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Royal Love

Page 5

by John Simpson

  “Would you like a bit more?”

  “Only if you are,” Darren replied with a sheepish smile.

  Michael smiled back and rang the bell. Two footmen returned and one said, “Yes, Your Highness?”

  “Would you bring the trays around once more, please?”

  “Of course, Your Highness.”

  Both men selected their seconds, and Michael smiled at Darren once more.

  “Might you want another serving when we’ve finished this?”

  “Oh no. This will be quite enough, thank you.”

  Michael turned to the servant. “You may remove the serving trays, Edward.”

  The footmen bowed and left with the trays. James returned to pour more wine and then left them alone.

  “I could get used to this,” Darren said as he looked around the room while chewing.

  “I enjoy it myself, but I don’t get this every day. My cousins eat like this all the time, but I imagine I might get sick of it after a while. I especially don’t care for the footmen listening to every word that’s being said. I always suspect they gossip in the pantry. I’d rather be free to talk to you than watch what I say.”

  “I agree on both points. But I can only imagine what dining like this during the holidays would be like. I would totally enjoy that.”

  “We might have to see if we can arrange it,” Michael replied with a smile and a wink.

  They finished their dinner and wine, rang for coffee, declined dessert, and went to the chapel. As they entered the balcony, Darren was delighted to see candles had been lit, and the beauty of the scene moved him greatly.

  “Gorgeous, Michael! Look at the light bouncing off the stained glass. This makes me feel so spiritual.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I had the staff set the chapel up for what they used to call ‘night prayer.’ The royals had the option of sitting here in the balcony, or below in the first row. On days when a few members of the public were invited to attend, they sat here, and the family sat below. It is peaceful, isn’t it? Shall we go downstairs?”

  “Yes, please.”

  They exited the balcony by the door they had entered and took a staircase down to the floor below. Michael opened the door, and they entered the main floor of King Henry’s private chapel.

  As they walked up the short aisle, Darren turned his head left and right to take in all of the ancient beauty surrounding him. Michael gestured at a seat, and they sat in silence.

  “This was the king’s seat,” Michael whispered.

  “You mean to tell me, this bench was where Henry sat?”


  They looked around, admiring the craftsmanship of the windows and altar. The flames on the candles danced with each breath of air, and Darren was moved to do something he hadn’t done in a long while. He bowed his head and prayed. Michael smiled gently and joined him. After a few minutes, they raised their heads and opened their eyes.

  “Thank you for this, Michael. I haven’t been moved like this for months. I wish I could live near this chapel so I could come here every day.”

  “We might be able to come here on special occasions, if that would make you happy. I must admit, this place has a similar effect on me. Even St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle doesn’t touch my soul quite like this place.”

  After a few more minutes, they got up and left. When they’d gone, a member of staff went in and immediately extinguished the candles. As the great fire at Windsor had proved, old castles and palaces could burn easily.

  They returned to the apartment where they found a pitcher of iced tea with lemon wedges waiting for them. Darren smiled at Michael and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you for that, Michael. I do love my iced tea.”

  “Just as we love our hot tea. Come, let’s get comfortable in bed and watch some television. If nothing’s on, we can watch a DVD.”

  As Darren stripped down to his underwear, he watched Michael do the same and realized he felt incredibly comfortable with this man. He was content to just be with Michael, doing nothing more than getting into bed to watch television. Michael poured Darren a glass of tea, set it on the nightstand on Darren’s side of the bed, and then got in.

  They snuggled a bit, kissed, and Michael clicked on the television. They went through the BBC channels and found one of Darren’s favorite British soap operas.

  “Oh! EastEnders! Can we watch this?” Darren asked.

  “Ha! Sure, I like this show myself. It’s been on for years and years, but I haven’t been able to watch it for well over a year now.”

  Darren took a sip of his tea and snuggled down next to his boyfriend. All the lights were off except for the small table lamp next to the bed. By the glow of the TV, they laughed and commented on the characters all through the show. When it was over, they watched a show on Masterpiece Theater, which they enjoyed immensely.

  Toward the end of the show, Michael’s hands began to wander. He found Darren’s cock and played with it until Darren was hard. Darren kissed Michael’s nipple and flicked his tongue over it as he caressed Michael’s chest. When the show ended, they stopped fooling around and got down to business.

  They spent a long time just kissing and caressing each other’s bodies, moaning when something in particular felt good when touched. They were in no hurry. It seemed to both that they were taking their time and getting to know each other’s bodies.

  “Darren, you make me very happy, you know that?”

  “No, but I know that you make me happier than any man I’ve dated. Most of the men I’ve known were only with me for the sex and because of who my mother is. I don’t feel any of that with you. You’re something special, and I’d like to see you as much as possible,” he said and kissed Michael gently on the lips.

  “That makes two of us, then. While I haven’t been with many men, I’ve had my share, and like your experiences, it was mostly about sex and ambition. Those men usually wanted to meet the king, see all the palaces, and be invited to chic affairs. I always felt like I was a path to something they desired more. It left me lonely, more often than not. I could stay in this bed with you for a year and not want for anything else.”

