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by Michelle Woods - Catching Trick (Red Devils MC #3) , 25th July

  “Get over here and help me, Trick’s been shot. Where is Doc?” Tank asked.

  Ratchet jogged to the truck letting down the tailgate. He helped them get Trick out.

  “Head into the main house, Doc set up a hospital for anyone burned. He just finished treating the last patient about ten minutes ago.” They carried Trick inside, while Katie held the pressure on the wound.

  “Doc.” Ratchet yelled, as they entered.

  “What the hell? You can quit yelling I’m right…shit. Put him down over here on this table. What the hell happened?” Doc demanded.

  He made Katie let him look. “Damn, who shot him?”

  “Monica.” Katie said, through numb lips. She was felling cold all of a sudden.

  “Shit, she’s in shock. Get Sarah to give her a sedative. Then tell her to get in here, I need to operate and someone hold the pressure on this wound.” Doc was barking out orders, but to Katie it all seemed so far away. She was sure that she didn’t know why the hell this was happening, she wasn’t a wuss. It must be that it was Trick, or maybe it was because as she’d fallen with Trick, she’d hit her head.

  “I’m fine, I just hit my head.” Katie told Doc.

  He turned looking at her grimly. “Shit, no sedative. Just have her lay down, then in about thirty minutes, somebody ask her questions! And get Sarah, move people.” He roared.

  Tank led her out of the room, and helped her sit in a chair near the door. It was as far as she was willing to go. Trick was in there, and he might be dying. She wasn’t leaving him.

  “Katie, you should lie down. Trick would want you to get some rest.” Tank told her in a quiet voice, as Sarah ran into the room to help Doc.

  “No, I’m not leaving him.” Katie shook her head stubbornly.

  Tank heaved a sigh and sat down beside her. “Fine.” He growled. “So, twenty eight races, huh? Does Trick know?”

  “No, and you’re not going to tell him.” Katie growled, glaring at the man.

  He just smiled, and then he leaned back in the chair next to her. “Ever lose?”

  “Nope,” She clipped out, leaning back in her own chair, ignoring him.

  She must have fallen asleep, because she was shaken about an hour later to see Charity in front of her. She looked as upset as Katie felt. She’d been crying and her face was red and puffy. Please don’t let that be bad news, Katie thought.

  “How is he?” She demanded.

  “We still don’t know. Doc’s still working on him.” Charity gave a little hiccup, and the she was hugging her best friend.

  “Oh, God. What if he doesn’t make it, Charity? How will I survive it?” She asked, tears streaming down her face as she clung to her friend.

  “I don’t know, I just don’t know.” Charity cried with her.

  They waited another hour, before Sarah finally came out of the room her face haggard. Katie waited, holding her breath.

  “He’s stable for now, but if his vitals don’t come back up…Doc said, we wait.” No one needed to ask what she wasn’t saying. If his vitals didn’t come back up, he could die. Katie’s heart squeezed.

  “You should rest, both of you.” Tank grumbled from beside her.

  Katie looked at him, he’d checked her for a concussion and determined that if she had one it was minor. Having dealt with more than one concussion, he would know. Katie finally nodded, she’d sleep now that he was stable.

  “Only if you promise to wake me if there are any changes.” She demanded.

  “Done. Let’s go.” He growled, leading them upstairs to a room that had two twin beds. Katie lay down, her heart still aching. She couldn’t even remember closing her eyes, but when she opened them again it was morning.

  “Hey, sleepy head. My brother’s been asking for you.” Charity said, when Katie finally made it down stairs. She’d showered, she’d still been covered in blood. She’d found clothes at the foot of the bed. She walked into the room where Charity indicated, grateful that he was still alive. He was asking for her, so he must be okay.

  She entered the room to see Tank, Duck and Bone all sitting near the bed.

  “Ahh, here is your girl, now.” Bone smiled, looking up. Trick turned his head and his eyes met hers.

