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by Michelle Woods - Catching Trick (Red Devils MC #3) , 25th July

  When they’d made it up the steps onto the porch, the door burst open and her father stood there. She smiled, making to go into the house, only he blocked her.

  “Dad, let me go in. I need to get my backup for the handheld.” Katie muttered tiredly, staring at him, wondering why he would not let her inside.

  “I’ll bring it over to Trick’s later.” Sal growled, still not allowing her to enter the house by taking up the doorway with his bulky body.

  “What’s going on, dad? Why are there so many bikes in the front yard?” Katie asked suspiciously. What the hell was he up to? Did he have strippers here or something? Not that she really wanted to think about her dad with strippers. I mean, yuck!

  “It’s nothing Katie. Just a little poker get together.” Sal was making his nervous face though and she knew it was not just a poker game.

  “Really? Then it won’t matter if I go get my backup and a few other things from my room then will it?” Katie said, narrowing her eyes at her father.

  “Just let her get what she needs, Sal. She’s tired and I want to get her back to the house.” Trick grumbled, giving Sal an oddly angry look. Normally the two men got along wonderfully. Her dad trusted Trick with her more than any other member of the club.

  “Now is not a good time, Trick.” He father growled and the two men locked eyes. Seeming to communicate in that silent way men had. She wanted to scream while her eyes darted back and forth between the two men. “I’ll bring it by in a few hours. We’ll need to talk then anyway.” Sal finally said.

  “I see. Well that seems reasonable. Katie, lets head to the house.” Trick finally replied, making her get angry.

  There was something in the house that they didn’t want her to see. Probably half naked sweetbutt’s. Ugg…men! As if she hadn’t seen whatever they had a hundred times in the mirror anyway.

  “No, you two are not going to wrap me up in cotton wool. Now, what the hell is going on?” Katie demanded.

  “Go home with Trick, Katie. I will be by later with the damned backup. Don’t give me a hard time.” Her father growled gruffly.

  “Fine!” She grumped, only she had no intention of leaving until she’d found out what they were trying to keep from her. Her father moved out of the doorway onto the porch to walk them to the truck. He’d taken about three steps when Katie darted around him avoiding his hand when he tried to stop her, and a muttered ‘shit’ from Trick. She’d almost made it to her room when she was grabbed by Tank, who held her off her feet. Damn, what the hell was going on in here?

  “No, trust me. You do not want to go in there.” Tank growled.

  “The hell I don’t! It’s my damned room.” She snarled back.

  That was when Bone opened the door, he was asking. “Did you get rid of Kat…shit.” He muttered staring at her in shock. That was when she saw past him into her room. What she saw shocked her. It made her gag and stop fighting Tank’s hold on her. Who would do this? She was close to vomiting just looking at the mess someone had made of her room.

  “You might as well let her go, she’s seen it now.” Trick rumbled from behind them.

  As Tank let her down, she almost fell to her knees. Trick caught her holding her close to his side as they stepped closer to the room. She couldn’t call it her room anymore, there was nothing left. All her clothes when ripped and torn from the drawers, and many were shredded or torn. There were bits of stuffing from the few stuffed animals she’d saved from her childhood. They were torn into fluff. Her mirror was on its side and shattered. She could see her perfumes and all her lotions spilled everywhere, but what was most disturbing to her was on her bed. Its dead eyes stared at her with an accusation.

  There on that bed was a pig, with its intestines torn out and lying on the floor nearby. It was disgusting. How could someone do this? Who would do this? She wanted to cry, but instead she just clung to Trick’s arm staring in horror at what had once been her room.

  “Let’s go in the living room, sugar. You don’t need to see any more of this.” Trick muttered angrily.

  Katie didn’t argue with his demand, she just allowed him to pull her from the room with tears trembling on the edges of her lashes. She was guided to the love seat in the living room, she sat.

  “We need to put you in a safe house now, Katie.” Bone demanded, as he stood watching her with a grim expression.