  “I have to tell you…. I think I’m falling in love with you, Michael. Does that scare you?”

  “Scare me? Why would it scare me? To hear those three words from someone I care about, who actually means it….” Michael took a breath. “I feel the same way about you. You’re very special to me, and I feel I can trust you with anything. If there was a combination to the Crown Jewels, I feel I could give it to you and not be worried in the slightest.”

  Darren grinned wickedly. “Actually, I’d like that combination. I’m dying to try on one of those crowns!”

  When they stopped laughing, Michael clicked the television off and pulled Darren close. They lay chest to chest and made out for a while.

  “Do you wanna make love?” Darren asked.

  “I want you to fuck me. Do me like you own me.”

  “You sound so American. Better watch that or they won’t let you back in the palace!”

  They both chuckled, and then Darren took over. He pushed Michael onto his back and climbed on top of him. He stared down into Michael’s eyes and felt the sting of tears in his own. Michael wiped away one of Darren’s tears and licked the drop off his finger.

  “I love you,” Darren whispered.

  Michael turned his head away as tears sprang to his eyes. Darren pulled Michael’s head back so they were looking at each other once more and kissed him gently again.

  “I’ve heard those words before from a man in bed, but I never, ever, believed them until now. Darren, I love you too.”

  They held on to each other as they sobbed softly. When the tears of joy ended, they smiled at each other.

  “I can’t believe you’ve stolen my heart, Prince Michael. Do you think your family will accept me?”

  “Accept you? Are you joking? You’re David Windsor’s n
ephew. That makes you a member of the family. Of course, you’re not a blood relative, but for all intents, you’re a Windsor. Besides, I would imagine William would be relieved if I settled down with one man. He wouldn’t have to worry about the tabloids making up gossip. In the same vein, though, how will your mother react to the news?”

  “Mother will be happy for us. She’s always wanted the best for me, and me having someone to love who loves me is the best of all.”

  Darren kissed Michael’s chest and worked his way down to the prince’s dick, sucking enthusiastically. As Darren worked on Michael’s cock and balls, Michael reacted excitedly, thrashing around on the pillows and arching his back off the bed. Darren spent some time licking Michael’s balls, almost driving the prince over the edge. When he licked his way up the underside of his shaft, Michael gasped and moaned.

  “Fuck!” Michael cried out. “I’m coming, and I can’t stop it!

  Darren dove on the hard cock, taking it down to the root and felt splash after splash of semen hit the back of his throat. As Michael’s dick softened, Darren continued to suck and swallow until it slipped out of his mouth.

  Darren came back up to lie next to Michael.

  “I’m sorry,” Michael said. “I’m so embarrassed!”


  “Because I came so fast. I like to think I can control myself better. But after the words we spoke, control went right out the window. Are you mad at me?”

  “Mad? Hell no, babe. A climax like that is golden. I saw your balls practically go up inside you. It excites me that I can get you that excited.”

  “Give me a minute, and we’ll proceed to round two,” Michael said as his breathing became less hurried.

  “Nah, not necessary. I know once you come, you don’t really wanna get back into sex again. I’m good. I’m gonna hit the bathroom, finish my iced tea, and go to sleep.”

  “Are you sure? I’m more than willing to give you anything you want.”

  “I’m fine. If you’re horny when we wake up, I’ll bang the sleep outta your eyes, okay?”

  “That sounds wonderful.” Michael watched Darren get out of bed and walk awkwardly to the bathroom with a semierection. As he waited for his lover to return, Michael thought about how wonderful it was to hear those words and believe them. He wondered if they might get married one day now that marriage was legal in both the UK and the US.

  He was once urged by relatives to marry a European princess to cover up the fact that he was gay. He didn’t say so at the time, but he had no intention of marrying a young woman who deserved a husband who loved her. No, if he was to marry at all, he suspected it would be to the man in the bathroom.

  Darren walked back in, and Michael enjoyed the view.

  Darren knew he was putting on a show and played it up. He stopped next to the bed, drank his iced tea, and got under the sheet. Michael turned off the lamp, and they snuggled.

  “I love you. I love you,” Michael whispered into Darren’s ear.

  Darren kissed Michael on the ear, both eyes, and then his lips.

  “And I love you. I’m going to let my mother know so I won’t be transferred out of England. I don’t want anything to part us.”

  “Good. It would break my heart if that happened.”

  “Hey, if we get married, will that make me a prince consort?”

  Michael broke out laughing. “Since there’s never been a royal wedding between a gay prince and a gay commoner, I have no idea!” He sobered. “But I’m sure it would have to be a quiet ceremony.”

  “Ha! Fat chance. My mother will make sure it’s not small or quiet.”

  “Let’s go to sleep. I’m suddenly so tired. That blowjob knocked me for a loop. You give amazing head!”

  “Thank you, my prince. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Kiss me.”

  They kissed again and went to sleep holding each other to dream about weddings.

  WHEN THEY woke up, Darren was hard, but he wanted to be really in the mood for making love. They showered and Michael jerked Darren off.

  “Did that do anything for you?” Michael asked.

  “Sure. I like hand jobs, and it was sexy with the water washing over our naked bodies. But I want to make love with you next time, not just get off.”

