Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4 Page 13

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘I’m off out, see you guys later,’ I shout towards Rebecca’s room (as I know her and Stephen are in there). I head straight for the door in the hope of getting out without questioning but I don’t make it in time. As Rebecca rushes out of her room catching me before I leave.

  ‘Where are you off to Gemma?’

  ‘I’m just heading out for coffee with a friend,’

  ‘Anyone we know?’

  Freezing on the spot, I can’t answer. If I tried for the next three years, I still wouldn’t be able to lie to Rebecca.

  ‘Gemma, no!’

  ‘It’s just coffee, Rebecca.’

  ‘I’m not letting you do it, I can’t let you do it, and I won’t let you do it!’ Rebecca places herself between the door and me.

  ‘Rebecca it will be fine I promise, it’s just coffee in a public place, he’ll say his piece and I’ll be home.’

  ‘This is Tim we are talking about remember; it’s never just coffee and it’s never fine. Are you mad? Let me feel your head, you must be coming down with something.’

  ‘Rebecca I'm all right.’

  ‘Look, I know that the whole Texas trip didn’t go as you’d hoped. But you don’t need to get involved with Tim again.’

  ‘Rebecca, it’s just coffee.’

  ‘You just remember that, and I’ll try to remember not to say I told you so.’ Rebecca steps out of my way and storms off back towards her bedroom, slamming the door behind her as she goes.

  Chapter 42

  Approaching the coffee shop, I begin to have second thoughts. I’m not sure this is a good idea. In fact, I’m starting to feel like it’s an awful one. I deciding to turn around and go home, and as I’m doing so I hear someone call out my name.

  ‘Gemma, you made it.’ Tim says as he comes around the corner.

  ‘Yes, I was just err…Going inside are we?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah well, I thought as it’s a lovely day. We could just go and take a walk in the park instead. I mean, we can have coffee any time can’t we. You don’t always get a sunny day?’

  ‘Will I suppose that’s true. But you know this is a walk in the park as friends don’t you?’

  ‘Yes of course.

  He’s right, it is a beautiful day and the park is just across the road. It can’t hurt I suppose. Making our way over to the other side of the road. We walk up the path entering the park and find ourselves a bench to sit on.

  ‘So, I’m glad you came,’ Tim says.

  ‘Don’t make me regret it will you,’ I reply.

  ‘Of course not. Look, Gemma, I know we've had a complicated past, but that’s all that is now, the past. I’ve changed.’

  ‘So what gives Tim? Cut to the chase.’

  ‘What? Can I not pay an old friend a visit without having an ulterior motive?’

  ‘Don’t you?’

  ‘Okay, you got me. It’s mum’s 60th birthday and you know how much she’s always loved you. She’s desperate for you to be there and asked me to get in touch with you to see if you'll come.’

  ‘Tim that’s not fair you know how much I loved your mum.’

  ‘I know. That’s how I knew that you’d want to be there.’

  ‘So when is it?’

  ‘Next Saturday night. You’ve not got anything on have you?’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Great, so you’ll be able to make it them?’

  ‘Yes, I’ll be able to make it. But only for your mum. As long as that’s understood.’

  ‘Of course it is.’

  Chapter 43

  So it’s the evening of Tim’s mum’s party and despite my reluctance, I’ve agreed to attend. She’s been kind enough to extend an invite towards me after all. The least I can do is accept. We were close at one time, Tim’s mother and myself, so it would be impolite for me to reject her now. It's convenient that the venue is not far from where I live, it's within walking distance in fact. Tim did of course offer to collect me first, but I still don’t think it's a good idea with Rebecca here. Besides, I’m not sure I’d like us to arrive together. It might give people, Tim especially, the wrong idea.

  As I walk myself around, I’m feeling a little nervous. It's been a while since I've seen any of Tim's family and I'm not sure how they'll all react. I reach the outside of the venue and take a moment before I walk inside. Once I do so, I see that there aren’t too many people here yet so it’s not so bad. Spotting me across the room, Tim swaggers over and I can tell he’s already had a bit to drink. I’ve seen it so many times before that I know the signs. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to see it again and it dawns on me that I’ve made a mistake.

