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by Michelle Woods - Catching Trick (Red Devils MC #3) , 25th July

  “Damn…Don’t cry, sweetheart. Please.” His thumb rubbed beneath her eye with a gentle touch. Opening her eyes she met his blue ones with her own. His chest squeezed at the tears, which trembled in her eyes. He wanted to go back and beat the shit out the person responsible. Only it was him, which made him really pissed that he’d hurt her. Part of the reason he kept his distance was so he didn’t hurt her. She was too delicate for his life, he was too dark for her sweet nature.

  “I didn’t think you’d want to be bothered with it at the time. I was mad, so I talked to Bone and he handled it. What brought this up anyway?” Katie demanded, wiping the tears from her eyes with a sniffle.

  Rage filled his eyes again, and he growled, “Someone wrote on your windshield last night.”

  His tone was clipped and Katie wasn’t surprised. Whoever was messing with her was going to get a rude awakening if they didn’t leave her be. Bone had handled it with a silent calm, but Trick was more of a raging inferno. He would tear the world apart for looking at her, much less trying to fuck with her. That was really part of the reason she’d gone to Bone. She’d known that he wouldn’t over react to the situation, he was used to handling these situations.

  “Well, it might just be someone pulling a prank. The stalker wouldn’t take a four month break in their stalking, and then start up again. It’s unlikely that it’s the stalker. What did it say anyway?” Katie asked. Her heart picking up its pace as his eyes rested on her lips with a hungry look. She wanted to close the distance between their lips. She was so very needy at that moment. Her body began to simmer in lust, and she inhaled his deep masculine scent.

  “Katie, this is serious. Whoever is stalking you didn’t just give up. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been, they’re still doing it. They are just more being more cautious about it.”

  His hand slid away from where he cupped her cheek as he spoke. He needed to move away from her, with his anger finally under control his body was feeling another much more basic need and that was bad. His dick throbbed and he realized that he’d been staring at her mouth like a starving man looks at food. He wanted to rip her clothes off and fuck her against the wall she was leaning on, so he moved away. That way he wasn’t tempted. Running a hand through his dark hair, he moved a few steps away and began to pace in the entryway.

  Katie wanted to moan in displeasure when Trick moved away from her to pace in her hallway. He was upset over whatever had been written on her window today. She didn’t believe that her stalker had taken a break for four months, then decided to start stalking her again. She was sure it was just a harmless prank. It didn’t escape her notice that he hadn’t told her what it had said.

  “I know that it’s serious, Trick. As much as you treat me as if I were a child, I’m not one!” Katie yelled, heatedly. Angry at his moving away, when she’d hoped that he would finally kiss her. Now, he seemed to think that she was too childish to understand the gravity of the situation.

  “I don’t treat you like a child, Katie!” Trick yelled back, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. If she hadn’t known him as well as she did she might have been worried, by the violence it portrayed.

  “You do! My father does, and it pisses me off. I’m twenty three and I know what can happen. I’m not foolish enough to try to handle this on my own, Trick.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Katie! We treat you like we care, there is a difference.” Trick glared at her, a dark scowl forming on his brow.

  “Really? I guess it’s my imagination that you’re here today because last night you and my father thought that I was too childish to know my own limits.” Katie stood with her hands on her hips and a glower on her face. She practically screamed at him.

  “You know that was just us wanting you safe, Katie!”

  “No, Trick. If you wanted my safety you would have let me drink what I wanted. Then just offered to take me home!”

  “I did do that.” Trick said, looking slightly confused.

  “No, you and my high handed father decided that I wasn’t allowed to have more beers. At least not until I complied with your ultimatum.” Katie moved away from the door heading into the kitchen. “Look, we’re done here. I need to get some lunch, and then get back to work.”

  “We’re not done.” Trick growled coming towards her grabbing her arms in a firm grip. “You still haven’t agreed to allow me to protect you and this shit is serious.”

