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Reaper Girl (Reaper Girl Chronicles Book 1)

Page 3

by Erin Zarro

  "Leliel," Rick said, his voice haunted, "where'd the moons go? Where are you?"

  "I'm right here," I said, taking his hand in mine. It hit me with a jolt. And my heart nearly shattered.

  It was beginning. Right on schedule.

  "I'm...blind, aren't I? The Reanimate thing? This is it," Rick said, his voice quivering. "I can't..I wish...oh God, I hate this."

  I immediately missed his amazing blue eyes. Now they were clear, like sharp crystal. No emotion, no life, moved within them.

  I had no idea how to comfort him. "Try to relax, okay? I'll help you through this."

  His sightless eyes flicked from side to side. "Why'd I lose my sight first?"

  "Everyone loses things in different ways and in a different order. I know that's not very comforting, but..." I ran out of things to say. I was not made to calm people, or soothe them. I took souls. I released them into the afterlife.

  I didn't get involved.

  But he looked so helpless standing there.

  And he needed help.

  The hellcat headbutted him, and he sighed mournfully. "I know, sweet kitty. I can't even see you, now."

  I took hold of his wrist. "Come on, I'll help you." Hellcat whined. "He's gonna be okay. Chill out. Don't worry, okay?"


  "I brought you here," I said softly, squeezing his hand. "It's my job to fix this." I was still uncomfortable talking about certain things, so I changed the subject. "Just a reminder...I can't walk."

  "I'll have no idea where I'm going," Rick said. His eyes kept moving side-to-side, as if he were taking it all in, but he couldn't see anything. It was perplexing.

  "I can direct you, okay? I know this place very well."

  Rick's brow furrowed. "Promise me you won't leave me."

  "Why would I do that?"

  Rick shrugged. "I don't know. I just...I'll be a burden –"

  "Hellfire, Rick," I said, rubbing my throbbing temples. "Don't talk like that. You and I are in this until the end. No one leaves."

  "Promise?" Rick whispered.

  "Promise. On my immortal soul," I added for a good measure. I supposed I understood that, needing reassurance. But damn. This was getting very difficult.

  But he'd just gone blind. Of course he was worried. He'd be helpless here without me.

  "We should get moving again." I moved, carefully, so that I was right in front of him. I put my arms around his neck. "I'm ready. Pick me up."

  His arms slid around me and he hoisted me up, cradling me to his chest. His warmth calmed me, soothed me.

  "So...where to?"

  I looked around me and decided upon a direction. "Move forward about two feet and turn right. But be careful. There's a tree root just to your right." He corrected his direction and kept walking.

  The hellcat followed us, her eyes glowing green orbs.

  I dreaded what was next. I wanted to put it off, but the sooner we got through, the better for all of us. Even the hellcat.

  The air got colder. Shimmering lights wheeled around us, and I knew that we'd come to our first destination.

  "How do you feel right now?" I asked, biting my lip. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe being blind would be an advantage...

  Leliel, a voice said. Help me. I can't die alone...

  My head snapped up, my pulse skittering. Who was that? And why was the voice so familiar?

  I searched my memory, and with a jolt, I knew.

  Leliel, child, please...

  I struggled to sense where the voice was coming from.

  My trouble...

  Don't abandon me...

  Hellfire. She needed my help. I couldn't just let her die –

  But it wasn't real.

  "Rick, put me down," I said.

  "I can hear my daughter talking," he said in awe. "She came back to me." He set me down, turned, and walked away. Hellcat followed him.


  I couldn't resist my mother's voice.

  I can't die alone...

  My mother, or Rick. What a freaking horrid choice.

  Please. Let me have peace...

  I stood there, watching Rick vanish into the shadows with the hellcat, and couldn't make myself move.

  I couldn't leave my mother to die alone.

  But Rick needed me.

  Ugh. I did not know what to do.

  Rick was nowhere.

  My mother's voice surrounded me, embracing me. Warmth and love and acceptance. And sadness.

  I sat down and waited.