  ‘You made it,’ he slurs. ‘Come on; let me buy you a drink,' he says taking my arm and walking me over to the bar. 'What do you want?’

  ‘I’m fine thank you, Tim,' I say resting my purse on the counter.

  ‘Rubbish have a drink.' He turns towards the bartender. 'Whisky, large one please mate. With coke and a glass of champagne for the lady.’

  ‘No, Tim it’s fine.’

  ‘Relax, enjoy yourself.’ Tim says as the barman begins to pour our drinks.

  ‘There’s somebody over there I must speak to,’ Tim says as the barman's returning with our drinks. ‘You’re all right to get these aren’t you Gemma?’ He doesn’t wait for my reply of course. Instead, he just snatches the whisky from the bar and swaggers back off across the room.

  Putting my clutch purse up onto the counter. I open it and reach inside to pull out a twenty-pound note.

  ‘That should cover it I think. Get one for yourself too while you’re there,’ I say as I pass the note to the barman.

  ‘Thank you,’ the barman says. ‘I’ll just get you your change.’

  ‘Gemma? I don’t believe it,’ Tim’s mum says noticing me as she passes.

  ‘Grace, hi. Happy birthday,’ I reply, but she just stands there looking at me for a moment.

  ‘I’m sorry. I’m just surprised to see you. It’s been a while and I didn’t know you were coming. Does Tim now you’re here?’

  ‘Yes, it was him who invited me.’

  ‘He did.’ Her eyebrows raise. ‘He didn’t say anything to me.’

  ‘You know Tim,’ I shrug.

  I know Tim, so I should have known better. But somehow, I was still silly enough to fall for this and come along tonight. His mother hadn’t invited me at all. Rebecca warned me about this, but I didn’t listen. I thought I knew what I was doing. Now here I am, conned out of drinks and sharing embarrassing silences with people. I’ll finish my drink, because I’ve paid for it, and then I’ll slip away.

  ‘It’s been lovely seeing you, but I better circulate. The host is expected to mingle you know. You understand don't you Gemma? ’ Grace asks.

  ‘Of course Grace. You enjoy the rest your evening.’

  I look across the room and see Tim lifting a pint glass to his mouth. Seems he’s managed to finish the whiskey and con someone else out of a drink already. His tie is loose and crooked, and his collar is undone. His tie is loose and crooked and his shirt hangs creased over the top of his trousers. He’s ran his fingers through his hair a few times and not smoothed it down afterwards. So now there’s a big clump sticking up out of place at the side. He’s laughing loud and in a boisterous fashion no doubt in response to one of his own jokes. Nobody else seems to find it funny though, and I watch as one by one each person in his company makes their excuses and leaves. It’s definitely time to go. Two weeks, that’s all it’s taken to make me regret ever laying eyes on him again.

  ‘Oi, where are you going?’ He asks as he catches sight of me making my way to the door.

  ‘I’m heading home Tim,’ I reply.

  ‘What? It’s only early. Come on, have a dance and enjoy yourself,’ he says taking hold of my arm and trying to guide me onto the dance floor.

  ‘No, it’s fine Tim, I have to go,’ I say and I notice people around us starting to stare.

  ‘Come on Tim. I think i
t’s maybe time you left as well,’ I say noticing his mother Grace beginning to look concerned and embarrassed in the corner.

  ‘Trying to get rid of me are you?’

  ‘I was just thinking that maybe it was time we left.’

  ‘Maybe I don’t want to.’

  ‘I think maybe it’s best if we do.’ I give an encouraging tug on his jacket sleeve.

  ‘Get off my back,’ he raises his voice, shrugs me off, and heads back towards the bar.

  Completely embarrassed, I can’t get out of there quick enough. The old Tim is back in his entirety now and I can’t get far enough away from him.

  Luckily the venue is five minutes from my apartment, so I don’t have far to walk. Just long enough to cool off in the moonlight, and deliberate about what a mistake this all was.

