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by Michelle Woods - Catching Trick (Red Devils MC #3) , 25th July

  Katie was uncomfortable as she lay beneath him penetrated by his big dick. She was still turned on though, despite the slight sting his member was causing her. She felt his hand between them caressing her and moaned. That felt so good. She needed to come again so bad, even with the slight stinging each thrust caused. Moaning, she felt him begin to move into and out of her in a quick hard rhythm. His mouth covered her breast and he began to really fuck her. He was thrusting into her with growls of pleasure on every thrust. She was mindless with lust, her slight discomfort lost in the mad desire Trick created.

  Suddenly, she realized that the growls weren’t just growls he was saying something around her breast, which he sucked with every thrust of his body into hers.

  “Mine…Mine…mine.” Trick realized he was growling it, but he couldn’t stop. This was why he got so mad when another man was showing interest in her. It wasn’t that he’d wanted to protect her, it was that he wanted to own her. He angled her hips and thrust harder against her, knowing that he was hitting the sweet spot inside her with every thrust.

  “Oh-oh…Trick.” Katie screamed and he felt her tight cunt ripple around him as he roared out his own release. Thrusting into her for several more mindless seconds before his own orgasm overtook him, making him roar. Then he was collapsing on the bed beside her with a grunt of satisfaction. It wasn’t even ten minutes later that she was asleep. He smiled, as he stared down at her pliant form with a satisfied feeling of ownership. He’d worn her out.

  Chapter 10

  Trick awakened the next morning with a hard cock and a feminine ass snuggled into said hard cock. His hand slid down Katie’s naked hip. He groaned and pushed against her sweet little ass, wanting to spread her legs and repeat last night’s events. Only knowing that after he’d taken her like a possessed man twice last night and she would be sore, stopped him. Thinking of her slick passage wrapped around him as he thrust into her made him rub his dick against her ass again. It wanted him to forget that Katie was a virgin only hours ago, and fuck the daylights out of her.

  He pushed against her one more time before he got out of the bed. He headed to the shower, but was unable to resist a look back at her lying sweetly in his bed. With her arm under her head lying on her side she was beautiful. Her breasts were full and swollen from his treatment last night. They still bore his marks, he noticed with satisfaction, and damn, what did that say about him? He was a fucking bastard. He couldn’t even leave her be after the first time. No, he had to wake her a few hours later, so that he could screw her again.

  He needed to get showered and get dressed, and as far away from her tempting form as possible. He was an asshole, and she deserved better than him. Even as he thought this, he wanted to murder any man who dared to touch her. The idea of another man’s hands on her breasts, another man dick inside her sweet box made him see red. Yeah, that was going to become a fucking problem. What the hell had he been thinking last night? He hadn’t been thinking, that was the problem.

  He got into the shower wanting to go back in the other room to take her again. Damn, he was definitely no prince, reaching down to his hard cock he began to pump it in his hand. Thinking of Katie’s wet heat surrounding him, he groaned. His hand resting on the wall above his head.

  Ten minutes later, he stood in his bedroom dressed wondering how the hell he’d was going to fix this mess. He knew that last night had only been a taste of what he would need if they continued this. He wasn’t going to be able to stop wanting the kinky shit he wanted. He’d tried that years ago as a younger man and been left dissatisfied with his sex life. He knew without a doubt that it wasn’t something about himself he could change. He also knew that a young gentle soul like Katie would never be able to handle the darker side of his nature. He’d never hurt her physically, but emotionally was another story. She was an innocent and he’d taken her like an animal.

  It wouldn’t work. Best to let her think he was an asshole now rather than destroy her later. Deciding that if he stayed, he would not be able to prevent any confrontation with her ending in him thrusting inside her again. He left her a note. It was better this way he thought as he left the keys to his truck on top of the note. Climbing on his bike with a growling, angry pit in his chest, he roared off, headed to the shop.