  She rushed to his side gently kissing his face all over. Whispering, over and over. “I love you.” He tried to reach out and touch her, but he was too weak. She took his hand in hers, holding it to her cheek. She heard, rather than saw the other men leave the room. She felt tears falling from her eyes, but she didn’t care. He was okay. That was all that mattered.

  “Sh-hh, sugar, I’m okay.” He croaked.

  “I would have kicked your ass if you weren’t.” She grumbled, laughing through her tears.

  “I wouldn’t leave you again, sugar. I promised.” He was tired, she could almost feel his weariness. “Sleep, baby. I’ll be here, when you wake up.”

  “I love you, Katie.” His whispered, closing his eyes. She sat watching him sleep. Glad that they were both still alive.

  Two weeks later, Katie was about ready to pull her hair out. Trick was a demon when he was sick. Doc had said for him to stay in bed and not to get up, but keeping him there was a huge problem. He was not happy about having to stay in bed. The man was acting like a bear. They were at his house, Tank had collected their stuff from the cabin last night, and he was bring it by in a little while. She was glad that she didn’t have to go back to that place.

  Even with all the happy times they’d shared in that cabin, it would always be the place she’d almost lost him. She walked into the bedroom, seeing Trick trying to stand again.

  “Trick, you’re not supposed to be getting up!” She screeched.

  He turned glaring at her. “I gotta take a piss woman. It’s fine. I will not be in this bed much longer. I feel fine, Doc just being overly cautious.”

  “Yes, because you almost died two weeks ago!” She yelled.

  “Quit yelling, you know it’s fine. He didn’t even have to open my chest up. They had that scope thing he uses.” Trick grumbled, making his way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

  “That doesn’t change the facts! You almost died. If he hadn’t brought that scope just in case he had to perform surgery, he would have had to open up your chest. Just because it heals faster, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take you recovery slow, damn it.” She called loudly through the door.

  “Oh, hush. I’m fine. I keep telling you that. He says I’ll be back at work next week. Calm down.” Trick opened the door and walked back over to the bed sitting on the edge, he pulled her into his arms. She went willingly. Needing his arms around her as much as she needed her next breath. She reached up burying her hands in his hair.

  They heard heavy footsteps downstairs and a loud thump. “Hey, Katie!” Tank called out, headed up the stairs.

  “When he’s gone I have a plans for you.” Trick whispered, making her shiver. She knew what he wanted to do to her. They hadn’t been able to have sex until two days ago, and even though that was all they seemed to be doing since they got the go ahead from Doc, they were both acting like they’d been starving for each other’s touch months.

  “You up here?” Tank called.

  “Yeah, Tank were in the bedroom.” Trick said, letting Katie step back from him and face the door. Tank walked into the room, he was holding her property patch. Katie almost jumped in glee at the sight as she moved towards Tank taking it from his hand. Tank handed it over, grinning. He looked wistful and she wondered at that look.

  “Figured you’d want that back, so I didn’t pack it up.” Tank smiled that same wistful smile again. Katie began to form a plan. He looked lonely, who did she know that she could set him up with she wondered. Humm…maybe Annie? No, her profession would exclude her. That really was too bad. The woman would have been a perfect match for a guy like Tank. She’d have to think on it some more.

  “How are you feeling?” Tank asked.

  “Better, glad Doc had that scop
e.” Trick chuckled.

  “I bet, so when can you get back to work?”

  “Next week.”

  “Yes, Trick next week, not this one, now get back in bed.” Katie demanded. Earning a glare from Trick.

  “Well, I’ll leave you too, alone. Not often you have a woman at your beck and call.” Tank teased, but that sad look came over his face again. He said goodbye and headed out the door. Katie watched him leave, again thinking of Annie.

  “No, Katie.” Trick growled, in that tone that never failed to make her shiver in desire, making her look at him.

  “What?” She questioned.

  “No matchmaking.”

  Startled, she met his eyes with her own. “I’m a good match maker!” She said, glaring at him. “I set up Trevor and Mary Ann didn’t I? He’s talking about patching her I hear.”