  “I understand. I just wanted to see you shoot that load.”

  “If it brought you pleasure too, then I’m glad you had soapy hands.”

  They laughed, got dressed, and went to breakfast in the dining room. They found the normal sideboard buffet set up and served themselves. A footman brought coffee and orange juice, and then they were left in peace to eat.

  “Is there anything special you wanted to do today?” Michael asked.

  “Not really, unless we can see the Tower of London.”

  “Ah, you’ve still got the hots for the Crown Jewels, don’t you?”

  “I like things of beauty, whether they’re kept in a vault or allowed to roam the streets.” Darren winked at Michael.

  “You’re such a love. I’ll miss you after I drop you off tonight.”

  “Why don’t we leave in time for Sunday dinner at Winfield?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “I’ll call home when we’re finished with breakfast.”

  As they ate, they chatted about the chapel that had moved them both and the other things they’d seen the day before. After breakfast, they went back to the bedroom, and Darren called Winfield House.

  “Winfield House, Blaine speaking.”

  “Blaine, Darren Wilson here.”

  “Ah, I trust you are enjoying yourself this weekend.”

  “You have no idea. I’ll tell you all about it later. I’m calling because I want to invite Prince Michael to dinner. Can the kitchen handle two more?”

  “I’m sure, sir. It’s roast chicken today with the usual accoutrements. Are you going to speak with the ambassador?”

  “That’s who I wanna talk to next. Is he around?”

  “One moment, sir.”

  “Hey, Darren, you having a good time?” David asked when he came on the line.

  “Incredible, Uncle David. Do you mind if Michael and I come for Sunday dinner today?”

  “Of course not. Have you told Blaine?”

  “Yes, sir. Just wanted your okay. Got lots to tell you when we’re alone.”

  “Okay, get home safe, and we’ll see you for dinner.”

  Chapter 6

  BEFORE THEY left Hampton Court, Michael and Darren visited the staff.

  “We just wanted to thank you for making our weekend lovely,” Michael said. “The food was very nice, and everything was perfect. Darren has fallen in love with Hampton Court, so we’ll likely be back.”

  “Let me add my gratitude,” Darren said. “I’m sorry if we gave you extra work, but Prince Michael can’t just go to a local pub to eat. Thank you very much for a wonderful weekend.”

  “It was our pleasure to serve a member of the royal family and an American VIP. We’re pleased that you found our service acceptable, and we look forward to welcoming you both back,” the butler said on behalf of the staff.

  The staff bowed or curtsied to the prince, and Michael and Darren left Hampton Court in a two car motorcade for the Tower of London. They drove across the bridge and through the gate and were directed to the administration building. As they got out, Darren looked around wide-eyed at the ancient structures. “Follow me,” Michael said, acting as tour guide once again.

  After seeing the Tower ravens, they arrived at a spot with a chain around it.

  “This is where three of King Henry VIII’s wives were beheaded. They were executed here so the public couldn’t witness the death of a queen.”

  “Charming. Your ancestor sure was a lady killer, wasn’t he?” Darren asked with a grin.

  “Oh that’s terrible! Didn’t think you had it in you to be so witty.”

  “The Crown Jewels, where are they?”

  Michael pointed to the former
Waterloo barracks, built to house a thousand men and now home to the royal regalia.

  “They’re in there, love. Ready to be dazzled?”

  “You bet, let’s go.”

  Darren was excited when they reached the Jewel Room. Inside, they saw various state crowns, the bejeweled orb, the royal scepter, and the Coronation spoon.

  “Look at the size of those diamonds. The one in the scepter is huge!” Darren exclaimed.

  “It’s five hundred and thirty carats. The Cullinan I is the world’s finest single diamond. The diamond in the crown that was worn by my great grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, is the Koh-i-Noor from India. Koh-i-Noor means Mountain of Light, by the way. The jewels are still in use for official State occasions. I’ve even held the Imperial State Crown. Its centerpiece is called the Cullinan II diamond, and it’s three hundred and seventeen carats. So, now you’ve seen the Crown Jewels. Seen enough?”

  “Yes, thank you. They’re gorgeous. Maybe if you become king, I’ll get to hold one of them.” Darren smirked.

  “Don’t hold your breath!”

  “Now that I think about it, I actually saw the Crown Jewels about three months ago,” Darren said.

  “What? Oh, right!” Michael laughed. “You mean my jewels!”

  “Who was the last prisoner held here?” Darren asked as they left the building.

  “That would have been Nazi Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess in 1941. He flew by himself to Scotland to try to end the war without authorization from Hitler. We kept him here until the war trials.”

  “This place is full of history, both ancient and modern,” Darren said as he looked at his watch. “We should probably get to Winfield House so we can relax and have a drink before dinner.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  They thanked the guards at the Tower and drove to Winfield House. Their security called ahead, and the gate opened as their little convoy approached. They pulled up in front of the house, and the doors opened as Blaine stepped out.

  “Good evening, Your Highness, Mr. Wilson. I trust you had a brilliant weekend,” Blaine said.

  “It was rather splendid,” Michael replied. “I know Darren enjoyed himself.”


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