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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

Page 2

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘It’s just I can’t seem to see myself on it.’

  ‘You’ll have to speak to Laura about that,’ she says passing the hand out back to me.

  ‘Could you arrange that, please?’

  ‘I’ll check her availability and get back to you.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Julie hurries off in the direction of Laura’s office and I return to my desk. Sitting down I put the handout down open and open it at the first page.

  Perhaps I should give this a good read through after all.

  Chapter 5

  Julie isn't at her desk when I arrive to see Laura, so I just knock straight on her door.

  ‘Come in,’ I hear her call out, so I turn the handle and walk straight inside.

  ‘Hello Laura, Julie said you could see me today.’

  ‘Yes of course Gemma. Come in and sit down.’ She extends her hand towards the upholstered chair opposite her.

  ‘So Gemma, I gather you’ve been looking over the new organisational chart and...’

  ‘Sorry I’m late,’ the door flies open and Julie barges into the office. ‘I got held up at the printer, silly thing. But I’m here now, let’s get started.’ Huffing and puffing Julie sits down and slaps her folder onto her lap. Clicking the top of her new shiny blue pen, she's poised and ready for action.

  ‘Actually Julie, we won’t need you for this thank you,’ Laura says looking at Julie over the top of her glasses.

  Julie gives an astonished look back, but there’s no change in Laura's expression.

  ‘Right!’ She slams the folder shut and stands back up. Pinning the folder under her arm, she charges from of the room causing a small gust of wind to cross my face

  ‘All right, so where were we?’ Laura says as Julie slams the door shut behind herself.

  ‘Organisational charts.’

  ‘Yes. So, Gemma, I gather you've noticed your role no longer exists in the new structure.’

  ‘Yes, I did.’

  ‘I appreciate you gather what this means, so there’s no need for me to beat around the bush.’

  ‘I think I do, yes.’

  I understand being flattered by someone knowing my name who did so because he’d deleted it from a chart.

  ‘I doubt you'll have much of a problem finding another job. We've tried our hardest to place everyone we could. I’ve looked to see if there’s anything for you in the new structure. We just couldn't place everybody, I hope you understand. She pauses before continuing. ‘So do you have any questions?’

  ‘Only one.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘How long am I required to work for?’

  ‘On your grade, etc. The notice period is three months. Although, if you have any annual leave left, the time you have left to work may reduce. I'm prepared to show a degree of flexibility when it comes to time off for interviews etc. Of course, I'm happy to provide a reference. Now, if there is anything else we may need to schedule another meeting as I have somewhere to be in a few minutes.’

  ‘No, that’s fine, thank you.’ I stand up to leave and as I open the door, I see Julie’s face pressed to the other side.

  Startled at first she falls towards me. Then finding her balance, she attempts to regain composure by muttering something about doorframes. Then gives up and scurries away with a face the brightest of reds.

  Returning to my desk, I take the little key from under my pink, piggy and open my drawer. Taking out the brown A4 envelope I arrived with, I open it and spread the contents across the top of my desk. The executor told me my biological father had died; we’d never had a relationship so I knew little about him. From what the administrator said, he’d no other surviving family, so what little he had belongs to me. There were some trinkets, a small cash lump sum, and a little piece of land in rural Texas. Seems he'd planned a retirement venture. But at some point had struggled to move the project on. My mother doesn’t have a clue about any of this, and I’m struggling to find a way to tell her. Leaving the executors this morning, I’d planned to leave the land in the hands of the US realtor for a quick sale. But things have changed since then; I'm now losing my job and have a little bit of cash in my pocket. I've found a new sense of adventure. I’m not silly, I know I can’t just get on a plane, fly out to Texas, pick up a few bricks, and build myself a house. But I can devote a little more interest and perhaps be a more hands on in the sales process. It’s the perfect excuse for a trip and I have always fancied going to Texas.

  I ponder the details a little more before searching the internet for local travel agents. Picking up the phone, I dial the number.

  ‘Looks like I’m going to Texas,’ I say looking at my little, pink, stress piggy.

