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Alphas: Supes and Badboys (8 Books in One)

Page 26

by Myles, Eden

  My ears burned. “Well, we are in a stable.”

  He kissed my ear before telling me in explicit detail what he wanted.

  I listened to make sure no one was creeping around the stable, then I slid to my knees and undid his trousers. I took his cock in my hands and guided it into my mouth, giving the sweet, meaty head a few loving strokes of my tongue before swallowing him down greedily and gently squeezing his swollen scrotum. I moved up and down on his girth, lathering him generously with my saliva while his fingers stroked over my hair and he grunted and thrust himself a little deeper into my throat. When he felt I had spit-lubed his dick enough he yanked on my hair and said, “Now, Daniel. Give me that beautiful ass of yours.”

  I stood up and turned, resting my hands on the scratchy surface of the hay bale as he mounted me from behind. With strong, gentle hands he tilted my hips at the angle most convenient for him, then stroked and kneaded my ass, first in my jeans and then out of them. He leaned against my back, arched my spine, and muttered in Russian in my ear, his voice and burring accent tickling me.

  He guided my legs apart and fondled me gently between the legs. He pushed up hard against me, his slippery cock rubbing against my crack. He rubbed and rubbed until I moaned and thrust backward against him, almost lulled by the now familiar, comforting feeling of him. I arched my ass up to meet each of his gentle thrusts, mewling like a kitten as he made gentle love to me, still muttering his endearments in my ear. And then he forced the swollen head of his cock into my hole and I cried out and started rocking my hips back against him.

  “My beautiful angel,” he said in English as he hugged my lower body against him and started thrusting in and out of me, the exquisite feel of him making me gasp as my muscles clenched down around him and my body attempted to hold him deep inside. His fucking slowly increased, and the friction that came from his sudden, sharp thrusts was enough to make my gasps turn to whimpers. My body naturally resisted him, challenged him, and before long we were straining against one another. His teeth finally caught the sensitive skin on the back of my neck, nipping me, and I lowered my head as I submitted to him. My ass relaxed, taking all of him at once, slowly, sensuously, until I felt his balls rubbing against me. His hands slid down over my sweating stomach, and his fingers snagged my cock as he started to milk me slowly toward climax. My body seemed to melt against him, and I began to tremble as a multitude of different emotions overwhelmed me at once—the fear of being caught like this, my rage at my father, my love and raw hunger for Alexei.

  As both our climaxes built, we started grunting and growling like wild animals in heat. I felt the pressure build until I thought the tender skin of my rock-hard dick would split from the stimulation of being fondled while Alexei continued to pound me from behind, harder, faster. I could scarcely breathe and all my emotions had coalesced into just one thought: I loved Alexei, and no one, not my father, not my family, could make me ashamed of that. I loved him and I would go to the ends of the earth with him, for him, to be with him.

  Sensing I was near my end, Alexei wrapped an arm around my torso and pulled me up so I was crushed against the front of his body. My cock ached with the need for release, but his continued to buck deep inside me, fucking me fast and hard, finding that depth that erased all thoughts from my head, that turned me into nothing more than a primal creature of need and desire. I convulsed in his arms and let out a cry as I came over the hands that still stroked me.

  He turned his head and bit the side of my neck, letting out a guttural grown of satisfaction as he came inside me. I came a second time with his bite, and that triggered his own second release, so he continued to thrust and twitch inside me long after my body had milked him of come. He licked the little wound in the side of my neck and whispered how I was his angel in the dark, and in that moment, I never felt more connected to another human being.

  * * *

  We held Chloe’s wedding in the field adjacent to the farmhouse. My mother had been in charge of decorating, and she and her small committee of friends had set up two long rows of chairs to accommodate my extended family, with an aisle running down the center covered in white paper and strewn with tiger lilies. White, orange and black balloons were fastened to the seats, and she had set up a reception tent further down and covered the banquet tables in white and orange crepe paper. I thought it looked simple and elegant, and Chloe didn’t at all mind my mother’s homemade decorations, but then, she and Jason were in a hurry to marry before her pregnancy ruined her chances of fitting into her wedding dress.

