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Cocky Senator's Daughter: Hannah Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 8)

Page 16

by Faleena Hopkins


  “Never bothered me that I’m alone there, until I saw how Tobias looks at you.” Meeting my eyes for a brief moment he confesses, “I want to look at someone like that. I wanna need to be around someone so badly that I’ll fight to have her. That’s gotta be a good feeling.”

  “You sound like me after Joe.”

  “What were you doing with that jerk?”

  Chuckling ruefully I shrug. “God, who knows? I think maybe when you haven’t found your person you try to make anything work, even when it doesn’t feel good enough. And remember, he acted like a good guy to get in the door.”

  “Right,” Ethan mutters. “Must have been a good actor.”

  “He was very good.”

  “What are you two talking about up there?” Gabriel calls to us, probably feeling jealous. But it’s his fault we’re not closer.

  “None on your business!” I call back, smirking at his frown. “We’re having a moment.”

  He grumbles something under his breath and Emma pats his arm. Turning back around, I ignore his pouty face. Just because Elijah’s gone doesn’t mean he can suddenly act all jealous. For years it was always them with me the outsider.

  And now he wants my attention?

  The six of us pour onto the busy, well-kept city street, eyes scanning for restaurants. Gabriel points out a Mexican food place, and we all agree that tacos would hit the spot. But as everyone heads over he pulls me aside. “You’re going to tell Dad the truth about this?”

  My instinct immediately answers yes. But then a pause comes over my heart. Frowning I think about it a moment and say, “I’m going to talk about it with Tobias, see what he thinks.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “It’s our decision, our lives.”

  Gabriel reacts with surprise, although his expressions are always subdued. “Wow. Never thought I’d see you cut the cord.” He throws me a look with deep meaning in it, inspired from his entire lifetime of seeing how close Dad and I are.

  “What, Gabriel?” I can hear the defensiveness in my voice.

  “He’s too protective of you.”

  “He protects you and Elijah, too.”

  “Nope.” Gabriel’s eyes are challenging me.

  “Fathers are more protective of girls,” I argue.

  “You guys coming?” Emma calls out, with her hand on the handle to the restaurant door. The others are already inside. “You only have twenty minutes, Hann, time’s ticking. Come on!”

  Amused, Gabriel walks away and mutters, “C’mon, Hannah, you know it’s more than that.”

  Ben & I - Hannah

  Ben and I get onto the elevator at the Waterstone Resort without anyone having paid attention to us as we laughed our way through the lobby, holding hands and talking about the weather and how nice it was to get out of Chicago for a change – the perfect image of tourists vacationing. He was more relaxed than I, which I did not expect so I turn and give him a side look.

  Taking off Emma’s sunglasses, I smile, “Look at you comin’ outta your shell.”

  He chuckles and runs a hand through his sandy-brown hair, emerald eyes dancing. “You kidding? I was tense as hell out there. Thought any second someone was going to point and identify us. I don’t know how you do it, Hannah. I couldn’t take that shit on a daily basis.”

  “People looking at me?”

  “Yeah. I just want to stay on my little piece of land, be left alone and happy.” He fans both hands out, palms down. “Just livin’ where nobody bothers me.” The doors open and he motions for me to go first.

  Here I am in this hallway again, walking to Tobias’s room with my heart pounding with excitement. Only this time it’s different because this isn’t a one-night fling we’re having. He and I are taking a chance on each other, to see where this goes. And I know we both hope it goes far.

  Ben’s a few steps behind me. “You didn’t agree with me.”

  I glance back, distracted. “Hmmm?”

  “Usually when I describe my life, you always say, I wish I could have that. But you didn’t.”

  Stopping in the hallway I gaze up at my cousin in wonder. “I do always say that.”


  “I guess I don’t need to anymore.”

  He tilts his head a little, not understanding, but wanting to. “What changed?”

  Pulling my hair down from the bun, I think about it while finger combing everything back into place and tucking the hair tie in my clutch bag. “I don’t know. No, that’s not true. It was standing up to them and taking my power back.”