  Chapter 6

  The flight was so long I felt as though we'd never land. Taking into account the flight, booking in and waiting for luggage, etc. So far, it's taken a whole day and there’s still the three-hour drive to the motel yet. I’ve had a lot of time to think, too much time in fact. Is this trip a good idea in reality? Or a reckless backlash to the shock of redundancy and finding out about my father? I have just a small amount of time to find a new job so should be saving every penny I can. Still I’m here now. I should concentrate on getting to my motel.

  I pick up the hire car and driving along I notice the car jerking a bit. I don't know why, but I can smell smoke. Looking ahead, I can see smoke now too. It's rising up the side of my window thick and black and appears to be coming from the engine. Concerned; I pull the car over to investigate. Getting out, I try to inspect the situation. But the smoke’s too thick and I can't see where it's coming from. It’s making me cough and splutter, despite doing my best to wave it away from my face.

  I can see a vehicle coming down the road and can just make it out as a dark blue pick-up truck. The driver must see I’m in distress, because as it gets nearer it pulls over behind my smoking rental car. The door opens and a pair of brown cowboy boots step out onto the ground.

  ‘Are you all right?’ The man asks in a thick Texan accent as he walks towards me.

  It’s can see straight away that he’s good-looking. He’s tall and handsome with dark brown hair hanging down over his face and he’s wearing bootleg jeans with a thick brown belt and a dark blue T-shirt. But I’m quick to remind myself that I’m off cute guys for the foreseeable future. They cause me nothing but trouble and if I haven't learned that by now, I never will. Besides, this man doesn’t seem intelligent, anybody can see I’m not all right.

  ‘Got a bit of smoke there huh?’ He says stating the obvious again.

  He removes his charcoal, aviator sunglasses to reveal two big, deep brown eyes. But I'm still determined to find him as unattractive as possible.

  ‘Let’s get this open for you,’ he says lifting the bonnet. ‘Let some of this smoke out.’ He smiles at me and dimples form in each of his cheeks.

  ‘You’re new in town huh, where you headed?’ Straightening up he turns towards me and puts his hands on his hips.

  ‘I got a motel about twenty minutes away,’

  ‘Ah you’re British,’ he says mimicking my accent.

  ‘Yes, I'm just visiting on business.’ I impress myself with how interesting that sounds. I also surprise myself with how strong my accent sounds next to his.

  ‘Great, me too.’

  ‘You’re not from around here then?’

  ‘I am to begin with though haven't been home for a while. I’m hoping to stick around this time if everything goes well. Listen, I don't know what sort of schedule you have, but you’re not going to be able to drive this, is it a rental?’

  ‘Yes, it is. I have insurance; but no way of calling them out here.’

  ‘I’ll be happy to drop you at your motel if you want and you can call them from there.’

  I hesitate, as it would be stupid of me to get into a strange man’s car. Although being out here alone with no form of communication could be just as dangerous. I look around and see nothing for miles, not even
the blimp of a car and there's no chance of a pay phone.

  ‘It’s up to you. I’m going that way anyway. If you’d prefer, give me the details and I’ll drop them at the motel for you. Maybe they can arrange something for you. But I’ve no idea how long it’ll take for anyone to get to you.’

  ‘Okay, sure. A lift would be great thanks, let me just get my things.'

  Walking to the back of the car, I open the boot and get my cases out.

  ‘Here, let me get those for you,’ he reaches in and flips out one of my cases, then the other. He lifts one in each hand and carries them over to his truck, his muscles flexing in the sun.

  ‘Right, so where are we headed?’ He asks as we both get in the truck.

  ‘Hold on. I’ve a brochure here somewhere.' Opening my handbag, I rustle around inside for the information. ‘Here you go,’ I hand over the small folded up brochure that I had in my bag with the motel directions on it.

  ‘You’re staying there?’

  ‘Yeah, you know it?’

  ‘Sure do. So how long are you staying for?’

  ‘A week.’

  ‘A week huh? You going to look around while you’re here?’

  ‘I wouldn't know where to start to be honest.’