  Chloe emerged looking beautiful in her long, form-fitting, strapless gown and white netting veil, orange and black tiger lilies pinned in her bright auburn hair. Jason looked as star stuck to see her in her wedding finery as the rest of us as he stood nervously down in the front before the priest.

  Alexei and I sat in the back row, which was mostly unoccupied, except for my old Aunt Ethel, who had been married five times, and who kept stealing glances at Alexei behind her fan and smiling flirtatiously at him. I didn’t bother to inform her that her friendly display was a gesture in vain. My father gave Chloe away, and he made a point of ignoring me as he passed by our row, but Chloe offered me a bright, approving smile as she joined Jason down in the front, her arms full of white roses and orange tiger lilies, and that lifted my heart somewhat.

  The priest began the ceremony, and it immediately became something of a challenge for my family, whose attention was equally divided between Chloe and Jason’s nuptials and my boyfriend and me in the back row. But after the tenth family member had offered me a disapproving glance, I’d had enough and took Alexei’s hand and entwined my fingers with his in plain sight of everyone while the priest finished marrying my sister.

  While Jason was slipping the ring onto Chloe’s hand, I watched Alexei reach into his inside pocket and withdraw a ring of his own, a sterling silver promise ring with two stones in it—one a red ruby, the other a blue sapphire—and slide it onto my ringer finger. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it at the exact moment that Jason kissed Chloe. My heart burst with love and I leaned forward to kiss him in plain sight of every member of my family.

  I had a powerful premonition in that moment. I knew then that, despite all adversities, as long as we were together, everything was going to be all right.

  * * *

  Bonus Story:

  Family Man

  Sheri dropped her luggage on the gravel drive, ran up the stairs to the front porch of the house Alexei and I called home, and threw her arms around my neck. She kissed my cheek and said, “Is this it? The house I keep hearing about in emails?”

  “This is it,” I told her, spreading my arms to present the looming, two-story, fully restored white colonial farmhouse I’d been telling her endlessly about by email and phone for two years. The house was a half mile from Edgartown in Martha’s Vineyard and within walking distance of Kate’s house, just down the road. It wasn’t exactly rural in the sense I was used to, growing up on the open prairie, but it was a private, gated community, and we did have a few acres out back that we were still trying to decide what to do with. I was thinking it would be nice to have our own in-ground pool, but Alexei was thinking about horses—and only because I knew he wanted a stable. He had no good intentions, that was for sure. Our trip to the Midwest to see my family, and the intimacy we had known in my sister’s stable, was one of his fondest memories.

  “Let me give you the grand tour,” I said, sounding excited even to myself, and, snatching up her luggage, I walked her inside.

  “It certainly took you long enough to invite me!” she said, punching me in the shoulder.

  It had taken us two years to get the house fully restored and just the way we wanted it, and during that time, I hadn’t wanted Sheri to see it. I thought that was like showing someone a work in progress.

  After our yellow lab Rachmaninoff finished jumping all over Sheri in the foyer, I showed her the kitchen, sitting room, dining room, and drawi
ng rooms, pointing out some of the original architecture we had restored. She marveled at the Shaker-style furnishings, and I mentioned that I’d let Alexei choose them entirely by touch. In fact, the house so much resembled the architectural layout and furnishings of the Dollhouse, it could be its twin. And that, alone, was proving to be inspirational.

  Manny padded after us as we moved from room to room, and as we went along, I made a point of checking everything over. When we’d moved in two years ago, we’d brought Maria with us, and although she insisted she didn’t move anything when she cleaned, I found things misplaced all the time. Alexei lived in an almost perpetual state of exasperation. He’d fallen over something three times since we’d moved in. And believe me, an Alexei with a smarting knee was nothing you wanted to face first thing in the morning. I loved him, but Kate was right; he was insufferable at times.

  “You’ve done an awesome job, Daniel,” Sheri said, looking around in wonder at the old-fashioned sunroom where Alexei and I grew our orchids and patio tree roses. “You must be really happy.”

