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Royal Love

Page 17

by John Simpson

  “Better. What action?”

  “Nothing to concern yourself with, just a mix up at the armored car service that delivered the ring. Want to see it?”

  “Hell, yeah, show it to me,” Shane said as he propped himself on one elbow.

  Shane had the same reaction to the ring as Mary.

  “Oh my God, David, that is gorgeous and fit for a prince. Wait until Darren sees it!”

  “Where is he, anyway?”

  “He spent part of the day at military admin, signing papers and stuff, then off to the Foreign Office where he picked up a diplomatic passport for the United Kingdom. He should be back any minute now.”

  “Great, then I can give him the ring. Do you need anything to make you feel better? Shall I have our doctor pay a house call?”

  “No, I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s just intestinal discomfort, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh, I see. Will you be skipping dinner tonight?”

  “Oh yes. I only want liquids. I’m not feeding this engine.”

  “Gotcha.” David glanced at the glass on the night table. “Looks like you’re out. What have you been drinking?”

  “Just water.”

  “Well, I know a doctor would tell you to drink Gatorade because it replenishes electrolytes. I’ll get you one.”

  “Thank you, honey.”

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” David said, kissing Shane on the forehead before he left.

  As David walked down the staircase, Darren came flying in. Darren’s security people went to their office, and Darren went straight to the kitchen.

  David watched in amusement before he called for the butler. “Blaine, would you ask Darren to join me in the living room when he’s finished in the kitchen?”

  “Of course, sir.”

  David went into the living room, sat down, and then got back up.

  “Blaine!” David shouted.

  “Yes, sir?” Blaine said when he arrived.

  “I forgot for a moment. Would you take a couple of bottles of Gatorade up to Shane? He’s not feeling well, as you know, and he needs to drink plenty of fluids.”

  “Of course, sir, right away. And Darren will be in shortly.”

  David sat back down again with a million things rushing through his mind. He looked so preoccupied that Darren asked if he was all right.

  “Oh, yes, just a lot on my mind. Your ring was delivered today. Here it is, and I hope you like it,” he said as he handed over the ring box.

  Darren opened it, and after the initial shock, began to softly cry. He sat down in a chair and couldn’t take his eyes off the ring.

  “It’s beautiful, Uncle David. Without your help, I couldn’t have found anything near as spectacular as this. Thank you so much. I love you!”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased. They did a really superb job converting a woman’s engagement ring into a man’s. It’s something you can be proud to give, and something he’ll be proud to wear. Have you thought more about what rings to wear for everyday?”

  “Yes, I believe we’ll get a set of plain gold bands, but we’ll wear our engagement rings most of the time. They’re far too beautiful to be kept hidden away, and my ring was just rescued from the dark insides of a safe. Doesn’t seem right to me to send it back. What’s the sense of having the ring, if I don’t wear it? Now if we were to do something like bullfighting, well then of course, we would switch to the simple gold bands.”

  David laughed. “Bullfighting? Yes, I should think that would be a good time not to be wearing the fancy jewelry!”

  “My God, wait until he sees this.”

  “When do you plan on giving it to him?” David asked.

  “Well, we’re two and half months from the ceremony, so I think I’ll give it to him this weekend. What’ll I do if he doesn’t like it, though?”

  “Darren, I don’t think you have to worry about that one bit. That ring is literally fit for a prince. How is the guest list coming along?”

  “Michael’s finished with his, but I’m having trouble with mine. I don’t know if I should invite old friends from the States or just family. I mean, it’s rather expensive to fly over here, and then to stay in hotels and all that. But I know people would put it all on credit cards just to be part of history.”

  “How many people do you think fit into that category?” David asked.

  “Lemme think. There’s one Secret Service agent who was assigned to me when Mom was the vice president who I was close with. I’m pretty sure he’s gay. I lost contact with all my old friends from the islands, so that would leave my family and the agent, I guess. I want to invite a couple of the Marines stationed here, too, but that’s all.”

  “Okay, then it’s simple. Give Shane the name of the agent, and he’ll make sure the man gets an invitation. If he accepts, he can fly over with your mother. As for the local boys, they just need to show up after they’re registered as guests.”

  “Everyone at the wedding will be invited to Buckingham Palace afterward for the king’s reception. That’s something none of my friends have ever done. Do you think I could invite Blaine?”

  “Darren, this is your wedding, and you’re entitled to invite anyone you wish. So, Blaine can certainly be invited.”

  “How about old English tricks from before I met Michael?”


  Darren laughed until tears streamed down his face. “If you could have seen your face.” He began to laugh again.

  “Okay, Bozo, listen. You need to get Michael to give you the number of invitations you need, so that you can formally invite your guests. Word of mouth is uncouth.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of that when I call him tonight.”

  “Once your list and Michael’s are complete, turn the combined lists in to the security office so they can do their job.”

  Jack wandered in and sat down. “Is it all right if I sit here?” he asked.

  “Of course. it is. We’re just discussing my wedding, and I’d like you to be one of the groomsmen. Would you agree to that?” Darren asked.