  ‘The bars would be a good place.’

  ‘I’d love to see some of the nightlife but I’m here on business so don't have anybody to socialise with.’

  ‘Is this your way of asking me out?’

  ‘What? No, of course not, I was just making conversation.’

  ‘Fair enough you win. I’ll show you around town.’

  ‘What? I didn’t mean…’

  ‘Relax I’m just messing with you. But I’d be happy to show you some local nightlife if you wanted me to that is. Though you’d have to be clear, it’s definitely not a date.’

  I’m a little stuck for words. We stare at each other for a moment before he bursts out laughing which makes me laugh too. I should stop being so hard on this guy. He seems nice enough and it isn't his fault all the guys I’ve met in recent times have been jerks.

  Oh, what the heck, I’m on holiday.

  ‘Sure, why not.’

  ‘Great, I’ll pick you up at eight. I think this is your motel.’ He nods his head as we pull into to the parking lot.

  ‘I think so too.’

  ‘So eight o’clock then?

  ‘Eight o’clock,’ I nod in agreement. ‘And it’s definitely not a date.’

  ‘No, definitely not. I’m Jacob by the way.’ He holds out his hand.

  ‘Gemma.’ I shake it and it’s softer than I expected.

  ‘Let me get your bags,’ he says opening the door to the truck.

  Jumping out he walks around the side, pulls my cases off the back of the truck, and places them on the ground.

  ‘You want me to help you in with those?’

  ‘No, it's fine, they’re on wheels, look!’ I flick the handle out and tip the cases on their sides.

  ‘Oh fancy. See you at eight then Gemma.’

  ‘Yes Jacob, see you then.’

  Wow! The sun must be going to my head already if I’m agreeing to this.

  Casting an eye back over my shoulder, I see him standing with his thumbs hooked through the loops of his jeans and smiling as I walk into reception.

  Chapter 7

  What am I doing?

  The water from the shower hits the top of my head and runs down over my face as I stand with my eyes shut.

  I must be crazy to agree to go out with a strange man, in a foreign country, miles away from home. He is fun to be around and good-looking. He’s at least six-foot tall I’m sure, an inch or two over maybe, and just the right weight. His cheekbones are round and high, and… and now I’m thinking about him in the shower, I need to get a grip. Better shave my legs just in case.

  Wait! Just in case of what?

  As if, I would do anything on a first date. Besides it isn't even a date, we were both clear on that. But I'm shaving them anyway, just because they need it and I prefer the feel of them that way. Not for any other reason.

  Looking in the mirror, I'm wondering what to wear and pull my pink, paisley, handkerchief dress out of my bag. The cut’s flattering to my figure and the halter neck looks great on my chest. I'm wrapping the fuchsia pink ribbon from my shoe around my ankle when the phone in my room rings.

  ‘Hello, Miss Jones?’ I hear the man’s voice says when I pick up the receiver. ‘I hope you’re enjoying your evening. I have Jacob Callaway in reception for you.’

  ‘Thank you. Tell him I’ll be along in a moment please.’ My accent sounds strong again.

  I hang up the phone and look at my watch. It’s eight o’clock on the dot, he’s punctual.

  I pick up my dark denim jacket and a large pink exotic flower for my hair. Clipping it on I finish the look with a layer of hot pink lip-gloss and picking up my handbag I’m ready to go. Not wanting to look eager, I take a deep breath before opening the door, stepping outside and heading straight for the reception.

  Jacob’s waiting; the dark blue T-shirt he had on earlier has changed to a red and black plaid shirt. His jeans are a little tighter, and he's laughing with the man on reception as I approach.

  ‘Good evening, Gemma. It’s eight o’clock.’

  ‘Yes, I know Jacob.’

  ‘You look beautiful.’

  ‘Thank you Jacob.’

  ‘So are you ready for the Texan bar experience then Gemma?’

  ‘I sure am.’

  ‘Good, let’s get going! I know the perfect place and there’s a band on tonight too, I hope you like music.’ He takes my arm and turns to the guy on reception. ‘Enjoy the rest of your shift Matt.’