  “I know.” Katie said, feeling numb. Trick was rubbing her back and hovering near her.

  “I’ll go with her.” Trick barked, meeting Bone’s eyes over Katie’s head. He’d known something was wrong when Log had slammed the door after seeing them. When Sal had blocked them from entering he’d thought it was another gift that had been left in her room. Only what he’d seen when Bone had opened the door was a clear threat from Katie’s stalker. It made him livid. He was trying to hold his shit together for Katie, but he was about to lose his it. This was un-fucking-acceptable. Whoever this bastard was had better hope that he didn’t find him before the club did. Otherwise, he’d wish for death by the time Trick was done with him.

  “Yeah, I figured.” Bone replied, not bothering to argue a pointless fight. He’d end up going no matter what. It would do the man no good to argue and he knew that.

  “Who goes with them?” Sal asked, he was sitting next to Katie on the love seat, holding her hand.

  “Pretty Boy and Log for sure. I will have to pull a few prospects from the Dixon farm to keep their eyes on them too.” Bone replied looking thoughtful.

  “What are we going to say to the others who question where Trick’s disappeared to?” Tank asked, earning a swat on his head from Duck. Katie was sure that Duck was who her father had called when he’d found her room. Not that he didn’t trust Bone, just Duck and her father had been friends for a long time.

  “Dumbass, we tell them to mind their own damned business. Say it’s club business and move on.” Duck gruffly huffed.

  “I know that for outsiders, I meant club members.” Tank growled, glaring at Duck and rubbing the back of his head.

  “You two stop,” Bone muttered under his breath. ”It’s like dealing with five year olds.”

  “We tell them the same. Not every part of club business is discussed with every member. We let this be something that will be shared when we know more.” Tiny injected from his position, leaning on the wall.

  “That’s what I was saying.” Duck grumbled.

  “Then it’s settled. We leave tonight.” Trick murmured.

  Though out this conversation Katie was silent, which was beginning to worry Trick. Katie was usually feisty when riled. This stalker was making her more nervous than he’d realized. He did not like that at all. She should never have to feel timid or scared, he thought, clenching his hands into fists. He got up and started pacing.

  “We’ll get our stuff and meet you at your place in an hour. You leave and we’ll follow a bit behind to be sure you’re not followed. Taking her to a safe house won’t work if we lead the son of a bitch right to her.” Pretty Boy said.

  It took them another twenty minutes to get everything together. They also found Katie’s hand held backup. Not that it did them any good, it was smashed into seven pieces. Thankfully she had her work on her handheld, which was at his place. As they climbed into the truck, Katie slid over sitting near him. He put his arm over her shoulders hoping that it would help her feel safe.

  A silent rage was growing inside him, as they rode the bike away from Devils Falls, two hours later. It was not right that this son of a bitch was running them out of town. He wanted to rip the place apart until he found the man responsible and then he would tear him apart with his bare hands for threatening her.

  Chapter 15

  It was ten thirty when they finally made it to the safe house. Katie was still feeling numb. It felt like this hadn’t really happened to her, like maybe it was a dream. Although, she knew, as she stood there waiting for Trick to get their stuff from the saddle bags, that it wasn’t. Trick had managed t
o get two duffels into the bags somehow. She hadn’t really been in the frame of mind to ask questions back at his place as they’d packed and gotten the hell out of dodge.

  It made her want to cry, everything she owned had been violated by some nameless, faceless person. If she had someone to direct her anger and fear at, she knew she’d feel better, but with the stalker being unknown. She had no idea who to blame. Trick walked up, taking her arm, his other hand loaded down with the two small bags.

  “Let’s get inside, sugar. Then you can shower and sleep. It will help.” Trick murmured.

  “Okay,” Katie said in a defeated voice, just wanting this night to be over.

  Trick wanted to put his fist through the person responsible for Katie’s deject tone chest and rip out their heart. He wanted to rage against the world for the injustice of Katie having been violated in such a way. He’d only wanted to protect her from the first time he’d met her, as a sad teenaged girl. It had evolved into a lust so deep he’d almost drowned a few years later, but he still felt this need to crush anyone and anything that hurt her.

