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Imperfect Love: Operation: Girl Next Door (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Casey Hagen

  “Oh, goodie. The girlfriend meets the notch on the belt.” A flash of jealousy rose up, unwelcome, and the words hurled out of her before she could swallow them and send them to the bowels where they belonged.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, glancing down at his feet.

  She shrugged, the aforementioned flash all but a distant memory. “Why? It’s in the past and you’re not mine, so other than for this, it’s none of my business.”

  He nodded and straightened. “Okay. Harsh, but true. The thing is…it didn’t end well and she wants my blood. She’s here with this guy, Steve, and I’m pretty sure they aren’t really dating because, while I’m not positive, I think he’s her second cousin and she just borrowed him for the weekend.”

  Which made her feel a whole lot better about Rachel. If she reeked of desperation, she wasn’t competition, because in the bit of time she had spent with Trevor, she sensed total desperation would be a huge turn off for a man like him. “That’s gross.”

  “Only if they make out…actually, you’re right, it is gross. But the thing is, she’ll do anything to bury me. I never expected to have to compete with her, but Davidson had this bug up his ass about hiring someone settled and she’ll do anything to get to the top.”

  “Like you?”

  He paused. “Yeah, but I draw the line at dating my cousin,” he said with a tilt to the corner of his mouth. “Even if it’s only pretend dating.”

  The look, with just a hint of his dimple, reminded her of all the times he winked at her when he stood up for her with her brother. This time though, she’d swear there was more behind it. “Okay, so I have to watch out for jack nut Rachel. Got it.”

  “Jack nut?”

  “It’s a technical term. Very scientific. It’s a special kind of nut job, the master manipulator kind, most often women since we’re far more complicated. Our minds are a minefield of intertwining information. Men have compartments. Simple. I danced my whole life with hundreds of jack nuts. I’ve got this.”

  “That totally sounds made up.”

  “Touché, but a gentleman wouldn’t call me on it.”

  His eyes flicked away for a moment. “Don’t look now, but the jack nut is coming and she’s sharp.”

  “Ahhh, so we’re on.”

  “We’re on.”

  Piper turned on her million-dollar smile, enjoying this idea a little too much. She slid her hand over the black t-shirt stretched over his broad chest. For someone who spent so much time in the office, he looked like he spent a couple hours a day in the gym.

  It had to be the genes.

  The sound of the door opening told her it was time to make her move, establish her territory. That’s what she had been reduced to, a woman staking her claim.

  She kissed the corner of his mouth. “That bed gave me all kinds of dirty ideas. Later…” Another kiss to the other corner. “When everyone has gone to sleep…” She dragged her lips from his chin to the underside of his jaw, the scruff of the day scraping over her sensitive flesh, reigniting the fires that had cooled since her shower. “I’m going to devour you from head to toe and linger at all of my favorite spots in between.”

  This went against everything she had told him about treating her respectfully, but establishing boundaries with other women was different than staking claim in front of the guys. From the sounds of things, Rachel was on the hunt, and one thing Piper had learned was that you set those women straight from the very beginning.

  The hand that curled around her upper arm tightened. She shouldn’t have gotten a perverse pleasure in turning him on and getting a real reaction out of him, but she did. How many nights had she wished for him to notice her, only he didn’t? She’d been permanently relegated to best friend’s baby sister status and there never seemed to be a way to break the mold.

  Until he saw her walk out of her building.

  The thought crashed over her like a freezing cold wave of sea water. Was he only attracted to her because of the curve-hugging dress and stilettos?

  Their shared history made her hope that she rose at least a notch above some weekend lay.

  Why the hell was her mind even going there? This wasn’t real. None of this was real.

  He pulled back and searched her face. He looked like he could see right through her to that girl with the messy bun and leggings. That girl that would have gladly followed him like a puppy dog if he’d stayed local.

  Thank God he hadn’t.