  “Sure, but not everyone wants to be matched with someone, sugar.” He growled.

  “Ha, how are you going to stop me if I want to help these clueless men around here out?” She demanded, her hands on her hips, standing in front of him, where he lay on the bed. Only his boxers and a sheet over him, leaving his chest bare. Damn, that man was sexy, she thought. Her eyes ate him up.

  “I’ll give you something that will be hard to ignore, sugar.”

  “Oh really?” She asked watching, as his dick raised the covers.

  “Really.” He said, reaching out to pull her down on the bed with him.

  “Humm…you might be right. That might be hard to ignore.” She muttered as she leaned towards him. She allowed him to pull her into his arms, falling into his kiss. Pulling away she asked, “So, what’s your plan for me, hmm?”

  “To keep you forever,” was his gruff reply. He pulled her shirt off, his hands cupping her breasts. He took one into his mouth, making her moan in pleasure. It really was too bad about Annie though, was her last thought, before she allowed her man to seduce her.

  Other Works

  Red Devils Series

  Taming Lucca

  Book 1: Molly and Bone’s story

  Out now

  Claiming Racheal

  Book 2: Racheal and Tiny’s story

  Out now at

  Tank’s Redemption

  Book 4: Tank and Annie’s story

  Coming in October 2014

  The Aurora

  New Series

  Out 2014

  Preview on next page

  For more information on upcoming releases see my web site:

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  Thank you for taking time to read Catching Trick. If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  The Aurora

  Six Months Ago

  Swinging her sword, she sliced the head from one demon, even as she blocked the blow of another with her second sword. The wind rushed through the trees, shaking branches, and dead leaves fell in a shower around the battle that raged. Lighting lit the sky, casting shadows across the forest floor. The rain pounded down, making her movements sloppier than usual. She stumbled slightly as the third demon tried to grab her from behind. Managing to whirl, she sliced off the arm that had been reaching for her. The demon screamed and fell to the ground. His other hand, equipped with lethal claws tried desperately to grab the missing appendage. She quickly took his head before he was able to reattach the arm. Watching in disinterest as it fell to the ground. The Aurora, panted, her body near exhaustion from the fight.

  Thunder rumbled, masking the approaching demon’s roar. It charged at her from behind, sensing it at the last second, she moved out of the demons path. Using his momentum when he moved past to slice his head off, too. Her chest rose and fell with excretion, her hair a wet nest of thick curls, she pushed the heavy fall from her face, smearing it with demon blood.

  Looking around for the last demon, she spotted Kara lying on the ground nearby instead, and wanted to cry. Where was that damned demon? She knew that she’d knocked it out when she’d blinked in. Hearing Kara’s mental call for aid, she’d come to help her friend. She’d traveled across the distance to help Kara, only to discover that she’d been too late, again. Too late to save her friend, her third adviser, the youngest one. Kara should have had a thousand years, or more left to live. Only now she was dead. Just as Lani and Tessa were dead.

  The murderous rage that boiled inside her when she’d seen Kara lying there, in the mud, lifeless, had frightened her with its violence. She’d felt the black auras that surrounded the demons, and smelled the metallic smell of evil blowing towards her on the wind. She knew that even if the demons hadn’t been coated with evil, she would have killed them anyway, for Kara. Her heart was bursting in pain from the loss she felt. Her searching eyes landed on the last demon, lying on the ground unconscious and bleeding. She‘d dealt the blow from behind when she’d first arrived. Glaring at the dimly lit prone form, she wanted to kill these demons, again. Her rage was a living breathing thing inside her, as she looked at them littering the forest floor.

  Thunder roared again, and lightning filled the darkness with light, casting her shadow over the demons. The branches moved like giant sinister arms reaching out to grab her. She watched them play for a moment, then moving to the demon, she raised her sword. She cleanly sliced this demons head off, too. She felt no remorse, taking its head. After all it was the only way to kill a stone demon. As long as their spinal cord was intact they could regenerate from almost anything. Not for nothing, were they considered one of the hardest demons to kill.