  Feeling like he was going to explode from the anger inside him, Trick wanted to press her against the wall and kiss her into submission. That was what he wanted, her submission. He released her, stunned by the realization why he burned for her like he’d never burned for any other woman. He wanted to own her, and that was dangerous thing to want for a man as dark as him. Noticing that she had again began walking towards the kitchen, he followed. He waited as she grabbed a loaf of bread and began making a sandwich with quick precision.

  “Well?” He demanded, after she’d sat down a little ticked that she hadn’t even asked if he was hungry. Or offered to make him a sandwich.

  “Well what, Trick? I can have Bone let one of the prospects follow me like Pretty Boy did. It’s not a big deal.” She took a bite of the sandwich. A disdainful look on her faces as she continued to eat.

  “No, I will be the one to follow you around. For all I know it’s one of the damned prospects doing the stalking. Maybe even that stupid fuck, Trevor. So, I will follow you around and Bone can put someone on the shop.” He sat across from her at the counter with his elbows resting on the table.

  “That’s ridiculous, Trick. Bone can have Pretty Boy watch me, I know it’s not him or Log. They were on a two month run when all the stuff was happening the first time. You need to take care of the shop.” Katie looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  “I don’t care if it’s ridiculous. I will be the one watching you to make sure you’re safe. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you, Katie” Trick knew that watching her twenty four seven wouldn’t make this need for her, which throbbed in his pants, go away. He could handle it, he thought, watching as she licked her lips to remove a bit of mayonnaise from the corner. He wanted to growl, and then grab her and throw her to the floor, where he would take her over and over again. The only thing stopping him was that he knew she was much too soft to handle what he needed from a woman.

  “Trick, it will be fine. Pretty Boy can take care of me.”

  “NO!” Trick growled, again.

  “Fine, if something else happens you can follow me, but right now we don’t know for sure that it’s the stalker. I want to talk to Bone first before I let you follow me around.” Katie replied with a harsh growl.


  “Don’t Katie me! I’m not your sister and you have no claim on me!” Katie got up her anger causing her to slam the dish she’d been using for her sandwich into the sink.

  She could not believe the nerve of the man, to think that he could dictate to her about anything regarding her life. He didn’t want her, but he wanted to take over her life. It wasn’t happening. He could go screw himself if he thought she would just roll over, and let him put her in cotton batting like he’d tried with Charity. Hell, hadn’t he learned that no woman was going to allow him to do that from his sister’s defection to another town?

  She turned from the sink ready to let into him about his high handed behavior and found him standing right behind her. She jumped moving back into the sink as he crowded her, grabbing her waist with his hard rough hands. His mouth came down on hers in a fierce claiming that made her moan in pleasure. This was what she’d be waiting for. His tongue was thrust into her mouth and with a rough growl he griped her harder.

  She was instantly supple and pliant in his arms, wanting to melt into his hard male chest which pressed against her breasts rubbing her nipples against her shirt causing her to mewl with pleasure. Her mind almost shutting down, and he was devouring her. His tongue was thrusting in and out of her m
outh with deep long strokes that made her feel as if she was going up in flames. She needed this and so much more. His mouth moved licking and sucking down her neck, followed by little nips of his teeth.

  Trick couldn’t hold back the groan that escaped him. Damn, she was sweet. He wanted to bend her over and spank her ass till it was all red and rosy. She was daring him, telling him that he wasn’t able to protect her. That she didn’t belong to him, but she did. She was Trick’s, and not any other man’s. HIS. Burning in the flames of his own desire, her age forgotten for the moment, he consumed her lips with a single minded precision.

  Needing to be closer to what he knew would be her wet heat, his hands slid around her to cup her ass, lifting her to the edge of the sink. He moved between her spread legs rubbing his hardened cock against her with a groan of painful pleasure. Rubbing himself against her hot junction almost unmanned him. He was so hot for her, that just the feeling of her legs wrapping around him was almost enough to make him come.

  Katie couldn’t believe that it was finally happening his hardened dick was pressed against her needy center and his hips moved slightly, rubbing against her as his mouth devoured hers again. His scent filling her sensed with the heady smell of motor oil, leather, and man. She moved her hands to his hair, burying them in the dark strands wanting to rip his clothes off before he changed his mind.

