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Fancy Gap

Page 10

by C. David Gelly

  “Stop doing that to Katie!” Pete yelled at him.

  “Shut up, Pete, and keep reading!”

  Pete ran across the room and hit him on his arm with the book. His face exploded in rage as he reached back and slapped Pete on the side of his head with a massive backhand. The force of the blow sent Pete flying backward into the side of the dresser, where his head smashed into a top corner. Pete slumped to the floor.

  He turned and strode to where Pete had landed. He immediately saw a massive pool of blood forming under his head. Katie rushed over and grabbed Pete’s limp arm.

  “Get up, Pete! Get up, Pete!” she screamed.

  He couldn’t bear to hear her yell and cry. He clamped his massive hand around her mouth. She was soon unconscious. He gently moved her to the bed and put her under the covers. He then walked back to Pete and held his finger on his neck. He felt a faint pulse. He knew that Pete’s time had come.

  God’s will be done, he thought.

  He lifted Pete and carried him to the next room, in which there was a slim, six-foot-long wooden table and nothing else. Thin, white cords hung from the wall. He went to the peg that held the cords and chose a six-foot length with a noose at one end.

  Pete began to stir a bit on the table. Blood dripped to the floor below.

  “You bad, bad boy! You’re my son, and now you must go to a better place, another place. You were a bad boy. Bad boys must be punished.”

  He lifted Pete’s head and placed the noose around the child’s neck. He slowly tightened the noose with his left hand as he stroked himself with his right. Pete’s body slowly lost all life. He soon exploded into passion.

  “God’s will be done!” he shouted.

  His knees wobbled and buckled.

  He passed out and fell to the floor.


  Saturday arrived soon enough. Quinn had made reservations at Chateau Morrisette for six o’clock. They had just hired an excellent chef who prepared wonderful gourmet creations. Natalie loved the vineyard setting as well as the food. Meredith, at all of five years old, was already developing a gourmet palate.

  They had spent the afternoon riding their bikes along the New River Trail in Galax. This outing was, by mutual agreement a gentle ride along the north-flowing New River.

  “Well, now, Miss Hawke, getting a little nervous about meeting the other two women in my life?”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m really looking forward to it. After these days with you I really need some female and intellectual companionship.”

  “Oh, not to worry, those two will talk your ear off.”

  “So, tell me, is Natalie married?”

  “No, not anymore. It’s been over a year now. Do understand this about my dearest Natalie: She was born a preemie, and was developmentally delayed. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She had both Achilles tendons lengthened through surgery. That surgery improved her gait. Thank God that helped.

  She was smart as a whip in school and went to college. In her second year, she was diagnosed with diabetes. Regardless, she fought though all of that and graduated with her degree in biochemistry.”

  “Wow, she’s one tough cookie. Are she and her former husband still friends?” Louisa asked.

  “Yes, they are. Meredith seems to understand that life has changed and that Mommy and Daddy don’t live under the same roof anymore. She does have her moments, but I guess you have to expect that from a young child.”

  “Looks like a tough situation has worked its way out the best it probably could.”

  “Natalie recently began seeing an old friend from high school she’s become very fond of. Plus it appears he keeps her well satisfied in the romance department.”

  “Looks like I have my work cut out for me.”

  “With Natalie?” he asked.

  “No, with you. Need to get you back up to speed in ye ole romance department.” She giggled after her comment.

  “Well, a noble endeavor indeed. I promise to give you ample feedback on your efforts and progress, assuming, of course, there is some.”

  “Sweetie, you already have it in spades!”

  They started to laugh as they heard a car approach the house. They walked down the driveway to greet the visitors. Meredith unbuckled herself from her car seat and jumped out of the car into Quinn’s arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed hard. Quinn loved it. Natalie eased out of her new Dodge Caliper. It was the first new car she had purchased on her own, and she was very proud of it.

  “Hi, Daddy, how are you?” she asked.