  ‘Gemma, Gemma wait!’ Tim stands at the bottom steps of the venue calling down the street.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn to walk away faster, hoping he’ll leave me alone.

  ‘Gemma, Gemma wait!’ Tim pants as he runs to catch up with me.

  ‘Leave me alone Tim!’ I keep walking without looking back.

  ‘Gemma stop!’ He reaches out to grab my arm.’ Look, about back there,’ he smiles as he walks around me. ‘I was just messing around.’

  ‘Whatever Tim.’ I pull my arm away from him.

  ‘Gemma,’ he laughs, running around me again to stop me in my path. ‘When did you get so uptight eh?’

  ‘I don’t know Tim, perhaps it was when I realised you hadn’t changed at all. I’m not going to put up with your nonsense this time around. I must have been mad to give you a second chance. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I’d like to go inside, thank you.’ I go to walk around him again, but this time he sidesteps into my path.

  ‘Gemma this is kind of awkward, but I don’t seem to have any cash on me. I left my cash card at home and was wondering if you’d lend me some money for a taxi, and maybe a few drinks.’

  ‘Give me a break Tim.’ I hear a black taxicab pulling up on the curb beside us, and as I go to walk around him, he grabs my arm again.

  ‘Just who do you think you are eh? You think you’re something special these days don’t you?’ He sneers.

  ‘Tim, leave me alone!’ I shout, pulling my arm away and turning towards my apartment.


  ‘I think the lady asked you to leave her alone.’ I hear a familiar voice say and as I spin around, I can hardly believe it. Jacob Callaway standing there between us.

  Is this happening? Is Jacob here, or am I in a dream? Could he be standing outside my apartment block on a Street in London? Can I believe my own eyes?

  ‘What’s it got to do with you?’ Tim charges towards Jacob, but with a flick of his hand, Jacob deflects him and sends him crashing to the floor.

  ‘Gemma, do you wish to see this man again?’ Jacob asks over his shoulder

  ‘No, I do not.’

  ‘There you go, you heard the lady, don’t come round here bothering her again.’

  ‘She ain’t worth it anyway,’ Tim scowls as he pulls himself to his feet and walks off down the street.

  ‘Jacob! I can’t believe it, what are you doing here?’ I remember that he’s engaged to be married and resist the urge to throw myself into his arms.

  ‘You said I was welcome anytime didn’t you? But I suppose it’s pretty late here now huh?’

  ‘No, not at all. It’s just the right time. Would you like to come in?’

  ‘If that’s okay with you?’

  ‘Come on, I’ll get you a hot drink, and maybe you’ll get to meet my flatmate Rebecca. It looks like she’s in,’ I look up and see the living room light on through the front window. Walking Jacob up the steps, I press my key fob to the security entrance.

  ‘So who was that guy anyway?’ Jacob holds the door open for me as I walk through.

  ‘An ex-boyfriend from a long time ago, before I met you. He’d got back in touch wanting to make amends for all his wrong deeds. Turns out it was just another one of his bad deeds. Right,’ I say standing in the lobby. ‘It looks like the lifts out of order again, are you okay with the stairs? It’s just two flights up.’

  ‘Yeah sure, no problem.’

  ‘What brings you to London then?’ We begin our ascent.

  ‘I’m just visiting.’


  ‘Yep,’ he’s giving nothing away.

  ‘There’s someone you know here in London?’


  ‘But not a business associate?’

  ‘Not anymore,’ he says with a twinkle in his eye.

  ‘And who may this person be.’

  ‘I’m looking right at her.’

  ‘And what might the future soon to be Mrs Jacob Callaway have to say about that?’

  ‘The future Mrs Callaway?’

  ‘Well I can’t read Melissa’s mind, but I can’t imagine she’d be too happy about it. I wouldn’t be if it were me.’

  ‘Is that a fact?’

  ‘It is.’

  ‘Well, as Melissa is no longer the future Mrs Callaway, she might not have much of an opinion on the matter.’

  ‘What, the weddings off?’

  ‘Uh ha.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘We had a long chat after you left, and both agreed we’re better off as friends.’