  “And saying cock on national television didn’t hurt,” he chuckles, knowing he’s not totally wrong.

  “Why are people so afraid of sex?”

  Ben shrugs and glances to the wall, frowning like he should be staring off into a sunset over tall grass. How many times have I seen him like that, all those weekends year after year as we grew up beside each other. I touch his arm and pull his thoughtful eyes back to me.

  “I love you, Ben. I’m glad you’re in my life. All of you. I’m lucky. I don’t think I realized it until tonight.”

  He frowns, lost again by the way my brain works. “Us kicking that kid’s ass in Sandy Springs didn’t do it for you?”

  “It was Dunwoody.”

  “Whatever. You didn’t feel lucky then? We bled for you.”

  Smacking his chest I roll my eyes to the ceiling. “You made someone bleed. You didn’t get a scratch. Don’t even!” He grins, but my smile falters to explain, because this is very important to me and I want him to know it. “After hearing how Tobias doesn’t have a family, and how his cousin is screwing him over to get what she wants, it just made me feel crazy lucky to have you guys. Thank you for pretending to be my date to sneak me up here.”

  Ben shakes his head, half-laughing. “Hannah, I’d die for you. This is nothin’. Come on. Loverboy’s waitin’.” As we continue to the room he mutters, “And I was pretending to be your husband. When I act, I go for the Oscar.”

  Laughing I shoot back, “Oh it was that much of a stretch?”

  “Since you’re my blood relation? Hell yes. You’re androgynous to me. All of you.” He meets my look and smirks. “Yes, even Sofia. But don’t tell her that. She needs to be dirty.”

  “God, she really does.” My fist rises to knock but the door opens and Tobias pulls me inside, one enormous arm reaching out and swooping me inside like I’m skinny.

  Andy greets Ben from inside the room and my cousin passes us to say hi and get a swig of the whiskey they bought for their fake party.

  I lean into Tobias as he rests his back against the wall with me in his arms. “Hey beautiful. I missed you.”

  “I didn’t miss you.”

  His eyebrows twitch on a smirk. “Yeah, you did. But you were surrounded by too many people to notice.” He kisses me once like the debate is over and takes my hand to join the guys. “Andy, I see too much of you. Get out of here.” To Ben he extends his hand. “Thanks for pretending you were me.”

  “Would need a few more inches around my biceps,” my cousin mutters on a smile. “I’ve seen you fight before. Saw this last one, too. But I’ve been a fan for a while.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Glad you’re not a dick.”

  Tobias laughs. “Big relief you guys didn’t try harder to kick my ass. I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

  Ben laughs then nods with a closed-mouth smile, humming, “Mmhmm.” He believes they were spared. To Andy as they head toward the door, he says, “We’re going drinking. Have plans?”

  “Count me in.”

  “Sofia will give you a bad time.”

  Andy laughs and before the door shuts behind them, we hear him happily mumble, “Can’t wait.”

  Alone Together - Tobias

  Kissing her I bide my time. My mind’s distracted. Are they out of the hallway yet? Hannah breaks free of my lips and searches me. “Everything okay?”

  “Nah, I wanna get out of here.”r />
  Her blonde eyebrows crisscross as her gaze goes heavy. “I thought we were going to hide in here until we can be seen without drama.”

  Taking her hand I grab my room key. “Nope. Fuck that.”

  She lets me lead her to the door but I can feel her tension. “Tobias, why did Ben go through all that trouble if you’re just going to ignore the plan?”

  Lowering my voice as we walk hand in hand through the hallway, I tell her, “Because I needed him to get you here.”


  “No buts.” Jabbing the elevator, one opens immediately and I pull her inside, but she’s resistant. “You still don’t trust me,” I mutter like I’m hurt — when I’m really not. She’s about to object when she sees me hit not the button for the lobby but the one for the top floor. I watch the buttons light up and kiss her fingertips, not meeting her eyes.

  Her mouth is zipped shut.

  When the doors open I lead her to the stairs, shoving the heavy door open and holding it for her. “Beautiful babes first.”

