Love Me Through The Rain 3

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Love Me Through The Rain 3 Page 3

by A'zayler

  It had been a little over two hours since she’d fallen asleep and he was debating on whether to wake her up or not. He wanted to talk and just enjoy her company, but he also wanted her to get the rest he knew she needed. It was nearing nine o’clock, and she would probably be up half the night, but if that was the case, then he was cool with it.

  Love had called Summer earlier when Rain had first fallen asleep so that she could run a quick errand for him before coming over. She, Alex, and Jacorey would all be stopping by in a few seconds to play cards and stuff, so she would get it then. Love knew all of this had to be hard on her, so he was making an effort to do whatever he could to make things easier.

  He too was stressed because whatever crazy ass bitch that had done it was still on the loose. He needed to find out whoever it was before they tried to attack her again. Now that she was pregnant with his baby, he wanted to be extra careful with her. Not that he hadn’t before, but especially now. He’d tried to think of every woman that he could think of and the only one that kept popping into his head was Unique.

  The only thing about that was he didn’t think she was crazy enough to do no shit like that, nor did he think she cared enough. He and Unique hadn’t had anything going on, so why would she want to harm Rain? Sure she’d made a few jealous remarks about her, but what woman wouldn’t? That was common shit that came up between women.

  Somebody trying to burn his girl’s house down with her in it required some type of serious hatred. Who in their right mind would hate Rain? She was the sweetest female he’d ever encountered. Surely she was this way with everybody. Love looked over at her when he noticed movement from her body. She was squirming and her face was frowning.

  Love watched her until she opened her mouth and screamed. He jumped to the sofa she was lying on and shook her lightly. When she didn’t wake up, he sat her whole body up and leaned her head against his chest.

  “Wake up, baby.”

  Rain stirred a little before opening her eyes and realizing where she was. Her face frowned momentarily, before relaxing again. She wiped her eyes and looked down at the floor with her hand on her forehead.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m cool.”

  “What happened?”

  “It was a fire again, but this time, I was stuck in the shower instead of under the bed.”

  Love pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. “It’s all right, boo. I’m here.” He stood up and grabbed the empty food containers on his way into the kitchen. “You feel like having some company?”

  Rain looked at him with her eyebrows scrunched together. “It depends on who it is?”

  “Your sister, that nigga, and Jacorey.”

  Rain laughed. “Why you always have to exclude Alex like that?”

  “Because I just don’t understand why he parades around like a lil bitch, instead of a nigga. That shit just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

  “That’s just who he is. He’s my best friend. He’s actually kind of like my other sister, so you really should try to fix your attitude when it comes to him.”

  “I don’t do nothing to him.”

  “Well, you talk about him bad enough. Stop it. He’s nice and he loves me.”

  Love looked around the living room before going into the kitchen. “Yeah,” was all he said.

  He loved Rain and could feel where she was coming from, but he still didn’t understand that nigga and his preferences. What man in their right mind wouldn’t want some pussy? That just didn’t make sense to him. But whatever. That was his shit, so he would leave him to it. He didn’t have to deal with the nigga like that, so whatever.

  He threw their trash away and joined her back in the living room. She was lying back on the sofa watching TV when he sat down.

  “So, why is everyone coming over?”

  Love shrugged. “Just to give us something to do. I don’t want you sitting around looking all sad and shit, so I invited them. Maybe we can play cards or something.”

  “Aww, well ain’t you the sweetest thing?”

  “I try to be.”

  “You are.”

  Rain leaned her head on his shoulder and he gripped her thigh. Just when he was about to ask her for some kisses, the doorbell rang. He already knew who it was, so he got right up and opened it. Summer and Alex came in with a big purple gift bag and two smaller white bags. He could tell by the white bags that it was the hot wings he’d told them to pick up. The gift bag was the surprise he had for Rain.

  “Wake up, bitch, it’s the first of the month,” Alex sang playfully, as he walked into the kitchen with the bags.