  Until the moons, one by one, faded from view. Until the colors slowly dissolved away.

  Until I could no longer hear her voice.

  It took everything I had in me to not try to find her. Comfort her.

  Because she did not exist.

  And this was a freaking trap.


  When I emerged from the trap, I couldn't find Rick.

  I hobbled everywhere, in widening circles, listening for his voice or the hellcat's whining. Surely they couldn't have gotten far, right?

  But this place...was an ever-shifting maze. They said no one experienced the Underworld exactly the same, that it tailored its landscape and things to each individual person. Rick might be caught in a different snare, even blind, and maybe he didn't even know he was lost...

  And then I saw him! On a hill, just up ahead. Surrounded by tendrils of mist, his head down. Then it came up, his unseeing eyes staring at nothing.

  "Rick!" I called. "Don't move! Stay right where you are!"

  I wanted to fly up there, but it just wasn't possible. So I hoofed it. It felt like forever as I climbed my way, every step a nightmare of pain, to the top of that damn hill. Thorns scratched my hands, blood seeping out, and acid sizzled my flesh, sending zings of pain through me. But I put that aside and focused on my goal. I tried to forget about my injured ankle. Instead, I kept my eyes on Rick's. As long as I did that, I could keep moving. He was my tether to reality.

  And the resistance pain? Non. Stop. White-hot agony at the base of my skull.

  Yes, I know you're displeased, Your Highness. I cannot take this anymore!

  They say never to disobey – or, in my case, don't screw up.

  And that was the plan, damn it.

  Until Rick.

  Who was not looking very much alive as I got to the very top.

  "Rick?" Had it happened so damn quickly already? Was I too late?

  Rick didn't move. Just his eyes. They tracked me as I stalked around him, wondering where the hellcat was...and the hellcat wouldn't leave him –

  Oh, crap.

  The thing's skeletal arms snapped around my neck, and precious air left my lungs in a rush. Mist spun around us as I tried to pry its hands off of me...and the resistance pain....

  I went down to my knees, my head about to explode from no freaking air. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear...I just lashed out with my hands, trying to get away...


  The voice made me stop.

  I let go of the thing's hands and looked into its eyes. "Rick...that's not you. I know it's not. But it's so..." Damn lack of air.

  I fell.

  Blindingly bright light stabbed into my eyes and I found myself alone.

  Ye Gods, where the hell was I?

  And, more importantly, where was Rick?

  A growl pierced the silence. Uh oh.

  I squinted at the form filling my vision. "Hellcat? Hey, little one, just chill the hell out." I tried to stand, didn't quite make it, tried it a second time.

  Another growl.

  Crap. She didn't like me much. But maybe she could lead me to Rick.

  "So we meet again, Reaper Girl," a voice said from behind me.

  His voice was like a blade to my heart.

  Slowly, my heart pounding, I turned around to face my fate.

  He was the Grim Reaper, the Angel of Death, the one all of us Reapers answered to. He wore a black cloak, a hood obscu
ring his face – if he had one. His eyes glowed red. His body was skeletal and it creaked at the most inopportune times.

  To return a soul to a person, things were required.

  The Three Trials.

  I smoothed my expression to neutral. "Hello, Master. How fare thee" I realized I didn't know if it was morning or night. The light suggested day, but who knew in the Underworld?

  Pain stabbed my brain like little knives. I clenched my teeth, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me suffer. There would be plenty of time for that later.

  The Master inclined his head to me. "I am well." He glanced at the hellcat, then his eyes flicked back to mine. Bottomless, soulless depths. They always gave me the heebie-jeebies. "I have something I believe belongs to you."

  I tried not to look too eager. "And what might that be, Master?"

  He gestured with one skeletal hand to the left. "See for yourself."

  I looked. And saw Rick in chains. Every inch of skin I could see was the pasty white of death, his unseeing eyes flicking from side to side as if looking for something. Or someone.

  I swallowed.

  Was he okay? Was he in pain? Had I caused this? Or was it all an illusion?