  She was overcome with her own passion, feeling her heart pound in her ears, letting out mewling moans of pleasure. She grasped his shoulders burying her hands beneath his cut, clutching his shirt. Wanting to be closer to him she began to pull his shirt up so that she could finally, after years of waiting, feel his hard chest pressed against her.

  Trick could feel her hot little hands moving to remove his shirt and he jerked back ripping it off before he dove back towards her hot little mouth. His hand pulling on her tight tank trying to remove it. He felt her hands rubbing along his chest like brands, as he attempted to get her shirt off so he could see the breasts he’d been obsessed with for four years. He wanted to see those breasts like he wanted air.

  Feeling his hard chest beneath her hands Katie felt almost faint with the pleasure of his hard maleness beneath her hands, finally. She was finally touching him, and being kissed by him. She’d waited so long for this. Her hands slid to his shoulders, and she moaned feeling the rough hairs scraping her hands. His hard muscles clenched and moved as he attempted to remove her shirt. He never moved his hard demanding mouth from hers. His tongue thrusting into her mouth with hard unrelenting strokes. He began to move against her, pressing his hardness to her wet core pulling back and moving forward, mimicking the sex act they both knew they would soon be enjoying.

  Trick was pulling her shirt up and moved his mouth down her neck towards her breasts with hard nips and sucks. Leaving marks of his possession on her neck as he did. His hands had finally pulled her shirt up and off her, throwing it on the counter beside his own. Seeing her breasts incased is a light pink lace bra almost unmanned him. Damn, that was sexy, he thought, staring at her breasts. Her dark rosy nipples poked hard at the bra making his dick twitch in need. He growled and lowered his mouth sucking one into his mouth like he’d longed to do for so long he could barely remember.

  Holding the back of his head, he sucked her right nipple into his mouth lace and all, roughly sucking the tiny bud. Katie almost screamed, her body clenching in piercing desire. He was sucking her so hard that every pull of his mouth made her body clench. Pleasure raced through her body with lightening quickness, causing her to moan with every suck. Just a few more and she’d come.

  Trick wanted the bra gone, then he could savage those tight buds for hours. He wanted to make her come by just sucking them. Pulling back to view his handy work he grinned in pleasure at the sight of that tight bud, which was wet and slightly swollen from his vigorous sucking. That was when his phone began to ring. Glaring at the offending interruption that he’d laid on the counter behind him before taking Katie in his arms, he jerked it up.


  “You at Katie’s” Bone asked.

  “Yeah” Trick growled, running a hand through his hair trying to reign in the beast she’d somehow managed to release. What the fuck had he been doing? This was Katie. Not some whore he could screw and then leave with a ‘Thanks for the pussy’.

  Damn it! This was bad, he thought, as he ran a hand through his hair, turning to see her still on the counter where he’d left her looking just as sexy as she’d been a minute ago. Fuck. He needed her to put her clothes back on before he lost his damned mind, and went back to what he started a few moments ago.

  That thought in mind he scooped her shirt off the counter throwing it at her. He began pulling his own back on, juggling the phone so he could. Seeing her pulling her shirt back on, her face red, he wanted to shoot himself. Damn, this was bad.

  “She agree to the plan?” Bone asked, interrupting his angry inner monolog.

  “No, I was working on that when you called.” He told the other man even though that had been the last thing on his mind a minute ago. Now, after his recent fuck up, getting Katie to agree to protective custody wasn’t going to happen today. He could see by the stubborn tilt to her chin, and the cold glint in her eyes.

  “Let me know if she doesn’t agree, and I’ll have Pretty Boy watch her for now.”

  “Okay.” Trick hung up, watching her with a silent need to make this whole half hour just go away and he really wished he hadn’t just been fucking stupid.

  “This was a mistake. I haven’t had time to take care of that and so I just got caught up in the moment. It will never happen again.” Trick finally said, wanting her to know that the rough treatment she’d received at his hands would not be happening again. Not ever.

