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Blood Lines: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #3.5)

Page 19

by Bonnie Lamer

  She turns her irate eyes in his direction. They look like emeralds in a fire. “What do you want me to do then? I know you don’t value human lives, but I do. I will not let her kill Alita’s mother.”

  “Nor will I let her take my Kingdom. We have nine hours to figure out how to accomplish both things.”

  I am not sure what way she is going to go with this. She is so close to losing control. After a moment, she begins to rein in her magic and we can all breathe a little bit easier. It is a slow process but she eventually pushes it back to the earth.

  “Now,” Dagda says as he sweeps his hand towards the doorway, “shall we retreat to the kitchen for sustenance as we plan Xenia’s defeat?”

  Distrust flashes in Xandra’s eyes. I am now seeing the uncle that I grew up loving but she is still seeing the monster he became when he let his pride rule him. Dagda has a long road in front of him in regards to her trust. With a snarky, “Fine,” Xandra walks past him towards the kitchen. I am grateful for it because I am starving.

  Gathering around the kitchen table, we begin to devour sandwiches and strong black tea. After a few minutes, in what I consider an off topic discussion, Dagda leads with my relationship with Xandra. “Xandra, you were not raised in this realm so I cannot expect you to know the norms for decorum and restraint. But that is not the case with you, Kallen.”

  I place the sandwich I had halfway to my mouth back on the plate. “Perhaps the Cowan realm has a more reasonable set of norms.” I feel my cheeks turning red. I said it but I am not sure that I believe it. Xandra and I have not exactly been innocent in our behavior. But neither have we been excessive in our behavior. Much.

  Dagda’s eyes narrow in my direction. “Whether that is the case or not, I will not debate that topic at the moment. I am going to address the fact that your behavior undermines not only my authority but Isla’s as well.”

  I glance at Grandmother and her lips are in a grim line. She agrees with him. A peek at Tabitha at the counter making tea tells me that she is trying to ignore the conversation. She does not want to anger one of us. Even Xandra is quiet. That is strange. I turn back to Dagda. I already know the answer to this question but I ask anyway. “How exactly does this affect your authority?”

  The raised brows on Dagda’s face say it all. He knows that I know how it is affecting his authority. “Kallen, you are an educated young man. Please do not act as if you are not. You two have put Isla and me in a position where it appears that we have no control over your behavior.”

  “Because you don’t,” Xandra mumbles under breath. When Dagda turns his eyes to her, she becomes defensive. “What? You don’t. I understand what you’re saying but I’m not going to pretend to do what you tell me to if I don’t like it. I don’t care how it looks.”

  Dadga sighs. He opens his mouth to speak but Grandmother cuts him off. “Then perhaps you will consider my position in the realm. As High Chancellor, I am required to uphold society’s standards. That includes banishing those who do not adhere to the standards of courting. Your behavior performed by any other Fairy would have already resulted in a hand-fasting.”

  Xandra is getting angry. “Where exactly are you going to banish me to? If you want me to go home, just say so but I am not getting married because it looks bad if I don’t.” I think it best to keep my mouth shut at the moment. I want her anger directed at them, not me.

  Grandmother’s eyes are sparking. Her thoughts are pretty clear at the moment and they are not favorable towards Xandra. Now it is Dagda’s turn to interrupt her though before she is able to speak her mind. “I believe I have a solution to all of our problems.”

  I am ready to latch on to anything to prevent the magical war between Xandra and Grandmother. “What is your suggestion?” I ask him. Both women’s eyes flash fire in my direction. So much for not having anger directed towards me.

  “A left hand-fasting.”

  Grandmother’s mood dials down a few notches as she considers his suggestion but Xandra has no idea what he is talking about. “I just said I’m not getting married because it looks bad for you two.”

  Tabitha bustles back to the table with a platter of cookies which she drops noisily in the middle of the counter. Between the noise and the sweet smell, she instantly has all of our attention directed towards her. “If you would hush for a moment, someone could explain to you what a left hand-fasting is. And you two,” she glares at Isla and Dagda, “need to consider the fact that she is completely ignorant of our customs before you start throwing ideas out there. Xandra does not know the extent of damage her behavior can do for either of your reputations and if you would not lead with words like hand-fasting, maybe you would not make her so skittish she is not willing to listen to either of you.”

  To my great surprise, both Grandmother and Dagda look a bit sheepish. It is hard to keep the smirk off my face but I see Tabitha eyeing me and the back of my head does not need another smack. I keep my face a blank page.

  “Of course, Tabitha,” Grandmother says with a nod in her direction. Turning to Xandra, she says, “A left hand-fasting is a promise. It is similar to an engagement in your realm. You and Kallen would pledge to each other that you intend to become right hand-fasted but are not ready to do so yet. This gives you each more freedom in regards to behavior with one another. The left hand-fasting can last for up to two years and at that time, or sooner if you choose, you must decide to become right hand-fasted or separate forever. However, if your relationship is consummated…” Xandra’s face has just flushed a deep red. “Then you will be required to move your relationship to a right hand-fasting immediately.”