  “I think we are,” I told her as I went to straighten up the cushions by the windows where Alexei often spent time listening to audio books or reading his Braille books with the sun on his back.

  I then led her upstairs and showed her the guest bedroom where she’d be staying for the next few days. She looked it over, nodding with great approval, but while I was fetching her some extra blankets from the linen closet, she slipped away. I never could pin Sheri down for more than a few minutes at a time, even in college.

  I found Sheri down the hall, looking over the master bedroom suite. She ran her hands over Alexei’s massive, gorgeous, wrought-iron bed, then bent to pick up a pair of handcuffs that had fallen to the floor. “Kinky,” she said, and I blushed while she dropped them in my hands and crossed the hall to the one room we had a tendency to keep shut at all times. I stuck the handcuffs in my suit jacket and hurried after her. She opened the door a crack and peeked inside, then slipped inside our darkened, dusty nursery. She looked around the room and said, “What a lonely room, Daniel. What happened with the adoption agency?”

  “Oh that,” I said, working to sound casual about it. “Well, we changed our minds. I mean, with our work and everything…”

  “Daniel,” she said, giving me that look that told me she didn’t buy my bullshit for even one moment. Like the house, I’d gone on a bit too much about this subject as well, calling her excitedly every time our caseworker set up an appointment, and then avoiding her phone calls for days on end when things inevitably fell through. “I know when you’re lying. The house…the dog…but where’s the baby?” Then she gaped at me. “Was the same sex thing an issue?”

  I snorted as I ran my hand over the dresser and looked at the dust on my fingers. The nursery was the one place that Maria didn’t clean regularly. It was almost like she was as upset with how things were going as we were and could barely stand to be in the small room. “Surprisingly, the same sex thing wasn’t an issue,” I told her. “It was Alexei’s age. They said they don’t like to adopt out to a couple where one of the partners is over fifty.”

  Sheri stared at me in horror. “Can they do that?”

  “They can do anything they want.” I looked around the room and stuck my hands in my pockets. “It’s all cool,” I said with a forced smile and a noncommittal shrug. “We’ve made some new plans.”

  “Really?” she said, fingering one of the sad-looking stuffed toys on the changing station.

  “Yep. We’ve decided to travel, a world tour. All of Europe and part of Asia…”

  Sheri sat down on the cushioned seat beside the changing station and put the toy in her lap. Manny padded over and laid his head in her lap. She looked up at me in a way that was distinctively not very Sheri-like. It had been two years, but she’d changed a lot since graduation. She looked thinner, and there were dark rings under her eyes. She seemed somehow less full of bouncy energy.

  I pulled a chair up beside her. “What’s going on?” I asked. “I have this feeling you didn’t just come out here to see the house, or me.”

  “No,” she admitted. “I didn’t. I mean, of course I wanted to see the house, and you—you’re my best girlfriend, Daniel—but that’s not my only reason.”

  I would have smiled at her words, but there was a lump in my throat. I knew something was wrong. “Sheri…tell me.”

  She looked up at me, flushed, and blurted out, “Steve and I are breaking up, and I really need someplace to put my head together for a few days, if that’s okay with you and Alexei.”

  I blinked at her in shock. Steve Harding was the guy she had moved in with after graduation. He was the former Columbia quarterback, a good friend of Simon’s, actually. Most importantly, he’d been the first guy that Sheri had ever been totally serious about. She’d been so serious, she’d even defied her own family just to be with him, citing me as an example of how a person had to follow his or her heart, even if their parents didn’t approve of their choice of lover. I had remembered, a few days before I moved out of my dorm, her saying that Steve was the kind of guy she could imagine growing old with, even dying in his arms, which was awful romantic, coming from Sheri.

  “What happened?” I asked softly. But when she hesitated, I squeezed her shoulder. “Sheri, we’re just a couple of girls here. You can tell me.”

  She laughed at that, but it was a bitter sound. “Believe it or not, it was Simon’s fault.”

  “What did Simon do?”

  She rubbed at her damp eyes with her sleeve. “It turns out the two of them had a rebound thing after you dumped Simon. Some one-night stand, he said.”