  ‘Just like that?’

  ‘We’ve known each other long time, Melissa and I. Neither of us was under any illusions. She brought the subject up after seeing you and I together at the barbecue. She didn’t feel it was right for us to stay together and I felt the same way. There’s no animosity between us, we’ve been friends for a long time and I’m sure that will continue.’

  I put my key in the door but wait to turn it as I’m so enthralled by what Jacob’s saying. I feel like leaping on him, wrapping my arms and legs around him, and not letting go. But, I’m not going to rush anything. I’ll see how things pan out, but I sure as anything am not going to let any opportunities pass me by again. Half in a daze, I open the door and step inside.

  ‘Hi Gems,’ Rebecca’s hand raises in the air from the sofa to acknowledge me.’ Hi Gem,’ Stephen says doing the same.

  Neither of them lift their heads as they’re both curled up together on the sofa eating from a big bowl of popcorn resting on Rebecca’s lap. The lights are off, and the room has a dim light from the television screen, and the two, thick, ivory, church candles burning in the corner. They look so comfortable that I don’t blame either of them for not wanting to move.

  ‘Guys, I have someone with me.’

  Rebecca no more than grunts. I suspect she thinks it's Tim. As she knows I was out with him this evening, and wouldn't be thrilled at the prospect of having him in the apartment.

  ‘Guys, I’d like you both to meet Jacob Callaway.’

  The popcorn bowl flies up into the air spraying popcorn everywhere. As Rebecca leaps from her seat as though two hundred volts of electricity has just shot through her behind. Covered in popcorn, Stephen looks around with no idea what’s going on.

  You’re kidding me,’ Rebecca runs to the light switch.

  Flicking it on, she stands with her mouth hanging open. First she looks at me, then at Jacob, then back at me again. Not sure what to make of things, Stephen walks over to join her and places an affectionate arm around her shoulders.

  ‘Come on now sweetheart, let’s go and relax in your room for a bit.’ He turns a dazed Rebecca around and leads her away to her bedroom.

  ‘But... But... It’s Jacob Callaway!’ She stutters as he leads her away.

  ‘I know, I know darling. Let’s get you comfortable and you can tell me all about it. Gemma, enjoy your evening, and it’s nice to meet you, Jacob. I would shake your hand but...’ Stephen motions towards Rebecca, still gobsmacked in his arms.

  ‘No problem, I see that you’ve got your hands full there.’ Jacob replies. ‘Is she all right?’ He asks when Rebecca and S
tephen have disappeared behind her bedroom door.

  ‘Rebecca can be a tad dramatic, please take a seat,’ I pull out a stool alongside the kitchen counter.

  ‘Yes, I remember you saying now.’

  ‘It is most adorable, would you like coffee?’ I fill the kettle and flick the button down.

  ‘Yes please, nice place you got here Gemma.

  ‘Thanks, we’ve been here almost two years now.’

  ‘I gather then from your flatmates reaction, you’ve told her about me?’

  ‘You could say that. So then Jacob, am I to take it your single and back on the market then?’

  ‘I suppose you could say that yes?’

  ‘Well,’ I lean over to place my elbows on the kitchen counter. ‘Let’s talk a little more about what brought you to London.’

  ‘Let’s leave that for tomorrow. I’ve had a long flight and you’ve had an eventful evening, I’m sure you’re tired too. I think we could both do with some sleep.’

  ‘I think maybe you’re right. Do you have anywhere to stay yet?’

  ‘I have a room booked though I haven’t checked in yet. I came straight to see you from the airport.’

  ‘You know you can stay here if you like.’

  ‘Your couch does look quite comfy.’

  ‘My couch?’

  ‘Yes, your couch.’

  ‘Okay, the couch it is then.’ I walk across the living room area to the cupboard opposite the bathroom and open the door. Pulling an armful of bedding out as Jacob kicks his shoes off by the couch.

  ‘Here you go,’ you’ll need some bedding for the sofa.’

  ‘I will indeed, thank you,’ he reaches out and takes the linen from my arms.


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