  Katie awakened to the sun caressing her face. She opened her eyes, moved her legs and felt the slight twinge that let her know that last night had not been a dream. She really had made love with Trick after four years of waiting. She was excited to maybe be able to have one more round with him before her one night was over. Only as she looked at the alarm clock, she saw it was ten am, and she knew that Trick had most likely already headed to the shop. Sighing in disappointment, she got up and headed to the shower. She supposed he would call her later to break things off. Not that she had expected more than the one night with him. She knew that patches and fairy tales were not in the cards for the two of them. She also knew that after last night, no other man would ever do.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was in the kitchen looking for something to eat when she found a note addressed to her. It surprised her. Trick must have wanted her to call, or maybe he wanted her to come by the shop so that he could let her down easy, she thought with a snort. Picking up the note, which was under the keys to his truck, she scanned it expecting a call me or come by the shop. Only she realized as she read that the man, that fucking asshole, had written her a Dear John letter. Un-freaking-believable! How dare he?

  He couldn’t even take the time to break up with her? Really? Anger filled her like a roaring inferno. Oh, hell no! He did not get to do this. He wasn’t getting out of what she was sure he’d thought would be a messy scene by writing a Dear John letter. Not that it would have been messy, but now. Now, it was going to be messy. Really fucking messy!

  Picking up her phone, she dialed Charity. They were supposed to go shopping today anyway.

  “Hello, you meeting me today? Or are you begging off to play with my brother?” Charity answered with a gleeful laugh.

  “Meet me at the shop in thirty minutes,” Was Katie’s clipped reply.

  “Oh, shit. What has he done now? The idiot.” Charity asked

  “Just meet me. I need a damned ride.” Katie grabbed the keys off the counter, gathering her purse and head outside.

  “Shit, this time it’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Katie growled, as she climbed into Trick’s truck shoving the keys in the ignition. “Please, just be there.”

  “I will. You’re going to have to spill once I do though. That’s the deal.”

  “Done.” Katie dropped her phone in the seat next to her, and backed out of the drive. She headed to the shop at ninety miles an hour. That son of a bitch was going to have to deal with the messy shit he’d tried to avoid. The messy shit he wouldn’t have had to deal with if he’d been a man, rather than a fucking pansy.

  Katie entered the shop fifteen minutes later, even though Trick’s house was a forty minute drive from the shop. Rage still burned inside her from the way he’d treated her. How dare he not have the decency to tell her to her face, or at least over the phone that he wanted to end things? She’d known even as she’d entered his bedroom last night that it would be over in the morning, but she’d thought he’d at least tell her in person that he’d just wanted to screw her. She walked past the counter headed for Trick’s office ignoring Slim who was sitting in the front office on his phone. She entered Trick’s office.

  He was sitting at his desk talking to Duck, who sat in a chair nearby. They both looked up at her as she entered. Duck smiled, but she didn’t have the inclination to smile back. She was too pissed. Trick looked surprised to see her and opened his mouth to say something she did not want to hear.

  “Here’s your keys, asshole! Don’t worry. We’re done, you can fucking disappear for all I care!” Katie threw his keys at his face. Not caring if she put his eyes out. It was nothing less than the stupid prick deserved. She turned and stormed
back out, headed to the front where Charity was supposed to meet her. That asshole had better not follow her, or he was going to find out what a truly crazy witch she could be.

  Trick was sitting in his office chatting with Duck when Katie walked in. He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything she’d thrown his truck keys at his head, barely missing his eye. As it was she’d left a cut on his forehead. Although, he couldn’t say he didn’t deserve her treatment, he was pissed at her parting shot. Done, she’d said, and he was using every ounce of willpower to sit here without going after her. They were far from done, his libido growled. Gripping the edge of his desk to keep himself sitting, he’d watched her storm out.

  “I never took you for a fool, boy.” Duck muttered, watching him.

