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Box of Hearts (The Connor's Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Nikki Ashton

  “Actin’ like a child if you ask me,” Dad grumbled, his eyes never leaving the TV. “She’s too old for you and she ain’t gonna be here forever.”

  For some reason my stomach flipped, but I hadn’t eaten since lunch, so no wonder.

  “I know that,” he griped. “And I don’t like her like that, but I really dislike Brandon and don’t think she should go out with him.”

  “You can’t hate Brandon forever, just because he beat you at cards,” my dad said. “Most stupid damn vendetta I ever heard, and I grew up on this ranch when fifteen men worked it.”

  I had to admit, Dad was right. Brandon and Garratt had barely spoken for almost three years because Brandon had taken Garratt for almost three thousand dollars in a game of poker over at Brandon’s one night. I wasn’t there, it was a last minute thing and I was home with Addy because Melody was at a Spa. According to Brandon’s dad, Henry, when he came downstairs to find out what was going on, Wade, Brandon’s brother, was dragging them apart.

  “Well, it was all the money he’d made when he sold his Star Wars dolls to that collector,” Mom said, trying to make the peace, yet again.

  “They weren’t dolls, Mom.” Garratt rolled his eyes. “He’s a cheat, that’s what I couldn’t take.”

  Dad sighed, Mom gave Garratt a twitch of a smile, and Garratt rubbed his temple; a sure sign that he was stressed.

  “Wanna go into town, grab a burger?” I asked my brother on impulse, kicking at the sole of his sneaker.

  Garratt looked up at me and grinned. “Yeah. I can always eat a burger even after Mom’s chicken pie.”

  “Jesse, honey, I’ve got your dinner warming in the oven,” Mom protested.

  “I’ll have it tomorrow. I think wonder boy needs to get out of here.”

  Mom looked from me to Garratt. “Don’t cause trouble, Garratt. You leave Millie and Brandon alone.”

  “We’re going for a burger Mom,” I sighed. “We’re not even going to Rowdy’s.”

  Half an hour later we were walkin’ into Rowdy’s, under the pretense that tonight was Janelle’s chilli night and I preferred that to a burger from the diner. I warned Garratt before we went in not to be a dick, but as soon as I saw her looking so damn sexy and gorgeous, with Brandon’s hands on her, it wasn’t Garratt’s behavior that I was worried about.


  As Jesse walked to the bar, I placed my bottle on the table and sat on my hands. If I hadn’t, Brandon would have seen them shaking.

  “You ready for another?” he asked, nodding at my almost empty bottle.

  I nodded back, not trusting myself to speak, because I knew that my quaking voice would also give away my reaction to Jesse. Brandon grinned wide and walked over to the bar, slapping a hand on Jesse’s shoulder as he stood behind him. We were just a little too far away for me to hear what was being said over the rock music that was being played, but Brandon had evidently said something about me, because both he and Jesse turned to look at me, Garratt however kept his eyes firmly on the bar top. Jesse turned to Janelle who was placing a bottle of beer in front of him and Garratt. He said something to her, she nodded and then walked through a door at the back of the bar.

  While Brandon waited for another couple of people to be served before him, I took the opportunity to look at Jesse. My heart sighed. He looked handsome and sexy as hell, wearing jeans and a white t-shirt that stretched over his chest and biceps. He leaned across the bar to grab some cutlery from a metal container, and as he did, his t-shirt rode up, revealing a peak of tanned back and the waistband of his white boxer briefs – unlike his work jeans, those he was wearing tonight were hung enticingly low on his hips. He sat back on his stool and lifted his beer; his bicep bulged and I almost groaned as his lips covered the beer bottle. I sucked in a breath and watched as Jesse dropped his head back and took a long drink. Flashes of what he did to me against the barn flitted through my mind and I felt the throb between my legs start. I shifted uncomfortably, getting a little relief from the seam of my jeans, but it was nowhere near enough. I needed Jesse’s hand down there, coaxing my release from me.

  “Another beer, miss. Sorry it took so long, Janelle’s on her own tonight. Maddie, the girl who was rostered on with her tonight, called in sick.”