  He pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger, the pressure causing her lips to part. Screw it. This was her chance. For three days she could touch and kiss this man to her heart’s content and she intended to do just that.

  Surrendering to the urge, she darted the tip of her tongue out and tasted the end of his thumb. She gave him a sly, close-mouthed smile before sinking her teeth into his flesh.

  His blue eyes flashed with something she had never seen before. It was so much more than the ladies’ man expression.

  This was primal and filled with heat.

  This look told her that later that night, despite the fact that she was just putting on a show for Rachel, that Trevor might very well hold her to her words.

  Between now and then, she’d be wise to pull her missing willpower out of her ass so as to avoid following him right down the road to seduction.


  Had anyone seen Trevor Myers around?


  Yeah, Trevor hadn’t seen him anywhere, either.

  He didn’t know what the hell to do with Piper. Well, he knew what he wanted to do, but he had no way of knowing how to make it last, or if it didn’t, how to go on without destroying whatever friendship they might have a chance of holding onto.

  But the die had been cast when she sunk those straight, white teeth into his thumb. In that moment, Rachel, the vacation home, his boss, the partnership, none of it mattered.

  He balanced on this precipice of the playboy he’d become, staring down at an endless fall to returning to the guy he had been, the one who took her to prom. He should be terrified.

  Elation took over and as much as he wanted the promotion, he wanted this, too. He wanted her to understand that no matter how this all turned out, he wanted something with her. What something, he didn’t know. He’d never really thought about the future, but his mind had adopted a laser sharp focus on it now.

  He’d been in this loop of drink and women, and the thought of going back to that exhausted him to the very core.

  What if he had a woman to come home to? Someone in this world who cared about the small details of his day. The details he had never shared with anyone before.

  And what about Piper? He’d never even asked her what she does. He hadn’t asked her brother, either.

  He’d acted like a total jackass and assigned her a history, a life, without one thought as to whether or not it fit her.

  Why the hell hadn’t he called her and worked this out with her?

  Because he was a user of the worst order, and the realization sent humiliation coursing through him.

  “Well, aren’t you two cozy? You could practically burn the cabin down with the heat zipping between you two. How long have you all been dating?” Rachel asked.

  “A year,” Piper lied effortlessly.

  “Huh, that’s interesting,” Rachel said, swirling her wine glass.

  “Why is that?” Trevor asked.

  “I could have sworn that you and Zack spent a week with Harrison Crew and his harem in January. From what I’ve been told, Harrison is all too happy to share and from the way Zack and Trevor looked when they got back to the office the following Monday, they were both happy to partake.” She offered Piper a sly smile and held out a slim hand decorated with an arm full of bangle bracelets.

  God, he hated those damn things. Clink, …clink, clink. Clink…everywhere she freaking went.

  Of course, there was a reason why farmers used cowbells. What clanked was easy to locate…and in this case, easy to avoid.<
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  Piper took her hand and smiled. “Well, I’m sure he did. I mean, it was only about six months ago that we had the exclusive talk, wasn’t it, Trevor?”

  God, she was good. He smiled and took another sip of his beer. “Something like that. Long after the Crew trip.”

  “Well, isn’t that convenient,” Rachel said, fiddling with the solitaire hanging between her shamelessly displayed cleavage. “So, did you partake, Trevor? You know, since you weren’t monogamous?”

  And then the witch had to go there. Rachel was the kind of woman who had been born with her claws out, and that was fine. He knew what she was, he handled it. But seeing her try to hurt Piper, that got on his last fucking nerve. “Wow, Rachel. Kind of fucked up of you to ask, isn’t it?”

  Piper patted his chest. “Oh, come on, Trevor. You can tell her. It’s not like it’s a secret.” She met his gaze and winked. “I believe you enjoyed the company of two lovely ladies that weekend, did you not?” She smiled up at him, her honey eyes, shot with copper, full of mischief.