  She softly laughs and heads in, looking to me for guidance. “Up?”

  “That’s right.”

  One flight of stairs and we’re staring at a locked door to the roof. I pull out a key and her eyes go huge. “Where did you get that?”

  “Magic.” Unlocking it, the warm Florida breeze hits us like a promise of good things to come.

  Hannah steps onto the roof no one ever ventures onto unless they’re a maintenance guy fixing something. I wait for her reaction, loving every subtle change of facial expression as each new surprise takes hold. There’s a blanket set out with four vases of flowers holding the corners down, a bottle of champagne and two flute glasses waiting to the side — ice bucket, five pillows, the works. Her mouth drops as her hands float up. “Oh my God!” she breathes. “How did you do this?”

  The flowers were from a wedding event the hotel had this afternoon. It ended hours ago and nobody took these home. Andy paid off an employee who recognized me when we walked in, to find us the blanket and pillows, and the kid brought the champagne up, too. He also gave me the key in exchange for an autograph to his girlfriend.

  But to Hannah I just shrug a shoulder. “I know people.”

  She walks past the setup to the edge, me strolling behind, enjoying the view. Like I said to myself before, I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as her. She speaks to my soul, this woman. I can’t get enough of watching her expressions. I love to see the shift in her eyes as different thoughts come into them.

  Don’t care what she does, I just wanna be the witness.

  The security lights up here trace an outline around her shape. She glances over her soft shoulder and smiles, “Look at how tiny the boats look from way up here.”

  Wrapping her in my arms we gaze down at the view. “Wow, now that’s something,” I whisper.

  She leans into me, body relaxing. “So pretty. And nobody can see us.”

  “They’d never know to look. You’re so warm, babe.”

  “I feel flushed,” she murmurs, turning her head a little to look at me. “I can’t believe I’m here with you.”

  “Me neither. Fuck, I really thought I’d never see you again a day in my life. And here you are in my arms.” Guiding her to face me I cup her cheek. She leans into my palm.

  “You think this will work, Tobias? The plan for Carla?”

  “I don’t know.” We stare at each other and I run my fingers down the slopes of her waist to her hips, and around her ass to give it a squeeze. “God, you feel good.”

  Her eyelashes lower as lust stares back at me. I need her. My cock is bursting at the seam of my zipper, desperate to bond with her again after believing it was over.

  I crush her in a kiss that she returns with equal passion, moaning as it escalates. She feels like the perfect answer to the most difficult question. But then my phone vibrates in my pocket, and since we’re crushed together we both feel it.

  “Ignore it,” I mutter as she hesitates.

  I grab her leg and hike it up, grinding with her pulsing against me, the phone finally going still after a few hot moments.

  Hannah’s arms loop around my neck as she climbs me. I grab both her thighs and hold her up without a problem, lashing my tongue with hers, us coming at the kiss from all different angles as we try everything we can to get closer to each other. Then the phone starts buzzing again. She breaks free, frowning, her breath short and desperate to have me inside her. “What the fuck?”

  “I don’t care who it is.”

  “But who’s calling you this late?”

  I blink at her and a smirk flashes. “You think I have some girl on the side who’s trying to hook up? There’s nobody but you, babe.”

  She relaxes and we come together for another kiss, but the damn thing starts vibrating again. We tear apart and I set her down as she mutters, “Jeezus!” staring at the thing as I yank it from my pocket while adjusting my erection.

  “It’s Andy,” I mutter, confused.

  Hannah and I lock eyes. She shakes her head a little. “He wouldn’t call without a reason.”

  Swiping it open I bark, “What?!”

  His voice is sober and heavy, “Tobias, um, don’t know how to tell you this.”

  “Just say it.”

  “It’s Sofia.”

  Sacrifice - Hannah

  Tobias is glowering in the back of the cab beside me, our fingers gripped together in an effort to calm him down. We’re on our way to where Carla lives with Vance. It’s only the two of us but he wanted to come alone. I told him no way, she’s my cousin. I needed to be here, too. Nobody is certain where she is but knowing Sofia Sol, we had a hunch.

