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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

Page 9

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘She’s here,’ Claire from accounting announces when she sees me.

  ‘Yay,’ Chris shouts and the rest all join in unison.

  ‘Quick, get Laura!’ Chris yells to a less than excited looking Julie, who huffs and puffs her way to Laura’s door.

  ‘Chris, there was no need for all this,’ I say.

  ‘Nonsense, we have to give you a proper send off don’t we,’ he replies.

  Laura’s office door opens and she appears with a bunch of flowers. A bunch mind you, not a bouquet. A bunch like you’d get in a supermarket or a petrol station.

  ‘So we’d just like to thank you, Gemma, for the work you’ve done for us,’ she launches straight into it. ‘We wish you the best in your future endeavors.’ Passing me the flowers, she makes a quick turn on her heel and heads back to her office with Julie close on her heels.

  ‘And this is from the rest of us,’ Claire from accounting says as she passes me a card. As I open it, I can see it’s signed by everybody on my floor.

  ‘And this is from me,’ Chris says passing me a gift.

  ‘Chris you didn’t need to do this,’ I say as I look at the little metallic blue wrapped parcel in my hand.

  ‘No, but I wanted to.’

  The string is matching the colour of the paper and tied in a sort of bow at the top. I give it a tug, but it doesn’t come loose.

  ‘Here you go,’ Claire says passing me a pair of scissors.

  ‘Thanks,’ I say as I snip at the string.

  Next, I start to battle the layers of twisted tape Chris has used to secure the paper.

  ‘Chris doesn’t want you to see there’s nothing in there Gemma,' laughs Roy from finance. But Chris doesn't find it funny and cuts him a filthy look.

  ‘Here you go Gemma.’ Chris picks up the scissors and gives the paper a couple of snips allowing me to pull the rest open with ease.

  ‘Wow, Chris it’s a...Coffee cup.’ I hold the cup up to have a look at it and turn it around. ‘And it’s got your face on it.’

  ‘So you’ll never forget me,’ he says elongating his neck and holding his head up.

  ‘So kind,’ I lean forward and give him a kiss on the cheek causing him to blush. ‘Thank you, everybody, and thank you for making the effort today to say goodbye it means a lot to me.’

  ‘So what are you going to do now Gemma?’ Claire asks.

  ‘You know I don’t know. I’ll take a few days to think about it and then maybe sign up with some agencies or something for now. There’s not much in the works yet.’

  ‘Oh,’ she says looking downwards and I notice other people looking around.

  ‘So if we could all be getting back to work now then please!’ Julie shouts while clapping her hands and one by one everybody begins to disburse from my desk.

  ‘I don’t know if you noticed or not Gemma,’ Julie says as she approaches. ‘But I left you a box for your belongings. I think you’ll find it sufficient.’ She points towards a square cardboard box sitting on the edge of my desk.

  ‘Yes, I’m sure that’ll be fine thank you, Carol.’

  ‘Let me know if you need anything else won’t you,’ she says, then walks away from my desk before I have time to answer.

  Sitting down I begin to pack up my belongings.

  Chapter 32

  I sit and stare out through the window of the coffee shop as the rain hits the glass and trickles down. The forecast said cloudy with the possibility of light showers. It was cloudy though this was not the possibility of light showers. It was a downpour and had it started before I left the apartment I would have stayed at home and cancelled. As it is, I’m here now and hoping for it to pass before I have to leave. I love England, and I adore London, but it’s not always blessed with good weather. Staring at the dull grey skies outside I think of the Texan sunshine, and one person who lives there. I’ve been thinking about Jacob a lot in recent weeks. More so since I found out about the misunderstanding.

  I wonder what he’s doing now? Is he sitting somewhere waiting for coffee and staring out of a window thinking of me? Wherever he is, I can bet it’s not raining.

  This has been the first bit of time I have had to myself to relax for weeks. What with mum’s accident, the burglary, getting her apartment ready and finishing work. I’ve loved having mum stay with us. But it’s been good for her to get back into her own place and be her own woman again. I think it’s something she’s needed, more so in fact since what happened with Colin. I know she loves being around Rebecca and me, but she's an independent woman. She needs her own surroundings with her own things around her. Having people do things for her all the time is beginning to drive her up the wall too I think.