  “All the better now that you’re here safe and sound. I’ve been telling Louisa how great you both are. I think she might have thought you were a figment of my grand imagination.”

  Natalie walked right over to Louisa and stuck out her right hand. “Louisa, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope my father hasn’t been too overbearing for the past couple of days.”

  “Well, he has had his moments, and I’m sure you understand better than most. It’s a pleasure to meet you and Meredith. She’s beautiful!” Louisa replied.

  “Thanks, Louisa. I hope you like Dad’s humble place on top of his little hill. We all love it. It’s a very special place.”

  “It’s as beautiful a place as I’ve ever seen. And trust me; I’ve traveled all over Mother Earth.” Louisa said as she gazed upon the horizon.

  “Meredith, come over here and meet Louisa,” Natalie called to her daughter.

  Meredith was a little sheepish as she left Quinn’s arms.

  “My, my, aren’t you the pretty young lady? How old are you? You must be…let’s see, maybe seven years old,” Louisa suggested.

  Meredith cackled at the suggestion. “I’m only five years old but I’ll be six in October.” “Can I show you my toys?”

  “Now wait, you two. If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late for dinner. I’m hungry. How about you, Dad?”

  “OK, everyone in the truck. Time to head out. Chop, chop!” commanded Quinn.

  “I like your Volvo, Louisa. It looks new.”

  “Thanks, Natalie, it’s brand-spanking-new and your Dad loves it.”

  “Do you know that he drove a Volvo several years ago?”

  “Enough, Natalie, if you want to eat,” warned Quinn.

  “Oh, my, Natalie thanks for sharing. I knew there was a softer, intellectual side to him. That big, macho Ram thing is a big put-on.”

  “Go, girl! You got wise to him real fast. He’s just a big cream puff,” Natalie teased.

  “OK, enough, you two. If we don’t get going before you say too much more, the Ram won’t let you ride in it.” They all laughed as they piled in.

  Louisa asked Natalie, “Do you mind if I sit in the back with Meredith?”

  “Oh, by all means, please do, but be warned: She’ll talk your ear off.”

  Quinn rolled his eyes as all doors closed and they headed down the Parkway to Meadows of Dan and Chateau Morrisette.

  The restaurant was packed when they arrived. Meredith hadn’t stopped talking to Louisa since they left the house. Once they were seated, Meredith directed her attention to Quinn.

  Natalie looked at Louisa and smiled. “Meredith likes you.”

  “She’s a treasure. What a little storyteller she is. She must do well in school.”

  “Oh, she loves her school. So tell me, how are you enjoying Fancy Gap?” Natalie asked.

  “It’s an amazing place. Your dad has found his perfect slice of heaven. I imagined it to be nice when he first described it to me. His words didn’t do it justice. It takes my breath away morning, noon, and night.”

  “It’s even beautiful when the fog settles in. Dad told me there was a bad accident on I-77 the other night. And two children were abducted at the motel on Highway 52. That’s just frightening.”

  “I’m sure the local sheriff ’s department and the state police have their hands full,” Louisa offered.

  “Dad tells me you were a senior director at the
FBI in Washington,” Natalie said.

  “Your dad is a funny guy. Yes, I was in charge of the criminal division before I retired. All of these gray hairs come from the stress of those days!”

  “Louisa, you don’t show it a bit. You’re a beautiful woman.”

  “You’re too generous, Natalie. It has all taken its toll. I gave my soul to the Bureau. I’m not so sure I would do that again. But I’m happy to say those days have ended. I’m on a journey to rediscover myself. I want to find out exactly who the new Louisa really is, and I think I’ve found a new guide to lead me through the chapters of personal rediscovery. I really like your dad, Natalie.”

  “Well, I must say the ole fella looks happier than he has in years. There seems to be a fire lit in his soul that has been out for a long while.”

  Louisa blushed as she looked at Natalie. She lowered her voice as she moved in a little closer to Natalie’s ear. “I really can’t believe I’m saying this, but, Natalie, I’m already falling in love with your dad.”