  “Really? Hell, yeah. Thanks for asking me. Dad, do I have the right clothes for this?”

  “You have a tuxedo, and that’s appropriate. It’s very nice of Darren to ask you, and I’m happy for you, Jack.”

  “Gee, thanks, Darren, you’re pretty neat for asking me.”

  “You’re family, Jack, and you’re no little kid anymore.”

  “About time someone in this house recognized that!” Jack said with his nose in the air.

  “Well, I’m gonna go upstairs and call Michael and try to wrap some of this up. Thanks again, Jack, and Uncle David. I’m stunned at how beautiful the ring is.”

  Darren left to go upstairs, and Jack moved over next to David.

  “Is it an honor to be part of the groomsmen?”

  “It’s an honor any time a man asks you to do that but especially at a wedding like this. Not only will a king be in the pews, but the president of the United States, as well. It was very nice of Darren to think of you for that honor. I expect you to keep a clean mouth and act like a perfect gentleman, okay?”

  “You bet, Dad. I want you to be proud of me.”

  “I’ve been proud of you since the day I met you, but this will be a very high profile occasion. Don’t worry, I know you’ll be fine.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Chapter 18

  THE WEDDING invitations went out, and everyone accepted, making both parties happy. Darren had put off giving his ring to Michael but planned to do it at dinner.

  They had reservations under assumed names at one of London’s finest restaurants, and the three-car convoy arrived right on time. The prince, Darren, and five security men entered the elegant restaurant and were greeted by the maître d’. He could see they were VIPs and sat them at a table in the corner that allowed their bodyguards to sit all around them.

  “Good evening, gentleman. I’m Carlos, and your waiter this evening is Max. M
ay I start you with some drinks?

  “A bottle of Dom Pérignon, 1998 vintage, if you have it,” Michael said.

  “Of course, sir. Is this all on one check, sir? You have some gentlemen with you.”

  “One check for my friend and me and one for the others.”

  “Very good, sir. I’ll be right back with your champagne.”

  “Michael, how much is that bottle?” Darren whispered.

  “It shouldn’t be more than five thousand pounds,” Michael answered.

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “Relax, William gave me money to cover tonight’s dinner, and he specifically told me to order that champagne.”

  “Wow, it better be damn good for that kind of money.”

  “Relax and enjoy yourself. Pretty soon, we’re going to be in the public spotlight, and a dinner like this will be much more difficult to pull off.”

  “True,” Darren said. “But not for a while yet. Tomorrow at eight o’clock in the morning, the White House and Buckingham Palace will release a bulletin about our pending wedding. The press will hound us. Now I’m nervous.” Darren paused. “At least I’m no longer in the military, so I won’t bring attention to the security apparatus I used to be part of.” He sighed. “This makes tonight all the more special.”

  Before Michael could reply, the sommelier arrived with the champagne. He opened the bottle, poured a small amount into a flute, and offered it to Michael.

  Michael sipped and nodded his approval. Both champagne glasses were then filled.

  “Oh damn, that’s good!” Darren said after he had a sip.

  “It better be!” Michael said, laughing. “Now, what shall we toast to?”

  Darren pulled out the ring box and slid it across the table.

  “What’s this?” Michael asked in surprise.

  “It’s your engagement ring, silly. Did you really think I wasn’t going to give you one?”

  “You really didn’t have to,” Michael said and then opened the box.

  The look that came over Michael’s face told Darren all he needed to know. Michael was speechless for the first time since Darren had met him.

  Michael looked up at Darren with eyes full of tears and said, “It’s magnificent. I’m stunned.”

  “Put it on! I wanna see how it looks!”

  Michael moved around on the bench seat until they were sitting next to each other.

  “You put it on me, please,” Michael said through tears.

  “Prince Michael Windsor, will you marry me?” Darren asked.

  “If I don’t say yes, a lot of very important people are going to be pretty cheesed off. Yes, Darren, I will marry you.”

  Darren slid the platinum ring onto Michael’s ring finger, and it practically lit up the room. Michael’s tears increased as he looked at his finger adorned by an engagement ring.

  “I can’t believe you got me something so beautiful and precious. I’m stunned.”

  The waiter had appeared but saw what was happening and stood by silently.

  “It is nothing but a token of the love I hold for you, my prince. Shortly, we’ll be married, and these rings will serve as a physical symbol of our commitment to each other,” Darren said.

  Michael noticed the waiter, took his napkin, and wiped away the tears.

  “Pardon me,” the waiter said. “I didn’t wish to interrupt your moment. Am I correct in addressing you as Your Highness?”

  “Yes, you are. It will be all over the papers tomorrow anyway, so why not. We’re engaged to be married.”

  “Congratulations to you both, and may I wish you many years of happiness together. I’m gay, and I’m hoping my boyfriend will ask me to marry him one of these days.”

  “Well, there’s no reason why you can’t ask him, is there?” Darren asked.

  The waiter thought about it and replied, “Actually, you’re right! But I’m not supposed to talk about my personal life to guests. Have you decided what you’ll be having this evening?”

  “Yes. My husband-to-be,” Michael answered.

