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by Pepper North


  Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  By Pepper North

  Text copyright ©2017 Pepper North

  All Rights Reserved

  Author’s Note: The following story is completely fictional. The characters are all over the age of 18 and as adults choose to live their lives in an age play environment. This is a series of books that can be read in any order. You may, however, choose to read them sequentially to best enjoy the characters. Subsequent books will feature characters that appear in previous novels as well as new faces. Prepare to enter the new world of Dr. Richards’ Littles. Enjoy!

  Other titles by Pepper North

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  The Keepers: Payi

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  Excerpt from Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Chapter One

  Olivia Davenport was one of those Davenports. The Davenports had been in the limelight of the city’s social and political scene for over a hundred years. Their name decorated several buildings and even the main street through town. Olivia had known from a young age that she was destined to marry someone that was worthy of her. Someone, who like her, had been raised to be a member of the elite.

  When her mother and father arranged for Preston Alcott to sit next to her at the museum fundraising banquet, Olivia had been impressed by his lack of egotism and his charm. The fact that he was absolutely gorgeous, with his wavy black hair and ice blue eyes, didn’t hurt his chances to woo Olivia. The two quickly became a couple. They were seen together at all the society events and even getting cappuccinos at the local coffee shop. No one was surprised when Preston asked the band to stop playing in the middle of the Alcotts’ Ball to go down on one knee and ask Olivia for her hand in marriage. She, of course, said yes.

  Chapter Two

  Olivia twisted the stunning engagement ring on her finger. She peeked behind her to see the exquisite wedding gown hanging in the bathroom doorway in its protective garment bag. She was worried. She just couldn’t shake this feeling that something was wrong. She had humongous butterflies that had been in her stomach for so long, she thought she’d miss them if they disappeared.

  She knew that her marriage would not be one of passion. She enjoyed Preston’s company. The one time that they had made love together had been satisfying for both but not earth shattering. She was twenty-three. It was time that she got married and started a family. Preston was from a good family. He treated her well and she enjoyed his company.

  All those things convinced Olivia that she could live without the fairy tale passion that she read in her erotic novels. It didn’t matter that she was fascinated by tales of couples in age play relationships. “I really didn’t think that I could be someone’s baby, did I?” Olivia tried to convince herself that the fantasy was ridiculous. “I’m positive that Preston and I will be happy in a committed, vanilla relationship,” she said aloud, listening to her voice echo in the large, bedroom.

  Giving her shoulders a shake, Olivia decided that she needed to see Preston now to reassure her that she was just being silly. They’d checked into the most prestigious hotel in town for two nights before the wedding, so they would be close to all the prewedding events. The wedding would be next door in the cathedral. Olivia loved the large, stain glass windows. She was hoping that they would have a bright, sunny day for their wedding so the whole cathedral would be glowing with beautiful colors.

  She and Preston were in separate rooms in the hotel now, but the staff would move their things to the honeymoon suite while they were at the cathedral. They each had each other’s spare room key so that they could easily take wedding items to the other’s room. Olivia had already stored the groomsmen’s boutonnieres in Preston’s mini-fridge. She grabbed his key and set off down the hall to spend some time with him and to reassure herself that this funny feeling was just pre-wedding jitters.

  When she reached his door, she heard voices and guessed that Preston’s best man had arrived early. Her phone buzzed with a message and Olivia stopped to read the next urgent message from her mother. She rolled her eyes at the latest crisis and put her phone in her pocket. She sighed and just wanted to see Preston even more to make sure this was all worth it.

  Olivia waved the key card across the sensor and walked in to the room. She passed the bathroom and the closet turning a slight corner into the bedroom. Olivia stopped in her tracks.

  Prescott was not alone. A woman dressed in all black leather stood next to the bed. She had a leather crop in her hands and she was striking Preston’s torso and thighs with it leaving a red pattern on his skin. Her mouth fell open to see Preston nude and tied to the bed by his hands and feet. His face was a mask of passion and pain. His penis and testicles were wrapped by some device that had not impeded his steely erection. The red lipstick smears on various parts of his body implied that the couple had been busy for a long time.

  His eyes met hers and widened in shock. “Olivia, this isn’t what you think! I love you!” Preston said as he struggled to free himself. The leather clad woman sat down on the bed beside him to try to help.

  Olivia wished she had something witty to say but her mouth was suddenly dry. She quickly took several pictures of her fiancé and his mistress. She pulled the flashy diamond engagement ring from her finger and started to toss it on the bed deciding at the last minute that she might need it. She tucked it in her pocket and said quietly, “Goodbye, Preston. I think we both know that this marriage can’t happen. I’ll let you decide what you want to make up as an excuse for the wedding being called off. Just make sure that you take the blame. I would hate to make these pictures public.”