  Natalie smiled as she slid her hand under the table and squeezed Louisa’s hand.

  Louisa smiled back as her heart burst into delight she hadn’t known for most of her life.

  They all enjoyed the meal as he expected they would. Meredith had so much to tell Louisa on the way back to the house. Quinn noticed a new light in Louisa’s eyes that he hadn’t seen before. He liked what he saw.

  After they had settled in at the Chateau, it was time for Meredith to go to bed. She looked around the room. “Can Louisa read to me before I go to sleep?”

  “I would love to if it’s OK with your mommy,” Louisa replied.

  “Go for it, Louisa! She’s all yours!” said Natalie.

  They soon disappeared into Meredith’s bedroom on the top floor of the Chateau.

  “How about a nightcap, father?”

  Quinn went to the wine bar, mixed a cosmopolitan for Natalie, and poured a generous portion of twenty-one-year-old Old Pultney single-malt scotch for himself.

  They went outside and sat together on the double Cape Hatteras swing that hung from the upper deck. It was a perfect late-summer night. They were serenaded by thousands of crickets, which seemed to be in concert with the lightning bugs that lit up the valley below them.

  “So, my dearest daughter, what do you think?”

  “Dad, I do believe your wait has paid off. She’s wonderful. In addition to her beauty, she’s charming and listens so well. And she did let on at dinner that she kicked your ole butt running up Buffalo Mountain.”

  “The woman cheated! I had her beat fair and square till she took a shortcut and got in front of me. Not fair!”

  “Now that’s my kind of woman. Beat you at your own game and loved doing it. Oh, she has it going on.”

  “I’m glad you like her. Looks like Louisa and Meredith are getting along famously.”

  “Come on, Dad, Meredith has simply found another person to play with her and eventually spoil her rotten.”

  They talked some more before Natalie kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs to bed. Quinn sipped on his scotch as he waited for Louisa to join him on the swing.

  “Now that’s a talkative five-year-old! What a sweetie. I enjoyed that,” she said as she settled on the swing.

  “I think the feeling was mutual. Can I get you a nightcap?”

  “Yep, I’ll have what you’re having.”

  She took a long, slow sip after he handed her the glass. “Those are two very special ladies you have there, Quinn.”

  “I know. They’re a truly wonderful part of my life.”

  “You’re one lucky man, Charlie Brown.”

  “I do have to pass along a concern Natalie has…well, with you.”‘

  “Oh, my, do, pray tell?”

  “She wants to make sure you don’t cheat on any other runs or rides we take together. She understands that I have a fragile psyche, and I probably would cry if you did that again.”

  “Then let me suggest that you carry a bunch of Kleenex in your pocket, cause you’re gonna need it all, big fella!” she retorted.

  Quinn laughed as he turned her into his lap and gently kissed her on the nose. She looked into the nighttime sky and asked, “What row of three stars is that right above us? It’s beautiful!”

  “I believe those are Vega, Deneb, and Altair. They’re prevalent in the late-summer sky over the southwestern Virginia mountains.”

  “Well, well, Mister Smarty-Pants, what about that group just over there in the eastern sky?”

  “OK, that would be Thomas Web. It’s also visible this time of year.”

  “Give me a break. I don’t know anyone who knows the stars that well. I’m impressed.”

  “As you should be, Miss Hawke. Just pick out a star and I’ll tell you what it is.”

  “I don’t think so. How much money do you have to lose?”

  “Now that’s more like it: a betting woman. I’ve got a hundred-dollar bill in my pocket that says I can.”

  “Oh, easy money, big fella. Let’s see—how about those three bright ones behind us? There’s no way you know their names.”

  Quinn got up from the swing and went just inside the door. He returned, holding his iPad. She looked at him with a quizzical look. He fired up the iPad, opened the Star Walk app, and pointed it at the stars. The screen lit up with brilliant colors, all of the stars in the sky appearing. A voice from the iPad identified the stars in question.

