit back to life. His hips pistoned inside her, but his movements weren’t as fluid.

  “Come with me, Calla,” he whispered.

  She did and was rewarded with a hot burst of his release mingling with hers. His heart slammed against her shoulder blade. His unsteady gasps echoed in her ear. He kept his cock buried inside her even after the last spurt of come had left him to stain her walls.

  Calla felt amazing. Exhausted, but limber and incredible. She would have happily stayed there, face buried into the cushion, but he shifted, taking his warmth with him. His cock slipped free and they both groaned. Their combined juices trickled down her sprawled thighs to mark the floor between her knees.

  “I’m ready for bed,” she grumbled into the suede fabric.

  Jared chuckled. “Maybe afterwards, we can come back and pick up where we left off.”

  He emphasized his promise by smoothing two fingers down the seam of her exposed pussy from ass to clit. He dipped into her opening, working the tight ring before rolling their juices over the rising bump.

  Calla groaned and wiggled into the strokes. Her body was already prickling at the thought of another orgasm. Her slit clenched with excitement. More of his come dribbled out of her.

  “We should go,” he taunted. “We wouldn’t want to be late.”

  Calla forced herself to twist over, balanced on her toes with her back supported by the edge of the sofa to squat before him. It was what he was apparently waiting for, because the moment they were face to face, he had pushed himself between her raised knees. Her back was slid up the edge of the sofa and he was inside her, full, thick and hard.


  There was nothing slow, or patient about him this time. He held her down half on and half off the sofa and plowed into her with an almost angry vengeance. All Calla could do was raise her arms and use the sofa to push herself back down on him. His hold around her middle tightened and he lowered his head to ravage her nipples.

  Calla came a fourth time. It wasn’t as strong as the first three, but it still plowed through her body in a shuddering currant of electric waves. A moment later, she felt him shudder above her and heat filled her channel. Limply, her arms slid down and her hands glided over the rugged expense of his heaving and sweaty back. The muscles rippled beneath her palms and she loved how well their bodies fit.

  “We should stop,” he breathed into her throat. “Or we’ll never leave.”

  Calla chuckled, running her hand up the back of his head. “Then you better tell your cock to behave.”

  It was already hardening inside her and she couldn’t help wondering just how many rounds the guy could go. Not that she was complaining, but Jesus, they were going to fuck each other to death at this rate.

  “I can’t get enough of you!” His snarl was followed by the vicious thrust of his hips. “Your pussy is so warm and tight. I don’t want to leave.”

  They didn’t. It was only the sound of her phone going off in her pocket that finally pulled them apart. They had worked their way all over that sofa and Calla was pretty impressed by all the creative ways Jared managed to get inside her. But damn she was sore. Between the previous night and that morning, she would need a week to recover.

  “God, we have to stop!” she gasped as he slid out of her. “I’m going to be walking like I spent the weekend riding bareback on a horse.”

  Jared chuckled. “Well, there was a lot of riding and I am pretty bare.”

  Laughing, Calla half crawled to her scattered clothes. Her fingers had just curled around her pants when his closed around her hips. She was dragged back and flipped onto her back across the hardwood. The coolness felt like heaven against her sweaty and burning skin. He climbed over her, his eyes glinting with a hunger she was quickly getting used to.


  Yet even with the tenderness of her body, she couldn’t stave off the ripple of desire that shot through her. She knew she wouldn’t stop him if he took her again. Part of her was pretty certain she was as addicted to him as he was with her. They could fuck nonstop for a week and she’d still want him.

  He kissed her, deep and filled with so much love and passion that she lost all concept of anything else. He gathered her up close and continued to work her mouth into a swollen, tingling mess. When he drew back, she was a limp heap of limbs beneath him.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Calla felt herself smile. “Even if we never fuck again?”

  His lips curled up into that grin that made her insides flop. “Even then, but I’m hoping that doesn’t happen, because we are damn good at i

  Chuckling, she kissed him lightly. “I love you, too.”

  She ignored the voice that wormed its way into the back of her mind, the one telling her she had no right to love anyone. But she wanted this. Wanted him. As wrong as it was, no matter how much she didn’t deserve it, she was selfish enough not to want to let it go.