  I turned back to the Master, trying to figure out how I could confirm that it was Rick without offending him. Because he was touchy like that.

  "He doesn't belong to me," I said, moving in Rick's direction.

  "You are responsible for his state of being, are you not?" the Master asked quietly. "That would imply a type of ownership."

  Ownership. Ugh. "It was a mistake."

  "You do know what is to happen next, Reaper Girl," the Master said. His footsteps followed mine, and I forced myself to keep moving. Though it was difficult with my ankle.

  It would be okay. It had to be.

  When I got to Rick, I knelt, placing my hand on his cheek. His skin was cold, so cold. "Rick? How are you doing?"

  Rick's eyes widened, and he moved his head toward me. He let out a shallow breath. "Le...leliel?" I could barely hear his whisper.

  The hellcat watched me. Which gave me the heebie-jeebies, too.

  "Yes," I said. I wanted to comfort him. The guilt was a killer. I'd never imagined I'd care this much. Or want to fix someone. I glanced at the Master again. "I take it we will do the Three Trials, then?"

  The Master nodded. "Prepare yourself and your human."

  These were words out of my most horrific nightmares. The Trials were designed to test endurance and strength. If you passed, you were allowed an audience with His Highness to plead your case. Naturally, that didn't guarantee a successful outcome, and that was what made it so difficult. You could endure the most horrible pain and suffering of your life (or several lifetimes), you could get to His Highness, and still fail.

  It was a crappy system.

  But that was all I had to work with.

  "Your human will also be a participant," the Master said.

  My heart nearly stopped beating. "But – the Reaper does the Trials, not the – "

  "Yes, I am well aware," the Master said oh so patiently. "However, I have decided to give you extra incentive to endure. After all, it was your mistake that caused this problem in the first place."

  I blinked at him, my mind racing. If Rick was to participate...we were so screwed.

  The price for failure?

  Immediate forfeiture of your soul. And a likely future as a Reanimate.

  Not a pleasant thought, that.

  Oh, who was I kidding? I was terrified. I had to force myself not to shake, not to show one iota of fear, but it was a struggle.

  "You can't do this," I said, my voice quivering. Crap. "It's against the rules."

  The Master reached out and grabbed me by the hair, yanking me tight against him. His breath was scalding hot. His lips were inches from my ear. "I make the rules. Do not forget that."

  "Um," I said. "I haven't forgotten. But, Master, remember – this is all my fault. Rick shouldn't have to participate."

  What the hell was I saying? I never gave a crap about humans. I reaped souls and brought them to the afterlife. I never looked back, I never got involved, I never...cared.

  But Rick was in this predicament because of me.

  And I cared. In fact, I kind of maybe sorta liked him.

  Who knew this would ever happen?

  The Master's breath on my neck made me tense. "Rick will participate. You know you have no choice in the matter."

  Well, yeah, I did know. And that was what made this tough.

  The Master made a gesture, and several hooded figures surrounded me. Custom dictated that their faces be covered at all times.

  I stepped backward, holding my hands up. "Wait. Can't I have a minute to prepare?"

  "Denied. This is the first of the Three Trials. Restrain her!"

  Before I could blink, three of the five figures had my wrists in chains. One of them hoisted me up on his shoulder, and I flailed wildly, trying to get him to drop me.

  But he was too strong. Built like steel. A grip that could crush my bones.

  And a migraine joined the

  I bit my tongue so I wouldn't cry out.

  The figure who was holding me sat me down next to Rick. The Master shoved Rick down so he was sitting next to me.

  Rick's eyes flicked in my direction. " going on?"

  I leaned in so our shoulders touched. Just so he had a tangible connection to someone – me – and maybe it would help him feel better.


  "Uh, well, I've been chained up," I said softly. "And we're about to endure the Three Trials."

  "The Three...Trials?"

  "Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and Spirit. It's the Master's choice which three elements he uses," I recited from memory. "This is the only way to get an audience with His Highness. Typically I'd be the only one doing this, but for some sadistic reason, the Master wants you to participate." I tried to keep my voice level. "There is only one requirement. Stay conscious at all costs."