  Trick looked at the man with a questioning look. Waiting for the man to elaborate on whatever the hell he was talking about. Trick really didn’t have the brain power to spare on figuring out what the man was prattling on about. He was too busy trying to calm the roaring beast that wanted to go after his woman and paddle her ass for saying they were done.

  “When you find a woman that makes you burn hotter than the fires of hell, you don’t let her walk away,” Duck glared at him. “Unless you’re a fool. Never took you for a fool, boy.”

  “Duck, I’m not what she needs. No matter how much I want to rein it in, I just can’t. She won’t be able to handle it. She’s too soft.” Trick felt his guts twist into knots at the thought of Katie not being his, but he knew what he needed. He couldn’t stop being himself, even for her.

  “That girl?” Duck asked, snorting.

  “Yes, she’s an innocent.” Trick was surprised when Duck let out a deep chuckle and looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. “What’s so damned funny?” He demanded.

  “That girl is not innocent. At least not the way you mean. That girls tougher than nails, boy. She wouldn’t have survived her daddy otherwise. Sal is not an easy man.” Duck gave him another look that said he’d lost his mind. Trick was wondering what the hell the man was trying to say. Sal had better not have hurt Katie. Not if he wanted to live, that is. Trick would fucking kill him. He’d known Sal for half his life and he’d never seemed like the sort to hit a woman, and that was the only reason Trick wasn’t already hunting the man down.

  “That girl, as you insist she is, is a hellcat. She’s been one since she was ten years old.”

  “Why do you say that?” Trick asked, something inside him seeming to shift.

  “How many times when her and your sister were young did you, Tank, or Bone have to pull them outta one scrape or another?”

  The answer to that was dozens. Every time he’d turned around his sister and her best friend had been in trouble again. That shifting inside him seemed to settle into place, and a rage he didn’t even know he’d been feeling, calmed.

  “Dozens,” Duck continued. “Think boy, if she’d been weak, then she’d never have done it again after that first time. Sal punished her each time, but did it stop her? Hell no, it made her work harder to get into trouble the next time. Sometimes it wasn’t even a week between their antics, and before you say that your sister was then instigator let me tell you, that is not true. I remember a certain young girl stealing a car and driving to your house to get your sister so that they could race those girls from Titus.”

  Trick remembered that hellish night. They’d been frantic to find the girls, seventeen at the time, before they got themselves killed. Only they’d arrived at the strip they’d raced to find them collecting huge wads of credits. A cackling Aunt Mae, who’s car they’d stolen, had asked how fast they been. Katie had said proudly ‘Got it up to one eighty’ and he’d almost fainted. That didn’t mean that she was able to handle what he was into, though.

  “What I need isn’t…normal.”

  “I know. Sometimes a man is harder than others, doesn’t make what he needs wrong. It also doesn’t mean that a young woman can’t take what you have to offer. As long as it’s not about pain. I know it’s not that way for you.”

  “No.” Trick’s horror at the thought was obvious.

  “You won’t know if she’s able to accept that part of you unless you allow her to see it. I’ll tell you if it were me, I’d let her decide what she’d willing to handle, and not stubbornly insist that what you want with her is wrong for her. She may need it as badly as you do.” Duck growled.

  Trick thought for a moment about the way she’d responded to his commands last night. His dick was already hard from Katie being in the building, but it twitched in agreement with the older man. Trick wanted to believe that Katie could handle what he needed, but he was unsure. Only he realized that Duck was right. If he didn’t try, he’d always regret it, and when Katie found another man, something inside him growled at the suggestion. No, he couldn’t allow her to go to another man. He’d end up killing him. His reaction to Travis proved that. He’d been ready to kill a longtime friend for even dating her, kissing her. His guts twisted at that remembrance, and he wanted to hunt Travis down and beat the shit out of him. His, she was his.