  Brandon startled me, I hadn’t even seen him approach and his path back from the bar would have been in my eye line.

  “Oh thanks,” I said, giving what I hoped was a sincere smile.

  I glanced over at the bar, to see that Janelle was placing plates of food in front of Garratt and Jesse which surprised me as Bonnie had made chicken pie for dinner. Garratt had finished off two pieces.

  “I can’t believe Garratt is having food,” I commented, nodding towards the bar. “Bonnie made a huge dinner this evening.”

  Brandon didn’t bother turning around. “Yeah?”

  “You two don’t get on do you?” I picked at the label on my bottle as I watched Brandon’s face turn to stone.

  “Nope. We used to be close, but we had an argument over a game of cards.”

  “Seriously? That’s it?”

  “Yeah,” Brandon answered with a dull smile. “Anyway, why don’t you tell me about yourself? Tell me what life is like in England, I’ve always wanted to go to Europe.”

  We spent the next half hour or so chatting and I purposefully kept my gaze away from the bar. It took all my strength; I was like a smoker in the first days of giving up cigarettes, or a chocaholic who’d decided to diet. It took everything in me not to give in to my addiction to look at Jesse.

  After a while, Brandon went to the bathroom and I decided it was an ideal opportunity for me to buy us some drinks. He couldn’t stop me if he wasn’t around to say no. Plus, I just needed to be near Jesse, I couldn’t abstain any longer. The two bottles of beer I’d drunk had given me a buzz and a state of daring. I took note that Brandon was drinking a light beer and moved across to the bar; my heart thudding in time with my heels on the wooden floor. I headed straight for a spot next to Garratt.

  “Hey, Garratt,” I said as I leaned against the dark mahogany. “Your mum’s pie not enough for you?”

  Garratt grinned as he put the last forkful of food into his mouth. “Janelle’s chilli is the best, but don’t tell Mom I said that.”

  I felt eyes on me, and as I looked away from Garratt, I saw Jesse quickly avert his gaze.

  “Hi, Jesse.”

  Jesse lifted his head and smiled. “Millie.” He then went back to studying his food, taking extra care over the small amount of chilli still left on his plate.

  His ignoring me was like a slap in the face. I’d thought that the night of the storm that we’d turned a corner and maybe we could at least be friends, but evidently not. I gave my order and received it from Janelle and was just about to go back to our table when Garratt put a hand on my arm.

  “I hope this is your first and last date with Brandon,” he said quietly.

  “Garratt,” I sighed.

  “Garr, what did I say?” Jesse hissed. “Who Millie chooses to date is up to her, and there isn’t anything wrong with Brandon, he’s a good man.”

  My heart sank. Was this Jesse telling me to get over whatever thoughts I had about him and I? Was he giving me and Brandon his blessing?

  Garratt snorted in derision. “Yeah, right.”

  It was at that moment that Brandon appeared.

  “Hey, what did I say?” he asked nodding at the bottles in my hand.

  “I wanted to pay my way. So here, take it and drink it.”

  He laughed, leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I pulled back a little and heard a bottle bang on the bar; Garratt obviously wasn’t happy at Brandon’s small PDA.

  “Sorry,” Jesse grunted. “You got something I can clear this up with Janelle?”

  I turned and saw a broken glass and beer on the bar in front of him.

  “Oh hey, honey,” a sickly sweet voice said behind me. “You be careful, I don’t want you hurtin’ those magic fi
ngers of yours.”

  Brandon and I both turned to see a woman with long blonde hair, an over made up face, and far too tight clothes standing with her hands on her hips.

  “Hey there,” Brandon said brightly. “How you doin’, honey?”

  “I’m good, Brandon, although I’m thinkin’ I’ll be a whole lot better later.” She licked her bottom lip and pointedly looked at Jesse.

  “No fucking way,” Garratt growled pushing off his stool. “You need to just walk out of here Angie. After what happened at the ranch, do you not understand that my brother is not interested in you?”

  This was Angie of the shaven vajayjay and less than perky boobs, according to Garratt’s description.