  “A mistake?” Katie demanded.

  “Yes, a mistake. You’re still too damned young for me.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Trick?” Katie asked, her mouth open, getting off the counter and coming towards him. Making him step back into the counter with a shocked expression that made Katie grit her teeth in displeasure. Wanting to strangle the idiot man. Did he not feel anything for her? Was she just another woman to him?

  “Kidding you?”

  Tricks question made her anger hit the roof. Unable to take it she yelled at him.

  “Get out! Get the fuck out of my house!” Katie glared at him, wanting to kill him for the indifference the man had to her aching desire. Angry, filled with the pain of wanting him so bad she was willing to make a fool of herself. Bastard!

  “Now, Katie…” Trick placated, shocked by her anger. He knew he’d messed up here today, but there was no need for her to be hysterical.

  “Don’t. Just don’t! Get. Out.” Katie screamed at him. Unwilling to upset her more than he already had he began heading to the door with her following him.

  “Fine, I will leave, but this conversation isn’t over, Katie!” Trick growled, walking to the door and opening it. He looked back at her. She looked wild and if he wasn’t mistaken there were tears forming in her eyes. He’d really screwed up.

  “OUT!” She screamed and knowing she wouldn’t see reason when she was this upset, he left with an aching cock and a knotted gut.

  Katie stared at the door for several moments before she slid down the wall, allowing the huge racking sobs to overtake her slender body. She almost moaned at the loss of his kisses, she’d needed them for so long. He’d called those kisses a mistake. A mistake. Even though she’d felt truly alive for the first time in years, he’d felt that them together was nothing, but a mistake.

  Chapter 5

  After the debacle at Katie’s, Trick climbed off his bike back at the shop. Tiny walked up.

  “You get things set with Katie? She going to the safe house?” Tiny asked.

  “Not now!” Trick clipped out. He was not in the mood to talk about his own idiotic behavior at Katie’s today. Damn, what the hell had he done? He was a fucking moron. Katie would hate him now, and it
was his own damned fault for touching her like she was a whore. She was a fucking child, for fucks sake. Okay, so maybe not a child, thank god! But young enough that he shouldn’t have touched her, no matter how much he wanted her. It didn’t matter that every time he saw her he burned so hot he thought he’d burst into flames at any moment.

  “You didn’t get her to agree did you?” Tiny sighed turning when his old lady, Racheal, came out of the shop and headed over to them.

  “No,” Trick replied flatly.

  “Hey, Trick,” She said as she neared them. “Tiny, I was wondering if we could go over to Tammy’s and get something to eat. Bone is picking Molly up in an hour to take her somewhere so she doesn’t want anything, but I’m starving.”

  “Sure, darlin’. Go get your jacket though. Winds a bitch today and I don’t want you to be cold.” Tiny watched her walk away, letting out a wolf whistle when she wiggled her ass for him.

  Trick thinking about Katie, wondering what the hell he’d been thinking when he’d grabbed her and kissed her senseless today. He hadn’t been, that was the only explanation. Thank God Bone had called when he did, or that shit would have gone a lot farther than either of them would have been able to handle. She would want a fairy tale romance, all women her age did and he wasn’t a fairy tale romance type. He wasn’t anywhere near a nice gentle lover. He liked rough, hard sex, with a little light bondage thrown into the mix. He was a dominating lover that most women were unable to handle, and her age made it unlikely that she would be one of the ones that could.

  He had tried being a gentle lover once, when he was younger and had found himself bored to tears with his own sex life. He wasn’t going to go that route again even for a woman that made him burn hotter than the sun. Tiny was watching him with a knowing grin, and muttered as he headed over to his bike, “Call Bone, he’ll put Pretty Boy on her tail again.”

  “Fuck,” Trick muttered with a growl of displeasure. Even knowing that Tiny was right and someone needed to follow her, he wasn’t happy that it couldn’t be him. “Fine, I’ll call him.”


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