  Looking around I remember how much I’ve missed this coffee shop. I used to come in here every Saturday afternoon before the accident. But for some reason now it feels like everything has changed. The owners are the same and most of the staff too I think. There’s maybe a few new faces behind the counter. Yet there's something that just doesn't feel the same and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I used to feel at home here, like I belonged. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been away and need time to settle back in, but I just don’t feel that here anymore. The large glass door swings open and Stephen rushes through interrupting my thoughts. He's soaking wet. His shoulders are all hunched up and rainwater drips from the front of his hair and the end of his nose. Chris was right; Stephen is easy on the eye. Looking at him now, with wet hair flattened above his bright greeny blue eyes next to his bronzed skin. I know some girls, Rebecca for one, who would be a quite enamoured at the sight of him right now. Still, I’m feeling nothing, nothing at all; there must be something wrong with me.

  ‘Hey you made it,’ I say when Stephen reaches the table.

  ‘So sorry I’m late Gemma,’ he peels off his wet jacket and holds it while looking around for somewhere to put it.

  ‘You can hang that over here sir,’ the waitress walks towards him motioning to a coat stand in the corner.

  ‘Thank you.’ Stephen walks over to the coat stand and hooks his jacket onto the end before coming to the table.

  ‘It’s no problem Stephen; I was beginning to wonder if you’d make it at all in this weather.’

  ‘Yes, so was I.’

  ‘I wouldn't have blamed you if you’d chosen to just stay inside. I had set out before it started, or I would have thought twice about coming out.’

  ‘I’m glad we both made it as I did want to talk to you.’

  ‘Yes I got that impression from your text,’

  ‘First things first, let’s order!’ Stephen picks up the menu from the middle of the table, first scanning the front then turning to the back.

  ‘Do you know that you want?’

  ‘Pretty much I come here a lot so…,’

  ‘Ah, so you have a usual then?’

  ‘Kind of.’

  ‘Are you ready to order?’ The waitress approaches the table and takes her little notepad and pen from the pouch at the front of her apron. Flipping the pad open, she stands poised with her pen against the paper.

  ‘Erm, I’ll have the special please?’ Stephen looks up at her.

  ‘Anything to drink with that?

  ‘Just a standard coffee please.’

  ‘Of course.’ She scribbles the order on her pad.

  ‘Gemma?’ Stephen asks as I peruse the menu.

  ‘What the heck, I feel adventurous; I’ll go for the special too, with a pineapple juice please.’

  ‘I’ll fetch your drinks now, and then bring the food over when it’ ready okay?’

  ‘Great thanks.’

  ‘So your text sounded serious, what’s up?’

  ‘You know that my contract ends soon?’

  ‘I gathered as much yes.’

  ‘I’ve been thinking about what to do next.’ He looks up as the waitress arrives back at the table with a tray containing our drinks.

  ‘I figured rather than take on another temporary placement I mig
ht like to set something up on my own.’

  ‘Sounds interesting. What are you thinking of?’

  ‘I have a friend who set himself up in a bar in Spain some years back. He seems to be doing okay and the relaxed life appears to be doing him good. I’ve looked at some places, played with some figures, spoken to the bank. It seems to be a real possibility and something I’m giving a great deal of consideration towards.’

  ‘Sounds like a great plan Stephen. I’m happy for you.'

  ‘Glad you think so as I was wondering if you’d like to come with me.’

  ‘To Spain?’

  ‘Yeah, why not? I reckon you would be a great fit.’

  ‘That’s kind of you Stephen but I couldn’t.’

  ‘You don’t have a new job yet, and your mothers much better now. So in effect, there’s nothing to keep you here. Give it some thought at least.’

  ‘I just don’t think it’s for me, Stephen.’

  ‘Listen Gemma. You may have noticed that I like you, but perhaps it’s time I spelled things out a bit clearer for you. I have a genuine romantic interest in you. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, and I'd like things to progress further between us. Into a relationship, if you feel the same way of course. At least, I hope that you feel the same way?’