  “Garratt, leave it,” Jesse commanded as Janelle started to clear away the broken bottle.

  Janelle stopped what she was doing and looked at Angie. “I don’t want no trouble, Angie. The boys are just enjoying a quiet evening, so if Jesse ain’t interested then leave it, honey.”

  Angie looked at Jesse, her chin jutting out with determination.

  “I think we’ll leave you to it,” Brandon said on a laugh and, grabbing my hand, pulled me back to our table.

  As we settled at the table, Garratt stormed out and Angie pulled a stool up close to Jesse, draping her arms around his neck. As for me, I felt as though I was going to be sick. Distractedly I smiled at Brandon and tried to listen to what he was saying, but my mind was over by the bar. I dared to glance over and immediately wished I hadn’t; Angie was sucking on Jesse’s face.

  “Hey,” I said during a lull in Brandon’s chatter. “I hate to be a kill joy, but do you mind if we go? It’s just I have to be up really early with Addy.”

  Brandon glanced at his watch. “Oh, okay. I was hopin’ I could persuade you to dance with me later.” He nodded towards the open space to the right of where we were sitting. “Janelle has a singer come in at ten on Friday nights.”

  “Oh really, that’s a shame.” It honestly wasn’t though, because I couldn’t stand the thought of spending another minute with a front row view of Angie and Jesse.

  “Sure I can’t persuade you?” he coaxed.

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Brandon, but she’s up at six,” I lied. “And I really need my sleep to keep up with her.”

  Brandon sighed good-naturedly and swigged back the last of his beer. “Okay then, miss, your chariot awaits.”

  He held his hand out for me and led me towards the bar. My breath caught in my throat as I realized that we were going over to Jesse and Angie. Angie, was still hanging around his neck, and Jesse had his head dipped, listening intently to whatever she was whispering to him.

  “We’re off, Jess,” Brandon said, banging a large hand on Jesse’s back.

  Jesse lifted his head and looked straight past me to Brandon. “Early night?”

  I didn’t look at Brandon, so didn’t see what he did, but Angie giggled and dropped her forehead to Jesse’s shoulder. Jesse’s face however was impassive.

  “See you tomorrow. Don’t keep him up too late, Angie,” Brandon laughed and then pulled me away.

  If Brandon knew that I’d made an excuse to escape our date early, he didn’t show it, continuing to laugh and joke on the ride home. The only blip was when we were about two miles from the ranch and we caught sight of Garratt, jogging along the side of the road.

  “Hey, that was Garratt,” I cried, pointing back through the rear window. “We should stop and give him a lift.”

  “He ain’t got far to go now,” Brandon said and stared straight ahead.

  “Brandon! You can’t just leave him.”

  “Can’t I?” He turned to me, a frown marring his handsome features. “Do you think he’d stop for me?”

  “I have no idea, but I won’t be happy leaving him on the road, in the dark.”

  “Millie, he’s grown up around here, and probably done that run back from town more times than I’ve castrated a bull calf, and that’s a damn lot. We’ve all done it, taxis aren’t real handy around here.”

  “Please, Brandon, I don’t like to think of him out here.”

  With a heavy sigh, Brandon slammed on the brakes and shifted the truck into reverse. With his arm over the back of my seat, Brandon turned to look through the rear window.

  “You do know that once you go home, Garratt will have to take care of himself?” While his tone was light, I could see in the half light of the car that Brandon actually had a pouty smile.

  “I know,” I giggled. “But while I’m here I can make sure he’s safe when his mum isn’t around to take care of him. I’m like his big sister.”

  “Sheesh, women,” he grumbled and shook his head, before pulling up a few feet from Garratt.

  In the reverse lights I could see Garratt stop; he put his hands on his hips and was breathing deeply. I opened the window of the truck and stuck my head out.

  “Get in Garratt, we’ll give you a lift back to the ranch.”

  “Nope,” he said breathlessly. “I’m fine running.”

  “No you’re not, now get in.”

  “I told you,” Brandon moaned beside me. “Just leave the bull headed little dick.”

  I shot Brandon a look and then stuck my head back out to speak to Garratt.

