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by Michelle Woods - Catching Trick (Red Devils MC #3) , 25th July

  Trick sighed, and still at her feet, he kissed her ankle one last time before he gently set her foot down. He looked up at her again.

  “How long?” He asked.

  “I don’t know.” Katie whispered. She didn’t know, her heart was so battered at this point, she wasn’t sure what she felt anymore. She knew she still loved him, but she wasn’t sure of anything else at this point. She leaned forward, needing to touch him. She pulled his face into her stomach, and his arms wrapped around her desperately clinging to her. She let him hold her like that for a long moment, then she pulled away. Looking at him, she moved to the table, picking up the patch, she headed upstairs without another word.

  He just knelt on the floor watching his woman leave him, wanting to chase after her. Only he knew that this was a delicate situation and he didn’t want to fuck it up any more than he already had. He really hoped that she let him back into her life, because if he’d managed to fuck this up beyond repair then he’d never forgive himself.

  Chapter 18

  Trick was going nuts. Katie hadn’t talked to him in two days. He’d apologized again, after that first night. Only she wasn’t even talking to him, she’d just nodded and took her dinner to the room they’d shared, and didn’t speak. It was like living with a ghost, a ghost that had once been Katie. He wanted to know what she was thinking and if she would be able to forgive him, but all he could see in her sad eyes, was that she looked tired. He was trying his damndest to allow her the time she needed, but he wasn’t going to be able to take this much longer.

  He was bringing in wood for the fire, the nights were getting colder and he wanted to be sure she wasn’t cold, when he heard her cry out. He dropped the wood and rushed up the stairs two at a time. He found her standing on the bed. As soon as he entered, she screeched at him.

  “Get it, get it!” She was point into the corner of the room. He was momentarily distracted by the fact that she was only wearing a towel. It earned him a glare. “Stop gawking and get that thing out of here.” She demanded.

  Chuckling, he looked over to the corner she indicated, finding a small mouse. He went over and caught the mouse in a cup that had been sitting on the table, then went to the open window to let him out.

  “Why are you letting it out there? Take it to the woods!” Katie cried, watching.

  “Sugar, he’s more afraid of you than you are of him. We don’t see many of them anymore, most of them died off from the water poisoning, he must be a tough little guy.” Trick mused.

  “I don’t care! I don’t like them.” She said, getting off the bed.

  When she did, her towel slipped and he almost swallowed his tongue. She was so damned beautiful. He walked towards the bed mesmerized by her. He needed to touch her, and he was so damned tired of waiting. She was climbing down off the bed trying to right the towel. When he reached out cupping one of her breasts. She moaned, her whole body shivered with desire.

  “I’m not ready for this yet.” She whispered.

  “Please.” Trick begged, his cock so hard he wanted to roar. His fingers rubbed her nipple, enjoying the feel of her sweetness cupped in his hand.

  She slowly nodded, even though she hadn’t agreed to wear his patch yet. He was relieved. He wanted to touch her everywhere at once. He leaned forward taking her breast into his mouth making her moan. She leaned into him, and that was all the encouragement that he needed. It didn’t take long for his clothes to be strewn across the floor and his body to cover hers. He unleashed the passion that he’d been holding inside for over a week.

  Ten minutes later, he lay holding her close to his side, running his hands down her arm. She sat up meeting his eyes. Her expression was serious.

  “This is the last time I let you do this to me.” Her words sent panic rushing through him. She couldn’t mean making love could she?

  “Sugar,” He began, but she interrupted.

  “No, Trick. It’s time you listen. I’ve been thinking a lot in the last few days. You can’t run out on me again and then expect me to just forgive you. I won’t do it again.” She stated, grim determination in her eyes.

  Trick almost passed out from the relief that filled his heart, she meant his leaving, not them making love. He smiled, running his hand down her face cupping her chin.