  Xandra looks like she is about to be attacked by a Tasmanian devil. “Um, that’s a lot to take in right now. Can’t we just talk about what we’re going to do in the morning?”

  Dagda sighs. “Xandra, please, listen to what we are saying. If we are going to create a united front it must be on Fairy terms or it will not be recognized by the rebels. This is not something that will bind you two together forever, it simply gives you time to consider the depths of your relationship.”

  I keep silent while the emotions play out on her face. I would say yes to this in a heartbeat, but it must be her decision. I will not push her.

  With a creased brow, she says, “It would only become permanent if we want it to or if we have sex?”

  Grandmother nods. “Yes, that is correct.”

  “But, couldn’t we just lie about the sex thing?” A snicker escapes Kegan’s mouth but he sobers quickly after a piercing glance from Grandmother.

  “No,” Grandmother says. “This is powerful magic. A spell is woven into the rings you will exchange and if your relationship is consummated they will glow brightly until the right hand-fasting is performed.”

  Xandra’s face has gone from deep red to being blanched. Turning to me, she says, “What do you think about this?”

  I was hoping she would not put me on the spot like this. “Xandra, I want this to be your decision. I do not want you to feel pressured into it.”

  She scowls at me. “Thanks, that was helpful.”

  I sigh. “Xandra, is there really a doubt in your mind what I would choose?”

  After a moment, she shakes her head. “No, there isn’t.” Turning to Dagda, she says in a snarky voice, “Fine, you get to have your way this time.”

  Well, that felt like a bucket of luke warm water being thrown in my face. “Thank you for that rousing enthusiasm at the idea of being engaged to me.”

  Her turn to look sheepish. “Sorry.” She leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “I am happy to be engaged to you.” Then with raised brows and a twinkle in her eye, she says, “Though you didn’t really propose to me. Your uncle and your grandmother did.”

  Kegan nods solemnly. “She is right cousin. You really should do this properly.” I want to punch him but he is too far away.

  I glare at him before looking back at Xandra. She has a look of impatient expectation on her face
. She is really going to make me do this in front of all of these people. Well, two can play this game. “In your realm, is it not just as acceptable for a female to propose to a male? I would hate to sully a custom of your realm by not considering all options.”

  She shakes her head. “Nope, sorry. I’m a traditionalist.” That earns her several eyebrow raises around the counter. Which she ignores.

  If this is what I have to do to hold her in my arms every night, then I am happy to do it. Even if this is usually done without an audience. Rising from my stool, I stand in front of Xandra and take both of her hands in mine. Then I go down on one knee. “Xandra, my love, my heart, you are the most precious gift the universe could ever bring into my life. You are my future’s breath, my past’s conscience, and my present’s divining grace. You bring light to my soul and the smile to my face. I would die for you, I would kill for you, I would destroy realms to save you. You have bewitched me, you have held me with your Angel charm and you are the most beautiful, intelligent and charming Fairy whom has ever lived. I am humbled by the fact that you love me. With my heart in my hands, I offer it to you hoping you will cherish it as I do yours. Will you do me the honor of pledging your love for me?”

  An obnoxious sniffle is followed by Kegan’s voice. “I do believe I am crying that was so beautiful.” A bevy of hands reach out to him. I believe Tabitha gets her favorite spot – the back of his head in a loud smack. Alita slaps his sternum and he gasps for air. Grandmother and Dagda both slap his arms causing him to fall backwards from his stool. My eyes never leave Xandra’s.

  I do not believe she was expecting such a proposal for she has a look of wonder on her face. “You really do love me that much.” It is a statement, not a question. I simply nod. Then she is off her stool and has her arms wrapped around my neck. The sudden movement causes us to fall backwards as she kisses my lips even as my head hits the tiled floor. I barely notice the pain. “Yes,” she murmurs against my lips. Then she is kissing me again. Fairly inappropriately considering our audience. But, I figure if she can ignore them then so can I. I kiss her back.

  “Ahem,” comes from several different mouths.

  Xandra giggles as she rolls off from me. I stand up grinning like a fool and hold my hand out to her and pull her up. Now that we are returning to reality, the discomfort of being in front of everyone while I poured my heart out in a proposal is making my cheeks want to flame. Turning to Grandmother, I say, “Have we satisfied this topic so we may move on to how we will save this realm?”

  With a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face, she says, “Yes, I believe we have.”

  We spend the next several hours coming up with a strategy that we feel will both end the rebellion and remove the danger for Xandra in this realm. I am more concerned about the last part because I do not want to lose my childhood home again. I will return to Xandra’s realm with her when she decides to go back, but I want to be able to visit this one.

  After several grueling hours, Grandmother stands up from the counter and says, “I do not believe there is anything new to say on the subject. We should retire and try to appear well rested in the morning.” Finally.