  “Wait, Olivia! This was just a last fling. I would never do this after we were married!” Preston shouted out to her as she turned and walked to the door.

  Olivia never hesitated. She opened the door and dropped his door key on the floor inside. Returning to her room, she grabbed her suitcase, toiletries, and purse and left. “Thank goodness, I didn’t unpack too many things,” she thought as she moved as quickly as possible. She wanted to be gone by the time Preston was freed and dressed. The last thing she saw as she closed the he
avy hotel door was the beautiful wedding dress. Somehow, it didn’t look so exquisite now.

  Chapter Three

  Olivia hurried out the back entrance of the hotel to make sure she wouldn’t run in to her friends or family. Heaving her heavy suitcase into her car, Olivia jumped in and drove out of the parking lots watching the entrance in her rear view mirror to make sure that no one was following her. She turned off her phone and headed out of town. She was amazed that she wasn’t devastated by the marriage cancelation.

  Thanking that little voice in the back of her mind and her decision to follow up on her uneasiness, Olivia contemplated where she wished to go. If she went back to her parents’ house or her apartment, people would be able to find her. She really didn’t want to be found until she decided what to do next. Olivia had taken two weeks off from her job at a prestigious advertising firm for the honeymoon in Switzerland. She didn’t need to worry about her job for a while. Her bags were packed with cold weather clothes for the skiing resort Preston had chosen.

  Thinking rapidly, Olivia tried to cover her tracks. She knew she could be traced through her credit cards and phone. Driving through an ATM, Olivia withdrew the maximum daily amount from her personal account. Her next step was at discount store to buy a prepaid phone. Returning to the car, she switched her smart phone back on just to see what was happening. She had twenty-eight text messages and eleven voicemails from Preston. She did not open them. Nothing that he could say would make a difference. Olivia made sure to upload the exposing pictures to her account in the cloud before she got out of the car and wedged her old phone under her front tire. Starting the car, Olivia drove over the phone several times until deciding that it was destroyed. As she backed out of the parking spot, she saw the crushed remains laying scattered on the pavement. She smiled.

  . Olivia nodded her head. “That’s it,” she decided to take the entrance ramp to get on the highway. She selected a route that would take her to Montana. It was far away. No one would look for her there. She had the winter clothes to be comfortable. “Montana is perfect!” she said to the empty car. A weight that she hadn’t even realized was there lifted from her shoulders and Olivia felt positive and happy.

  Chapter Four

  Each day, Olivia got up early and had breakfast before hitting the highway. She would drive until she got tired and then she’d stop and find a low-cost hotel. She was trying to conserve the money that she had withdrawn from the bank, but it was starting to dwindle as she paid cash for all her purchases. On the second day, she passed a pawn shop in a medium sized town and decided to see what she could get for her engagement ring. She exited with a large wad of cash in her purse. The pawn shop had gotten the ring for a very cheap price, but she’d gotten cash to help finance her trip. No one would find it here to be able to trace her path.

  She made good time on the last leg of her trip, but it was starting to get dark. Olivia was making her way through the mountains. The view was gorgeous. Snow was falling, and it covered everything like a white blanket. She had to keep reminding herself to keep her eyes on the road. She saw a sign listing the next city in eleven miles. She’d stop there and decide it that was the location she wanted to stay for a while.

  A massive flash of brown appeared out of nowhere and Olivia tried to avoid hitting the animal, but her tires began to slide. “Thunk!” She heard the crunch of the car’s metal hood strike the animal. The impact threw Olivia forward and she slammed her head against the steering wheel. Instantly, her world turned dark and she lost consciousness.

  Chapter Five

  Ethan followed the tracks of the bull elk that he had seen heading this way. It was an enormous beast with a wide span of antlers. It would make a spectacular trophy. He stopped and wiped his forehead before beginning his trek through the snow.

  While he focused on the tracks ahead of him, Ethan enjoyed the crisp air and the particular aroma of the wilderness in Montana. He’d grown up on his grandparents’ farm near here. He escaped the big city where he now worked and stayed at an old hunting lodge in the mountains. Ethan tried to get here frequently but unfortunately his business obligations interfered. He would have to return to his busy life in two days. He was determined to enjoy his trip. Getting the elk would be a great way to cap off his visit.

  The sound of an impact followed by the crunch of metal and the agonized cry of an elk made him rush forward. Coming over a small hill, Ethan saw a crumpled luxury car with a figure slumped over the steering wheel. The bull elk lay thrashing in the snow. It was mortally wounded. Ethan hurried there first to put it out of its misery. In a few efficient slices of his knife, the elk lay still on the ground.

