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Fancy Gap

Page 8

by C. David Gelly

  As for Tyler, he claims he had a lady friend over that night that’ll back up his story. I tend to rule ole Toms out. Heck, I forgot that he’s got only one arm! He can hardly handle his privates, much less try to abduct two yelling and kicking kids at the same time.”

  “Good point, Levi,” the sheriff said as he gazed out his window.

  “Plus Toms is a real skinny fella with a weak handshake. I just don’t think he could have done it,” Levi suggested.

  Craig had been silent for a long time. “Sheriff, we know of some thirty-five other registered pedophiles in the surrounding counties in both Virginia and North Carolina. We’ve asked the other law enforcement agencies to start taking a hard look at all of them.”

  “I agree, Jim, there are a lot of possibilities out there that we will have to work on. I suggest that you two work on a game plan for the next two days. It’s time to lay down some shoe leather in a lot of places to start ruling out possibilities.”

  “We also don’t have a match on the DNA samples we have for the offenders in Virginia. We are having the lab staff check with the neighboring states as well.”

  “Hell, Jim, please ask them to speed things up. We need answers now! Hell, who do I have call, NCIS Los Angeles? I just know that this horrible abduction if going to be one of the biggest challenges we have ever had to deal with, and the timing is piss-poor. I just have a bad feeling about this one.”

  The sheriff got the distinct impression that Levi and Craig agreed with him. They just nodded in agreement.

  The sheriff smiled as he looked at them both. “Jim, could you leave that newfangled iPad you’re using with Levi for a few days to see if I might get more work from him?”

  Levi smiled and said, “Aw, shucks, sheriff it’ll take Jimbo here a good year before he figures out how to turn that dang thang on.”

  “Levi, why don’t you drag your redneck butt outside and write some parking tickets” Craig said as flipped him the bird on his way out of the office.

  Levi smiled.


  As she drove along Highway 52, she passed a few businesses and houses where the Confederate flag waved proudly. That’s a bit unusual, she thought. She had heard that parts of southwestern Virginia and rural parts of North Carolina were still engaged in the Civil War—or the War of Northern Aggression, as some liked to refer to it—seeing this firsthand was a bit unnerving. Probably won’t see any Obama reelection signs in these parts, she quickly surmised. She also didn’t see any other Volvo’s as she started to drive up the mountain, mostly pickup trucks.

  She had driven no more than four miles when she saw the Fancy Gap sign on Highway 52. Quinn’s directions called for a quick right on the Blue Ridge Parkway. As she turned, she saw another sign that indicated the altitude was three thousand feet. She started to get nervous and excited all at once.

  The next turn came some a few miles down the Parkway. She eased the Volvo through a small access drive that was twenty feet of ruts and holes. She was glad to have her 4x4, even if it was a Volvo.

  She came upon the hidden drive called Cascade that Quinn had warned her not to miss. It twisted up and turned passed a house that looked abandoned. The next turn looked like it was heading over a cliff. But the road bent again and headed straight up. She looked left and saw a house perched on a cliff with a big, black Dodge Ram sitting in the driveway, perched like a rocket ready to take off. This was the place.

  Rocket man, here I come, ready or not, she thought.

  She parked next to the truck and set the parking brake on the steep incline. She was greeted by one of the most amazing views she had ever seen. She was lost in the view until the scent of summer flowers filled her nostrils. She stood there gazing at the endless horizon until she heard him coming up the steep lawn from the lower side of the house. He was about six feet below her. His smile lit up the landscape.

  “Do you have any training wheels for that girlie bike?” he asked.

  She took three steep steps down and jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him. They fell gently into the side of the hill, and then their momentum sent them rolling like a ball down the hill. They laughed like children as they rolled.

  When they finally stopped, their lips met in a passionate kiss. She rolled him over and sat straight up on his lap. She tossed off her baseball cap. The afternoon sunlight streamed through her long, red hair, which flowed in the breeze.