  This thought running through his head, he stood walking to the door, knowing that if he didn’t try to work it out with Katie, he’d always regret it. Exiting his office, he walked to the front and exited the shop to see Katie in the driver’s side of his sister’s car. As she flew by him in the little red bug, Katie’s hand shot out of the window shooting him the bird. He was tempted to jump on his bike and roar after them, but maybe he should let her cool down. The letter had been a bit rude of him, and he’d known that even as he wrote it. Only he’d also know that if he’d stayed to talk to her, he’d end up in bed with her again.

  He’d also known that if that happened he’d never be able to let her escape him. He’d better just let things go for now. He’d seen Pretty Boy following the little bug, and knew she would be safe. Well if Pretty Boy could manage to keep up with the little hellcat. She’d always driven way too fast for her own good, damned Aunt Mae for teaching her.

  Chapter 11

  Katie shut the door on the little red bug, getting out at Tammy’s diner. She’d run out of Trick’s cabin without eating anything this morning. Charity walked up beside her.

  “I can’t really believe that my brother was such a dick. Well, I can, but I thought he was smarter than that. I mean really, a Dear John?” Charity was saying as they entered the diner.

  “I know, right? I wouldn’t have expected a fairy tale romance to form from our one night of horizontal boogie.” Katie growled, still pissed off.

  She was headed to the back of the diner when she spotted MaryAnn at a booth near the bathroom and waved. Mary Ann was looking at her in a funny way as she walked over with Charity beside her. Mary Ann tried to shake her head and Katie was wondering why she was acting so odd. As she came up beside the booth, she saw why. Mary Ann had been trying to warn her that Monica was with her. Shit, this was all she needed today.

  “Hey, Mary Ann long time no see.” Charity said, smiling.

  “Hey,” Mary Ann smiled back. “We’re having breakfast if you want to join us.”

  “Oh, you have to join us! You need to give us the scoop. I was just telling Mary Ann that you went home with Trick last night. Right after he tried to kill that other hottie you were with. That was a fantastic show, and when I came into the diner and saw Mary Ann. I just had to tell her about it!” Monica finished gleefully, almost panting from saying all that in one breath.

  “Sure, but nothing happened.” Katie muttered, as she sat down next to Monica knowing that Charity hated the woman. Charity wasn’t good at playing nice with people she didn’t like. And since Katie was just annoyed by Monica, she took the bullet, knowing her friend would have started a catfight.

  “Oh, you mean even after that show down at the restaurant?” Monica asked, her excited face falling.

  “Yep, nothing happened.” She growled, sharing a look with Mary Ann, who knew she was lying though her teeth. Mary Ann smile
d sadly, knowing that there was more to the story, but that she wasn’t going to share it with Monica. The woman had a big mouth and didn’t know when not to use it.

  “See, I told you that it was all just a misunderstanding.” Mary Ann replied to Monica.

  “I guess so. So what should we order?” Monica said, just as excitedly. This woman was so annoying. She really just didn’t understand why Trick had dated her.

  Trick grabbed his phone from the table, pulling off the mask he’d been wearing while painting. It was two in the afternoon, about time to call it a day. He looked at the car he’d been working on a clear coat for. It had turned out well and he was happy with it. He just hoped the client liked it. Didn’t really matter for payment, but he still wanted his reputation to be solid. He was the best painter in three territories and he liked it that way. Now, it was time to go to Katie’s and try to get her to listen to his apology for that damned letter. His phone rang.

  “Yeah,” he uttered, after looking at the screen to see it was his sister.

  “We just wanted to let you know that Katie will not be around for a few days.” Charity pronounced, making him growl. What the hell was she talking about?

  “What?” He barked, feeling the pit of his stomach twist with the anger he felt at the thought of Katie not be around. He’d had a plan to fix this shit and if she wasn’t here he couldn’t fix anything.

  “You screwed up, big brother. She doesn’t want to see you right now, and after what you did, I can’t say that I blame her. What were you thinking with that letter?” Charity asked.

  “I wasn’t. Tell her that I need to talk to her and bring her ass back here, Charity.”


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