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The Road to L.A.

Page 18

by Buchanan, Gina

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lydia walked into her daughter’s room to confirm whether the rumor she had heard from her husband was, in fact, true. Carly was crouched on the floor, arranging several articles of clothing into a suitcase.

  “Your father was right,” Lydia said, folding her arms across her chest.

  Carly sighed and replied, “Yes. Dad just told you?”

  Lydia nodded her head.

  Carly looked at her mother and noticed the worried expression on her face.

  “I’ll be fine. Jake’s gonna be with me the whole time. It’s not like I’m going to L.A. by myself.”

  Lydia sighed.

  “I know. But as a mother, I worry. I mean, Los Angeles is a big place. And I don’t know if I feel comfortable with you staying in the same house with Jake. Can’t you find a hotel room?”

  Carly groaned aloud with frustration.

  “I mean, I understand you’re an adult now,” Lydia said quickly to placate her daughter. “And I trust you to use your best judgment.”

  “Mom, it’ll be alright. It’ll only be for a week.”

  Lydia finally decided it would do absolutely no good to persuade her daughter to rethink the whole thing. Besides, Juan certainly hadn’t objected to it. So she suspended her concerns and decided to help her daughter get ready for the trip.

  “I’ll get some of your whites out of the dryer for you to pack,” Lydia offered, then left.

  Carly sat back and started thinking about Jake. She remembered how the next morning after their intimate night, he had seemed a lot more attentive toward her. They had lain in bed together that morning talking and laughing, and he had still held her close while wistfully playing with several strands of her hair. Before she had left that morning to go home, he kissed her gently and invited her to go with him to L.A. She had zealously accepted his offer. During her short trip home, she felt a feeling that could only be described as pure ecstasy. She wondered if this was what being in love felt like. Was she really in love with him?

  Her deep musings were interrupted by the chiming of her cell phone. Before Carly could utter a single word of greeting, Amanda’s voice shot out from the other end.

  “I heard you’re going to L.A! Is that true?”

  Carly hesitated momentarily, a feeling of dread washing over her. It hadn’t really crossed her mind before, but now Carly realized that the twin might actually be offended by Jake’s exclusive invitation. She gulped before answering.

  “Um, yeah.”

  Amanda was silent on the other end. Finally, she blurted out, “How did this come up? Why did he invite you to go to L.A. with him?”

  Carly fell silent. She noted the jealousy in Amanda’s voice. Before Carly could respond, however, Amanda continued the interrogation.

  “And where were you all night? I stopped by last night and your parents said you weren’t there? Were you still at Jake’s?”

  “Yeah,” Carly answered sheepishly.

  “You stayed the night over there?”


  Carly’s meager responses only made the twin that much more suspicious.

  “What did you guys do all night?” the twin prodded.

  Silence again. The twin’s persistent questioning was beginning to frazzle Carly.

  “Did he say why he was inviting only you?” Amanda asked bitterly. “I just don’t get it…why didn’t he ask…he didn’t mention me going at all?”

  After a brief silence, the twin snapped, “I gotta go.”

  Carly moved the phone away from her ear and looked at the screen which confirmed for her that the twin had indeed hung up. She sat cross-legged on the floor in a state of dazed confusion as she attempted to discern what had caused the twin to act so strangely. Nothing made much sense to her right now, and she remained in a perturbed state as she continued packing. Had Carly really noted envy in Amanda’s voice? Why had she behaved so oddly?

  She thought long and hard to make some sense out of the whole thing, but to no avail. Half an hour later, though, she shoved those nagging thoughts to the back of her mind. A black Lincoln SUV halted in front of her house. She lugged her suitcase down the stairs and answered the doorbell. Jake stood there, a huge grin on his face. All troubled thoughts were whisked away as the light of his smile enveloped her.

  “Hey there!” Juan called from inside the house. He came to the door and shook Jake’s hand. “Going back already, huh?”

  Jake nodded in confirmation. “We’re scheduled to perform a concert near Venice Beach. Then, of course, we gotta get back on tour."

  “Ah, the life of a rock star,” Juan remarked.

  Carly rolled her eyes. “As if you really know about that, dad.”

  “Anyway, we gotta go,” Jake said. He reached out and shook Juan’s hand. “It was nice seeing you again, Mr. Cabrerra.”

  “Likewise, son,” Juan remarked with a smile. "Take good care of my angel."

  Jake wholeheartedly assured Juan he would. Carly hugged her parents good-bye and then followed Jake out to the waiting SUV. The driver opened the door for them and they climbed inside. As the vehicle pulled away, she turned to wave to her parents until the vehicle rounded the block.

  “You ready to experience city life?” Jake asked her. Her eyes lit up and she nodded vehemently. She especially couldn’t wait to see the beach.