  She reached behind her back, pulled her top over her head, and cast it aside. More skin of that old snake coming off…right now, she thought as she looked at him. He looked into her eyes for the longest moment before his hands slipped up along her rock-hard belly. He cradled her breasts in his palms. She moaned softly as she twisted her hips over his stomach and lower onto his hips. She immediately felt his pleasure and increased the pressure on his groin. She gently pushed her back down the slope of the hill until she was lying down between his legs, facing him.

  He slowly sat up and pulled off his T-shirt. She massaged his chest and ran her fingers up to his silvery hair. Her hands flew down and came to rest on the top button of her shorts. She undid the top button and reached for the zipper. His fingers took over from there and slid her shorts and pink bikini panties down over her long legs and cast them side.

  The sun cast a perfect shadow of her slender, naked torso. She took his hands and slid then gently between her legs as she opened them wide. He soon felt the warmth of her sensuality. She wrapped her hands around him and stroked with slow and even motions. He began to moan as she kissed his belly and worked her way down. He smiled as her eyes disappeared from view.

  His mind drifted back to a place that he had long forgotten. He was dizzy with lust as the passion grew within. She mounted him slowly and set a lustful rhythm as he was now deeper and deeper inside of her.

  “Yessssss!” she screamed with passion as orgasm after orgasm passed through her body into his. They twisted and turned in the thick grass, totally consumed in passion as one. His moment of release came as a mighty explosion as they both rolled into a new place and peace.

  Time stood still.

  They lay in the grass, hands tightly intertwined. The afternoon sun warmed their sweating and spent naked bodies. Quinn finally propped his head up, looked at her, and asked, “Did you say you had a reservation?”

  “Oops, is this the wrong house?” she asked.

  They both erupted in uncontrolled laughter. Tears of joy flowed from her eyes. They kissed ever so gently. I have found my new place, she thought.

  Their euphoric moment came to a screeching halt when they heard a truck on the gravel road.

  “Oh, shit, it must be my neighbor, Nigel!”

  They jumped up, grabbed all the clothes they could, and scrambled up the steep hill to the lower-level door of the chateau. They made it through the screen door just as Nigel’s truck rounded the corner. They peeked through the door to see Nigel slow down to a crawl and gaze onto the lawn at the bottom of the turn. They stretched their necks to see what he was looking at.

  The pink bikini panties stood out brightly on the lush, green grass. There was no mistaking Nigel’s big smile as he drove up the hill. They rolled on the floor in laughter.

  This was indeed the first day of the rest of her life.

  * * *

  Susan’s sister Mary drove down from Michigan to be with Susan and Tim. Mary was an emotional rock they could depend upon. Having a second car available was also a big plus. They didn’t know when Tim might have to go back to his job back home. Tim had talked to his boss, who had assured him that he would be paid while he was on leave in Virginia, but that couldn’t go on indefinitely.

  Susan and Mary had just returned from the Food Lion when Susan’s phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello, this is Susan.”

  “Susan, this is Father Tony. The sheriff asked me to call you.”

  “Oh, Father, thank you so much for calling. Sheriff Pierce has told us
so many good things about your work.”

  “The sheriff is a most generous person. I am honored that he speaks so well of me. He filled me in on your plight. Can I visit with you soon to see what help I can offer you and your husband?”

  “Yes, we’d like that.” Susan couldn’t see the smile on his face.

  “Are you free for dinner tonight? I cook a delicious Cuban dish that I’d love to share with you.”

  “That sounds wonderful, Father. My sister has joined us from Michigan. May she join us?”

  “By all means, do bring her along. Let’s say six thirty. Does that work?”

  Susan felt the light of the Lord beginning to shine their way. “Thank you, Father. We look forward to meeting you!” Father Tony gave Susan directions from downtown Hillsville to St. Leo’s, located in one of the old stone churches on the Parkway. Originally the church was located in a wooden A-frame structure on Highway 58 in Galax, but that building had been struck by lightning some years earlier and burned to the ground.