  Summer, on the other hand, flopped down on the sofa with the large purple bag in her hand and extended it out to Love.

  Love grabbed it from her and held it down by his side. “I almost thought you were going to give it to her.”

  “I should have, as much trouble as I went through to get it.”

  “Girl, stop your shit. You ain’t have to do nothing but go pick it up. I had already ordered and paid for it.”

  Summer sucked her teeth. “The hell you say. I had to go to a totally different Wal-Mart because the one you sent it to didn’t have it. Now what kind of mess is that?”

  Love’s face frowned because that really was stupid. “On the website they said they had it.”

  “Well, that website lied, boo.” Summer kicked her shoes off and propped her feet up on the table.

  “I just love how y’all sitting here talking about my gift like I’m not sitting here.”

  Alex walked back into the living room and sat on the other side of them. “How you know it’s yours? It could be for his other girlfriend.”

  “I know right. It could be for the bitch that almost blew your lil skinny ass up.”

  Everybody in the room looked at Summer. She held her hands up in the air and smiled. “I’m only playing y’all, damn.”

  Alex burst out laughing. Rain and Love on the other hand didn’t find anything funny.

  “It’s a joke, bitch. Lighten up.” Alex tapped Rain’s arm, playfully.

  “That junk ain’t funny. I don’t know why y’all think it is.”

  Summer rolled her eyes and looked at Alex. “She gets on my nerves always being so dramatic. She knows we’re just playing with her.”

  “Ain’t it. She makes me sick.” Alex chimed in.

  “That just ain’t shit to play with,” Love told them both.

  Summer and Alex looked at each other and burst out laughing again. “Man, both of them got a stick up their butt. We might need to leave because clearly they’re not in the mood to be playing.”

  “No we’re not either. You and I can laugh. We don’t need them.” Alex pushed his weave over his shoulder.

  Rain rolled her eyes at both of them before reaching for the bag in Love’s hand. He smiled at her and pulled it away so that she couldn’t reach it.

  “Bae, stop playing.”

  He smiled and handed her the bag. She wasted no time pulling the contents out. Her mouth fell open and she screamed when she saw the picture of the purple touch screen HP computer. She’d been in tears for two days straight, at the hospital, after realizing that hers had been lost in the fire.

  “Oh my God!” she yelled, as she clutched the box to her chest. “Kotaaaa,” She smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

  “It’s all love, baby doll. You deserve it. Your old one was fucking up anyway.”

  Rain jumped from the sofa and hugged him as tight as she could with one arm, being that she was still holding onto her computer with the other hand. He grabbed her in both arms and lifted her from the ground.

  “Does that mean I get some play tonight? Because your ass been stingy since that damn fire.”

  Rain giggled into his neck before releasing him. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “You guess so? Girl please. You better bust that lil pussy open for that damn boy.” Alex had everybody in the room laughing at that comment.
br />   “Listen to your friend, nih. That’s all I’m saying.” Love was still laughing when he heard the doorbell ring. “Go put you some clothes on.”

  He nodded his head toward his bedroom and Rain took off for the stairs. When he opened the door, Jacorey walked in with a smaller lavender colored bag. They dapped each other up before Love stepped to the side and allowed him in. He handed him the gift bag on his way inside. He was about to say something to Love, but he changed his mind once he saw Summer.

  “Damn, lil sexy ass girl. Why you ain’t tell me you was coming through?”

  Summer blushed. “I thought Love told you.”

  “Nah, that nigga ain’t tell me nothing. He told me to pick this shit up and bring it here for Rain. He ain’t tell me nothing about my best friend being here.”

  Jacorey walked into Love’s living room and took a seat next to Summer. Alex looked over at them and turned his nose up.

  “Why y’all ain’t tell me this was about to be date night? I would have brought my lil boo.”

  “It ain’t a date night. I just wanted her to chill with her people and have a good time, that’s all.”

  “Um huh. You could have invited one of your homeboys to keep me company.”