  “I know, sugar. It’s never going to happen again. When I talked to Duck, I realized that whether I’d admitted it or not. I’ve known since you were way too damned young that the way I feel for you is different. No other woman was ever enough for me. From the moment I took you in my arms that night when you were eighteen. In that dance class Charity forced me to go to, I’ve known that you were meant for me. Why do you think I kept running off the other men you dated? It wasn’t because I was overprotective, it was because I couldn’t stand the thought of one of them touching you.”

  She propped her head up on her elbow, looking at him. “I love you, but I mean it, Trick.”

  “I love you too, and I know. I might not say that to you enough, and sex will always be a bit wild with me. But I want you to know that I will always be here for you, and that I know how important you are to me now. After the hellish week I put us both through, I never want to do that to either of us again.” Trick leaned forward, kissing her nose. She laughed, it tickled.

  “You still owe me, though.” She said, still laughing.

  “Really? I do, do I?” He asked, and he rolled her beneath him, growling.

  “Nuh-uh…You get off me, you big lug. You’re going to get me out of this house. I can’t take it anymore! Being cooped up is making me nutty.” Katie said, pushing against his shoulder. He chuckled, damn she made him happy. If he hadn’t been so worried about running away from her, and more focused on their time together, he may have realized it sooner. Then they could have avoided this week of hell. He rolled out of the bed.

  “Fine. Woman, get in the shower! We’re going to town.” Trick growled.

  Katie watched as the man, naked as the day he was born, walked into the bathroom. Damn, he had a fine ass, she thought. Getting up and following him into the shower.

  Thirty minutes later, she climbed on his bike, wearing a t-shirt under Trick’s property patch and jeans. He was preening that she wore it. Having shot a bird at Pretty Boy, who’d growled that he didn’t deserve her when he saw her wearing it. She smiled, wrapping her arms around Trick. She was glad she’d decided to forgive him, although she meant what she’d told him. If the man ever left her again, she was done with him for good, no more chances. He’d had four years of chances as she’d matured into a woman, now he’d run out.

  The man made her happy though, she thought as the bike lurched onto the road from the gravel drive. Pretty Boy and Log were following, so that they could watch their backs while they enjoyed a night on the town. She was glad to finally be out of that house. She was so damned tired of hiding. That was what she intended to talk to him about when they got back tonight. She just hoped she could get him to agree to her plan. She wasn’t sure that it would go over well with him, or hell, her father. They were both way too protective of her.

  Only she’d realized that the stalker wasn’t going to reveal himself, not unless they forced his hand. Trick wasn’t going to like her plan, not a single bit.

  Trick pulled up to the restaurant in the small town near the Dixon farm, glad that Katie had agree to wear his patch. He’d asked her to and at first she’d hesitated, but when she’d finally nodded. He’d wanted to crow in glee, she was his. Finally, and the odd thing was something that had always seemed to be clawing at his insides whenever he thought about her seemed to settle. He would guess it was this crazy lust that he felt for her, and the love that went hand and hand with it. He did love this woman, more than he’d ever realized.

  He was grateful that she was finally marked as his and his alone. Wearing his patch made her off limits for anyone but him. He damned sure liked that. A lot. Getting off the hog, he turned helping her off too. He held her hand, smiling at her.<
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  “Damn, you’re beautiful.” He growled, wanting to put her right back on the bike to rush her home, then make love with her again.

  “Oh, stop! You don’t have to flatter me. I’m already wearing your patch.” Katie grumbled, her cheeks slightly pink.

  “I’m just stating the obvious, baby.” Trick whispered, his lips finding hers. He kissed her hard and fast right there in the middle of the parking lot. When he finally pulled away, Katie was blushing a rosy pink. Log and Pretty Boy were nearby whistling and making loud obnoxious cat calls at them, making her glare at him.

  “Was marking me as yours really necessary?” She demanded.

  He looked at her bewildered, did she really think it wasn’t? “Umm…yeah, it was, sugar.”

  “Oh, brother, you’re going to be a nightmare aren’t you? Possessive, to a fault.” She sighed, making him grin as he took her hand and led her towards the restaurant.

