Running on Empty
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Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln Highway (Highway 50)
Lisbon (Ohio)
“Living Like Weasels” (Dillard)
Lloyd, Sister Mary Elizabeth
London, Jack
Long John Silver’s
Longpre, Jenny
Long slow distance (LSD) training
Macy, Mark
Magnetic resonance imaging. See MRIs
walk to Chicago from
walk from Colorado to
Marchant, Phil and Kari
Massage therapy
Matukaitis, Kira
McCook (Nebraska)
McDougall, Christopher
McKinley, William
McKinney, Frank
McLean (Texas)
Medial tibial stress syndrome
Mezzacupo, Michael
Middlegate (Nevada)
Millheim (Pennsylvania)
Mississippi River
Monaghan, Maureen
Monroe, James
Mountaineering. See also specific mountains
Mountain Lake (New Jersey)
Muir, Jon
Murakami, Haruki
Muscle cramps and strain
Muscle Milk
Napa Valley
National Farmers Organization
National Geographic channel
National Geographic magazine
National Public Radio (NPR)
Native Americans
Navy SEALs
Running America ’08 in
NEHST Studios
budgetary concerns of
and conflicts with Engle
production team from
Nement, Alex
Nepal, Raid Gauloises in
Nescopeck Mountain
Lincoln Highway across
Running America ’08 in
New Jersey, Running America ’08 in
Newport (Rhode Island)
New York City
transcontinental run from San Francisco to, See Running America ’08
New York Road Runners Club
New York Times, The
New Zealand
Niota (Illinois)
Norgay, Tenzing
Northern Colorado, University of
Northern Colorado Medical Center
North Face, The
Nu Skin
Obama, Barack
Odhiambo, Jackton
O’Doul’s nonalcoholic beer
Running America ’08 in
Olympic Games
Once and Future King, The (White)
O’Neil, Kate
during conflicts with Engle
Oshier, Colleen
Out-of-body experiences
Outside magazine
Pacific Outdoor Equipment
Palin, Sarah
Payne, Andy
Pearl Izumi
Pearson, Dave
Penn State University
Running America ’08 in
Physical therapy
Pieper, Arlene
Pikes Peak Marathon
Plantar fasciitis
Poconos Mountains
Pollan, Michael
Pony Express
Post-run recovery
Poudre Canyon
Primal Quest adventure races
Provo (Utah)
Pugh, Tracy
Pyle, Charles C.
Raids Gauloises
Ralston, Aron
Red Bull
Religious Teachers Filippini
AIDS Orphans Rising project of
Remington (Indiana)
Reno (Nevada)
Richmond–San Rafael Bridge
Riley, Jesse
Riverton (Iowa)
Rocky Mountain
Rocky Mountains
Roosevelt (Utah)
“Runner’s blues”
Runner’s World
Running America (documentary film)
sponsors of
“Running America” (Gabbin)
Running America ’08
attention to medical needs during
bonking during
charities designated for
course statistics for
crews for
final day of
fluids during
injuries, ailments, and treatments during. See also specific injuries
interpersonal conflicts over
listening to music during
maintaining body temperature during
medications and supplements during
mental conditioning for
nightmares during
nutrition and diet for
protection from elements during
reason for
sponsors of
stretching, massage, and physical therapy during
supplies, clothing, and gear for
training for
website for
See also individual states: California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah
Running on the Sun (documentary film)
Running the Sahara (documentary film)
Russian National Climbing Team
Sahara Desert
Sand Springs Pass
San Francisco, transcontinental run to New York City from. See Running America ’08
Santa Fe Railroad
Santa Monica (California)
Sausalito (California)
Scott, Gary
Scott, Robert F.
Scott’s Pass
Sensensey, Deb
Serengeti Plain
Seven Summits
Sheehan, George
Shepard, Steve and Barb
Shin splints
cutting notches in
toenail problems and
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Simone, Jim
Simpson, Captain James H.
Sirius satellite radios
Sleep deprivation
Smith, Bud and Penny
Smith-Batchen, Lisa
So Be energy drink
Soliman, Amira
Sombra Professional Therapy Products
South Pole
Spieler, Robert
Spin Vox
SPOT tracker
Starbucks coffees
Steamboat Springs (Colorado)
Sterling (Colorado)
Strassburg Sock
Stray Dogs Team
Super 8 Hotels
Sustain electrolyte replacement tablets
Tamarack Habilitation Technologies
“Ten Commandments of Endurance”
Thorpe, Dave
Thorpe, Jim
Thurber, James
Toenails, surgical removal of
Towne’s Pass
Trail races. See also specific races
Trail Runner magazine
Trans Am ’92
Transcontinental runs first. See Bunion Derby
Guinness World Record guidelines for
records for
See also Running America ’08
Trekking poles
Triumph, Therese
Triumph, Tom
Twain, Mark
U.S.A. 24-Hour Championship
Ulrich, Alexandra (Ali; Marshall’s daughter)
birth of
childhood of
br /> and grandfather’s death
during transcontinental run
Ulrich, Clara (Marshall’s mother)
Heather and
and husband’s death
Ulrich, Danette (Marshall’s second wife)
Ulrich, Elaine (Marshall’s daughter)
adolescence of
birth of
childhood of
Everest climb opposed by
during transcontinental run
Ulrich, Elmer (Marshall’s father)
Ulrich, Heather Vose (Marshall’s fourth wife)
aftermath of run for
beginning of relationship with Marshall
in boating accident
comfort and support provided by
crew responsibilities of
documentary team and
Douglass and
Engle’s antipathy toward
in Ethiopia
and Everest climb
father’s death
on final day of run
and injuries
on Kilimanjaro climb
marriage of Marshall and
and Marshall’s family
medications and supplements administered by
during shotgun incident
at start of run
transcontinental run opposed by
at Triumphs’ house
Ulrich, Jean Schmid (Marshall’s first wife)
Ulrich, Lonna (Marshall’s sister)
Ulrich, Steve (Marshall’s brother)
Ulrich, Taylor (Marshall’s son)
birth of
childhood of
during transcontinental run
Ulrich, Willette (Marshall’s third wife)
Ultramarathons. See also specific races
United Nations
United Way
Upper Sandusky (Ohio)
Eco-Challenge in
Lincoln Highway in
Running America ’08 in
Velasco, George
Vietnam, adventure races in
Vinson, Mount
Vose, Heather. See Ulrich, Heather Vose
Vose, Janis
Vose, Rory
VQ OrthoCare
Wasatch Mountains
Washington, D.C., walk from Boston to
Watseka (Illinois)
Weinberg, Brian
Wellesley College
Western States 100 Endurance Run
Weston, Edward Payson
Whitney, Mount
Woodstock Festival
Wooster (Ohio)
World War II
internment of Japanese-Americans during
You Tube
Zahab, Ray
Zen Buddhism
About the Author
Marshall Ulrich is a versatile, world-class extreme endurance athlete: an ultrarunner, Seven Summits mountaineer, and adventure racer. His prolific athletic career has earned him numerous wins, records, and firsts on some of the toughest courses in the world, and taken him to the top of the highest mountains, including Mount Everest—all in his forties and fifties. He defies the ideas of “too far,” “too old,” and “not possible.”
In 2008, at the age of fifty-seven, Marshall clocked the all-time third-fastest crossing on foot from San Francisco (or L.A.) to New York City, and set new records for the masters and grand masters divisions.
The proud parent of Elaine, Taylor, and Ali, he lives with his wife, Heather, in the mountains of Colorado.
To contact Marshall and learn where and when you can attend one of his training camps, climb mountains with him as your guide, or hear him speak about his adventures in person, please visit