  “We should go,” she murmured. “Everyone’s probably waiting for us.”

  “Ugh, if we must…”

  Grumbling, he rose off her and gently helped her up to her feet. She gathered her clothes and half walked, half staggered into the bathroom to shower and dress. Jared joined her and out of respect for the environment and conserving water, she didn’t say no, nor did she push him away when his hands slid over her.

  They were almost out the door when her phone chirped, reminding her she had a missed message. Jared was yanking on his coat when she fished the device out of her pocket and checked the screen.

  “It was Damon,” she said.

  “What’s he want?”

  She scrolled to the message and read it out loud. “RU w/J?” She frowned. “I’m guessing J is you?”

  Jared shrugged. “Unless you know another J.”

  “I know a few,” she admitted and wrote back, “Yeah. Why?”

  A moment passed before the new message came through.

  “WTH did u guys do? Rents r pissed. Get here asap.”

  She glanced at Jared. “What do you think that means?”

  Jared shrugged. “Maybe they heard we spent the night together?”

  “But why would that piss them off?” she wondered. “My mom and Beth have all but planned our wedding.” She nibbled on her lip. “Maybe we did something last night…” She groaned. “Shit.”

  His hand rested lightly on the small of her back, as reassurance, but also to propel her towards the door.

  “It’ll be okay.”

  The drive to her father and Beth’s house was done in a tense silence. Neither one could figure out what they’d done to invoke the wrath of her parents. But Calla had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good. The last time Damon had sent her an asap, her parents had found out about the frogs she’d released from the science lab into the school pool during a big swim meet. It had been funny to watch at the time. Her parents hadn’t thought so.

  “Okay, whatever it is, we stick together on it,” she told Jared as they exited the truck and started up the porch steps. “We’re adults. We can sleep with other adults if we want to. If it’s something else, we’ll figure it out as it comes.”

  Jared agreed mutely.

  Calla took hold of the doorknob.


  He cleared his throat. “Nope.”

  “Me neither.”

  She wrenched open the door and stepped into the foyer.

  Chapter Eight ~ Jared

  The problem with Cole and Beth’s house was that the front door immediately opened in a spot that everyone in both the dining room and sitting room could easily see who was walking in. There was no chance to brace for attack, or even attempt to creep in unnoticed.

  The moment Calla opened the door, they were swarmed. Calla was torn away from Jared by her mother and dragged into the sitting room. Jared caught a fleeting, panicked glance from over her shoulder before she was gone. In her place, like avenging angels of death, he was left surrounded by Cole, Sloan, and Damon, and only the latter looked amused. A little too amused.

  “Care to explain what you were thinking?” Cole snapped in a low snarl that left no room in Jared’s mind that he was on very thin ice.

  “Well, sir…” he began carefully, deciding to tread on the side of caution. “What happened was that…” He darted a glance in his best friend’s direction, hoping for some assistance and was met with a grin and raised eyebrows. Bastard. He turned his attention back to the man who looked like he wanted nothing more than to dropkick Jared into the next world. “I really don’t know,” he confessed at last.

  There was something uniquely disturbing about trying to find words to explain how Jared wound up naked in bed with the man’s daughter. While he had a full foot over Cole, and probably outweighed him by about twenty pounds, Jared had a good feeling he’d get his ass handed to him if the other man decided he wanted to beat Jared’s face in. Not because Jared couldn’t defend himself, but because he wouldn’t. Right or wrong, this was the father of the woman he loved. At the end of the day, she scared him more than Cole did.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Cole hissed. “How do you not know?”

  He should just tell him, Jared thought. Calla was a grown woman. What they did in their personal time was no one’s business. Plus, it wasn’t as though it had been a one off. Jared had every intention of keeping her. Hell, he wouldn’t even fuss if Cole demanded he make an honest woman of his daughter. Jared would readily agree and be waiting at the church for her before the sun went down. Yet something told him the other man wouldn’t appreciate his honesty.

  “Last night was a unique situation,” he explained slowly.