  “Well, you no-good cheater! You didn’t say anything about using your freakin’ iPad!”

  “Oh, so the pot is callin’ the kettle black and is suddenly concerned with all the rules. My, my, I suggest you start looking for my one hundred dollars.”

  “In your dreams, McSpain. I just knew you weren’t that smart. After all, nobody knows the names of all the stars.”

  “I beg your pardon. Mister iPad does.”

  She reached over and squeezed his hand. “What I would really like to see is a falling star.”

  He bit his lip when he responded, “Weren’t those the two words that described your career at the FBI?”

  “You shit! Then you know that there’s something up there that describes you.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “The Big Dipper, you turkey!”

  They laughed, and he took her hand and led her upstairs onto the upper deck. He rearranged two lounge chairs side by side and lowered the backs. They both instinctively lay back and looked at the brilliant night sky above.

  “Do you think we’ll see one?” she asked.

  “Bet you a hundred that we’ll see one in ten minutes.”

  “I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night. And I’m sure as hell not easy money, star man.”

  He intertwined his fingers with hers. Within two minutes, she jerked his arm upward and said, “Did you just see that one! I can’t believe it. I just saw my very first shooting star!”

  They lay still for another few minutes.

  “I don’t want this day to end,” she said.

  Quinn stood up and pulled her to her feet. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. “I think it’s time to go inside to see if we can get the cow to jump over the moon.”

  She led the way.


  Sheriff Pierce and his wife had just settled into their seats at Sunday morning church services. The pastor was about to begin when the sheriff ’s phone started to vibrate. He looked down and saw that Levi had called. He looked at his wife as he got up to go outside. She wasn’t surprised. After all, he was the sheriff.

  He punched Levi’s number on his speed dial. Levi answered on the second ring.

  “Sheriff, where are you?”

  “Well, Levi, I’m at church. It is Sunday, you know. Where the heck are you, and why are you calling?”

  “Sheriff, I’m heading over to the Devil’s Den. The dispatcher got a call just now from a couple of hikers who say that a body is tied to the iron grate at the entrance to
the Den. It looks like a young boy…”

  “Who else have you called, Levi?”

  “Just you so far. I was fixin’ to call Jim Craig.”

  “Go ahead and call him and then call every deputy you can get a hold of because we need to seal off that entire area. And tell Craig to get his CSI staff out there as well. This is not good, Levi.”

  “I know. I’ll start making the calls and will see you out there,” Levi said and hung up.

  Sherriff Pierce went back into church, sat down next to his wife, and whispered that he needed to leave because the body of the missing boy might have been located. She nodded with a look of horror in her eyes and told him she would get a ride home from her cousin.

  As he got into his car, he heard sirens heading out of Hillsville. He turned on his dash and grill lights as he sped through Hillsville north on Highway 52. The roads were empty, as most folks were in church. He slowed as he passed the Gulf station in Fancy Gap and turned right onto Highway 608.

  It had been years since he had been hiking at Devil’s Den with his grandson. He remembered how steep the trail was that snaked down through the woods to the cave. It was at least a ten-minute hike, and he wasn’t exactly dressed for a hike in his Sunday best.

  Two of his deputies were already in the parking lot when he arrived. He turned to see Levi already in the parking lot. One of the deputies approached his car.

  “Sheriff, the hikers who found the body are sitting over there on the bench.”

  Levi joined the sheriff as he turned and walked toward the young man and woman sitting side by side.

  “I’m Sheriff Pierce. Can you tell us what happened here this morning?”

  “Well, sheriff, we both live in Galax, and we left the house early this morning to get this hike in before if got too hot outside. Ours was the only car in the parking lot when we arrived. We noticed the turkey buzzards circling above when we got here but just didn’t think anything bout that. We took our time hiking down as it is just so beautiful with the flowers and all. Once we got to the cave entrance, we both saw the boy’s body at the same time. Scared us real good! We tried to call nine-one-one right away, but our phones didn’t work down there so we ran back up the trail to the parking lot.”


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