  Love and Jacorey both shot him deadly looks. Jacorey was the only one to speak, though. “Ain’t none of our niggas gay, so that shit is dead.”

  Alex and Summer squealed in humor. “That’s a lie.”

  Jacorey and Love’s attention was piqued. Love even walked back into the living room and took a seat on the table. “Man, y’all fucking lying.”

  “Alex may do a lot of foul shit, but lying on a straight nigga ain’t one. If he says your ass is gay, then your ass is fucking gay, my nigga. Ain’t no beating around the bush with that.” Summer filled them in.

  “Why you had to add all that ‘he may do a lot of foul shit’ mess in? Bitch, don’t do me.”

  Summer and Alex laughed again, totally ignoring the fact that Jacorey and Love were both still waiting for an answer about their friends. It took the two of them a minute to stop playing and laughing, but once they saw the eager looks on the guys faces, they began laughing again.

  Jacorey stood up and walked toward the kitchen. “Man, I ain’t fucking with y’all.”

  “You may not be, but one of your homies is,” Alex said.

  “I don’t give a fuck which one of those niggas is fucking you. I just know his ass better not be fuckin’ Summer. That’s all I know.”

  Summer waved her hand at him. “Boy, gone in that kitchen.”

  Jacorey looked her up and down before walking away. “You know what’s up.”

  Just as he left the room, Rain came hopping down the stairs. She was dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. Her hair was still in her ponytail and her face was bare, minus her glasses. With no hesitation, she walked directly to Love and kissed his lips again before grabbing the new bag from his hand.

  As she’d done the last one, she opened it quickly. She pulled out a pack of pens with four new notebooks. One was blue with raindrops on it; the others were metallic red and gold, with the last one having the words Love Me Through the Rain airbrushed on it. Her eyes got big as saucers as she stared at the books.

  “Dakota Love! Oh my God. I love you.” She held the notebooks to her chest before jumping on him again. “You’re so amazing, babe.”

  “You deserve it.” He pecked her forehead before walking past and slapping her butt.

  “Aight, let’s get this show on the road. Who got first?” Summer stood up with the deck of cards in her hand.

  “Me and Jacorey.” Love followed her to the table.

  “Cool. Come on, Alex.” She sat down and motioned for Alex to sit across from her.

  Cards had never been Rain’s thing, so she grabbed all of her new stuff and took a seat on the sofa instead. She pulled the notebook with her and Love’s names on the front to the top and opened the pack of pens. He watched her push her glasses on her face before she began writing. He didn’t say anything at first, just watched her do her thing.

  “What you writing, bae?”

  “Another story for you.” She smiled up at him. “This notebook will be for us.”

  Love winked at her before holding his head down. She was the only person in the world who knew how much that meant to him. He’d never told anyone outside of Unique’s nosey ass how much he loved reading the stories Rain wrote for him. The only reason she’d gotten that piece of information was because she’d practically taken it. That was a secret between him and Rain, and that’s how he planned to keep it.

  He was about to blow her a kiss but her head was already down, so he walked to the table and sat down. Alex was already seated across from Summer, with Jacorey sitting across from him. Summer began dealing the cards as soon as he sat down.

  “So, which one of my niggas is a sissy, Alex?” Love asked him.

  “Wait, let me pour me a shot first. I can’t handle this conversation sober.” Jacorey stood up from the table and disappeared into the kitchen.

  He was holding four shot glasses and a bottle of Cîroc when he returned. He slid each one of them a glass before pouring himself a shot. They passed the bottle around the table until each of their glasses was filled.

  “Love, you got a room for me here tonight because I don’t drink and drive?” Summer asked, before placing her shot glass to her lips.

  “You know it, sis.”

  “Cool.” Summer threw her shot back and poured herself another one.

  “Don’t get sloppy, bitch, because I ain’t told your ass I was staying here tonight.” Alex looked at her across the table.