  He wasn’t happy that the bastard had left nothing to help them identify him behind while he destroyed Katie’s room. They were hoping that the man would start to implode not knowing where she was. It was how they were hoping to catch him. He led Katie into the cabin, allowing her to lean against his side. He felt her exhaustion, he wasn’t happy that he hadn’t been able to take her home and fuck her brains out.

  “Sugar, why don’t you take a shower? I will wait on Pretty Boy and Log to get here. We’ll talk about the set up, and in the morning the prospects will be here. I’ll be up in a bit.” Trick watched her nod her head before she headed off in the direction of the bedroom, carrying her small duffle. He wanted to follow behind her and take her to bed, only that wasn’t what she needed right now. He knew she needed some time to process what had happened. Tonight had been too action packed with the rush to get her here. He knew that she’d not had a chance to really feel the emotions that were piling on top of her.

  He was so damned pissed that this was happening. He pulled out his nine millimeter and went outside to check the perimeter. He wanted to be sure that nothing was blocking the cameras and that there was nobody here. A while later he was walking onto the porch with the flashlight when Pretty Boy and Log pulled up.

  Katie stood in the middle of the bedroom looking around at the masculine furniture and the head board that was made of iron bars. She didn’t want to be here in the middle of nowhere, even with Trick with her twenty four seven. No, she wanted to be back in Devils Falls, not run out of town by a crazy person. She set down her bag on the foot of the bed and dug out something to wear. Thankfully, she’d packed quite a bit of her things into the first bag she’d taken to Trick’s. He’d locked what they couldn’t bring of her things into his house safe. Otherwise she wasn’t leaving any of it behind. She’d wanted him to take her truck, but he’d said it would be harder for the stalker to follow them on the bike. She walked to the bathroom, she might as well have a shower. After the two hour ride, she was tired and felt gritty.

  Trick waved to Log as he entered the house, headed upstairs, fifteen minutes later. He was tired, and he really needed a shower. He wondered if Katie was still awake. He entered the bedroom to find that she was still in the shower. He opened the door hearing the light sobs from behind the shower curtain, and he wanted to murder the asshole who was putting her through this. Stupid asswipe! Getting undressed, he stepped into the shower, finding Katie huddled in the corner. She looked up at him and it almost tore him apart that she looked defeated.

  He helped her up, holding her against him, as the water showered over both of them. Wanting to make things right for her, he rubbed her back.

  “It’s okay, sugar. Don’t cry, it’s killing me. Sh-hh.” His said into her wet hair. The water falling down his back as he held her. His thickened cock was poking her even though this was so not the time for it to be ready. Ignoring it as it throbbed, wanting attention, he kissed her forehead trying to soothe her. She let out thick sobs and clung to him.

  “Why? Why would they do this, Trick? I don’t get it. Everything I had, almost everything is gone.” Katie managed to get out of her swollen throat.

  “I don’t know, sugar. But I promise to ask before I kill them, okay?” Trick growled, pulling her closer to his body. Wanting to protect her, even as his body wanted to consume her.

  “Okay,” Katie said, still holding him tightly, only now she’d turned her face up to his with her arms around his neck and her eyes begging him for a distraction. More than willing to oblige her, he took her mouth with his in a deep hard kiss that stole her breath. It left her pant with need when he finally released it. His lips slid with the water down her neck to her breasts. His hand cupping one, as his mouth took the other peak inside. He sucked hard making her moan in pleasure. Then he switched and took the second one into his mouth, his hands sliding down to her hips, angling her against him.

  Katie was on fire, her need to forget making her desire burn hotter than it ever had before. The need to feel safe was so strong, she almost lost her mind. She was pulling on his hair like a mad woman, needing his mouth on hers. Needing the oblivion only his touch could give her. She gasped, as his mouth took hers roughly again and he lifted her. His thick member pushing against her opening. Yes, this was what she needed, she thought, as his fingers tested her wetness. Then he was slipping inside her, making her cry out.