  Cole stared at him like he couldn’t decide whether or not Jared was fucking with him. Thankfully, he never got the chance to respond when Calla’s irate exclamation broke through the house.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Jared’s gaze instinctively shot past the wall of testosterone to the open doorway where Calla’s voice continued to carry, but not as audibly. He shifted around Cole and started forward, needing to see what the matter was.

  Lily was sitting on the sofa with Calla standing on one side and Beth on the other, facing off. Toby was sitting in the armchair, watching the match with wide, blue eyes. A bowl of chips was nestled in his lap and he wasn’t blinking. But he did glance up when Jared stepped into the room. His eyes glinted mischievously and he smirked.

  “Dude!” was all he said and Jared got the feeling that this was about a whole lot more than simply spending the night together; surely they wouldn’t allow a twelve year old to be privy to that conversation.

  “That’s crazy!” Calla’s choked outrage drew his attention back to the three across the room. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a look in her eyes that reminded him of a spooked rabbit. “Did everyone in town get stupid drunk last night, or something?”

  “You can’t blame us for asking!” Lily protested. “Imagine how we felt when we heard the news.”

  Calla folded her arms over her chest, not in a gesture of anger, but one of security. “Imagine how I feel that you guys would believe it.”

  “What’s going on?” Jared moved deeper into the room.

  Calla turned to him. There was relief in her eyes, but also uncertainty and it only fueled his apprehension. His gaze went to the other two watching him. Their expressions were a little easier to read, suspicion. It only further confirmed his theory that this had nothing to do with them having crazy, animal sex all night and most of the morning.

  “Someone’s been telling the whole town that you and I got married last night,” Calla said tightly. She rounded accusing eyes on her mother. “And everyone believes it.”

  Confusion mingled with disbelief broke a chuckle free.

  “What?” He took another step closer.

  It was Beth who answered, “Josie Coon made a big show of cornering me this morning at the grocery store to tell me how happy she was for our expanding family. I asked her what she meant and she gave me those big, vacant eyes and said, well, for little Calla getting married!” She paused in her mimicking to scoff and roll her eyes. “I hate that woman. Brainless twit.”

  “And where did she hear that from?” Jared wondered.

  “Let me guess.” Calla put up a hand before anyone could respond. “Georgia May.”

  Beth shrugged. “I didn’t ask. I didn’t get the chance to when three more women congratulated me in the produce aisle. At that point, I figured it wasn’t a practical joke.”

  “And you didn’t think that was completely crazy?” Calla
shot back. “Jared and I haven’t even gone out on a first date, never mind running off and getting married. When … how would we even do that? It’s insane.”

  “I don’t know,” Beth answered honestly. “I just know that for some reason, this town thinks you two got married.”

  “Well, we didn’t,” Calla said shortly. She glanced towards Jared. “Tell them.”

  All eyes went to him. He could feel their prickling anticipation for him to confirm he hadn’t inadvertently done the unthinkable. Part of him wondered if they would be more accepting of the crazy, animal sex, but opted not to bring that up. But it didn’t matter now. There was a more pressing matter splayed out before him.

  He honestly couldn’t remember much of the previous night. Most of the images that flashed through his mind when he tried to think about it were of him holding Calla, of them laughing as the world spun around them. There was a vague image of them throwing shots back at the bar with the groom’s men, lots of dancing. Others had been equally drunk. After the bride and groom had departed for their honeymoon and the older couples had gone, the younger crowd had stayed to keep partying. The music had changed from jazz to heavy, bass filled pounding. The lights had been dimmed to sparks of light from the disco ball. The tables had been cleared away and it was just drinking, laughing, and dancing.

  Jared wasn’t normally a drinker. He had the odd beer after work, or at dinner, but he kept most of his alcohol consumption to a minimal. That night had been a unique situation. Calla’s unapologetic release of her inhibitions had been the fuel for his own release. While he had no reserves about partying and partying hard, seeing her throw away the dark shroud she so often carried had been elating. That alone had been a cause for celebration. So when the bartender requested the keys to his truck, he’d readily handed them over, because he hadn’t wanted the night to end.


  Jared blinked out of his thoughts and focused on Calla’s face, on her furrowed brows and full mouth.


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