  As the taxi pulls onto a street lined with enormous homes Tobias straightens up like he’s about to fly out of here. I tighten my hold on his hand as we both scan the quiet street.

  “There she is!” I gasp, pointing with my free hand to my cousin walking across the headlight beams, moving fast.

  So he twitches and turns the wheel to pull over to her.

  Sofia squints at the approaching lights and is about to duck into the darkness when he honks.

  Our driver thinks we’re going to a big party because my cousin is wasted and called for our help, and that’s all he’s going to ever know.

  I’ve rolled down the window and as Sofia reacts to the loud noise I call out, “Hey!”

  I don’t dare yell her name. If she’s done something, I don’t want her identifiable.

  Her eyes narrow and her head cocks.

  She sighs and changes course, coming to my side of the cab like she’s annoyed I’m here. I give a warning look to Tobias. His teeth are showing like an animal’s. He wants to know how fucked up things are now, and how much damage she’s done. I know he’s wondering if anyone’s hurt.

  But he can’t ask in front of a driver because I already explained in private to him that when Sofia acts alone she doesn’t take the law into account.

  I told him, “We need to keep this between us. She’s given us no choice. At least, not a good one.”

  She climbs in, her eyes gravely taking in his mood. To the driver she says, “Turn around and go fast. My boyfriend is after me.”

  Inwardly I shake my head. The girl is nuts.

  Part of me wants to ask if she’s okay, the other part wants to strangle her.

  In terrible silence the three of us ride back to the city.

  Tobias’s free hand is clenching and unclenching the entire time.

  I’m chewing on my inner cheek.

  Sofia’s got her arm on the open window, the breeze flying over us as the driver speeds just for the hell of it. They like to do that when they’ve got room to roam, tired of driving slowly around pedestrians every day.

  When the car lurches to a stop at the Waterstone, Tobias grunts, “Here’s my room key and your sunglasses. I’ll be back in fifteen.”

  “Okay.” I hold his eyes. “Take however long you need…to get that food. Yo
u look very hungry.”

  “I’m fucking starving,” he growls, meaning he’s dying to get a piece of the truth.

  Sliding on Emma’s sunglasses I loop my arm through Sofia’s and we chat and laugh our way to the elevators, nobody noticing anything except a couple of drunk girls coming back from a long night. A common sight.

  We’re not alone as we ride to the eleventh floor and I’m having a hard time thinking of meaningless things to say when I want to scream, What the hell were you thinking?!

  When the doors close on our level, Sofia and I go quiet. Finally alone. She’s waiting for me to talk but I don’t know where to start.

  How can I expect someone to be anyone other than who they are?

  My hand is shaking as I shove Tobias’s card to unlock his door. It lights green and we head in. Sofia’s moving slowly now. “Aren’t you going to yell at me?”


  “Okaaaayyyy,” she warily mumbles.

  Going for the vodka Tobias bought me, I open it and take a swig, wincing at how strong it is without cranberry juice. She eyes me as I toss it to her. She drinks from it but never stops watching me.

  “You want to know what I did?”

  Kicking off my heels I cross my arms. “Not yet.”

  A knock on the door turns her head. She jogs her thumb at it. “Want me to get that?”

  “Why don’t you.”

  Statement. Not a question.

  Her eyes narrow on me and she tosses the pint back. I catch it without trouble and she heads for the door, muttering to herself, “I don’t like this.”

  In strolls everybody except for Tobias and Andy. All of her cousins pass her without acknowledging she’s standing there.

  Sofia stares after them and shuts the door.

  Boy, it’s fucking crowded in here.

  Emma jumps up to sit on the dresser, legs and heels dangling. Her brother Ethan takes the position next to her, leaning on it, his arms crossed, face somber.

  Ben walks to the balcony door to my left and looks out, staring off at the water.

  My brother dives onto the made bed, his back against the headboard as he kicks off his shoes and gets comfortable.


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