  Ethan’s long legs ate up the distance to the car. The door had popped open and the airbag had deployed. He carefully eased the driver back against the seat before slashing the airbag to make space in the car. Returning his attention to the driver, he saw Olivia. She had lightly tanned skin with dark, sable hair. Her beautiful face was already beginning to swell, and her plump bottom lip was split and bleeding.

  Ethan didn’t know how she had gotten on this secluded road. It led straight to his lodge but nowhere else. He didn’t recognize her. She must have gotten lost. He stripped off his coat and draped it over her body to conserve her body heat. He closed the door as much as possible to block the wind. Ethan ran as quickly as possible back to his lodge. He drove the nimble SUV through the falling snow to her car.

  Turning the heat up to the max, Ethan slid his strong arms under her hips and shoulders to lift the unconscious woman from the wreckage. He tried to be clinical about the woman, but he appreciated her soft curves as they pressed against him. She felt right in his arms. Not stick-thin like the modern fashion but plump and rounded. He laid her carefully in the back seat and thought to grab her purse and designer suitcase. He stowed those in the passenger seat.

  Skillfully field dressing the elk, Ethan slid a tarp underneath the broken body and drug it to the SUV. It was too big to lift into the trunk by himself. Ethan attached a sled built just for this purpose and pulled the tarp onto the sled. If he went slowly, he could tow the elk back to lodge and hang the carcass in the barn away from the wild animals. He hunted for the challenge of navigating the wilderness and outwitting the large animal. This had become anything but a routine hunting expedition. However, Ethan did not hunt just for sport. He paid a local butcher to package the meat and had it donated to a local food bank. The was often the only meat that they could provide to the hungry in the tough, winter months. He did not wish this elk’s death to be in vain when it could help nourish the community.

  Shifting his vehicle into gear, Ethan eased his foot down on the gas. The SUV rolled slowly forward and jerked slightly as it began to pull the sled behind. Ethan turned to check on his passenger. She still lay unconscious with her thick brown lashes resting on her skin. He moved slowly down the road to the lodge keeping an eye on his cargo and his unknowing hitchhiker.

  Soon the lodge came into view. Pulling up close to the front door, Ethan again scooped the brunette into his arms enjoying the feel of her body against him. Her warm breath puffed against his neck. He navigated through the door and laid her carefully on the couch. Leaving his coat covering her body, Ethan threw a few additional logs on the fire to warm up the room before running back out to the SUV. Again, he pulled the elk on the trap to his barn and lifted it by two feet up into the air with the help of a pulley system. He locked the barn behind him and jogged half frozen up to the car to pull out her purse and luggage. He raced up to the door and back into the warmth of the lodge. Setting everything down by the door, Ethan walked to the fire and held his hands out to the warmth.

  Chapter Six

  “Oooooh, her head hurt,” Olivia thought as she opened her eyes. She glanced around the room looking for something she recognized until her eyes found a very large man standing silhouetted against the fire. His shoulders were wide tapering down to a trim waist and a pair of well-shaped buns. “Who was this?”
she wondered and “Where am I?” She tried to move her legs to sit up and cried out in pain. The stranger whirled around to come to her side quickly.

  “Are you okay? Where are you hurt?” he asked capturing her muddy brown eyes with his deep blue ones.

  A thought ran through Olivia’s brain that she much preferred these deep blue eyes than ice blue ones. “It’s my leg. I’m sorry I don’t remember what happened? Do I know you?” She was having trouble getting her brain to provide information. She blinked up at his large frame as he came to kneel by the couch.

  “We just met. You were in an accident on the road below this lodge. I found you while I was out hunting.” Ethan said with a smile. “I’m Ethan. Can I look at your leg?”

  Olivia nodded her head and groan, “I think I bumped my head, too.”

  “You were in a pretty violent collision with a bull elk. They can weigh up to a thousand pounds. This one wasn’t quite that big. I’m betting it will weigh in around eight hundred and fifty. Your little sporty car didn’t have a chance,” he smiled at her again. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  “I’m . . . I don’t know. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I remember my name?” Olivia whispered. She was so confused. Big tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  “Now, none of that.” Ethan wiped her tears away and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You’re like a mystery. We’ll figure this out. Now were in this together. You’re not alone.” He waited for her to gather herself and calm down. Ethan was shocked at his natural reaction to care for this beautiful woman. He’d never kissed a woman on her forehead in his life. Mentally shaking his head in disbelief at his strong reaction to this woman, he forced himself to focus on the important task of making sure she was okay. He’d sort everything else out later.


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