  After an hour-and-a-half drive to Columbus, the SUV pulled into a private airport and drove onto the tarmac where a private jet was waiting for them. Carly got out of the car and stared at the plane that would be shuttling them to Los Angeles. She felt a bit apprehensive, for this was the first time she had ever taken a trip on an airplane. Jake came up next to her and placed his hand on her back. He noted the worried expression on her face.

  “It’s gonna be okay. They’re extremely safe. C’mon,” he prompted.

  She allowed him to take her hand and lead her up the ramp and into the plane’s cabin.

  “Wow!” Carly exclaimed, admiring the luxurious interior.

  Suddenly, she forgot all about her worries. She took a seat by the window, and Jake sat down next to her. Shortly after they had buckled themselves in, the plane began its taxi down the runway and lifted off. Carly remained planted in her seat, staring out the window at the miniature world below. She didn’t even notice when the flight attendant came over to take their drink orders. Jake had to poke her in the side to get her attention. And even then, she had declined a drink, opting instead to remain glued to the window. She was really enjoying the flight, so much so that when they finally landed, she was a little disappointed. But the awe-inspiring adventure was just beginning for her. During the limousine ride to Jake’s house, Carly took in the novel sights of the dynamic city with an immovable fascination.

  “I had no idea Los Angeles was so beautiful,” Carly said, admiring the green rolling hills high above them. “It’s like this modern city set against a backdrop of breathtaking nature.”

  “There’s the Hollywood sign!” she squealed, pointing her finger at the illustrious letters planted on one of the hills.

  Jake began to laugh, and she turned to look at him.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “You're just being extremely cute right now."

  She blushed at his compliment.

  “I just can’t believe I’m actually here,” she replied.

  “And I’m glad you’re here,” he responded as he squeezed her hand.

  Twenty minutes later, the limousine drove through an iron-wrought gate and crept up a short driveway, halting in front of a two-story mansion. Carly gasped at the immaculate home and turned to look at him.

  “This is where you live?” she asked, appearing quite bewildered.

  He nodded, then corrected, “All the guys live here. It's being rented for us."

  "Wow," was all she said.

  She followed Jake through a set of heavy oak double doors that served as the home’s front entrance and followed him inside. He s
et her luggage down next to the leather sofa in the expansive living room. Hayden looked up from his video game and quickly acknowledged her presence with a curt nod before resuming his fictitious race through the streets of Italy on the big screen t.v.

  “You ready for tomorrow?” Jake asked his roommate.

  Hayden nodded, then he put the game on pause.

  “John called about an hour ago. He wants us there earlier than what we had agreed on. Supposedly one of the bands had to cancel.”

  Jake nodded to indicate that he understood. He then grabbed Carly’s suitcase and motioned for her to follow him. He led her up the wide staircase to the second floor and down a long hallway. He stopped and opened the door to one of the guest bedrooms, and then placed her suitcase on a leather chair inside the large room.

  “You can stay in here,” he said.

  "Works for me," she replied.

  “Unfortunately, we have to go rehearse tonight for that Venice Beach show. If you want to come, you can. But there won’t be much for you to do. They’re pretty much getting things all set up and checked out before the show.”

  Carly shook her head in reply to his proposal. She really didn’t feel like being in the way. Besides, she was a bit fatigued from the flight.

  “I’ll just stay here and take a nap,” she said.

  She seated herself on the king-size bed, relishing the softness of the plushy comforter. She couldn't wait to envelop herself within the folds of its soft luxuriousness. He gazed at her from the doorway and smiled. Just looking at her served to ease some of his grief and to keep him on track. She gave him the energy to keep going and not wallow in deep sadness over his father's death. He had had been immensely grateful when she had accepted his invitation to stay for a week with him in L.A.

  “Glad you’re here,” he said.

  “I can’t believe I’m in L.A.,” she responded, looking around the room she’d be staying in for the next week. “Thanks again for inviting me.”

  “Hey, anything for my best friend. Anyway, I gotta go."

  With that, Jake left her alone in the room. She remained on the bed and replayed his parting words over and over in her mind. Anything for my best friend. She thought of the intimate moment they had shared, as well as the numerous kisses he had since so casually bestowed upon her. Had their relationship really not changed at all? Had they not shared a moment together that had served to promote their relationship to something more? Was she still just a best friend to him? Carly decided to preserve her sanity and lay such questions to rest for now. She had an entire week to figure it out. For now, she just longed to crawl under the sheets and rest her head on the soft pillow. She needed to restore her weary body, for she had the feeling she wouldn’t be getting much rest for the remainder of her stay in L.A.