  The stone church once housed a small Protestant congregation that dissolved when their minister suddenly passed away. The handful of members decided to sell the church to the Catholic Archdiocese of Richmond for a small price. The timing was perfect: Father Tony resumed services in the stone church without missing a beat.

  The parish grew as other Catholics in the area were drawn to the little stone church and started attending regularly. There was an interesting blend of locals and Hispanics who worked on farms. There were just enough members to support Father Tony and the costs of maintaining the church. Father Tony even raised enough money to build a house behind the church for himself.

  He had set up the dining room for the Prestons. He liked to entertain and was happy to do what he could for them. He always felt comfortable helping the less fortunate and consoling those who suffered a loss through death, separation, or divorce. People found it easy to relax in his presence and confide their most precious thoughts to him.

  Tim, Susan, and Mary arrived at the church just before six thirty. They walked around the church and then went to the front door of the house. They knocked several times but no one answered. They looked around and finally saw a man, crossing the Parkway in their direction. As he approached, he smiled and waved at them. He was breathing deeply. Susan immediately noticed that he was very tall and athletically built.

  “Sorry, folks, I have some animals across the street. I’m Father Tony. Welcome! Let’s get inside and get something to drink!”

  They made introductions as they entered his small and modest home. They sat in the living room, which faced the chapel. A large picture window gave them a splendid view.

  “Father, it’s so kind of you to invite us to your home. This is very special to us, especially with what’s going on.”

  “Tim, I am blessed to be here for you and Susan in this time of need. The Lord works in strange ways, and I only hope I can console and help you in some way. Now, do forgive me that I’m not attired in my traditional Franciscan garb. The animals prefer to see me in jeans and a sweatshirt.”

  They all laughed. Father Tony opened a bottle of red wine and sat down with them. He shared the history of the stone churches on the Parkway and how his parish found its way to this church. He then took them, wine glasses in hand, out across the yard to the church.

  Once inside, Mary said, “This is a very special place. I feel the presence of God in this house.”

  They set their wine glasses down and immediately joined hands and knelt in prayer. Father Tony took Tim’s hand. Tim could feel how large the priest’s hand was.

  “Dear Lord in heaven and in this holy place with us, please look upon your children who are here tonight and bring the power of your light and holiness to bear upon their plight. We look on high for your light and compassion through Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

  They all prayed silently for a long time. They arose in silence and walked slowly back to the house. Tim had his arm around Susan as they wept.

  Back inside the house, Father Tony said, “OK, let’s eat. I hope you like what I have prepared. We will share one of my favorite dishes tonight. This is a Cuban green banana meat pie. And for dessert we will have some pudin de pan, which is the Cuban version of bread pudding.”

  “Wow, that sounds delicious, and it already smells delicious!” Mary exclaimed.

  “Thanks. You must be wondering why the Cuban dishes. Well, while I certainly don’t look Cuban, I am. I was born Antonio Cruz Martinez. My mother left Cuba in nineteen fifty-seven. She hated the Castro regime and wanted out. She found her way to Miami and settled with relatives. She was pregnant. She had a relationship with a Russian engineer who was on the island building the missile silos. He abused her and beat her often when he was drunk on vodka and rum.”

  “That’s terrible!” Mary exclaimed.

  “It was tragic. I was lucky to be born in Florida. I grew up with family and friends in a loving environment. My mother and I were two of the lucky ones. Enough about me! Let’s sit down and eat.”

  “So that explains why you’re so tall, doesn’t it?” Tim suggested.

  “It does, Tim, and as I’m an only child, there is only one Franciscan giant.”

  They all laughed at his joke.

  Before dinner, they all joined hands, and Father Tony said grace.

  “Our Lord in heaven, bring peace and strength to this table and all who sit here. As we share in your blessed bounty, please bring nourishment and safety to Pete and Katie. We all share in your faith to bring these children safely home to their loving parents. Through your divine love, bring strength to Tim and Susan as they struggle to face each new, uncertain day. Let us pray for the children through your love. Amen.”