  The waiter smiled. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, but I don’t believe he’s on the menu.”

  “He’s on my menu. What do you recommend?” Michael asked.

  “If you like beef, I highly recommend the chateaubriand for two.”

  “That sounds fine,” Darren said.

  “There you have it, then,” Michael said.

  “Very good, and congratulations, once again.”

  The waiter couldn’t wait to tell the kitchen staff who they were cooking for and what had just happened. Before five minutes passed, the entire restaurant staff knew who was eating in house that night.

  As Darren and Michael ate their dinner, the waiters all watched the happy couple. When they had finished dinner, they passed on dessert. The wine was gone, the bodyguards had eaten, and it was time for the bill.

  “Thank you for joining us this evening on such an important occasion,” said the waiter as he presented the check. He got a look at Michael’s ring and couldn’t contain himself. “Oh my, that ring is beautiful, Your Highness!”

  “Thank you.” Michael handed the waiter a credit card with the royal crest on it and added a large tip to the bill.

  “Thank you, sir,” the waiter said. “I’ll say a prayer tonight for you both.” He left the table as they stood.

  “I know it isn’t proper, but I have to know. How much did we spend?” Darren asked.

  “£5,462. I’d say it was worth every pence!”

  As they walked out, the restaurant staff gathered to applaud the happy couple. Michael and Darren said thank you and waved as they left holding hands. Once outside, they were ushered straight into the car, and off they went.

  It had been a very beautiful evening, and Michael could not resist. He leaned over in the back seat and kissed Darren passionately on the lips.

  “Thank you for a fairy tale evening. I love the ring,” Michael said.

  “And I love my ring, and I can’t wait until December first.”

  When Darren walked into Winfield House, he was immediately set upon by David and Shane.

  “So, how did it go? Did he like the ring? Was the dinner good?” David quizzed.

  “Yes, it went flawlessly. He loved the ring so much he was left speechless. He even told the waiter who he was and that we were getting married. The dinner was incredible, and Michael ordered a five thousand pound bottle of champagne, which was also incredible. It was like another fairy tale experience. Thank you again for buying the ring, Uncle David. He said he’ll never take it off.”

  “Congratulations, Darren, I’m glad it all went well for you,” Shane said.

  “Did you two know that Buckingham Palace and the White House are announcing our pending wedding in the morning?”

  “I knew they were going to do it soon, but I didn’t know it would be tomorrow,” David answered, while Shane smiled.

  “Uncle Shane, you knew, didn’t you?”

  “Guilty. I learned about it yesterday but wanted it to be a surprise for you.”

  “Well, the king told Michael, and Michael told me at dinner. I’m so glad I had the ring with me and was able to give it to him so he has it for tomorrow.”

  THE NEXT morning, the announcement was made, and the papers in Britain went nuts. In America, it was only news because the president’s son was marrying a prince, but both the White House and Buckingham Palace were bombarded with questions from the press. Michael and Darren made one public appearance but refused to answer any questions.

  Michael, Darren, David, and Shane all appeared at Buckingham Palace to meet with the king. After the formalities were disposed of, coffee was served. It was then that the king spotted Michael’s ring.

  “Good Lord, Michael, where did you get that ring?”

  “Darren gave it to me at dinner last night. Isn’t it brilliant?” Michael replied as he showed it to William.

  “Absolutely stunning! Darren, did you pick this out?”r />
  Darren blushed a little. “Well, the stones were set in a lady’s engagement ring, and we had them set in a man’s ring. They really are beautiful stones and fit the person who wears them.”

  “Very impressive. You have excellent taste for one so young. David, you and Shane should be proud of your nephew here. Splendid, really splendid. Wait until the princesses see this. They’re going to be positively green with envy.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Darren replied.

  “Don’t mention it. The reason I asked to meet with you this morning is to make sure all the arrangements are in place. As I understand it, the guest list has passed security muster, the cathedral is ready, the press are aware, and your living arrangements and reception are set. Have I missed anything?”

  “Just a reminder,” Michael said. “With Darren’s mother coming, security is going to be heavy. I’m afraid it’s going to brass off some of your subjects if they try to drive around when the president is mobile.”

  “Yes, well, they’ll be used to such inconveniences. After all, it’s only a half hour before the wedding, during the wedding, and afterward. That totals about an hour and a half. Then she’ll return to Winfield House for the night. While motorcades the size of the president’s aren’t common, the people will understand that a mother is attending her oldest son’s wedding to a member of the royal household.”

  “Where are you two staying on your wedding night?” Shane asked.

  “We’ll be here at Buckingham Palace until my mother returns home, then we’re going to slip off to Windsor Castle for a few days. Then we’ll return to here, get settled into our apartment, and be briefed on our duties,” Darren answered.

  “That all sounds great. No urge to honeymoon on an island somewhere?” David asked.

  “No. The arrangements we’ve made suit us just fine. We can do the island bit when we’re ready for a holiday. As you may or may not know, Darren will travel with me on official business. The king is being very open-minded about all of this.”

  The door to their room opened, and His Royal Highness, Prince Harry, came in with a smile on his face.


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