  Chapter Twenty

  Carly awoke to the raw melody of an electric guitar and sounds of laughter emanating from behind her bedroom door. She sat up in bed, temporarily dazed. She looked at the window and noticed it was dark outside. The clock on the bedside table displayed a time of 12:35 a.m. She jumped out of bed and tried to smooth her wrinkled blouse. She couldn’t fathom why she had decided to sleep in her clothes. After several more attempts, she finally gave up and unbuttoned the piece of clothing. She ruffled through her suitcase and decided to replace her blouse with a black tank top. After changing, she checked herself in the mirror, then opened the door to leave the bedroom. The ensuing sight that revealed itself almost startled her, and for a brief moment she felt a bit awkward and out of place. A group of scantily-clad girls were gathered outside of her room, chatting, and they turned almost immediately to look at her. They made no attempt to conceal their bold perusal of her conservative apparel. Carly felt her cheeks suffuse with heat, and she quickly dashed down the hall. Behind her, she could hear them giggle. She continued her brisk pace down the hallway, the sounds of the electric guitar becoming louder the closer she got to the staircase. She had almost reached the staircase when she felt something heavy land next to her and push her sideways against the banister. Rounds of laughter rang out from nearby. She steadied herself with her hands, then looked down to see a young man lying on the floor. He was undeniably inebriated with a wide grin on his face.

  “Sorry,” he sputtered stupidly.

  She then looked up to locate the source of the laughter and noticed a group of young men gathered around a pool table in one of the rooms that flanked the long hallway. Dozens of beer bottles littered the tables and floor, and a smoky haze filled the room. She turned quickly and headed down the stairs. Once downstairs, however, she decided she had been better off upstairs. Groups of young men and women with cigarettes and beer bottles in their hands lounged on the sofa and on the living room floor while a handful of young and attractive women gyrated seductively to the sounds of loud rock music blaring from the stereo system. The sounds within the confines of the mansion were almost deafening. Carly put her hands to her ears and walked toward the kitchen, only to find that that area of the mansion was considerably more crowded. Several girls were seated atop the granite counter tops while young men chanted for them to reveal the supple curves beneath their bra-less tops.

  “Hey, watch it!” a male voice exclaimed.

  Carly spun around and apologized for nearly colliding into a young man who was bent over a white substance on the glossy surface of the kitchen island.

  “Don’t worry about him,” a friendly voice said.

  She turned and saw Danny approaching with a beer in his hand. “He’s a bit coked out.”

  “I can see…”

  Before she could finish, she was launched forward into Danny’s arms. He quickly caught her, and she turned to see who had so viciously pushed her forward. She discovered the culprit had been a trio of women in cut-off shorts and bikini tops running frantically past her. She was almost pushed again by a wild pack of men shouting wantonly as they breezed through the kitchen, presumably in hot pursuit of the bikini-clad women.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Carly asked, the irritation all too apparent in her voice. She had never witnessed such foolish and absolutely careless behavior.

  “And where the hell is Jake?”

  Danny had a comical expression on his face, and she wondered if he thought her distress somehow humorous.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked him while placing her hands firmly on her hips.

  “You’re cute when you’re all angry and irritated,” he replied with a wide grin.

  “I’m glad you find all this funny,” she retorted.

  “Actually, it’s quite hilarious,” Danny said, chuckling.

  Before she could respond to his sarcastic remark, she was again pushed forward. This time, however, she had reached her boiling point. She turned to deliver a full chastisement and immediately thought better of it when she came face to face with a brawny bald man with multiple piercings on his face. Her eyes fell upon the tattoo of a skull on his right arm and a tattoo of the grim reaper on his left arm. She excused herself and then moved to find refuge from all the chaos. She settled on a corner in the living room where she appeared to be out of everyone’s way. She peered through the open French doors at the large swimming pool in the backyard, which was presently being ravaged by women in thong bikinis. She gasped at the realization that some of the women lacked tops to their swimsuits, thus exposing more than what Carly really wanted to see. She shook her head in utter disbelief.

  “You want some?”

  Carly turned to find a young man with curly black hair standing before her. His green eyes appeared large and dilated, and he held up a plastic bag filled with a white substance for her to inspect. She sneered at him and curtly turned away.

  “I asked if you want some!” he repeated, somewhat more loudly and forcefully.

  Carly remained silent, praying he would just go away.

  “I'll let you have a line for free if you let me hit it. Give you a night you won't forget, baby." He winked and licked
his lips while staring at her cleavage.

  She gasped and felt the overwhelming urge to slap the perverse grin off of his face. Much to her relief, though, Jake finally appeared and sent the pest on his way with a few harsh threats.

  “That guy’s not even supposed to be here,” Jake growled, watching the young man disappear into a sea of people. He then turned to look at her and smiled gently as his blue eyes perused her face.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  Carly vehemently shook her head.

  “All these people! And they’re all crazy!” she exclaimed.

  She suddenly caught sight of a tall, stunning redhead whose green eyes were fixated on Jake. As soon as she noticed Carly’s inquisitive stare in her direction, the pretty redhead averted her gaze. Carly saw her uttering something to one of her female companions, and both the redhead and her friend then turned to stare at Carly. This time it was Carly who averted her gaze. She could have sworn she saw envy in both of their eyes, but more so in the redhead’s.

  “I’m going back to my room,” Carly finally said.


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