  ‘Stephen I’m sorry, but I can’t.’

  ‘Come on Gemma, sometimes when you want something you just have to take a risk, reach out, and grab it. Spain could be a good move for us.’

  ‘I’m sorry Stephen, I am. I wish that I could, but I can’t.’

  ‘Why not, is there something you are worried about?’

  ‘I just don’t feel the same way, Stephen. I’m sorry, but I don’t.’

  ‘Are you saying you can’t see a future for us at all?’

  ‘I’m sorry Stephen you’re a great guy and I don’t mean to be hurtful. I just don’t see you like that.’ Reaching out I place my hand on his as the waitress appears back at the table holding a tray with our lunches on.

  ‘Two specials,’

  ‘Yes please,’ I take my hand from Stephens to reach out for my food as she lowers the dishes onto the table.


  ‘And you’re sure about this are you? This is your final decision, you don’t want some time to think about it and decide?’

  ‘I’m sorry Stephen, but no.’

  ‘Right then.’ He puts his hand to his mouth and looks down into this dish.

  ‘But we can remain friends can’t we, just carry on as we are.

  ‘I don’t think so Gemma no, I’m sorry,’ he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. ‘Look here’s the money for lunch and a generous tip. ‘Stephen no it’s fine I can cover it. Are you not going to eat your lunch?’

  ‘I have to go, Gemma, I’m sorry,’

  ‘Right, I’ll speak to you later then?’

  ‘Perhaps. Look I’m sorry if I’ve made things awkward, I just thought…Oh never mind.’ Getting up to leave, he walks over to the stand and removes his coat.

  Swinging it around, he puts it on in a smooth action then leaves without looking back. He’s hurt, that much is clear. I would have done anything to avoid that, well almost anything. I couldn’t lie to him and I couldn’t pretend. Stephen’s a good catch. I wish I did feel that way about him, I just don’t. I look at the two untouched specials and I think about something he said.

  “Sometimes when you want something, you have to take a risk. Reach out, and grab it.”

  The words play over in my mind and he's right. Mum is better now and I don’t have a job so in effect there is nothing to keep me here. I ask a surprised waitress for the bill as I hurry to slip my coat back on.

  ‘Was there a problem with the food?’ She asks looking at the untouched plates.

  ‘No, not at all,’ I say putting the money onto the plate with a generous tip. ‘There’s just somewhere I should be is all, thank you.’

  I rush from the shop and it’s still raining outside though not as much as before. As the drops hit my face, I think faraway thoughts, thoughts of Texas, and thoughts of Jacob. I wonder what I'll say to him when I get there.

  Chapter 33

  Crashing in through our apartment door. I shake the excess water off and rush passed Rebecca into my room. ‘Everything okay Gemma?’ she calls after me.

  ‘It sure is. I just don’t have time to stop and talk is all,’ I tug at the cases on top of the wardrobe, pulling them down onto my bed.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Rebecca asks appearing at my bedroom door.

  ‘Packing,’ I say as I root through my drawers for clothes to put into the cases.

  ‘Packing? What on earth for, where are you going?’



  ‘Yep, I leave tomorrow morning. I booked the flight on my way home. Earliest one they had. Just want to make sure I’m ready.’

  ‘What are you going there for? Oh…’

  ‘Yep I’m going to go get him Rebecca; I’m going to get my man!’

  ‘Gemma, that’s so exciting, you’re going to do it.’

  ‘Yep. Can’t believe it myself. But there’s nothing to hold me back now and sometimes you just have to take that risk for something you want. You know, grab it with both hands.

  ‘You’re so brave. I can’t believe that you’re doing this.’

  ‘I sure am.’

  ‘Will I see you before you go?’

  ‘Don’t think so as I’ll be leaving around five in the morning.’

  ‘What about your mother?’

  ‘I’ll give her a call and explain. She’s self-sufficient now so she should be okay. I’ll perhaps wait until I get there though in case she tries to talk me out of it.’

  ‘I'd say that's a good idea. When are you coming back, are you coming back?’