  After saying good night, Xandra and I walk hand in hand up the stairs. At the top, I veer right with her instead of left towards my room. There is no way I am going to sleep anywhere other than at her side and I do not care who objects. She seems to agree.

  As soon as the bedroom door closes behind us, I gather her into my arms. “I am sorry you have been put in the middle of this.”

  She laughs. “I believe I’ve put you in the middle of several dangerous things.”

  With amusement in my voice, I say, “Are you saying we are even?”

  She nods her head against my chest. “Yes.” Then she adds, “Would you mind terribly if I take a hot bath?”

  A very graphic picture suddenly pops into my head. “Of course not. That will do wonders for your current anxiety.” And for my dreams. If I get any sleep that is.

  She smiles and walks to the bathing room. I flop down on the bed and try to calm my hormones since she is now only several feet from me completely naked. My entire body is reacting to the idea. Standing up, I walk out to the balcony hoping the fresh air will help. Except it is not really fresh air. And the view leaves something to be desired as well.

  An idea pops into my head. I do not know if she is going to like it or not, but it is worth a shot. I pull magic and push it gently towards the bathing room. When I feel that my magic has obeyed my command, I walk to the door and open it. Xandra has her head back against the edge of the tub with her eyes closed. And everything from her neck down is covered by bubbles. It would be so easy to pull that magic back, but I do not.

  After donning swimming trunks, I pad quietly to the side of the bath. Crouching down next to her I whisper in her ear, “If I promise to stay on my side of the tub, may I join you?”

  Her eyes fly open and after a quick peek at me, they do a modesty check as her already flushed face grows a darker red. There is some relief in her eyes when she sees the bubbles are still in place. “Um, okay.” Not the resounding yes I was hoping for but I am not going to quibble at the moment. But I can further alleviate her embarrassment. I put her back in the black bikini she wore so well when we first arrived. I try not to think of everything else that happened with it.

  She smiles up at me. “You think of everything.”

  I grin as I stand up and walk to the other side of the bath and lower myself into the water.

  “I did not come in here to pressure you into a compromising situation. I simply want to relax with you.”

  A slight frown forms on her face. “Wouldn’t Isla consider this a hand-fasting offense?”

  I close my eyes and rest my head on the edge of the bath and say what I have been planning to say since my impromptu proposal. “Regardless of what happens between us, I will not force you into a hand-fasting and neither will my grandmother.” I open my eyes and look at her so she can see that I am serious. “The only way you and I will ever be hand-fasted is if you are one hundred percent sure that is what you want. Not a moment sooner.”

  Now a grin lights up her face. “You’d risk Isla’s wrath for me?”

  I close my eyes again and lean back. Since she did not immediately declare the engagement off, I am going to assume she is fine with it. “Of course. I have you to protect me.”

  She laughs and splashes me. “What would all the female Fairies in this realm think if they knew you had to have me fight your battles for you?”

  I raise a brow as I look at her again, “They would still find me irresistibly attractive and swoon at my feet.” She splashes me again. Time for a topic change. “You know, it is not fair that you have the warm side of the tub.”

  She cocks her head to the side. “Really? Sure you just don’t want to join me on my side?”

  I put on my best offended face. “That would be highly inappropriate. Just the fact that you suggested it has me dismayed.” She splashes me again so now I switch from offended to hurt. “You doubt my intentions? I am deeply saddened that you would think such a thing. I was simply stating a truth.”

  “Of course you were.”

  “You could always see for yourself. This side of the tub is practically frozen. I am surprised I have not turned into an icicle yet.”

  She is tempted now, I can tell. But, she says, “Maybe I should just take your word for it.”

  “And have you forever doubt my intentions. I could not live with that.”

  “Fine, I’ll come half way and see for myself.”

  “I am glad to hear that.”

  As soon as she is within arm’s reach, I grab her arms and pull until she is seated on my lap. “Do you see what I mean?” I ask.

  She is attempting to hide a smile. “Actually, it seems fine to me.”

  “Perhaps you are colder blooded than I am.”

  Turning around so that she is straddling my lap, which is about to send m
e places I am not ready to go yet, she whispers, “Shut up.” Then her lips are on mine. I pull her closer, situating her body in a way that does not help my body’s impatience, and murmur against her lips, “It is amazing how warm the water is now.”

  Capturing her lips again, I deepen the kiss to a level that has both my mind and my body reeling. My hands find the strings holding her bikini top in place and I tug lightly until I feel them fall away. Bringing my hands back around, I stroke her until her back is arching and soft moans are coming from her throat. Our kisses become fiercer, more passionate and I am going out of my mind. I want so badly to push things farther and I believe she does as well. But, we do not. We simply enjoy what we are feeling at the moment and savor it for a long time. When we finally leave the bath, we are both exhausted from the amount of emotion we poured into each other. I fall asleep with her head on my chest and her arm and leg across my body. This is heaven.


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