  He didn’t know what she was up to, but he liked it. Wherever she led, he’d be happy to follow. “I believe you’re right, but I can’t remember for sure, the weekend being a blur and all.”

  “Yes, well, you see, Rachel, Trevor and I are honest with each other. He had full permission to explore his options before we agreed to a more serious arrangement, as did I.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Instead, she stood there looking like a fish out of water.

  Open, close. Open, close. He’d never seen her speechless. He should be recording this, because Sebastian and Zack would never believe it.

  “I see you’re struggling to find the words, and since you are, I have a few of my own. First, how tacky of you to even bring up that weekend.” Piper waved a dismissive hand in the air and continued. “Now, luckily, I’m not a jealous woman. I know what I have to offer, and Trevor can decide for himself if it’s worth a lifetime. And as hard as you may find it to understand, despite the buffet of women Trevor has enjoyed in the past, he willingly traded those opportunities in for a chance to pursue me. Now, if you’ll excuse us, I hate to be rude to the other guests.”

  Trevor spent his whole career needing to know just what to say and when to say it, but in that moment, it wasn’t all on him anymore. It was okay that he didn’t have the right words because with Piper on his team, she had his back and they were unstoppable.

  He gladly followed Piper as she led him to the sliders and onto the deck.

  “Hello!” she said cheerfully.

  “Hi,” Trevor said as he followed her through the door.

  “Well, we were wondering where the lovebirds got off to,” Davidson said on a laugh. “We thought we were going to have to send search and rescue.”

  Piper wrapped her arm around Trevor’s waist and snuggled in. “With the way you keep him wheeling and dealing, I have to take my time when I can. Not that I’m complaining. As a matter of fact, I’m looking forward to the next few days.”

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm,” Davidson said as he flipped the steaks on the grill. “Let’s see if you still feel that way when you see what we have in store for you.” He punctuated the words by pointing his tongs at her.

  “Bring it,” she said with a challenging smile.

  He closed the lid and handed out a schedule. Trevor leaned over her and scanned the words.

  “The Newlywed Game?” Trevor said.

  “You got it. Time to see how much you all really know about each other.”

  This had to be the longest shots of long shots. Other activities were on the list too, kayaking, a couples’ cook off, tubing…none of them nearly as scary as that Newlywed Game slot.

  “We’ve got this, Trevor,” she whispered next to him.

  He kissed her temple. “We do,” he said, even if he didn’t believe it.

  Within twenty minutes they had all settled in with food. The sun fell in the horizon, casting flames over the gentle ripples dancing over the surface of the lake.

  Trevor’s shoulders had begun to unclench listening to Piper with his boss and coworkers. She relayed her history, the history he had given her, smoothly, as if she had actually lived it.

  Piper hit it off with Mike and Christina right away. Mike had been at the ad agency three years longer, but had only managed to pull in smaller deals. Not that it made him any less valuable. Trevor suspected a lot of this failure in the big deal department had to do with his integrity and loyalty to his wife. Mike chose not to play the game. Trevor couldn’t fault him for that.

  Christina's adoration came across in her loving looks and the way she was always touching Mike’s hand, arm, or shoulder. Almost like she couldn’t stand to break that connection.

  Trevor glanced down at the weight he’d only just noticed on his thigh. Piper’s delicate fingers rested there as she waved her other hand as she talked. She did it just as casual as can be, as if it belonged there, as if she belonged there.

  With him.

  He curled his fingers around hers. She gave his hand a light squeeze, but continued on.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the glare on Rachel’s face. Anger and jealousy rolled off her in waves, with the set of her shoulders forward and aggressive. At this point, if anyone was going to cost him this promotion, it would be Rachel.

  Mike and Christina chatted about their wedding. Deanne listened with rapt attention and took notes on vendors and food recommendations. Kent nodded at all the right times, but by the look on his face, he hadn’t retained any of the important details.

  Surprisingly, Davidson had plenty of advice of his own.