  “You can take my car. Jacorey can take me home if you get ready before I do.” Summer looked at Jacorey. “Best friend, you got me?”

  Jacorey drank his shot. “I got you all right. I got this hard dick for you if you want that.”

  Summer blushed and picked up her hand of cards. “I’m not about to play with you tonight.”

  “Y’all don’t need to be drinking anyway,” Rain yelled from where she was sitting.

  “Don’t try to spoil our fun because you can’t have none.” Love looked over his shoulder at her.

  Rain smiled. “It’s your fault anyway.”

  “Proud of it.” Love told her, as he threw his card down.

  For the next few hours, the friends sat around drinking and playing cards. By the time twelve o’clock hit, everybody at the table was drunk and talking junk to one another. Jacorey and Summer being the worse ones. Every other thing that left their mouth was slick. Rain was still writing and had a lot more she could have jotted down had she not heard Alex getting ready to tell all of him and Damien’s business.

  “I mean, I don’t be fucking him. He just does me and I guess he doesn’t think that makes him gay.”

  “If there’s any fucking going on between you and another nigga, that’s gay. Period. It don’t matter who’s doing the fucking. The shit is fuckin’ gay,” Jacorey told Alex.

  “That’s the same thing I told y’all friend, but he doesn’t believe me. Y’all should talk to him and see what the fuck he be thinking about.”

  “Tell us who he is and we will,” Love told him.

  “Okay. That’s enough. It’s time for y’all to stop drinking.” Rain walked over to the table and removed the bottle from Alex’s hand.

  All eyes were on her as she took their drinks from them. Summer was drunk, but she knew what Rain was doing. She smiled at her and winked to express her gratitude. Alex would be thanking her just the same in the morning when he woke up.

  “Rain, you are not my mama.” Alex pointed at her stomach. “You are that little baby’s mama. Not mine. I can drink as much as I want. Ain’t that right, Love?”

  Just as drunk as Alex was, Love nodded his head.

  Rain turned and looked at him. “You need to just go upstairs and lay down. You’re ridiculous right now.”

  “I’ll go if you go.” He
smiled up at her.

  “Okay, you go ahead, I’m coming. Let me help them get settled first.”

  Love pushed himself back from the table and leaned down to Rain. He grabbed her face and kissed her mouth. He kissed her with as much passion as his drunkenness would allow, before stumbling up the stairs to his room. One down, three more to go. Rain looked at Alex and figured he should be next. There was no telling what would start coming out of his mouth.

  “Come on.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room. “Take your shoes off while I get you some cover.”

  Rain walked up the stairs and grabbed a sheet, blanket, and pillow from Love’s hall closet. When she got back, Alex was sitting on the edge of the sofa with his shoes off. He was looking around the corner at Summer and Jacorey. Summer was seated on his lap kissing him like there was no tomorrow. Rain shook her head and continued to Alex. She would worry about them later.

  “Ummm un. Summer has way too much ass to be on his lap like that. Look at it. It’s all over his legs. You can’t even see his pants no more.” Alex snickered. “Look at her, Rain. Her big butt self. That don’t make no sense. Ooohhh they nasty, Rain, look. Jacorey has his hands all over her ass. He squeezing it and shit. Oh, they are too much. Get it Summer!” Alex was talking nonstop.

  Rain tried to hurry as fast as she could to lay Alex’s covers out before Summer and Jacorey forgot that they were in the room. She’d done like Alex had said and looked over her shoulder at them and he wasn’t lying. They were damn near having sex already with all the touching and rubbing they were doing on one another.

  “You better go give Love some. Don’t let that fast bitch be the only one fucking tonight.” Alex lay back on the sofa and pulled the covers over him. “Where you taking them to?”

  Rain looked at Alex. “Who?”

  “Summer and Jacorey.”

  “The guest room. Why?”

  “Because, bitch, I wanted to watch, but my head hurting too bad to be going up those stairs. I’ll have to catch them next time.”


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