  ‘Matt?’ I give Jacob a questionable look as we walk away from reception.

  ‘Yeah, he’s a local lad.’

  Chapter 8

  We pull up at a bar with a long wooden veranda out the front.

  ‘How much is my share of the taxi fare please?’ I open my bag to get my purse.

  ‘It’s fine. Don’t worry, I have it.’ Jacob hands the driver the money. ‘That should cover it.’

  ‘Yep, thanks. Enjoy your evening.’ The driver takes the money and turns back to his steering wheel.

  We walk inside and it’s much bigger than I’d expected. The interior's made up of dark wood for the most part and it looks great.

  ‘Hey, Jacob.’ A man takes hold of Jacob’s arm as we pass.

  ‘Hey, Bob long time no see.’ Jacob shakes his hand with enthusiasm.

  ‘So you back in town?’ Bob asks.

  ‘Yeah for a bit, not sure how long for. I’ll see how things go.’

  ‘Great we’ll have to catch up.’

  ‘Definitely Bob, I’ll give you a call.’

  ‘Friend of yours,’ I ask once we’ve walked away.

  ‘I know him from around town.’

  Walking over to the bar. There’s an impressive large neon light in the shape of bull’s horns sitting high up on the wall.

  ‘Hi Jacob, what can I get you?’

  ‘I’ll have a beer and I’m not sure about the lady. What would you like Gemma?’

  ‘I’ll have a beer too.’

  ‘Two beers coming up,’ the barman says flipping two glasses out from under the bar.

  ‘Let me guess, you know him from around town too?’ I say watching the barman pour our drinks.

  ‘How’d you guess?’ Jacob laughs as the barman returns with our drinks and I raise an eyebrow at him. ‘What? Everyone knows everyone in a place like this.’ Leaning against the bar, he picks up our drinks.

  ‘So Gemma, do you like to dance?’

  ‘It’s been known on occasion.’

  ‘Let’s hope this is one of those occasions.’ He smiles and lifts the beer to his lips.

  The conversation just flows and there’s lots of laughter. Jacob’s a funny guy and when he laughs; his dimples appear even deeper. The more I see of them, the more I think I could lose m
yself in them for eternity. We dance a lot and he’s a great dancer. But we don’t drink much I’d rather not be hungover for the meeting with the realtor in the morning. Besides, I’m feeling high on the atmosphere and enjoying Jacob's company. When it’s over, I don’t want the night to end.

  Chapter 9

  ‘So Gemma, did you have a good time?’ Jacob asks as we reach my motel room door with his arm linked with mine. His shirt hangs loose and the top two buttons on his shirt are undone.

  ‘I had a great time thank you, Jacob,’ I say as I turn and lean my back against the door.

  ‘Glad to hear it,’

  Should I invite him in? No, I shouldn't. It’s a first date and it isn’t even a date.

  ‘Sleep well Gemma. I hope to see you again real soon.’ He leans over to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I turn and rub my nose against his face and press our foreheads together.

  Inhaling I catch his scent and lift my head so our lips are close together.

  What am I doing? I just can’t seem to help myself.

  The tension is becoming unbearable now. Jacob appears to feel it too, as he pushes the hair from my face and places his hand on my cheek. He puts his pillow lips onto mine and I open my mouth in time with his - he tastes delicious. My heart is beating faster and I can feel the heat from Jacob's body as it presses against mine. A hot flush flows through me as I open the door behind me and we both fall into my room and against the wall. The door swings shut as Jacob’s lips move down my neck, and along my collarbone. I know I won’t be able to take this much longer as I expose my neck to him and he nuzzles along the curve. Placing a hand around my waist, he pushes himself closer to me, his thigh now tempting me.

  Oh to hell with it.

  I let my leg fall to one side, allowing him to push himself between my thighs and lift me up the wall to reach his height. Upping the tempo, I tug at his shirt as his soft lips touch my face. Pushing him back a touch, I slide back down the wall and stare into his eyes as I take his hand and lead him to the bed.


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