  “Trick…” She moaned, as his mouth left hers to slide down her neck again. He pressed her against the wall and began to thrust into her with hard powerful strokes that made her want to scream.

  “Damn, baby.” He growled, and he gripped her ass hard in his hands. He wanted to pound her harder. Fuck, this was what they’d both needed tonight, he thought, as he slammed into her tight wetness. He could feel her body clamping down on his cock as she began to come, making him growl and pump harder. Pressing her into the wall as he thrust, needing to own her body in a way that scared him shitless. She was heaven, he thought, his mouth sliding over her neck where he nipped and sucked wanting to leave his mark on this woman. A mark that any man who saw it would know meant that she belonged to him. His, was all he thought as she began to come apart in his arms as her orgasm took her over. He continued to thrust, watching her little face turn from needy desperation into exulted pleasure.

  She was still clinging to him, and he knew that he needed to see that sweet look a second time tonight. He slid his hand between their bodies moving to stroke her clit. He began working her button, she moaned.

  “No, I can’t. Not tonight.” She whispered.

  “Yes, tonight.” He growled roughly, not allowing her to escape his relentless finger, or his thrusting cock. He worked her into another frenzy within moments, and roared with pleasure as her sweet box clamped down on his cock a second time.

  “That’s my girl.” He praised. Growling, a second later, he came with her body still clenching with her second orgasm. It took several minutes for them to both catch their breath. When they did Trick slowly slipped out of her, letting her legs fall to the floor. Steading her, he helped her wash. She was slightly limp and seemed willing to allow him to care for her. When they were both clean, he turned off the water and wrapped her in a towel, then carried her to the bed. She was asleep almost before her head hit the pillow. Trick took longer, he was just as exhausted, but he was too keyed up with anger at her stalker to fall asleep easily.

  They’d been here five days, Katie thought looking out the window in the den, where she’d been working on her book. She watched Log and Pretty Boy, who were playing poker on the porch, Trick had asked that they stay close to the cabin while he was in town getting supplies. Katie was thinking about the last few days. They’d had sex several times, yet he’d not shown her that dominantly sexy male he professed to be again since the first time. He’d been holding back, and she was getting worried. He seemed to enjoy the sex, but she c
ould almost feel that part of him missing.

  She’d never thought she was the type of woman who wanted to be dominated by a man, but with Trick she wanted him to be himself. She needed him to show her all of himself. She loved him and part of him would never be enough. Although, she knew that they weren’t headed in the marriage direction, she still wanted to have every part of him she could. That sexual part of him needed to be satisfied too. She wasn’t sure why he wasn’t being himself. It made no sense after the speech he’d given her a few days ago. She’d admit that the first night she’d not been in the right frame of mind for him to be dominate, but now five days later she was fine. With a sigh she went back to work, wondering how she would tempt him to act.

  Trick walked into the sex store, not sure why he was even here. It wasn’t like after what Katie had been through he could act out his fantasies with her. She was traumatized by what that asshole had done to her, and yet he was here looking at the blindfolds and the cuffs. He was one sick fuck, he thought as his cock hardened thinking of Katie with a blindfold and cuffs.

  “Need help, sexy?” A breathy voice asked from behind the counter nearby. He looked up, finding a slim blonde with large boobs that were falling out of her tight blue top as she leaned forward. He might have been tempted if he didn’t have Katie who was ten times as hot as this woman, even without the kinky shit he was into, waiting for him at the cabin. He didn’t think just started stacking some things on the counter, the cuffs and blind fold were first. Yep, he was one sick fuck. He thought, leaving the shop with a small bag. He’d gotten five offers from the woman before he’d flatly told her that he wasn’t going to fuck her. He’d bought the stuff because it just seemed perverse to use anything he’d used on another woman with Katie. He didn’t want to think about that too much. It didn’t escape his notice that it had never bothered him with any other woman.


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