  During dinner, they shared stories of the children and their school activities. Susan shared that Pete’s classmates had taken up a collection to help fund a reward for their safe return. They were amazed when his teacher wired them more than five thousand dollars. The money would be added to the various community CrimeStoppers efforts that had sprung up in Virginia and North Carolina.

  After dinner and the dishes were done, they shared coffee.

  “So what progress has the sheriff ’s department made on the investigation so far?” Father Tony asked.

  Tim frowned. “It’s been agonizingly slow. There have been calls from all over the country. None of them have materialized into a single, decent lead. We’ve done radio and television interviews and talked to several civic groups that want to help. It’s just so darned frustrating. I think the police have a couple of clues, but they aren’t sharing that information with anyone.”

  “Listen, I will do all I can to help you and be by your side during this ordeal. I will reach out to parishioners and friends alike for their help. Don’t hesitate to call me, day or night, for help. Also, please come to Mass on Sunday. I want you to meet all of our parish family.”

  After hugs and parting words from Father Tony, the Prestons and Mary drove back to Hillsville.

  “What a kind and generous man he is. We’re blessed to have him for spiritual guidance and help right now,” Susan said as she looked at Mary.

  “I agree,” Tim piped in. “He’s a very holy person. I just feel it in his presence.”

  They rode in silence, until Mary quietly offered a word, “Maybe you two are going to think I’m crazy, but there is something that bothers me about Father Tony. Maybe it’s his bushy, black eyebrows or his bald head—there’s just something. For instance, how did he know the children’s names? We didn’t tell him.”

  “For crying out loud, Mary, give the man a break. Their names have been all over the news and on everyone’s lips within a hundred miles of Fancy Gap,” Tim said.

  “I know, I know, but there was just something about him,” she said weakly.

  “For God’s sake, Mary, the priest invites us to his house, feeds us, and is praying for us,” Susan retorted. “I swear, sometimes you imagine the weirdest things.”r />
  No one spoke during the rest of the ride back.

  Susan was not pleased with her sister. How could she ever think that, she thought.

  * * *

  Quinn lay in bed and looked at the person asleep next to him. Was this a dream or was she really right there in his bed? Her breathing was easy. She was in a deep sleep.

  He hit the Replay button in his mind and slowly recaptured what had happened in the past few days. She had gone to California and flown back on a red-eye, driven five hours to Fancy Gap, and had wild, uninhibited, passionate sex with him in broad daylight on the lower slope of his front lawn.

  Nope, nothing unusual about that, he thought.

  He couldn’t deny that this drop-dead gorgeous redhead was in his bed, sharing his air. They had talked the previous night as they cooked and ate dinner by candlelight. After a bottle of his best Robert Biale Black Chicken zinfandel, they sat in the hot tub and watched the stars twinkle in the clear mountain sky.

  The railing of the top deck had beckoned at the end of the night as they looked at the towns, villages, and cities down below that were lit up for the night. She was taken with the peaceful solitude that enveloped them both at that moment. She caught herself thinking of the next episode of great sex with Quinn. Then the events of the day, combined with the hot tub and zinfandel, finally got the better of them both.

  They were wiped out. They melted into nighttime slumber, tightly wrapped in each other’s arms and legs. Quinn had recurring dreams of Ellen, sitting in her favorite swing, smiling at him. She didn’t speak. She only smiled.

  He sneaked out of bed at first light and started a pot of fresh coffee. He was pouring a cup when he heard a big yawn coming from the bedroom.

  “Does the big man deliver coffee to guests in this dump?”

  “Only if the guest has done anything to deserve a good cup of joe.”

  “In that case, you should have the whole darned pot brewing just for me!” Louisa chortled.

  “And exactly what are you referring to that might deserve such special service?” Quinn asked.


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