  “Come on, a prestigious man such as yourself, you helped plan your wedding,” Piper said.

  He leaned back in his chair and adjusted the waistband of his pants. “That I did. Surprised, are you? Well, let me tell you, my wife, she’s a whole lot younger than me. I’m almost ashamed to admit by how much, but she had never had cause to doubt my deepest love for her. And hell…” he gulped his beer, “she must love me. I’m no spring chicken. I groan like an old man when I get up in the morning, but when she looks at me, there is no doubt in my mind that she loves me to her core.”

  Such different people, or at least age-wise, and still, they made it work.

  “She’s definitely attracted to me. Physically, that is,” Davidson said on a laugh.

  Okay, time to slow the train. “How many of those have you had Davidson?” Trevor hoped he hadn’t had enough to actually get into the details. Some things he just didn’t need in his head.


  “When I start referencing my bedroom experience with my wife, too many, young man.”

  They all said their goodnights and made their way to their room. Piper headed straight for her bag and pulled out a night shirt.

  “It’s funny, they’re a lot different than I expected them to be. Mike is so serious and they’re all so traditional. It’s hard to picture you working with them.”

  She turned away and pulled her sweater over her head, then unhooked her bra and tossed it on the nightstand. Apparently, the events of the day had loosened up her modesty. He leaned against the door and appreciated the glow of the lamp illuminating the curve of her back.

  Right then and there, all talk from the night escaped him and all he could do was stare at her like some peeping Tom as she finished getting ready for bed.

  “I can feel your eyes on me.”

  “Be grateful you’re not feeling my hands.”

  She turned to him. “Why would I be grateful for that?”

  Her eyes widened as if the words surprised her just as much as they did him. Blood shot through his veins at her bold statement. “Careful, Piper. There’s only so much I can take.”

  She bit her lip and closed her eyes. “I’m sick of being careful.” She opened them again, her gaze hot and heavy. “Aren’t you? I mean, I was careful the night of the prom and look wher
e that got me.”

  “You were too young.”

  “I was almost eighteen.”

  “And off limits for anything more than escorting you safely to prom and home. That’s what Ryden asked for, that’s what I agreed to.”

  “Did you want more? At any point during that night, did you want me?”

  His fingers itched to touch her, but something told him to play this cool, don’t go for the act. This had a whole lot more to do with attraction, both then and now. He didn’t want to ruin it. “If I had been free to do what I wanted that night, I would have kissed you goodnight. Not just a friendly kiss, either.”

  She shrugged and glanced at the bed. “I didn’t know what to do with you…then, anyway. But I do now.” She peeled back the covers and climbed onto the bed. Her nightshirt rode high on her thighs and then slid up revealing the plump curve of her cheek.

  “You don’t play fair.” He’d swear his cock just got harder than any rebar known to man. He could support bridges with the situation in his pants.

  “No, but then, neither do you. After all, you’re here with a borrowed girlfriend trying to sell yourself as a man ready to settle down.”

  “I want what I want and I’m not afraid to go after it.”

  “Even if you don’t do it honestly?” She tossed the words out as she slid her legs under the blankets.

  “I’ll figure out how to live with myself.” Maybe. For the first time in forever he considered what this whole ruse said about him, should it come out. More importantly, he wondered what it said to Piper.

  “I guess we’ll see.” She fluffed the pillow behind her. “Are you coming to bed, dear?”

  “Not a good idea.”

  “You need to sleep and I don’t expect you to do it on the floor. We’re adults. And your virtue is safe with me. Besides, I’m not going to beg when it’s clear you don’t want it.” She unwound the last of her braid and finger-combed her hair.

  “Wanting it isn’t the problem. It’s walking away from it.”

  That got her attention. With his words, her boldness slipped and she pulled the covers higher up over her breasts. “Don’t put forever thoughts in my head, Trevor. Not when you’re not a forever kind of guy.”


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