  ‘I have no idea. I just don’t know anything other than I want him. Once I get to him, I’ll sort everything else out after.’

  ‘Oh Gemma,’ Rebecca flies towards me throwing her arms around me.

  ‘I’ll just be a plane ride away Becca.’

  ‘A long plane ride,’ she snivels on my shoulder.

  ‘Yes, a long plane ride. But a plane ride none the less and I'll still have to come back here and tie up loose ends, etc. So this is in no way a final goodbye. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have packing to be getting on with,’ I smile.

  Chapter 34

  After another long journey, I head straight to Jacobs house. I can remember most of the way – I think. Anyway, I still have the map for the land so I can follow that. I find my way and my excitement builds as I turn down the same little dirt track road I’d been on a few weeks previous. Things already look so different. The little house is still there, though is a small part of what looks like the makings of a much bigger house. There are many people working hard and the wooden joists taking shape. I drive down as far as I can go then get out and walk up to the building.

  ‘Hey lady, you can’t come any closer without a hard hat.’

  ‘Oh okay, no problem. I wonder if you can help me? I’m looking for the owner.’

  ‘Ah Mr Callaway,’ the worker smiles.

  ‘Matt, where’s Jacob at today.’

  ‘Who wants to know?’

  ‘There’s a lady here interested in him.’

  There’s always a woman interested in him.’ He laughs. ‘Not sure, I think he had to go into town for something, he should be back soon.’

  ‘Are you a friend of Jacobs?’

  ‘Kind of, see that little bit of land over there?’


  ‘I sold him that.’

  ‘Ah, I see business associate then?’

  ‘I like the idea of friend more.’

  ‘Are you friends of Jacobs?’

  ‘He’s hired us to work on the house though he’s a great guy, the best I think we’ve ever worked for. When this job’s finished, I’ll be proud to call him a friend. Hey, the realtor's here if you want to s
peak to him. Barry, there’s a woman here hoping to see Jacob.’

  Barry? So someone else that’s been invited to call him that.

  ‘There’s always a woman hoping to see Jacob,’ the voice calls back.

  Oh for crying out loud.

  My Cunningham comes out from the building with his hard hat on.

  ‘Ah Gemma, it’s great to see you.’

  ‘Mr Cunningham.’

  Nothing, still no invitation to call him Barry?

  ‘I wasn’t expecting you here today.’

  ‘No, I came on kind of a whim. Wow things are moving fast here aren’t they?’

  ‘Sure are, Jacob has big plans for this place. So how’s your mother now Gemma?’

  ‘Much better now thanks.’

  ‘Good, I’m glad to hear it. Say, I don’t know how long you are in town for though I’m having a barbecue over at my place Sunday afternoon. You’re welcome to drop by, and we can toast the sale if you like. Better late than never.’

  ‘That sounds like a good idea.’

  ‘Great, here’s my address.’ Mr Cunningham reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a pen and piece of paper. ‘Things will kick off around two. So you’re welcome to arrive anytime you like after that.’ He finishes writing the address down and passes me the paper. ‘I think this is Jacob now.’

  Mr Cunningham looks passed me up the track. I hear tyres moving across the ground behind me and butterflies begin to flutter in my belly. Turning around, I see the familiar blue pickup roll down the track as my heart starts to pound.

  Chapter 35

  Sure enough, as it gets closer, I see Jacobs face behind the wheel and fight the urge to run straight towards the vehicle. The pick-up grounds to a halt and as he gets out, I can’t resist the urge any longer.

  ‘Jacob,’ I bound towards him smiling.

  ‘Gemma. What are you doing here?’

  ‘I just had to see you. I have so much to say.’

  ‘Hold on a minute. Let me just give this stuff to the guys, and I’ll be right with you.’ Jacob walks around the pick-up and begins to lift out some drinks containers. He’s wearing a white shirt, the fabric of which is tightening around his biceps as he carries the bottles from the truck. He’s also wearing a beige cowboy hat, I think it’s the first time I've seen him in one of those. He’s put on a bit of muscle since I saw him last, and his hair has grown a bit. I didn't think it was possible for him to get any more attractive than he already was; it seems I was wrong.


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