  “Yep, just can’t seem to help myself.” He replied, hearing her heavy sigh.

  They entered the restaurant, they were led to their table by a blonde woman, with Pretty Boy and Log outside the restaurant, waiting. As they ate Trick told her about Charity, she wanted to take a job with the Blue Bandits. Trick was not happy about the message from the other clubs president. He’d called Trick a few days ago to talk about their need for his sister’s talent with numbers. Trick wasn’t having his sister anywhere that he wouldn’t be able to watch out for her, and he’d refused. Charity had not been happy about the unrelenting no she’d gotten from her brother.

  Katie listened wondering when the man was going to realize that his sister wasn’t a little girl anymore, and she needed to try to fly on her own. She was going to have to talk to Charity about this and see how serious she was. If it was just a way to get away from Trick’s overprotectiveness then she could help by distracting the man, and if Charity really wanted the job, perhaps she could convince him to let Charity go. Knowing Charity the way she did, it wouldn’t be long before she took off if it was what she really wanted anyway.

  This relationship between her and Trick and her friendship with Charity was going to be a mine field. She just hoped, that neither one of them tried to put her in the middle.

  As they left the restaurant that night, Katie was getting on the bike behind Trick when she felt like she was being watched. It sent a shiver down her spine, but she only saw an old man with a cane looking at her when she looked around. The feeling unnerved her, making her squeeze Trick’s waist, burying her face in his back. They took off and the odd moment passed. Less than fifteen minutes later, she followed Trick up stairs. They made love again then both fell into a deep sleep.


  I was sitting in the coffee shop, wanting to scream. Two days ago, I’d followed Trick, sure he’d lead me right to Katie. Only I lost him somehow. When we got to this town, I was behind him, but somehow I missed him turning and got lost. Now, I’m sitting here wondering how I can teach her that lesson if I can’t find her. Damn it, Damn it, this was her fault. It was always her fault. That whore. Why was I always the one who got the short end of the stick?

  Where are they hiding her? Where? I looked for the last two days and nothing. Nothing. That was when I looked out the window, and who do I see. Her, and she’s letting him kiss her right there in the damned parking lot. Stupid fucking whore! How dare she? When they finally stop that disgusting display to go into the restaurant, I see what she’s wearing and a red haze covers my eyes. I squeeze the table until my knuckles are white. What the hell was that? No, fucking way.

  She’s dead. I will kill her. Now, there is no other option. I will have to murder her, and it’s her own fault. Her fault!

  I wait for them to finish and head back. I watch her look around. Does she feel me watching her? Good, she should know that her days are numbered. I follow Pretty Boy and Log, they all head back to a cabin. It was here only a mile from the town, while I searched for two days. Only there are too many of them here protecting her. How will I get her alone? I need to plan. There has to be a way. I’m good with plans. Think, think, think. I hit my forehead, trying to jog something. How can I get her alone? An idea forms, hummm…that might work. Now, all I need is for someone to start that fire.

  She’d get what she deserved. I’d make sure of it, but before she dies, I’ll make her see that she should have taken the warnings I gave her. She should have paid attention. Then she wouldn’t have had to die.

  Chapter 19

  It was three days since Trick had returned to the cabin and everything had been perfect. She was in heaven, the man she loved, loved her back. All was right with her world. The man was insatiable. He’d made love to her so many time in the last two days that she almost wanted to beg him to stop. Not that it would do her any good, she thought with a wicked grin. The man was overly dominate in bed. He always insisted that she come again and again. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so damned good. She let out a rueful laugh. Yep, she was good with his instability.

  Walking into the living room to find all the men sitting around the table playing poker, she glared at Trick. He stood coming over to take her into his arms, holding her close, and kissing her forehead. The men behind him started complaining.

  “Can’t you save that for later, asshat?” Pretty Boy grumbled.

  “No, dickhead, I can’t.” Trick barked back.

  Katie was looking up at him. “What’s going on and why didn’t you invite me?” She demanded.