  “Please, Garratt, I won’t settle if I know you’re running along here. And why are you anyway?”

  My question was born out of some sort of masochism, because I knew exactly why he wasn’t getting a lift home with Jesse. It was because Jesse had hooked up with Angie in the bar. Thankfully, Garratt didn’t put it into words, ignoring my question.

  “I’ll get in for you, but I’ve been running this road out of town since I was thirteen, Millie,” he muttered as he made his way to the truck.

  He flung open the back door and slid into the seat. Before he’d even reached for the door handle, Brandon had the truck in drive and was speeding away.

  “Dickhead,” Garratt muttered behind me as I heard a text alert sound on his phone.

  Once we pulled up outside the house, I expected Garratt to jump out of the truck and make a quick escape, but he stood at the porch steps waiting for me.

  “Looks like I don’t get to kiss you tonight,” Brandon said nodding towards Garratt.

  Relief flooded me. “Well, you told Addy that gentlemen don’t kiss on a first date.”

  Brandon grinned in the semi-darkness and lifted a finger to twirl around a strand of my hair.

  “I can’t wait for our next date then,” he said softly.

  I knew that I should have been all kinds of turned on by him; he was handsome, funny, and interesting, but there was nothing there. No flutter in my stomach, no throbbing between my legs. That earlier promise of some feelings for Brandon were gone the minute Jesse turned up at Rowdy’s.

  “Well, we’ll have to see won’t we,” I replied.

  I wasn’t sure whether I was being a coward by not telling him there would be no second date, or just a bitch by keeping him dangling. Probably the latter, because in the back of my mind, I wanted Jesse to be jealous.

  “Goodnight then.” Brandon leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow, maybe.”

  I didn’t reply, but smiled back and let myself out of the truck.

  Once he’d disappeared back up the track, Garratt spoke for the first time since we’d picked him up.

  “Couldn’t even open the door for you,” he muttered.

  “Garratt, is this really all over a game of cards?” I asked, starting up the steps.

  “It’s because he’s a cheat and a liar,” Garratt replied following me. “I hate that he’s sucked you in.”

  “We’re just friends, that’s all,” I said truthfully.

  “Yeah until he turns on the charm full throttle; don’t believe a word he says, Millie. He’s dirt.”

  With that, Garratt ran past me up the steps and opened the door.

  “After you, ma’am,” he said with a grin, and good natured Garratt
was back.


  As soon as Brandon and Millie left the bar, I pushed Angie away from me. The sickly smell of her scent made my stomach roil, and I was in danger of barfing up Janelle’s chilli. Angie had complained and cussed at me as I’d slapped some dollar bills on the bar and made to leave, but I was not going there again. I should never have let her sit down, but seeing Brandon with Millie had made me feel lonely. I wanted a warm body to curl up to, a woman to lose myself in; trouble was, I soon realized Angie wasn’t that woman.

  As I made my way out to my truck, I shot Garratt a text telling him that I ditched Angie and would pick him up, guessing he’d be either walking or jogging back home. When his reply came in I chuckled to myself; my fucking brother was a legend.

  Garratt: No need - dick head and Millie picked me up. Not letting him fucking kiss her good night even if I have to sit in the middle of them

  I needed to at least act like the grown up brother, so shot him back a reply.

  Jesse: He’s OK don’t be a douche. Sorry about Angie. See you tomorrow

  When I neared the turning for the ranch, I could see Brandon’s truck pulling out, so slowed down. Normally, I would flash him and stop and talk for a few, but tonight I did not wanna hear about his perfect date with Millie. Her sweet body filled my dreams as it was, and I didn’t want Brandon taking my place in those dreams, because they were all I would ever have.


  When I entered the kitchen the next morning, I found Jesse sitting at the table drinking coffee.

  “Oh hey,” I said as I rubbed Addy’s head. “Haven’t seen you here for breakfast for a while.”

  “One of the ranch hands had to go home for a while, so it wasn’t so easy to break off and come over. He’s back now,” he explained. “So, I’m gonna be workin’ on Wyatt’s horse today.”


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