  That was why seven were too many for one slayer to handle. Unless that slayer was her. She wasn’t bound by the same rules. She wasn’t immortal, but she was as close as a human could get. It was her blood. The blood of a true slayer, the queen. She snorted, she wasn’t a queen. Although, they called her that. Nope, she was a failure.

  She stumbled to her lifeless warrior’s body. This proved she was a failure, she thought. Falling to her knees beside Kara. Not caring that mud soaked into her white pants, nor did she care that the blood covering Kara’s body from the many wounds inflicted upon her, would never wash from the pale blue cashmere sweater she wore. All she knew was that Kara was gone from this life. Sweet, funny Kara. One of her best friends, and now she was gone. With an aching heart, she pulled her onto her lap. Brushing the hair form her beloved face, her mind was crying out in anguish. It wasn’t fair that Kara was dead. It was her fault, again. The pouring rain continued, but she didn’t feel its cold caress. Didn’t heed the numbness that filled her very bones. All she knew was that the heavy pain of her loss was crushing her. Her chest ached, at the passing of another friend.

  “Why. Why?” She cried into the quite forest, a cry that was quickly swallowed by the storm. The thunder drowning out her screams as she asked the question over and over. Tears running down her face. The wind whipped her hair around, slapping her in the face. She held Kara in a tight embrace, unable to release her friend’s body. She rocked back and forth, wishing that she held the power to rewrite the life they had both chosen to live. The only thought repeating over and over inside her head was ‘It would be the last death. It would never happen again.’

  Watching the rain wash the blood from Kara’s platinum blond hair in the silvery moonlight, unable to look away. It covered the ground with the life that had once filled her friend. It mixed with leaves and mud, creating a gruesome river of death, which flowed across the forest floor. It was unfair that Kara’s life had been stolen away. She was so young, only twenty one. The slayer blood that she had given Kara should have added many more years to her life, hundreds even. Instead, she held Kara’s lifeless body in her arms, and felt a deadly vow forming in her heart and mind.

  She remembered meeting Kara in a dark alley one night. Kara was only eighteen, it had been another stormy
night like this one. Two vampires, whose auras had burned black with their evilness, had penned Kara in an ally thinking they had found a helpless victim to kill. Kara was no victim though and killed them both. She’d used only a slightly dull sword she had bought after watching her sister be killed by demons two years before. Determined to find that demon, Kara began training, finding her first demon, she tried to take it down with a gun only to find the guns did nothing to stop a demon. Typically guns only made them mad. Kara was lucky that a Trogon demon had found her before the enraged demon could do any damage. When she’d told the Aurora the story, she’d been shocked at the bravery of the young woman.

  Kara who was able to see the darkness of both human and demon auras, a trait she shared with the Aurora, had not killed the Trogon demon. It had glowed with a pure white aura, most of their kind did. Few, if any of them, ever became evil. She’d explained that most demons were just a different species with extraordinary gifts. Many of them even looked human, and others could appear human with glamour’s and other charms or spells. They were not minions of the devil as legend believed them to be. Though many chose to serve him.

  Feeling a kinship with Kara, she’d offered her the blood bond that made her a slayer. Kara had become an adviser to her within a year. She was also one of the Aurora’s most trusted companions. Pressing a farewell kiss onto Kara’s forehead, she heard the slight popping sounds that alerting her to the two new arrivals. She didn’t turn. She already knew who it was standing silently behind her.

  She felt them. Her last two advisers, Mina and Jayne had come because they’d felt her pain, through the bond they shared. She heard the gasps, then the sobs from behind her. Bowing her head over Kara’s in defeat, feeling their loss wash over her as keenly as her own. Making her pain so much harder to bear, they were sure to be disappointed in her inability to protect their sister in arms. In her total lack of strength.


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