  “Oooh if she plays can we change this to strip poker, instead of for credits?” One of the prospects asked.

  “Sure, Jerry. And then Trick can shoot you and everyone else once she takes of the first item of clothing. Idiot!” The later was followed by a smacking sound and Jerry cried out.

  “Hey, that fucking hurt, Tom. I was just joking.” He complained.

  “Not the right place, dickwad! She’s property.” Tom growled.

  “Sorry, sugar. I don’t think this is something you should be around. The guys need to let off a little steam. We would do it over at their cabin, but I didn’t want you left alone.” Trick replied, earning a glare from Katie.

  “Really? You’re not going to let me play? I don’t think so Trick. I will play poker, I always played with dad and his friends growing up.” Katie growled.

  “Your father let you play poker?” Trick demanded, a dark scowl forming on his brow.

  “Yes, Trick. With Duck, Bear, Fat Boy, and Ringer.” She said, walking to the table and plopping down next to Log. “Deal me in. Baby, spot me some credits would you.” She demanded.

  With a sigh Trick sat down in his seat across the table and threw some credits in front of her, realizing that he wasn’t going to win this fight. Damn, he’d wanted to earn a few extra credits tonight. Now, he was going to lose his shirt to these assholes. They were going to bleed him dry through her because if she asked for more credits, he wasn’t going to say no.

  Katie laughed, as she raked the pot towards her to the groans of five men, and the astonishment in the eyes of her man, was frankly insulting. She knew he’d thought he’d be losing all night through her, but hell he should have known better. Katie’s father never let her do something unless she was good at it, and she’d had some of the best to teach her. Duck and Ringer were both the best in the club.

  Damned man, he had no faith in her, she thought, a little pissed. He was acting like a sexist pig. Log dealt another hand, but one of the prospects, Jerry, shook his head.

  “I’m out. Your little card shark, cleaned me out. I think you two staged this.” Jerry grumbled.

  “Nope, he’d just an idiot. I’m just damned good. I did warn you.” She looked innocently at the man.

  “How did you warn us, kitten?” Jerry asked, earning a hit on the back of the head from Trick.

  “MY WOMAN!” He roared.

  “Hey, what the hell man? I was just asking a question.” Jerry glared at Trick, making her laugh.

  “I said I p
layed with my father and his friends.” Katie replied, wanting to prevent bloodshed between the two men.

  “How was that a warning?” Pretty Boy asked.

  “Well, do you really think that Duck and Ringer would stand for me not knowing how to play? They’re like the poker police. You can’t play, then you’re an idiot.”

  “Shit, I should have thought of that. You’re right, they are like demons about that shit.” Log shook his head, grumbling.

  “Yep,” Katie gleefully placed her credits in the center of the table looking at Log.

  “Nope, not playing with you anymore. I fold.” He said.

  “Me too.” Pretty Boy said, followed by the other two prospects.

  “Wussies. Damn, I wanted to play another round. I let you win an hour ago!” She cried as all the men got up.

  “On that note, we’re leaving!” Log bellowed and stormed out followed by the rest of the men.

  “Pussies!” Katie called after them. Then she turned to find Trick grinning from ear to ear.

  “I love you, woman!” He said, before he scooped her up and headed up the stairs.

  An hour later, they were both getting ready to eat dinner when Trick’s phone rang. He answered it with a barked “Hello.”

  After a long pause he asked “Shit, how the fuck did that happen? Shit, yeah. I understand. Yeah, I can handle it.” He hung up. Looking at her, he set the phone aside.

  “What was that about?” Katie asked.

  “Club business. The boys are headed to the Dixon farm. We’ll be alone for a little while tonight.” Trick wasn’t happy about it either. Damned Jackal’s, they’d set a fire at the Dixon farm about thirty minutes ago. They’d already lost half the crop in the west field. If they didn’t get in out soon they might not be able to contain it. Bone was sending the two prospects, Log, and Pretty Boy over to help get it out. Bone was sending men, but they’d not make it in time. Trick sat down to eat.


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