  "Will this...hurt?"

  I ground my teeth together. He needed to know what to expect, especially since he was blind now. No lies, as much as I wanted to spare him any fear. No lies. "More than anything you can imagine."

  The hellcat sat in front of us. I thought maybe she was being protective.

  "Will you at least tell me what's happening so I'm prepared?"

  "Sure." I nodded, but realized he couldn't see it. "I'm surprised that you still trust me."

  "I do," Rick said, and I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "I'm sure I like you. I just don't like this. In fact, I hate this. I should hate you for doing this to me, but I can't seem to do that."

  Well, bravo for honesty. "Well, for the record? I trust you. Because if you fail and I pass, I fail automatically. And then we'll be spending a lot more time together."

  "Forever?" Rick asked, licking his lips.

  "Most definitely."

  "Silence," the Master said. "The Three Trials are about to begin."

  A cold wind blasted through, making me shiver. My heart was in my throat, and I couldn't stop shaking. I'd never done this before, and I had only rumor to go on. But I'd find out soon enough.

  "Trial by Fire commences now," the Master said.


  I'd died in a fire. And he knew it, the bastard.

  One of the hooded figures raised his hands.

  "It's about to start now," I murmured to Rick. "Dude in a hood is lifting his hands. Stay conscious."

  "Okay, I'll try," Rick replied. "I'm scared."

  "Me, too. But this is really happening, so we need to face the fear," I said, my eyes on the hooded guy's hands.

  They lit from within and began to glow amber. I could see his bones through the skin. The smell of fire made my throat burn.

  And then a wall of flames flew toward us.

  "Huge wall of flames approaching now," I whispered, fear a kn
ot around my throat.

  I watched, numb, as the wall of flame hit us.

  Burning flesh. Sizzling. Pain.

  A yowl of pain from the hellcat. I hoped she'd make it.

  Oh, Gods, the pain. Darkness around the edges of my vision. I was going to lose consciousness –

  This is how I'd freaking died –

  Rick screamed.

  I jolted back to consciousness. Thank you, Rick!

  "Stay conscious!" I screamed as my nerve endings burned. I screamed. I flailed. I cursed my crappy fate. I did everything I could to distance myself from the pain, but crap, I couldn't.

  Rick's eyes rolled back into his head, and with a jolt I realized we were about to fail.

  Damn it!

  I nudged him with my elbow, gritting my teeth against more pain. The smell of burnt skin and fire made me nauseous, but I tried to ignore it. I had to save us both.

  "Please, don't leave me," I said. "Stay with me, Rick! Stay with me!"

  He screamed again, an inhuman wail that I'd hear in my nightmares forever. Nearly split my heart in two.


  After what seemed like eons, his eyes rolled in my direction. He was conscious, but for how long?

  "Leliel...I can't...I can't..." Another scream. "Can' this..."

  I nudged him again. "Yes, you can. You can. You have to want it."

  More pain, and I moaned. And promptly shut up.

  "What if...I just..." A moan. "Hurts so much. Want to die."

  I glanced over at the Master, who probably thought we'd collapse with the pain. I was barely hanging on myself, but damn it, I wouldn't fail. I couldn't. For myself and for Rick.

  "You don't wanna die, buddy," I said. "You can't. Reanimate, remember? That's your future – and mine – if we fail."

  The wall of flames roared around us, making it unbearably hot. My head was one big lump of pain, and my nerve endings were shot. But I didn't want to die, and I didn't want to become the walking dead. So...I needed another approach. And fast.

  I glanced at Rick again. His eyelids fluttered.

  I nudged him once again. "Stay. Conscious. Or. Else."

  "Or...else?" he asked, his words slurred. " to me?"

  "I don't know," I replied. "I truly don't. But I will make you regret it every day of your unlife."

  He began to sing. Softly. Soothingly. I could barely hear him over the roar of the flames, but I held on to his voice, the song, like a lifeline. I couldn't let go.


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