  “Steve’s bi?” I said with some surprise. He’d never even pinged my radar.

  “Well, yeah, I knew that beforehand, but I didn’t know he was still emotionally involved with Simon. Turns out, they’d been staying in touch by email, calling each other late at night. They thought it was just friendship…but you know how these things go. And then, about a week ago, Steve finally broke down and told me the truth about him and Simon.”

  “What did you say?”

  She shrugged. “Would could I say, Daniel? I told him I wanted him to be happy. And if that means being with Simon, well…that just puts me the odd woman out, doesn’t it?” She clutched the toy and stared down at her feet.

  I sat there, looking at her a long, long moment. “I wish I could say something,” I said at last, pulling her close against me in a huggle. “I mean, something to fix this. I almost feel responsible, somehow.”

  “Oh, it’s not your fault, Daniel. You never even did it with Simon, so that’s no excuse for him going after Steve like a dog in heat, except that Steve is just about as closeted as Simon. Two peas in a pod. Or rather…two queers in a closet.”

  I held her tight. I kissed her hair. “I still wish there was something I could do.”

  “In a way, you can,” she told me, looking up at my face. In the shadowy darkness, her look was intense.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t tell Steve about the baby.”

  * * *

  Alexei had thrown a more formal, catered affair for dinner, seeing how we were entertaining company for the next few days. We had a full house, with Maria and Sheri, plus Kate, who’d finished filming the third and final season of the new X-files TV show and was down from Canada and had dropped in to visit her father. But while Sheri chatted about our past college adventures, our families, and other embarrassing tidbits that left me blushing at the dinner table, she deftly avoided any conversation regarding the baby. I kept trying to figure out a way of bringing it up to Alexei, but each time I found an opening, I got cold feet.

  And my feet got even colder when Alexei began detailing our travel plans, the little out of the way places he meant to show me in Europe and Asia—Brussels, Prague, Singapore, his plans to show me the Drepung Monastery, located in the west of Lhasa. He and Elizabeth had traveled there after they’d heard
about a certain herbal supplement that was supposed to inhibit the spread of cancer cells. I watched Alexei talk about his beloved late wife and felt a knot tighten and then loosen in my throat. Finally, after years of burying his emotions, he had stopped talking about Elizabeth with that halting, wounded voice of his. In fact, in the last couple of years—ever since we’d moved here—he’d stopped remembering Elizabeth as a creature at the end of her life. Instead, he’d started concentrating on the years when they’d been young and happy, and Elizabeth strong, and his memories were often funny and insightful.

  I just couldn’t bear to interrupt him. Besides, he’d been talking about our travel plans for months, and with our trip looming in just a few months’ time—ironically enough, at almost the same time Sheri’s baby was due—I couldn’t figure out a way of asking him to put everything on hold for this. For me. I wasn’t even sure if he wanted what I wanted anymore.

  Maybe, I thought, it was better if I left things alone? I mean, could either of us even handle a baby at this point in our lives? Alexei was still busy overseeing his corporation back in New York, and he’d begun funding a number of charities to benefit the blind and seeing-impaired. I’d just gotten my own business off the ground the year before, and although I was doing relatively well, the firm I’d established online, David Collins & Associates, was taking up almost all my free time. There were days when Alexei and I barely saw one another except in passing.

  After dinner, we retired to the music conservatory and Alexei played the piano for us, a few classical compositions, and then a show tune or two that Sheri had requested. We enjoyed after-dinner drinks, and Kate told us about a possible lead actress role in a major motion picture that her agent was working on—her breakout role, she hoped. Eventually, though, Sheri yawned and told us she was going up to bed. She hadn’t drunk any alcohol, but I knew she was exhausted from the travel and all the emotional crap she’d been dealing with. Kate hugged her father goodnight at the piano, pecked me on the cheek, and told us she was off as well. I gave Sheri a nod and a smile to assure her I’d be taking care of business tonight, and after everyone had left, I sat on the edge of the piano and listened to Alexei play some rambling Stravinsky.


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